Hello Freaks, The original program was written by Sharaz Jek who is a member of Automation. He converted the packer from the Amiga to the ST. I (Axe/Delight) got the Jek-packer from F.O.F. who live in Finland. Unfortunately there was an error in the packing/depacking routines. To pack files easier, I improved the JEK-packer up to version 2.0. This is what I improved: - Offset always set to $1000 - more than one file can be packed by using * and ? For example: data.*, or *.*. - You may select VERIFY. I advise you to do so in any case. It has no disadvantages. If you don't have enough memory, you'll get a message and the file be saved without verify. - The eye-killing flickering is switched off - The file is only saved, if it is smaller than the original - The files are saved under name of the original. - Executable Files are packed as DATA-files and can later be transferred to executable with JEK_EXEC.PRG. All executable files that are packed work correctly. This folder may be freely copied. It is public domain. No files may be removed from the folder. No guarantee is taken that the programs work correctly. Axe of Delight --------------