This is my third Falcon song (10 channels, DHS-Tracker). I had only **3** days to make _anything_ for SillyVenture, so this time it's nothing special - just another dance music. But with some funny 8-bit feeling. ;) Surely should be called 'Another non-winning song'. Author: YERZMYEY Title: "Inside a game" Time: 2:52. (C) 2012 for Silly Venture 2012 party. Atari Falcon 030 MUSIC COMPO. 1) File: INSIDE.DTM 2) File: Yerzmyey-Inside_a_game.mp3 - an MP3 recorded from real hardware, for all guys who don't own Falcon. It's a 10-channels song made on DHS-Tracker (Digital Home Studio). Computers used: Atari Falcon 030 (main work and everything - almost ;) ), Atari 520ST (for samples), ZX Spectrum 48K with AY-interface (for samples). Synthesizers used for samples: Yamaha E423 Software: Main editor - on Falcon - DHS-Tracker (Digital Home Studio) MusicMon V2.5e on Atari 520ST (samples-making) SoundTracker 1.1 on ZX Spectrum 48K (samples-making). WWW sites: