Hello Freaks, The original program was written by Sharaz Jek who is a member of Automation. He converted the packer from the Amiga to the ST. I (Axe/Delight) got the Jek-packer from F.O.F. who live in Finland. Unfortunately there was an error in the packing/depacking routines. To pack files easier, I improved the JEK-packer. This is what has been changed: Version 2.0 - Offset always set to $1000 - more than one file can be packed by using * and ? For example: data.*, or *.*. - You may select VERIFY. I advise you to do so in any case. It has no disadvantages. If you don't have enough memory, you'll get a message and the file be saved without verify. - The eye-killing flickering is switched off - The file is only saved, if it is smaller than the original - The files are saved under name of the original. - Executable Files are packed as DATA-files and can later be transferred to executable with JEK_EXEC.PRG. All executable files that are packed work correctly. Sorry for the error in version 1.0. Version 2.2: - The packing rate is shown in percent (e.g. 65%) - The program was optimized in length Version 2.3: - Files that were exactly 10000 Bytes long caused a verify error - The offset is now set to the value that makes optimal compression. In previos versions the offset was $1000, now it is $1120. This folder may be freely copied. It is public domain. No files may be removed from the folder. No guarantee is taken that the programs work correctly. Axe of Delight --------------