Summer 2001 Online competition demo Released October 14, 2001 This demo was made from the parts of the Summer 2001 online competition. Nine demo screens, eight chipmusic tracks and ten pictures. The plan from the start were to integrate all code, graphics etc into a big, smooth multi part demo. It failed. Lack of time forced me to change method. It is now more or less a "slide show" of each picture, screen and music track. I'm very sorry for this! If someone wants to hang me, you know the address. Anyway here comes the usual information. ********************************************************** ** Requirements ****************************************** ********************************************************** - Atari ST(f/m), Mega ST, STe, Mega STe, TT or Falcon. - 1mb memory. - Colour monitor (Falcon+VGA need 50Hz capable screen!) ********************************************************** ** Compatibility ***************************************** ********************************************************** - It's tested on: * 64 mb Falcon with Centurbo II (VGA, HD) * 14 mb Falcon (VGA and RGB) (VGA+RGB, Floppy+HD) * 2.5mb STm (RGB, Floppy) * 4mb STe (RGB, Floppy+HD) - It's tested with: * TOS v1.4 * TOS v1.62 * TOS v2.06 * TOS v4.04 * FreeMiNT v1.16 * NVDI 4 * NVDI 5 Still I suspect ugly bugs here! So save up your work before starting! That's a strong recomendation. ********************************************************** ** Credits *********************************************** ********************************************************** Code: Defjam Bod Zerkman Gizmo Spex Evil Blind Io Ray No........ Music: D-Force Milhouse Frequent 505 MC Laser Tao Baggio........ Graphics: Edo Saulot Marss ST Survivor Spiny Wee(r)do Exocet Hylst Paranoid ********************************************************** ********************************************************** ********************************************************** That's all I hope. Time to prepare the vote counting! Evil / DHS