Pack-Ice 2.20 written by Axe of Delight This is just a short description of the newest version of Pack-Ice. It was finished on the 22nd of November in 1990. I have seen some other good packers and it was about time to improve mine. So I started working to get Pack-Ice 3.0 finished. On this long and hazardous journey I took a little pause to pre-release version 2.20. The difference to 2.12 is that all packed files are ALWAYS shorter, no matter if you select data or exec files. The unpacking routine has been shortened and improved in speed at the same time, which I thought was impossible before. Some little bugs have been removed. I don't want to give out this little sneak preview, so I am only giving it to Sammy Joe for Maggie. In case Pack-Ice 3.0 is not finished for the next Maggie Issue, he will use this version. Keep waiting for Pack-Ice 3.0. I don't want to make too many promises, but Pack-Ice 3.0 ... - will be finished around New Year - will be fast as hell (not fast as Hal) - will have many other great features Bye from Axe of Delight