~~ CiH Small Outline '05 gallery ~~ I really should get a proper camera, shouldn't I? Well that is on my 'to do' list for this year, in the meantime be patient and bear with me ;-) All piccies taken with Nokia mobycam, the really shite 0.1 megapixel version, which saves to a resolution of 352 x 288! Sorry.. Baggio - Taking time out of the party. Banner - No, this is NOT Breakpoint '05. Car - Satantronic came here in an Atari car! Compy - View of my CT60 and other machines. Cyclone - Looking very pleased with himself! Fire - Teh Fier! Hands - The hands of gWem plot world domination! Havoc - Dreaming of a time when he is alone with the leftover Grolsch! Nicky1 - At Harwich terminal, looking stunned. Paranoid - Oliver auditions a motion blur effect for his next demo! Paula1 - Felice's girlfriend, also at Harwich, grinning like a madwoman! Paula2 - Hey, this is the hut life! Pinky - Mr Pink in "Omigod, what have I done!?" moment. Pizbox - Damn tasty! - An iconic Outline '05 image. Swinger - Baggio gets the tarzan vibe. Tinker - Wannabe supermodel? CiH - March '05