*---== ST REPORT INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE ==---* """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine" from STR Publishing """""""""""""" October 02, 1992 No.8.40 ========================================================================== STReport International Online Magazine Post Office Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32205 ~ 6672 R.F. Mariano Publisher - Editor ----------------------------------------- Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EST Support BBS Network System * THE BOUNTY BBS * * TURBO BOARD BBS SYSTEM * FNET 350 ~ Fido 112:35 ~ TNET 100:2/0 904-786-4176 USR/HST 24hrs - 7 days 1200 - 19.2bps V.32 - 42 bis 16.8 Dual Standard FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST ----------------------------------------- FNET.. 18 ~ TNET 100:3/0: ///Turbo Board BBS Support...1-416-274-1225 FNET.. 75 ~ TNET 100:28/0 Bloom County BBS.............1-415-965-9347 FNET. 350 ~ TNET 100:2/0 The Bounty **...1-904-786-4176 FNET. 489 ~ TNET 100:22/0 Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981 FNET 1031 ~ TNET 100:1/0 <<< INTERNET - UK>>>.... 011-44-296-395-935 _____________________________________________________________________ > 10/02/92 STR 840 "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!" """""""""""""""" - The Editor's Desk - CPU Report - PORTFOLIO NEWS - FALCON030 NEWS! - MOTOROLA & ATARI - WAACE'92 NEWS - ATARI TOP EXECS - PEOPLE TALKING - THE FLIP SIDE - CODEHEAD CONF. - MULTI-TOS! - STR Confidential -* WAACE'92 NEXT WEEKEND! *- -* ATARI'S REHBOCK TO BE AT WAACE! *- -* NEIL HARRIS TO ATTEND WAACE! *- ========================================================================== ST REPORT INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE The Original * Independent * Online Magazine -* FEATURING WEEKLY *- "Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information" Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports ========================================================================== STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate in the Fido/TurboNet/Atari F-Net Mail Network. You may also call our BBS direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information relative to the Atari and other computers worldwide through the use of excellent International Messaging Networks. SysOps, worldwide, are quite welcome to join the STReport International Conferences. The Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is # 350. All BBS systems are welcome and invited to actively participate. Support Atari Computers; Join Today! ========================================================================== CIS ~ GENIE ~ DELPHI ~ BIX ~ FIDO ~ FNET ~ TNET EURONET ~ CIX ~ CLEVELAND FREE-NET ~ INTERNET ========================================================================== COMPUSERVE WILL PRESENT $15.00 WORTH OF COMPLIMENTARY ONLINE TIME to the Readers of; ST REPORT INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine" NEW USERS; SIGN UP TODAY! CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198 You will receive your complimentary time and be online in no time at all! WHAT'S NEW IN THE ATARI FORUMS (October 2) WAACE '92 INFORMATION ===================== For complete information on the upcoming WAACE '92, please read file WAACEC.TXT in LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS). Included is a vendor listing, hotel information, seminar, and more. For questions and comments about WAACE '92, please post a message in Section 12 ("WAACE '92") of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS). GEO DISK SPHERE AND SURFACE PROGRAM Download file GEODSC.LZH from LIBRARY 14 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) for a program that was written for the love of perfect symmetry and the beauty of geodesic domes. This is a program that allows one to create spherical triangles. Also contains a move movie feature for rotating the objects ... its great way to learn about surfaces, geometry and all of the fun things in math. USERS GROUP/BBS LISTING AVAILABLE... Download the following files from LIBRARY 1 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO ATARIPRO): ACUGAK.TXT - Atari Classics magazine Atari User Group listing (listings for states A-K) ACUGLZ.TXT - Atari Classics magazine Atari User Group listing (listings for states L-Z) ACBBS.TXT - Atari Classics magazine Atari 8-bit/ST National BBS listing. SUPRA MODEM INFORMATION/ORDER FORM A revised version of Supra's UPGRAD.TXT file (containing information and order form for SupraFaxModem V32/V32bis ROM upgrades for registered owners) is now available in LIBRARY 15 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN). THE ATARI PORTFOLIO FORUM ON COMPUSERVE HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AN OFFICIAL SUPPORT SITE BY ATARI CORPORATION "GO APORTFOLIO TO ACCESS THE ATARI PORTFOLIO FORUM" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!" """""""""""""""""""""" This coming weekend is the WAACE'92 Atari Fest, "The Premier East Coast Show". And.. what a show it is.. make it your business to be there, its the best opportunity to celebrate "things Atari". This year, with the advent of the Falcon, we'll have that much more to carry on about. Carry on we shall, as the Falcon is the machine of tomorrow that's already here today. What a difference frOm a year or so ago. See y'all at the show! Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine I'm really looking forward to this show this year for a number of reasons. First of all, I wasn't sure that there was even going to be another show. Last year's organizers had reached the point of burnout, and there didn't appear to be any quick rush to fill their shoes. Fortunately, new blood emerged in the attempt to keep this incredible tradition alive. Secondly, it's an opportunity for me to see my "co-workers" from STReport; hopefully, most of the staff will be attending this year's show. It's always a pleasure to get together with this group whenever possible. Most importantly, however, if the opportunity for all of us to get together to enjoy a common interest: Atari computers. Dana P. Jacobson @ STReport International Online Magazine THE STORM IS BREWING! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" STReport's Staff DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU! """""""""""""""" Publisher - Editor """""""""""""""""" Ralph F. Mariano PC DIVISION AMIGA DIVISION MAC DIVISION ----------- -------------- ------------ Roger D. Stevens Charles Hill R. ALBRITTON STReport Staff Editors: """"""""""""""""""""""" Lloyd E. Pulley Sr. Dana P. Jacobson Michael Arthur Lucien Oppler Brad Martin Judith Hamner John Szczepanik Dan Stidham Joseph Mirando Steve Spivey Doyle C. Helms Contributing Correspondents: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Michael Lee Richard Covert John Deegan Brian Converse Oliver Steinmeier Tim Holt Andrew Learner Norman Boucher Harry Steele Ben Hamilton Neil Bradley Eric Jerue Ron Deal Robert Dean Ed Westhusing James Nolan Vernon W. Smith Bruno Puglia Clemens Chin IMPORTANT NOTICE """""""""""""""" Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc... via E-Mail to: Compuserve.................... 70007,4454 Delphi........................ RMARIANO BIX........................... RMARIANO FIDONET....................... 