Liquid Sunshine v1.1 Released September 19, 1999 Changes: - Moduleplayer changed to DSPMOD34 (CT2 compatible) - Falcon demoshell upgraded (CT2 compatible) - GEM startup (optional) - Surround sound (optional) - Sound interpolation (optional) Useage: To ignore the GEM startup, simply rename the .prg to .tos or .ttp (if you run MiNT with ex2/minixfs you can remove the extension completely as well). Or, if you prefer .prg but still want the text interface, rename the .rsc file to .rsx or similar. Reason for upgrade: I guess I don't have a good reason for spending time on old shit. But I wanted to have CT2-able versions of my own demos, so I might just as well release them. Copying: Free to copy around as much as you wish. CD's or whatever you like. Disclaimer: The authours cannot be held responsible for any damages the demo might do. You are running it at your own risk. never give up - stay atari! eof