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      ______.    ______.
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   | '--'  |/ | |/                ###::####::###:
   \_______/  \_/      . . ....   ###::####::###:
                            ######:::':####:: :######:
                         #######::::' :####::  :########:
                       #######:::::'  :####:'    :########:
                        ####::::::'   :####:        :####:
                        ~ -+  D i l d o   F a t w a  +- ~

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    ##             ##         O p e n i n g   S h o t s . . .
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Hey-ho, we're bak agane!

It's  my  nerrvous  braekdown,  and  no-one else is shaering it!  It  is  I, 
Charcoale,  of  the  megamighty  Dildo Fatwa,  at teh tired  but  triomphant 
readmee  text  writing  stage!  Weer bak agane,  with soemthing a litle  bit 
different from the usual rancid stuffs perhaps?

Annyway,  welkome to the "Wee dreme of Attari" demo, a multimeedia sound and 
vizionscape  of  what  goes  on inside  oure  heades  at  nigght,  especialy 
Ferleases! Mind yu, wee had to eddit down Ferleases innermost thorts, as wee 
want to maek this demmo suitable for fammily viewing!

Annyway,  I'm geting ahead of myselfe now, so we go to teh next part of this 
readme, where i can tel you a bit more aboute the demo.

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########        ####       ########   A b o u t   t h e   D e m o . . .
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"We  Dreme of Attari" reppresents some two too three wekes of  concentraeted 
hard  wurk,  and some previous months of dillatory sodding about beforehand. 
Infact,  the  origin  point goes al the way bak to when wee were making  the 
'Elvis'  demmo  last year.  The 'Hypno-Ferlease' section yu wil see,  is  an 
expandded  version  of what was going tobe the intro for  'Elvis'.  Then  we 
deccided to use it in a toatally diferent production, with other anims to be 
added in, moer of which yu will see feetured in the demmo itself.

It  is a multimeedia production,  mostly maed on Attari,  but with soem help 
from  my new Machintosh compy from Aple corp.  I'll give you an ideea of the 
'tooles used' in the next bit of reedme text.

It  mannages  teh most compleet useage of animated bitmaped  graphics,  with 
animatted  ascii stuffs all running together at teh same tiem,  and NO ZIKS! 
Yes,  Pongo  has  beene banned from doing his smelly  (de)compozitions  this 
time,  and  was  sent of to do some sample riping insted.  So wee hav a  one 
hundered percent sampled soundtrak!  Good,  or what?  The samples were taken 
from  a lot of places,  but a cupple of good ones came from soem Sparehen  3 
songs, thankes Kev!

For  some reazon,  certain samples were niked from the album "From teh hell-
holes  of Uranus,  to teh Tee-rooms of Mars".  This albume was by Landskape, 
who  were  teh  best  overhyped studio band,  which  briefely  appeared  and 
disappered in 1981.  Theyre best song was "My Name is Norrman Baetes", which 
we  dident  use,  but  wish we hadd!  People who were alive in  1981  mighht 
remembre "Einstien a gogo" as well.

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     ################         T e c h n i c a l   N o t e s . . .

Teh tools used include,  Everrest textedit for the ascci, Graoumf trakker to 
eddit  the samples,  525 to connvert these to the dessired frequencie.  Also 
Appex  Media  for the orriginals of the funy twisting head bitmap  anims  of 
Ferlease  and  others!  Imagecoppy was used to convert them to the  sort  of 
laeme  colour  map  wee  like to use.  Therr was also some  mention  of  the 
Machintoshe,  which  donnated  its  speeche  synthe,  for  something  REALLY 
diferent on teh audio.

This  demmo is intennded for Faclon '030.  It is not realy reccommended  for 
STe,  as it wil get horibly slow. Also it is closeley tied to standard 16mhz 
Faclon,   slightely  moer  optimized  for  VGA  systems.  It  is  not  realy 
reccommendded for acelerators either.  Runing it on CT60 led to all sorts of 
nasty sonic colisions with the audio!

And  it  wil nede 4MB of memmory,  as there are two and a halfe meg of  data 
which  depacks right into memmory,  so best to runne it with a fairley clean 
desktoppe if you are not a 14meg fanboi.

Apart  from  al the caveats and warrnings above,  should  bee  straitforward 

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     ###    ##    ###         C r e d i t s   a n d   G r e e t i n g s . . .

Ok then, so who did wot?

Unliek recent demmos, al the team memberes hav worked hard this tiem. Theres 
no loungeing about on silken palisades from teh other two,  whilst I'm doing 
al the wurk!

So  it's  a  big  hi there to me,  Charcole,  for dezigning  and  puting  it 
altogether.  But  a  great  feet  of work from  Ferlease,  who  brought  bak 
tradditional Ascci values missing for too long! Even with the stuf which had 
to bee changed on teh fly,  as it didnt looke righte in forty columns with a 
pikture in the bakground. Thankes mate, you did a bang-up jobbe there!

As  for  Pongo,  he  had  a stroek of jeenius,  not only nicking  some  nice 
samples,  but  also  using my Aple Mach to make a speeche synthe song!  Only 
problem is mate, I changed around some of teh orijinal lyrrics to soemthing, 
shall wee say, more favorable to myselfe, har har!

Okey, I gues it is time for some gretes now;

To  Gray  of  Mystick Bites,  we loved your Chosnek!  Esp Pongo,  who  lieks 
anything to do with garlick!

To teh orgo's of Outlion '06.  Ok,  its a bit laet this year,  but wee guess 
this will rule as much as the other two parrties did!

To Norman Feeske (OhNo!  of Escape) and Kristin, congrats, youre a daddy and 
mummy now! Well done, and give her one from us Norm! Ahh a bit too late with 
that sugestion perhaps!

To  Deezil  of Devolution,  Evil of the Dead Smackers,  thanks for teh  CT60 
stufs, please maek more soon!

To Mr Punk and the Reservoir Bogs,  wher are yu?! Hoepfully Outlion '06 will 
anser those questions.

Gwem Steffani, so your'e singing live at Outliner 06? Cool!

To everryone else,  if youre at Outloin '06,  then hi there! If not, then hi 

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         #######              C l o s i n g   T h o u g h t s . . .

....If wee runne fast enough, can wee get away in tiem?

....Noe, agggh! They blocked teh doors and exits!

....Weer doomed!

But seriusly folks, We'll bee bak! Don't know wher, don't know whenn.....

(C) Didlo Fatwa, May 2006.