112/35 FNET.......................... NODE 350 NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0 GEnie......................... ST-REPORT """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "There is no comparison! The Atari Falcon is far superior to the PC platform." Sam Tramiel, 08/92 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > WAACE'92 STR SHOW NEWS "THE PREMIER EAST COAST SHOW!" """""""""""""""""""""" WAACE'92 AtariFest Press Release ================================ GENERAL INFO: ------------ The Washington Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts (WAACE) extend to you our personal invitation to attend AtariFest '92. The "Premier East Coast Atari Show" will be held this year on the 10th and 11th of October in the exposition facilities of: The Sheraton Reston Hotel 11976 Sunset Hill Road Reston, VA 22070. This fine convention facility is located just a few miles west of Washington, DC about midway to Dulles International Airport. Those of you who have attended prior shows know what to expect, and we ask that you spread the word to others. To those who have attended previously the associated Washington area user groups extend a heartfelt "Welcome Back". Admission is a paltry $5.00 per day, or you may obtain a two day pass for $8.00. Top rank vendors and developers will be exhibiting their wares. Codehead, Gribnif, ICD, DMC Publishing (formerly ISD), Joppa, MegaType, Missionware, Toad, and over 40 others will be in attendance. Free seminars are scheduled, along with many demonstrations in our demo rooms. A gamer's paradise is in the works, and for music aficionados, a great MIDI room featuring live performances, demonstrations, and special deals from local music stores. Want to check out the Falcon? See it here in yearling plumage and flying! Door prizes? You betcha. You've got to plug in to this event! For additional general information you may call Russell Brown at 703-803-6126, or contact Ken Fassler or Betty Burchell at 301-229-1886. HOTEL INFO: ---------- The Sheraton Reston has made special provisions for 'Fest attendees. Greatly reduced rates of $59/day (single or double occupancy), and $66 (triple or quad) are being offered. These rates are available from October 8th through the 11th, but you must mention AtariFest '92 to be eligible. Reservations may be made by calling 1-800-392-ROOM, or 703-620-9000. Rooms are going fast so make those reservations soon! DIRECTIONS: =========== VIA Plane ---------- Fly to Dulles Airport and complimentary hotel shuttle. Via Train ---------- Take Train to Washington Union Station then transfer to the RED Metro train marked "Shady Grove" and go to the Metro Center stop. Transfer to the Orange Metro train marked "Vienna" and get off at the West Falls Church Stop. Catch the Metro Bus marked "5S" and "Reston/Herndon". Get off at the stop marked "Colt's Neck Road and Sunrise Valley". Proceed to the Sheraton Reston Hotel. Via Auto -------- Take the Capital Beltway, I-495 to Exit 12W to Washington Dulles Airport. Take the Washington Dulles Toll Road (Rte 267) Exit. Follow the Dulles Toll Road to the Reston Parkway, Exit 3. Turn left at the Traffic light onto Reston Parkway. Turn left again at the 2nd light onto Sunrise Valley Dr. Follow Sunrise Valley Dr. to the Sheraton Reston on the left. BANQUET: -------- The Banquet will be Saturday night with cocktails at 6:30 pm and dinner at 8:00 pm. The WAACE Banquet has always been a great place to meet and dine with the Atari worlds most famous developers authors, and just plain folks. For tickets contact Bob Janice at GEnie R.Janice or phone (703) 222-0318. Hurry, tickets are going FAST! VENDORS: -------- The following Vendors are scheduled to attend the 1992 WAACE AtariFest. Lexicor Software eSTeem Joppa Computer Products Gribnif Rising Star Computers MegaType Missionware Software Codehead Unicorn Pub.(A.I.M.) WizWorks! Step Ahead Software SKWare One Mars Merchandising GEnie Taylor Ridge Books CompuServe D M C Publishing Maxwell CPU Barefoot Software ST Informer Debonair Software Accusoft ST A B C Solutions Fair Dinkum Compucellar West WizzTronics BaggettaWare Oregon Research D.A.Brumleve Dragon Software Current Notes Computer Studio Clear Thinking FAST Technology Toad Computers J M G Software (WHO'S NEXT ?) Call DTACK (Ken or Betty )for booth info, at: (301) 229-1886 !!! PUBLICITY: ---------- In addition to our print magazine advertising and the on line services, and as a means to say hello to our Atari friends in foreign lands, the WAACE AtariFest '92 is reaching out around the world on the international shortwave radio bands. You may hear our advertisements by tuning to the broadcasts of Radio New York International (RNI) in the 41 meter band at 7435 KHz between the hours of 0100 and 0500 UTC on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th of September, and on the 5th of October, 1992. In the United States, these hours translate to 9:00pm until 1:00am EST, on the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of September, and on the 4th of October, 1992. SEMINARS: --------- For many years now the WAACE show has included a seminar series as a way to educate as well as to entertain our audience. The offerings listed below reflect the desire of the WAACE committee to help Atari users get the most out of their computers. Enjoy. WAACE Seminar Schedule - Ver 2.0 Saturday - 11 October 1992 -------------------------- 1100 - The 30 Second Commute - Don & Carole Terp The authors of a new book tell how they run Read Mountain Press out of their home with the help of Atari computers and DTP hardware and software. Look for their new book. 1200 - Tele-Media using Atari - C. Smeton, Joppa SoftwareDev The developer of STraight FAX describes how techonological advances in Digital Signal Processing and semiconductor design are bringing "Power Without The Price" to FAX, Voice Mail, and Caller ID services using Atari's ST/STe/TT and Falcon 030 computers. 1300 - Professional CADD Using DynaCADD -S. Winick, Computer STudio The owner of Computer STudio, who is also a registered architect, will demonstrate why he chooses DynaCADD on a TT/030 to fulfill his high-powered CADD workstation requirements. 1400 - A Few Little Extras for Your ST - Steve Cohen - Wizztronics Want to switch between TOS ROM sets? How about selecting which cartridge to run using software? Or maybe you have more than one printer. 1430 - EditTrack Gold - Jeff Naideau, Barefoot Software Professional musicians demonstrate MIDI sequencing as used in live performances and studio work. 1500 - Fun with Calamus SL - Mario Georgiou, DMC Software DMC's DTP expert offers entertaining hints and kinks for getting the most out of your Atari based workstation for Desktop Publishing. Whether you use dot-matrix, a laser printer,or four color film separations you'll want to attend this seminar. 1600 - The Online Experience - Using the major services Representatives from Compuserve: (B.J. Gleason), GEnie: (Neil Harris), and Delphi: (Dana Jacobson) tell how to get computer help and enrich your life in general by using the online services. 1700 - STReport International Online Magazine The publisher and staff of the liveliest online magazine with news and views for the Atari computer user and enthusiasts alike will be onhand to answer your questions. The topics will range from the future of Atari to the new product offerings. Sunday - 12 October 1992 -------------------------- 1100 - Professional MIDI w/Cubase - M. Cloninger, Computer STudio This seminar will describe the wide-ranging capabilities of Cubase 3.0 as used with a TT/030. Additional MIDI gear will include several KAWAI keyboards, a ROLAND drum machine, and various effect processors. 1200 - Souping Up Your Old ST - Panel Jim Allen, Dave Small, and Dave Troy with the latest on accelerators, network cards, memory add-ons, and disk drives for getting some extra mileage out of your old ST computers. 