.---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Documentation: "The best way to use ADR ripper's capacities !" | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' --== Version 1'05 ==-- requiered material: color monitor + 512 Ko minimum advisable memory on { ST: 1 Meg { Falcon: 4 Megs At the begining, the ADRENALINE ripper has been made to search only music formats. Later, it included Picture options and unpacking options. Here is the latest version: Option load files ( key 1 on numerical keyboard ): ================= - The old file selector has been change by the GEM file selector to offer you the best interface. - It allow you to use Ram-disk (as M-Disk 6) and performed file selectors (as UIS 3'3). Search all music formats ( key 2 & 3): ======================== - These options are useful for everybody who don't know which specific format to search. It prevent you from to lose too many time to search. - The key 2: this key makes a research of all soundchip music formats . For each format, the result is printed on screen. - The key 3: almost the same, except they are half-track music formats or soundtrack music formats which are researched. These formats offer you a a best sound quality. - If a music has been found, and if you would like to search again,choose the option "Search an other music". - For all musics, all music channels are represented like a graph. People who don't like duochrome will go away. - some formats like Veggy, Maestro & Ens are recognize by the Mad Max format. Search samples ( key 4 ): ============== - Unlike the others formats,you must search the sample yourselves by the help of the cursor keys, because this format is very difficult to find. - firstly, you should know if you search a signed sample or not . To help you an Amiga module contains signed samples, the ST Replay format used unsigned samples. - To change the format, press the key <*>. - The Left & Right Cursor key allow you to select the sample length to play. If the length is null, the play option won't run. - the key and the cursor keys allow you to make a precise adjustment. - The frequency can be modified with the keys <+> & <->. - To stop a sample actually playing, press or . - Press to take the length of a loaded file. - Recently, it is possible to draw a sample. It can be useful when you're searching one sample or more. Search picture formats ( key 5 ): ====================== - Once more time, you must search the formats yourselves . Degas Elite format and Neochrome format are recognize. - Press to show the picture. This key pressed, you could use the following fonctions: - The Up and Down Cursor keys allow you to move the screen to one line . By pressing at the same time on the cursor keys and the key ,the scroll will be more faster. - The Right and Left cursor keys allow you to move the screen to one plane. Use this fonction to have a clean picture. - To modify the picture length, use <-> & <+> . This fonction will be useful to rip sprites. - Use to take the palette of a Degas Elite picture,and to take a Neochrome palette. the key make a random palette. - Recently, it is possible to use brackets <(> & <)> to scroll picture by picture. - A new fonction allow you to show pictures using every lengths in every resolutions. You only need to use the keys & <*> which correspond to the jump fonction. - The fonction keys to allow you to use 1 plane up to 5 planes.More planes there is, more colors there is. These keys must be pressed when you show the picture. - The picture selected, press to go back to the picture option menu. here, you can do this: - It is possible to use the low & medium resolution by pressing the keys or in the menu. The picture parameters will be automaticaly changed. Also, the keys & allow you to use the 256 colors mode of the Falcon 030, respectively the 40 & 80 columns mode. - The key <*> allow you to use, etheir the normal mode, or the entrelaced mode (only with a Falcon). The vertical resolution will adapt to your monitor capacities. - If you press <1>,the research of a packed Degas Elite picture will be done. - To save a picture, press the key <2>. Attention, the ripper will save the picture with actual parameters (planes,size,colors). Search disk headers ( key 6 ): =================== - Disk editors, this fonction is for you ! Generaly, demos use a header to verify they load the good sectors. But, demos don't always use the packer header. This fonction allow you to find these headers, known or not, and to print on screen how many headers there is ( only 20 differents headers can be printed) - the information is printed like this: first, the header in hexadecimal, and in ASCII mode. Finally, there is the number of time the header was found. - To modify the track number to read, use the left & right cursor. The sector per track number to read can be modified with the up & down cursor . Select the face with the key . - Press the key <1> to start the research. All errors during the loading will stop the research. - The key allow you to take the disk parameters,only if parameters are coherents. - To increase the power of this option,the keys <+> & <-> allow you to change the offset which start to 0 from 