__ __ o ___ _____ _____ | |-| |__| | |______ _____ _ _ | / ______| ___|______ _,_____ | _ | | | |__ | , /| |_| | | , \ | __ |____ | --__| __ \ |__| |__|__|_|_|__-_,_|__\__\|__, | |__\__\|______'_____'______|__| |_| |_| '......... __.__ .........' ''''::::iiii8888####### | _ | ######8888iiii::::'''' | '-__| ....::::iiii8888####### '_____, ######8888iiii::::.... .''''''''' '''''''''. .----. __ __ _____ ___ ___ | \______ _,____ | / |______ _ _| ___|______\ \/ / | | | __ | __ \| ' --__| |_| |___ | --__|) ( |_____'______|_| |_||__\__|______|___, '_____'______/__/\__\ . C o m |_| .... ( _ .::''':::''':: _) h o w n - |-| l t \/ .::' ''' '::. :: :: Disqualified from the (\( \__ __/ )/) Dynamic Demo Competition.. ) ) (_a) (a_) ( ( Reason given, "Not Dynamic" \{ \ }/ Real Reason "Too humourous - ( (__) ) jokes not Finnish!" ' <__--.__> ' \ \_) / PrrrrT! '---___---' Our reaktion! ---> . _ ' |_) | r e a m b l e :- Heer we ar agane! The storys and rumours ar truu, Dildo Fatwa did release theyre second proddy for the Arati sereis of computors, the aptly named tribbute to the former leeder of the R.I.A.A Rekording Industrie Arsesociation of Amerika, Hillary Rozen! It spekkulates what might hapen if she was to take up a lukrativ ofer of being a maskot on the Donkeysex webshite. Ther wer allso one or two other idling thouhts pikced up on the wai, so we figgered out that we culd make a new demmo of diverse theems, but underlaid with a sexaul donkey motif throuhout! Wee even mannaged to liv upto our prestated comittment to release it at the Altered Partie five edition in wintree Finnland! Wee think the demmo was genneraly appreciated, it certanly got the most luaghs of the night, but du to som wierd roolings on the parts of the organ-nisers, it hadd to be 'dinamic', that iss, to run differentlee each time from the last tiem... As wurk was too far advansed, we figgered "Wot teh Hel!" That 'dinamic' ruling reqired some real koding skil, so wee stoped worying to much. From wot wee saw of the kompetitions, it semes that a lot of teh other entries also stoped worying about skil too, and mostly opted for some lame randomization gig! BLOODY TIPPICAL! If wee had known, tehn wee would have had doen the same andd staid in the kompetition! Stil, it was the shewing on the biggscreen that kounts! I think most peple liked us, wee even hav som reviews! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "The demo's were somewhat random. Still, I liked very much the Atari Falcon demo :)" - Visy (who did the Vic 20 demo! on the Alt party RTA.) "The last entry was an Atari demo mostly in ugly "ASCII" art, with a lot of lame humor. It was disqualified due to not being dynamic." - Diamondie =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- That Daimondye! She's a bit bloody akurate! But semes to haf a sens of humor which is Breatharian in scope, ie, bugger all ;-) Annywai, you want to know a bit moer about the demmo itself by now.. .- | \ e q u i r e m e n t s :- Faclon '030 or STe.. Yess! Wee livved up to our our other prommise to maek this demmo more STe friendly. It runnes fine on a bog-standard STe, with at least 1 meg inside. At tiem of writing, I am debatting a seperate Faclon version, as this runes like the klappers on Faclon. We spoek to Mr Punk who sujjests musik synking, but wee sai "Sod that! theres too much workk to maek that hapen properly!" So sepparate versions it is then! It is best runne at ST meduim res, for a clene exit to GEM.. Otherwies nothing much to repport. _ |- e a t u r e s :- ' Yu will see soem diferences from Bud Teh Chudd. We hav maed improvments to the demo enngine, so wee can now displai things other than Ascii stuffs onscreen. The overall look of the demmo is enhansed by sixteen col piccies of a non-ascii persausion now! Ther are other featurs still awaiting to be used, whic yu will see in our next produktion! _ (_| _) r e e t s :- We furstly owe a big wet slopy kiss of a greet to teh Arati Space Boiz. Due to a krimminal kock-up in the greets dept last time, their name dident get mentionned. Weer verry sorrie guyz! Also greetzes flie to all who went to the Altered partie, menntioning Seetock, unRavel, Lobottomy, even tho he disqwalified our entrie! Visualnut, wot no ace Vic 20 demmo this year? Marykloud, phwooar! Wot a babe, even Pongo went into the Suana 'cos of her this year! Wiztum, I think yu got our mesage in the demmo! Partycycle, Q-Flunk, beter luk soon pal! Baggo, NeRvous, graet to see yu two Aratians agane! And how kan we forget Nosfee, fire in his hert, yelling in his throate! Also Tweelight, bringing his Eric 8-bit compy agane. Of a non-Alt moment, we owe a very spechul thankses to Mr Punk of The Reservoir Bogs, for his unvalauble tecknical asisstance, without whic, this demmo wuld only bee half the shitpile it aktualy is! / ' \ ._ \_|_/ h a t | \ o w ? :- I dunno, stop loeking at me liek that, as if i knoe what is hapening next!? Yes. flushed by teh relleif of geting this 2nd demmo out the dor, we wil be back with further relases. We haf some ideas howe the next cupple of demmos might look, but we ar awaiting soem sily ideas and theems to put in them! No relase daets yet, Easter? Hmmm, maybee, we'l see? _._ . | e h (- n d :- ' ' Right, thiss is it, weer outta here, til next time! _ |) i l d o |= a t w a, 2004. . .