1300 - Getting the Most from Your Modem - Telecomm Software Overview Panel How to choose the best telecommunications software. Terminal emulations, file downloading, text capture, and scripting capabilities will be discussed by authors and users of telecommunications programs. 1400 - Meet Atari's Falcon030 with Atari's Bill Rehbock & Devs Developers who have been fortunate enough to have access to the newest line of Atari computers will describe the machines and their capabilities. 1500 - Meet the Atari Press Question the folks who bring you the news in print. Meet with the publishers and staffers of AIM, Current Notes, and any others who happen to be on hand. CONTACTS: Phone... Russ Brown at 703-803-6126 for General info. Bob Janice at 703-222-0318 for Banquet Info. Ken Fassler at 301-229-1886 for Vendor Info. Online contacts are: CIS: Richard Gunter 70117,2565. GEnie: R.BROWN127 Delphi: JDBARNES Internet: Johnbarnes@enh.nist.gov From everyone making preparations for the WAACE AtariFest 92, we wish all our friends around the world the best of everything. SEE YOU AT THE FEST!!! ________________________________________________________________ > CPU STATUS REPORT LATE BREAKING INDUSTRY-WIDE NEWS ================= Issue #40 Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. -- Prodigy Expanding Offerings Prodigy Services Co., an information and home-shopping service for personal computer users, said it would expand its offerings and speed its communications system, and raise its price. The moves are aimed in part at ending Prodigy's losses, borne by its owners, IBM and Sears. -- IBM Gives Intel a Boost IBM will base nearly its entire personal computer line on Intel Corp's top microprocessor or IBM-developed chips by year-end, a sign that Intel successfully is promoting its most profitable product, industry execu- tives said. IBM, the largest PC maker, no longer will make computers based on Intel's less-powerful '386 microprocessor, except for a few models aimed at the school market and some notebook-sized portables. -- IBM, Apple, Motorola to Unveil Joint Venture Chip IBM, Apple Computer and Motorola this week unveiled the first chip deve- loped under a joint venture agreement announced last October. The chip, which is part of the PowerPC family, will be based on RISC (reduced instruction set computing) technology. It could be available for sale later this year or early next year. IBM and Apple, as well as Groupe Bull and Thompson CSF, have plans to develop RISC- based computers around the new chip. IBM intends to have a workstation based on the chip in 1993. -- IBM Expects 40,000 Fewer Jobs Doubling its original forecast, IBM says it expects some 40,000 emp- loyees to accept job buyouts or early retirement this year as the firm consolidates some of its manufacturing to cut costs. As is IBM tradition, no layoffs are planned, but some employees will be required to move or to learn new skills to keep their jobs. IBM said that by the end of the year it will have reduced its work force by about 25% from a peak of 406,000 in 1985. -- Apple Slashes Many Macintosh Models Prices The retail prices of many Apple Macintosh computers and related perip- heral accessory products were cut this week by Apple Computer Inc.'s Apple USA division. The price reduction takes effect immediately and extends across the majority of the Macintosh product family, including the Quadra line. The cuts range from 11 to 36% on the Macintosh Classic II, Macintosh LC II, Macintosh IIsi, Macintosh IIci, Quadra 700 and selected configurations of the Quadra 950 line. -- Microsoft Delays New Windows NT Release According to Microsoft spokesman Collins Hemingway, the release of Microsoft Corp.'s new Windows NT system has been delayed until early next year. Originally it was thought the shipments would begin late this year. -- Windows 3.1 Ships 1,000,000 a Month More than 1 million units of its Windows 3.1 operating software are now being shipped each month, with sales virtually balanced between U.S. and international customers. -- Worldwide Sales of U.S. Electronics Goods Up Slightly According to the American Electronics Association, worldwide sales of U.S.- manufactured electronics products and services have risen 1.8% to $78.5 billion in the second quarter, compared with the same period a year ago. Sales were up 1%, up from first-quarter sales of $77.7 billion. -- Congress Urged to Strengthen International Intellectual Property Laws Foreign copyright piracy of computer software, as well as movies, books, and music and audio recordings costs U.S. firms between $12 billion and $15 billion in trade losses each year, says the International Intellec- tual Property Alliance. The Alliance told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on patents, copyrights and trademarks that losses in Mexico alone -- which were not included in the international study -- topped $150 million annually. Eric Smith, director of the Alliance, said that although Mexico has new intellectual property laws, "the situation in Mexico is still quite serious." He urged Congress to increase U.S. anti-piracy teams to crack down on foreign copying operations and aid to foreign nations to help them write tougher laws and enforce them. Countries where piracy is particularly prevalent include Italy, Taiwan, Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Brazil and Venezuela are considered problem nations especially for software piracy. -- 3-D Mouse Enables Disabled A 3-D mouse may seem like fanciful computing gear to some, but to those with disabling illnesses or injuries such a device can mean newfound freedom. Until now, programming small robots and making changes to existing programs required the skill of an expensive robotics engineer - - something ill- afforded by many seriously disabled individuals. And, unfortunately, reprogramming is necessary whenever there are changes in daily routines such washing, eating and drinking. Now, a promising development in mouse technology by U.S. Veterans Administration researchers means non-technical persons who are disabled -- even quadriplegics -- may be able to program the telerobots on which they depend for assistance. The 3D-mouse system consists of two remote-controlled miniature cameras mounted within a single housing. Each camera moves separately and triangulation circuitry determines the exact position in space where the two cameras are focused. In operation, a disabled user operates chin-cup joysticks to move, pan and tilt the cameras. Two monitors show the position where each camera is focused. When both cameras are focused on the desired position, the disabled operator uses voice commands to tell the telerobot to read the camera angles and calculate the eventual arm movement and trajectory of the robot. In this manner, the robotic arm is programmed to learn a task such as filling a glass with water and tilting it to the user's lips. _________________________________________________________ > Motorola & Atari STR InfoFile An Inside look at the DSP """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" For Immediate Release Editorial Contact: ------------------ Motorola, Inc. Joan MacNeil Cunningham Communications, Inc. (408) 982-0400 Atari Corporation Anne Ellingsen Redgate Communications (415) 777-3911 Reader Contact: --------------- Motorola DSP Marketing (512) 891-2030 Motorola's 56001 Provides Audio/Video Features For Atari's Falcon030 Personal Integrated Media Computer BOSTON, Mass. Motorola Inc.'s Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group today announced that its 56001 digital signal processor (DSP) performs key audio/video functions on the motherboard of the new Atari Falcon030 personal- integrated, media computer. The Falcon030 is a full-scale computer that uses the 33 MHz 56001 to process and manipulate compact-disc-quality digital audio and voice signals which, combined with Atari's integrated software, makes the Falcon030 a complete, personal-integrated, media computer. "Motorola's 24-bit DSPs continue to be the choice for manufacturers that want to embed compact-disc, digital audio functions," said Bryant Wilder, Motorola's DSP operations manager. "The 56001 gives Atari's Falcon030 and impressive feature set that is showing the rest of the industry where personal computers are heading." Motorola's 56001 ON Atari's Falcon030 Motherboard DSPs are capable of performing functions such as compact disc quality sound, voicemail, voice annotation and recognition, video compression, facsimile transmission, high-speed modem, array processing and high-speed numeric processing. Other major computer manufacturers that use the DSP56000 family on their motherboard include NeXT Computer System and Silicon Graphics' IRIS Indigo RISC PC. Atari Falcon030 Personal Integrated Media Computer Atari's Falcon030 is designed for personal-integrated media functions including video, audio, animation, telecommunications and graphics. The Atari Falcon030 uses the 56001 DSP to process compact-disc quality audio and voice synthesis capabilities. The 56001 operates independent of the central processor, Motorola's 68030, and completes a variety of tasks without slowing the system. Within the Atari Falcon030, Motorola's 56001 drives digital audio functions including graphic equalization, channel manipulation, reverberation and surround sound, all which provide the user professional audio effects for tasks such as video sound augmenting and recording capabilities. "Atari's Falcon030, with the help of Motorola's 56001 DSP, is bringing professional-level recording and audio manipulation capabilities to the consumer," said Sam Tramiel, Atari's president and CEO. "Motorola's 56001 provides a single chip solution for digital audio and voice capabilities optimizing the Falcon030 as a personal-integrated media computer." Motorola's DSP56001 Motorola's 24-bit, 33 MHz 56001 processes 16.5 million instructions per second (MPS) and performs 99 million operations per second (MOPS). The 56001 recreates CD-quality sound because its architecture is highly parallel and its 24-bit word width generates sound up to 144 decibels of dynamic range. The 56001 differs from other DSPs in that it processes signals in 24-bit data chunks providing throughput of more than 100 million operations per second. Motorola's 24-bit 56000 architecture is important since most analog-to-digital converter chips, which convert analog signals into digital bit streams, translate analog signals in the ranges of 14 to 20 bits at a time. The extra bits in the 56000 architecture allow additional calculations to be performed on these digital samples while maintaining the input signal accuracy. Motorola is one of the world's leading providers of electronic equipment, systems, components and services for worldwide markets. Products include two-way radios, pagers, cellular telephone systems, semiconductors, defense and aerospace electronics, automotive and industrial electronic equipment, computers, and data communications and information processing and handling equipment. Motorola was a winner of the U.S. Department of Commerce's first annual Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1988, in recognition of its superior company-wide quality management process. Atari Corporation (AMEX:ATC) is a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of palmtop through desktop computer systems. The company sells its systems, peripherals and software through authorized distributors, resellers and integrators. ___________________________________________________________ > ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" PEOPLE... ARE TALKING ===================== On CompuServe ------------- compiled by Joe Mirando From The Atari Productivity Forum ================================= Well folks, never let it be said that programmers are lazy. From Atari France comes a program for the FALCON. Ron Luks posts the file information: "[72241,405] Lib:10 *New Upload (19:16:40 EDT)* FRAC.LZH/Bin Bytes: 29696, Count: 0, 29-Sep-92 Title : Fractal demo of the FALCON capabilities Keywords: FRACTAL MANDELBROT DSP FALCON SOURCE CPX DEMONSTRATION This is a demonstration program/acc and cpx of the DSP56001 capabilities. It calculates a Mandelbrot fractal using the 680X0, the 68882 or the DSP. The DSP sources is given as a Falcon DSP programming example. The .LOD file needs to be in the same directory than the CPX or PRG/ACC executable in order to be loaded (just like a .RSC file) if you got a Falcon :-) This demo was written by Brainstorm, the french company who made the Falcon DSP debugger. Uploaded with the Atari France approval. Brainstorm [72241,405]" Now that's what I call on the ball. Now all we need is lots of other FALCONs to entice programmers to write for this exciting new machine. On to other things. M.D. COBB posts: "Hi, I am real new at this so please pardon any errors. I downloaded a file the other night entitled FRTMSS.ZIP so that I could use my 3.5 disks to transport ASCII, .WKS, etc. files back and forth between work and home. Home is an ATARI 520 ST upgraded to 1 meg and work is a multitude of IBM compatibles. What I found in the process is that if I format a 3.5 disk as double sided 720K in MS-DOS my ST will read and write to them without ever having formatted them on the ST. The only bug I have found so far is that if you are using a hi-density disk you must cover the "hi" holes or it just won't (hasn't) work. Maybe everyone else knew this trick already? I would appreciate it if someone would let me know what they think about this procedure. Thanks." Albert Days replies: "I find it easier to use just a 720K disk and format it as such under MS-DOS. I've had many problems reading/writing hi-density disks formatted on the PC." Sysop Bob Retelle joins in by posting: "It looks like you've discovered one of the nicer things about computing with two different brands of computers.. the disk formats on the ST and IBM are virtually identical, which allows you to exchange files between them.. As you noticed, the very best way to insure complete compatibility is to format the disks on the PC. There are just enough differences that formatting on the ST may not work in all cases. Some PC compatibles have trouble formatting a high density disk in low density mode (720K), so you do have to cover the holes to force them into thinking the disk is a low density disk.. Have you tried forcing the format into low density..? ( FORMAT A: /F:720 )" Richard Paddock posts: "The answer is: the IBM recognizes the hi-density hole and formats the diskette that way, while the ST can't use hi-density at all. If you cover the hole, the IBM may or may not be able to format it (some media seems to have special garbage where the IBM expects to find track zero on a double density diskette.) Albert's suggestion of just using double-density diskettes is the best solution." M.D. Cobb posts: "Thanks again for the disk info. Hope I'm not pressing my luck, but do you know of a good PD program for defragmenting a hard drive?" Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine answers: "There are a few pd programs for defragmenting a hard drive but I wouldn't trust them myself. The two commercial ones I like is Beckemeyer Development's Hard Disk Sentry or Oregon Research's Diamond Edge. The provide disk optimization features and fix errors on the disk (directory, directory structure, orphan clusters, fat problems) and more. Both of these programs around $50 or so." Michael Smith drops us an interesting bit of information: "You should see the new Tandy store "Incredible Universe". They have just about everything under the sun, including the Atari Lynx and Portfolio. It's rumored that they will soon be selling the Falcon once it hits the US market. They have pretty good prices, too." Domingo Alvelar posts: "This is the first of two survey questions. I am in the market for a new hard drive. I already have all the necessary items to hook it up, but I just need the drive. It needs to be at least 80Mb's and fairly fast. SCSI of course. 3.5" only. Let me know what you people think is the best drive out there and possibly where to get it." Albert Dayes tells Domingo: "Quantum has a nice 105meg drive (SCSI) 3.5inch. Computer Shopper has several places that list the drive." Steve Gould asks a good question about the FALCON's sound abilities: "About this Falcon supporting 8 digital sound channels but only having input for two channels business (recent Falcon conference) - Does anyone know if Atari plan to sell a box to give you access to the other channels - immediately - or will they leave this to third party suppliers - longer ? What about a price - any clues yet. BTW - real sorry for the sloppy grammar and the way the above scans, but I'm really tired and I want to go to bed!" Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Magazine tells Steve: "In the on-line conference Bill said for more than 2 channels required some additional hardware by third party. The idea of not competing with third party was also given as an answer. Check the on-line conference for details in the Atari Arts forum. It is in the library and can be downed for the exact words used." Jim Ness tells Albert: "You don't necessarily need extra hardware for the additional 8 channels. You would just lay down one or two channels at a time, rather than all eight. This would inhibit direct recording to/from some other 8 channel device, but would still allow a basement studio to exist." Steve Gould tells Albert: "You shouldn't have made me re-read that transcript - I've got even more dumb questions now! Bill didn't say that Atari were not going to produce a box to exploit the extra sound channels, and the thing about leaving the market open to third party suppliers was leveled at the video side of things later on in the conversation. I guess I thought it was a bit weird that Atari aren't bringing a suitable device onto the market. It wasn't many moons ago they were saying that they couldn't guarantee the STE could use third party hard disks. That excuse will look pretty lame if any problems occur with this device! I also noticed that Bill said the Falcon would ACCEPT SM124 SC1224 etc but he didn't say which of the various video modes would be available on each of these devices. The thing about Falcon TOS/multiTos was a little ambiguous as well. The way I read it was that FalconTos ships in the first machines (Europe) and then maybe multiTos will ship by the time the machine starts to sell in the US (post FCC). Well OK but will people who rush out and part with their 'hard earned' and get FalconTos (us Europeans) be offered any kind of upgrade (preferably free!) BTW I hope all this stuff doesn't sound too critical. I think the live forums are a valuable thing and Bill did a great job handling what was thrown at him in what must be quite a pressure situation. I'm just a bit miffed that I couldn't have tuned in myself!" Albert answers: "I have not seen multi-tos so I can make any comments on it. From what I remember about the video modes supported on the monitors it was not stated in either the GEnie or CIS conferences. You can forward your questions to Ron Luks and he can have them forwarded to Bill so they can be answered in a more detailed fashion then my "I don't know." (grin)" Victor Wood posts this about the computers he has owned: "My first home computer was a 400. What a shame I got rid of it. In fact all my computers, even my PC, have been Atari, but over the last few years support and software has been unavailable, so never again." Albert Dayes tells Victor: "I still have my old 800xl too and I still use it from time to time too. It is not worth it to get rid of old computers these days they always seem to have some useful purpose in the future." From The Atari Arts Forum ========================= David Becker tells us about three programs that he has uploaded for us: "I've uploaded three monochrome entertainers to ATARIARTS. The first is "The Ancient Art of ASCII" and it converts DEGAS PI3 pics into ASCII art printouts! You can also import custom text files into geometric shapes (hearts, circles, triangles, squares) and then print or save them. Remember when we used to line up at the local universities open house and get ASCII calendar art with Spock or Snoopy? I think I'm giving away my age! The next offering is 123 Jumble. This educational program comes on the heals of ABC Jumble. It lets your kids sort the numbers after the computer mixes them up. Completely configurable GEM point and click interface. If your kids liked ABC Jumble they will love 123 Jumble! Last but largest is "Coyote Dave's Poker". Real 5 card draw/stud poker in a real casino with real players! Choose who you play with, speed of play, card designs, digitized sounds and graphics, and even pour drinks for your card playing "friends"! Each computer player has his or her own electronic personality profile. The think, make mistakes, seek revenge, bluff, get angry and keep a close eye on you. A digital slice of life! All programs are monochrome freeware. Stay tuned for Agitation, my next release (the toughest puzzle game on ANY computer!)" Sysop Ron Luks posts: "Geez, David. Those programs sound terrific! I'll play with the ASCII art one first and I have to admit to being a little wary of the Coyote Poker. Your Poker Squared laid me up for weeks!" Sysop Keith Joins tells Ron: "Hehe....I was going to post a warning to you. I downloaded it last night to check it out about 11:00 or so. I logged back on and merged it about 1:00 AM :). it was a tough battle but I busted my 4 opponents. :)" Ron Luks tells Keith: "I downloaded it yesterday, played one hand and quickly shut off the computer and left the room in a panic. That Becker guy really knows how to write addicting games. (I love the coyote face!)" Pat Augustine asks about playing two favorite games under TOS 2.06: "Ok, I've about reached Frustration Threshold with not being able to play either Falcon or Flight of the Intruder since upgrading to TOS 2.06. Before I break down and yank the chips out, or buy a used 1040 to play those games, tell me something: I have a Spectre GCR, can I get Mac versions and play them over the null-modem with my roommates Atari ST? Does a Mac version of FOTI exist? If so, is it possible to use my Gravis MouseStick on the Mac version (extremely unlikely, I'm sure). Just to tell you how frustrated I am, I was actually playing SubLogic's Jet a few minutes ago. Geez that program's slow! I've still got F-19 for single player action, but it doesn't have a two-player mode. FS2 does, but no combat. And Warbirds on the Lynx, while fantastic, just doesn't fill the gap that FOTI did." From The Atari Vendors Forum ============================ Joan Reynolds tells us: "Hi there .... I'm writing a book about what you can do with a dead computer. It's