508. Search packed datas ( key 7 ): =================== - All packed datas aren't at the start of a file. It's the reason why this option has been included, to allow you to find that you're searching. - The most used packers are recognized. If you find packed datas, you could unpacked them,save the file in packed format,or search others packed datas. If you choose to unpack datas, it will be possible to save unpacked datas with the preference option. Memory editor ( key 8 ): ============= - Modify a file,show or modify the memory are the possibility of this editor. Access to all the memory is the power of this editor. - The editor is separated into 3 columns: the adress, the hexadecimal values and the ASCII values. In hexadecimal values, a <**> means the value can't be read. Also, the editor show values in reel time, don't be surprised to see a value always changing. - The key allow you to enter the adress. Attention, the adress must be an hexadecimal value. - The cursor and the keys <+> & <-> allow you to change the adress without enter a new one. You can move the adress by 1, 16 & 256 octets. - The editor, avaible by the key allow you to modify every value,ascii or hexadecimal. Use to change of columns. You can move in the columns by the help of the cursor on the entiere screen. - Search octets is possible by pressing the key . You could choose between the hexa or ascii research. We can't search more than 4 octets at the same time. If you want to continue the research, press the key . Options or preferences ( key 9 ): ====================== - This option is very useful for ST owner with important memory capacities. - When you've got 1 Meg or more, and you want to load a file lesser than 300 ko, you'd better to reduce the memory space in which you make research. We can define a research zone with a precision of one octet. - An other option allow you to change the frequency by pressing the key . TT owner, attention ! - Some data files intentionally use bad packer headers. Then, you must switch off the automatical unpacking by pressing the key . - It is possible to switch off the automatical cleaning memory by pressing the key . - It is possible to save unpacked file by pressing the key . All unpacked files will be saved with modifications made in the memory editor. - The key allow you to kill a file. It's useful when your disk is full. Search a specific music format ( key F1 ): ============================== - On previous versions, the choise of a format was made with the fonction keys. Now, there too many music formats, then i choose this solution: - The selected music is printed in inversed mode. To choose a format, use the cursor keys. - To start the research, press . To quit this menu,press . Load track option ( key F2 ): ================= - Before loading everything in memory, check or change the following parameters: - The start track number can be modified with the keys & . For the end track number, there are the keys & . - The sector per track number can be modified with the help of the keys <+> & <->. If you choose a wrong number, the loading won't run. - The face number can be modified with the help of the key . Check the face you want to load exist. - If you've got not enough memory to load tracks,decrease the track number by changing the end track number. Info & Greets Option ( key HELP ): ==================== - It's in this option there is a list of packers recognized by the ripper. - We can find some greets. Maybe you will be in this list, else you're already belong to this list. - If you want to contact me, my adress is in this option. You can quit the ripper by pressing the key . Advises: ------- The ripper can play every music relocated with GSR 3'1 if the following format is respected: - BRA ** relocation \ - BRA ** initialisation | will not change - BRA ** vbl rout / - BRA ++ restore music \ - BRA ++ initialise drums | user routs order - BRA ++ restore drums / As you can see, the rout user 1 must be used to restore the music. The rout user 2 must be used to initialise digi-drums, the rout user 3 to restore digi- drums. Sometimes, it isn't useful to initialise these routs. Warning: ------- For your information, this ripper change many vectors ! You should have no residant programs changing vectors. Hackers, rip musics and graphs can be justified, but rip code isn't moral. Have respect towards others programs. You'd better not used this ripper with programs like Multi-Tos because the ripper doesn't support this kind of compatibility. For every doubtful use of this ripper on every soft, the user is the only responsable. Feedback: -------- This program, and other files are always public domain. but, contrary to the other versions, it is no more a shareware, it's now a postcardware. I don't ask you money, but simply a postal card on which you'll give me your opinion about this ripper. What is it, compared to others ? I don't think i released a new version if nobody ask me to make a new version. It's the feedback. Then,if you like this ripper, tell me it, it's only can be good for you and me. I would like to thank some ADRENALINE members for their help ( they know who they are). Dr Computer of ADRENALINE.