======================================== Reality.sys made by Stallion/absence. ======================================== absence. is searching for Scenenews for the absence.-hompage. If you've interes- ting news from your or another group and want to publish it on my Hompage give me an E-mail,or meet me in the irc-channel: >> #coders / #atari /#absence. << The "news priorities" will be for Atari and PC and groups who left the Atari to other systems so that you have an good overview of the projects they made. News are: - Demo/Intro-plans and releases, - who joined or left your Group, - are you planing a computerparty? - is there another big meeting near your place, - Gameplans or Gamereleases - and others... The page updated weekly - so help me and you have been better informed about the scene... cu ---------------------------------------- the page: http://www.netwave.de/users/stallion/ ---------------------------------------- e-mail: Stallion@mail.netwave.de ---------------------------------------- irc: #atari #coders #absence. ---------------------------------------- important: searching for new PC-Coders in Germany (north of Germany prefered) If you want to be a member of absence. e-mail me... ----------------------------------------