intended to be a fun spoof on non-functioning computers. If you have an idea, please let me know. I would welcome the opportunity of sharing it with others readers." Well, that sounds like my kind of book. I'll bet there will be a big market for it composed of people who hate computers, people who have had computers die on them, and just plain fun loving people like myself. Sysop Bob Retelle tells Joan: "This is a "real life" solution to "what to do with a dead computer" that I saw some years ago.. A friend of mine had an Atari 800 computer that had died, and the repair bill would have been much more than the cost to simply buy a newer model, so he turned his 800 into a planter..! The top of the computer pops off to allow memory boards to be installed, so he just took off the top and filled the computer with dirt.. The slots on the bottom allowed drainage, and there were two cartridge openings on the top that he planted small cactuses in too.. It was quite a conversation piece among visitors to his apartment..!" Bob Dolson asks Albert Dayes: "Hey Albert, do you or anyone else on here know if a LINK host adapter could be used 'in reverse' on a Falcon to allow it to use a regular DMA port equipped ST hard drive? It would be great if it could and I am aware that it's intended purpose is to allow a DMA port equipped ST to use standard SCSI port hard drives and other such peripherals... Thanks for any help you can offer on this matter.." Albert replies: "That is a good idea about using the LINK in reverse. I have no idea if it would work or not. It almost seems using in the reverse like you suggested you could have a SCSI network between a normal ST and a FALCON." John Radone asks for help with NeoDesk 3.02: "I just purchased Neodesk 3.02, and I'm having a problem... I cannot get it to auto load. Yes, I have STARTGEM.PRG in the AUTO folder. Yes, I have STARTGEM.INF in the root directory. (and yes, the path is correct.) I have both NEOLOAD.PRG and NEODESKM.EXE (?) in my NEODESK3 folder. _But_ when the computer boots, a message such as "can't find the application" comes up, and I get returned to the normal desktop. Does anyone have any ideas? The program runs fine when I call it from the desktop..." Pat Augustine asks John: "Did you put a copy of NEOLOAD.PRG in your AUTO Folder? That is necessary as well." John answers: "Yes, I did. But I still get the same message. I even ran the install program, in case I might have forgotten something. Same story. Do you have any other suggestions?" Pat tells John: "Is it possible your STARTGEM.INF is getting overwritten (say by Superboot)? I always used TOS 1.4/1.6 to autoboot Neodesk and never had any problems. Since I got TOS 2.06 I never use it anymore, so I'm a bit rusty on it. I'm pretty sure you said your STARTGEM.INF contained the correct path... I assume NEOLOAD.PRG occurs BEFORE STARTGEM.PRG in the AUTO folder (you'll have to look at it unsorted to be certain)?" Dick Paddock tells Pat: "STARTGEM is supposed to be unnecessary with 2.05/2.06, but I can't make it autoload NeoDesk. I've heard a rumor that there will be a fix in the next update of NeoDesk." Pat posts: "Dick, Not only is STARTGEM unnecessary with TOS 2.05/2.06, but it doesn't work with those ROM revisions at all." Well folks, that's about all the room we've got for this week. Be sure to look for us at the upcoming WAACE'92 show, and stop by and say "Hi". Remember to come on back next week to listen to what they say when... PEOPLE ARE TALKING *********************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTICE! ================= STReport International Online Magazine is available every week in the ST Advantage on DELPHI. STReport readers are invited to join DELPHI and become a part of the friendly community of Atari enthusiasts there. SIGNING UP WITH DELPHI ====================== Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access DELPHI services via a local phone call JOIN -- DELPHI -------------- Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002 then... When connected, press RETURN once or twice and... At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN. DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any baud rate. The $5.95 monthly fee includes your first hour online. If you spend more than 200 minutes online a month, you'll save money by enrolling in DELPHI's optional 20/20 Advantage Plan. You'll enjoy up to 20 hours online each month for the ridiculously low price of just $20.00! And if you go over that 20 hours, the rate goes up to only $1.20, still 1/5th the price of other services. There is no signup fee for joining the Basic Plan. There is a fee of $39 when you join the 20/20 Advantage Plan, a one-time $19 signup fee and your first month's $20 fee. These connect rates apply for access via Tymnet or SprintNet (within the continental United States) during home time (7 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays and all day weekends) or via direct dial around the clock. Telecom surcharges apply for daytime or international access via Tymnet or SprintNet. See Using DELPHI online for detailed information on telecom surcharges. For more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005 DELPHI is a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, Mass. :IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: DELPHI INTRODUCES THE 10/4 PLAN. Effective July 1, 1992, all Basic Plan members will be upgraded to the 10/4 Plan and receive 4 hours of usage each month for only $10! For full details, type GO USING RATES. SprintNet home time to begin at 6:00 p.m.! Effective July 1, 1992, you may access DELPHI via SprintNet beginning at 6:00 p.m. local time without incurring a telecom surcharge. To find the SprintNet node nearest you, type GO USING ACCESS. Try DELPHI for $1 an hour! For a limited time, you can become a trial member of DELPHI, and receive 5 hours of evening and weekend access during this month for only $5. If you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the end of the calendar month with no further obligation. If you keep your account active, you will automatically be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Basic Plan, where you can use up to 4 weekend and evening hours a month for a minimum $10 monthly charge, with additional hours available at $3.96. But hurry, this special trial offer will expire soon! To take advantage of this limited offer, use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636. Press once or twice. When you get the Password: prompt, type IP26 and press again. Then, just answer the questions and within a day or two, you'll officially be a member of DELPHI! TOP TEN DOWNLOADS (9/30/92) =========================== (1) STR839 (2) SYSINFO.PRG (3) POWERDOS (4) IDLE SCREEN SAVER (5) YAMS (6) NESS BENCHMARKS 1.2 (7) MORE SPECTRUM GIRLS (8) VIOLENCE GAME (9) HARDCORE DEMO (10) HIGH SPEED MODEM ACCESSORY All of the above files can be found in the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at least one week after the posting of this list. Please Note that in the case of online magazines, only the most current issue in the database at the time of this compilation is considered for the Top 10 list. Also, for all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four weeks after its original uploading. THE PREMIER EAST COAST SHOW =========================== Beginning Friday Evening, October 9th, Atari users from all up and down the eastern seaboard will gather in Reston, Va for the 9th edition of WAACE AtariFest. Make your plans now to be part of the fun. Look for forum messages (DIR SUBJ WAACE) for particulars