Party name: Global Convention of Worldwide Demo Developers International, Inc. 2015 Place: Acca's living room, Sweden Date: Nov 7th, 2015 Compo: 1 bpl demo with 1-channel music -------------------------------- 1st place: 79 points XiA+Acca: Temporary Insanity STE 4MB + Fast Winchester memory 2nd place: 77 points Masters of Electric City: Uncomplicated 520ST 3rd place: 72 points GGN/KÜA software productions: Sweetness Follows STE 4MB + Fast Winchester memory 4th place: 67 points Phalanx: Fuck Cancer demo STE 4MB 5th place: 58 points Ghost: Remote entry #2 Atari 2600 5th place: 58 points Spice Boys: Remote entry #2.23 1MB ST (not F)