,ad8888ba, ad88888ba ,ad8888ba, d8"' `"8b d8" "8b d8"' `"8b ,d d8' Y8, d8' `8b 88 88 `Y8aaaaa, 8b,dPPYba, 88 88 MM88MMM 88 88888 aaaaaaaa `"""""8b, 88P' "8a 88 88 88 Y8, 88 """""""" `8b 88 d8 Y8, ,8P 88 Y8a. .a88 Y8a a8P 88b, ,a8" Y8a. .a8P 88, `"Y88888P" "Y88888P" 88`YbbdP"' `"Y8888Y"' "Y888 88 88 Release 001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forget anything you know about Chipmusic, this is NOT your standard chiptune. Once again Crazy Q teams up with local wierdo dIRTY 120o. After the two crazy dudes saw tons of 80's porn and listened to the latest shuffle shit on vinyl, they deliverd this sick puppy on the ST !!! If U like minimal grooves, fatcat basslines and a sound with the touch of 80's porn, then this is a track for you ! This an track for the Club, NOT for your avrage gameboy party !! With a short but effective track Crazy Q and dIRTY 120o bring you the first release of G-Spot .... Watch ya speakers suckers !! // Dan Svensson for G-Spot 2007