on room rates, admission prices, and other special features or download file WAACE92B.TXT from the database (DAT REC) for complete details. DELPHI- It's getting better all the time! *********************************************************************** > BAGGETTA WARE STR SHOW NEWS Eliemouse going to WAACE! """"""""""""""""""""""""""" ELIEMOUSE AND BAGGETTA_WARE AT WAACE '92 ======================================== For the first time Eliemouse and Baggetta_Ware products will be on display and available at WAACE. For those who have not tried the demos available on GENIE or DELPHI, "The Eliemouse Complimentary Coloring Book" is an electronic coloring book for young children (4 and up). Young children adapt very quickly to the mouse control and keyboard options that allow them to magically paint their favorite characters on screen. Before or after pictures are painted, children can then play with their artwork. Pictures can be used for on-line games or printing. Plain drawings can even be sent to the printer for coloring with real "live" crayons. Some of the newer pictures are even animated for more enjoyment. Color the picture and then click on the animation box and watch the action. Sound and music included. "The Eliemouse Complimentary Coloring Book," version 6, has been perfected and "dressed up" especially for the WAACE '92 fair. The entire package is now sold as follows: -- The Eliemouse Complimentary Coloring Book (version 6) -- 104 Drawings including Eliemouse and all his friends and trappings. -- The Eliemouse Counting Game -- Eliemouse Paper Rock or Scissors Game -- Three On-Screen Eliemouse Color Graphics (PI1 format) -- A Printed manual -- FREE COLLECTABLE ENGRAVED SOUVENIR ELIEMOUSE PENCIL -- Warranty and Registration Card for future updates All files are packed on one DSDD disk and are self extracting so they can be filed on separate disks. A special INSTALL program is also offered free on this disk to allow easy installation of all 104 pictures and program files to a hard disk partition. And of course none of these programs are protected, so they run on all Atari ST/TT computers of any memory size. DEMOS WILL BE HELD AT THE FAIR COME AND SEE US AT TABLE #3 ALL OF THIS FOR A MERE $25.00 ($1.00 POSTAGE IF BY MAIL) Originally over $40 value Owners of any previous version of Eliemouse Coloring Book can get the complete package above by bringing there original disk and $15.00 + $1.00 postage if by mail. Of course Baggetta_Ware will be there with other products too! All now packaged with manuals: The Comic Book Collector (Database) Shakespeare: The Sonnets E. B. Browning: The Sonnets Smorgasbord Disks (Baggetta_Ware Programs) The Race Car Timer (R/C Timer for 8-bit Computers) Color Cartoon Artwork Disk I and II (Degas/Spectrum) COME TO WAACE '92 It looks like it's going to be lots of fun. BAGGETTA_WARE P.O. BOX 759 AGAWAM, MA 01001 GENIE: BAGET DELPHI: ALBERT ________________________________________________________________ > THE MEN AT THE TOP STR FOCUS! Key people in key positions.... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Atari, Executive Profiles ========================= JACK TRAMIEL, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ----------------------------------- Jack Tramiel, a World War II holocaust survivor, immigrated to the United States in 1947. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1948 where he learned a trade in typewriter repair. After completing his enlistment, he returned to New York. He continued his office machine repair business and supplemented his income by driving a cab at night. Having an entrepreneurial orientation, he bought a typewriter company in the Bronx, New York with a $25,000 G.I. loan. In 1955, he relocated to Toronto, Canada and founded Commodore. During the 25 years that followed, Tramiel guided Commodore's growth into a billion dollar corporation. His company was the first to market a hand-held calculator. In 1977, Commodore introduced the first home computer, and is thus regarded as the firm that brought personal computers into the home. In January 1984, he retired from Commodore. Six months later, Tramiel, together with an experienced management team, purchased Atari from Warner Communications. After approximately two years, the ailing video game manufacturer was transformed into a profitable computer company. Tramiel successfully brought the company public in November 1986. In 1988, Atari became a member of the Fortune 500. In addition to his business career, Tramiel is actively involved in many humanitarian organizations. He is director of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Congressional Human Rights Foundation, and The Jewish Federation. He is involved locally as a member of the Anti-Defamation League's Regional Executive Committee, and is a National Commissioner of the League. Tramiel also serves as chairman of the High Tech Society, a branch of the Jewish Federation, and is a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum National Campaign Council. SAM TRAMIEL, PRESIDENT AND CEO ------------------------------ Sam Tramiel has served as president, chief operating officer and a director of Atari Corporation since June 1984 and became Chief Executive Officer in 1988. From 1974 until joining Atari (with exception of the period from 1079 to 1981) Sam Tramiel was employed by Commodore International, Ltd., most recently as vice president, Japan and general manager, Asia. From 1976 to 1977, he served as head of Commodore's Consumer Division from Toronto and as general manager in Hong Kong, London and Santa Clara, California. From 1979 to 1981, Mr. Tramiel operated his own OEM manufacturing business in the Far East. Tramiel graduated with a BA in Economics from York University, Ontario, Canada. LEONARD TRAMIEL, VICE PRESIDENT OF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------- Leonard Tramiel was appointed to his present position in July 1984 following completion of his studies at Columbia University, where he received a doctorate in astrophysics. He completed his undergraduate work at Santa Clara University. RICHARD MILLER, VICE PRESIDENT OF TECHNOLOGY -------------------------------------------- Richard Miller joined Atari in 1989 as vice president of technology. In that role, he is the leader of the hardware design team that created the Atari Falcon030. Richard attended Queen Mary College at the University of London and was previously managing director of Perihelion, Ltd. in the United Kingdom. He was also one of the designers of the Sinclair Z88. William Rehbock, Technical Director of Software Development, a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology (ITT), William Rehbock joined Atari in the summer of 1990 as Director of Application Software. He was responsible for DTP market development. As Technical Director of Software Development, he has been instrumental in the formation of the Professional Systems Group and in developing software for the new Atari Falcon computers. Prior to Atari, William worked for the Educational Technology Center, and operated his own computer consulting firm. JAMES GRUNKE, DIRECTOR OF ATARI MUSIC ------------------------------------- For the past two years James Grunke has served as Director of Atari Music, in charge of sales and marketing in the U.S. for the music channels. He is also responsible for international music developer support. He brings to Atari a business background in digital sales with companies such as Mission Bay Investments and Delian Music Systems. His music background includes time spent as a staff synthesist and digital sound engineer with the Beach Boys/Brother Records, specifically contributing to the "Still Cruisin'" album. He has also played keyboards for the Beach Boys on tour. Other bands that James has contributed his keyboard expertise to include Crosby, Stills & Nash, The Band and Michael W. Smith, as well as a number of video soundtracks. James earned a BS in Keyboard performance from University of Wisconsin and also holds a degree in synthesizer programming from the Grove School in Los Angeles. He is a member of the National Association of Musical Merchants (NAMM) and the Musical Manufacturer's Association (MMA). *********************************************************************** :HOW TO GET YOUR OWN GENIE ACCOUNT: _________________________________ To sign up for GEnie service: Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo) Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN. GEnie Announcements (FREE) 1. Lower Rates for Multi-Player Games - Join the Club.............RSCARDS 2. Meet Ann Boyce author of "Putting on the Glitz"..................HOBBY 3. Mini/Mainframe RT now has MUMPS and OOP......................MAINFRAME 4. Take A SCIENCE COURSE This Fall. REGISTER Today..................CALC 5. It's FAST, It's WET, It's Walt Disney World's NEWEST ride......FLORIDA 6. Anne Wasserman online LIVE 10/6 @9:30 ET...........................ERT 7. Thousands of new trademarks added each week.................TRADEMARKS 8. New Club rates cut the cost of Fall Tournament play in......BACKGAMMON 9. Hurry - become a member before it's too late..................SOFTCLUB 10. CLEARANCE SALE & MAJOR UPDATE at Computer Bookstore............PCBOOKS 11. Perot back IN, Bush OUT ... President Quayle.................ASTROLOGY 12. Russia Opening Records to U.S. Genealogists..................GENEALOGY 13. The Case AGAINST Patents..........................................PSRT 14. Oct issue of GEnieLamp IBM/Mac/ST/A2 & online in.............GENIELAMP 15. Now: Apple's Extension Manager 1.8 & BackLight Control.............MAC |======================================================| | Real Time Conference Special Events Calendar | |======================================================| | Oct. 5 - Dan Wilga and Rick Flashman from GRIBNIF | | (Monday) will discuss Arabesque, Convector and | | their other fine products. | |======================================================| | All Real Time Conferences begin at 10:00 p.m. EDT | |======================================================| THE PREMIER EAST COAST SHOW =========================== Beginning Friday Evening, October 9th, Atari users from all up and down the eastern seaboard will gather in Reston, Va for the 9th edition of WAACE AtariFest. Make your plans now to be part of the fun. Check Category 11, Topic 9 for particulars on room rates, admission prices, and other special features or download library file number 25886 titled WAACE92.LZH for complete details. No. File Name Address Description ----- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------------- 25958 HP_5164.LZH R.BROWN30 Make Avery 5164 Labels in PgS! 25957 VE_2_D2.ARC T.GARAY The Vulcan Embassy BBS v. 2.0 disk2 25953 SEE1022.LZH C.CARPENTER3 Space Empire Elite ver 10.22 25952 SEE1133.LZH C.CARPENTER3 Space Empire Elite ver 11.33 25951 CBD_DEMO.LZH FAIR-DINKUM CyberDrome Hoverjet Simulator DEMO! 25948 STEPAHED.TXT NEVIN-S Windows Tracker/ST at WAACE! 25946 BBSX9210.LZH C.SANCHEZ2 BBS Express! ST monthly BBS list 25945 ET_14.LZH C.SANCHEZ2 Express Times Issue 14 25944 LMP249_M.LZH D.HOLMES14 Graphics for GEnie Lamp 2.49 (MONO) 25943 LMP249_C.LZH D.HOLMES14 Graphics for GEnie Lamp 2.49 (COLOR) 25942 LMP249.LZH D.HOLMES14 GEnie Lamp #2.49 (TX2 version) 25941 GEM_IMP.TXT J.H.CARROLL GEMulator First Impressions 25939 W9373UPD.LZH CODEHEAD Updates Warp 9 v3.72 to v3.73 Darlah's Treat of the Month - EDGEDEMO.LZH GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission *********************************************************************** > CODEHEADS ONLINE! STR OnLine GEnie's ST RT presents the Codeheads! """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Monday Night Round Table Conference Host - Lou Rocha Sept. 28, 1992 Guest Speaker - John Eidsvoog, CodeHead Technologies <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Our guest tonight is John Eidsvoog of CodeHead Technologies. John is going to allow discussion on ANY CodeHead products so get your questions ready. Before getting started, some business about how an RTC works. While the RTC room is in Listen-Only mode, you can only address our guest when I let you talk. To get my attention, just /RAIse your hand. Just enter this from your keyboard: /rai I'll acknowledge your raised hand as soon as I can, but please be patient. I will let you know when your turn is coming up. Some other RTC commands are: ? - Lists all RTC commands. /sta - Status (list) of everyone in the RTC room. /exi - Exit the RTC, but you remain logged onto GEnie. /bye - Log off of GEnie directly from the RTC. /rai - Raise your hand. Lets me know you wish to address our guest. /nam - Lets you change your nickname. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Ok, thanks for coming everyone. We'll try not to bore anyone with things you're not interested in so feel free to ask question about any product, but bear in mind that I may not answer the question if it's not one of ours. Fire away. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Our first question is from DD Martin.. <[Swampy] D.D.MARTIN> Can you explain your postscript support for AV and can type 1 fonts be used? Gradient fills available? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> By AV, I assume you're talking about Avant Vector. <[Swampy] D.D.MARTIN> yep <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Avant Vector will import EPS files Encapsulated PostScript, that is. It seems to do quite a good job of covering most variations of EPS files but there's no program I know of on any platform that can truly handle everything that's thrown at it. For one thing, AV will not do color another thing is that it treats gradient fills in the same way that Outline Art does. It turns the gradient into a series of areas of different intensity. This is a less-than-desirable method of handling it, but that's the way that it works. <[Swampy] D.D.MARTIN> post script type 1 fonts? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Oh yes,...We are beta testing a new version of Avant Vector called Avant Font. It loads many (or most) type-1 fonts and allows editing and saving in Calamus CFN format. We don't yet know when the release date will be for Avant Font, but it looks pretty good so far. <[Swampy] D.D.MARTIN> Can't save as Adobe type 1? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> No, unfortunately. (I don't think). I may be wrong. <[Swampy] D.D.MARTIN> thanks, John... <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Olivo Contreras has the next question. Thanks DD. <[Olivo] O.CONTRERAS1> Is it possible to write Extend-O-Save modules in anything other than assembly language? C or Pascal would be nice. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We are currently working on a module to do just that. That is, we think that we can do C, but currently have no plans for Pascal. The C package will come with an .O file which will be linked in with your C code. All you'll have to do is write about 3-5 routines and link them in (without INIT.O). We're also looking into making it possible for GFA too, but that might not be possible. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Olivo, do you have another question? <[Olivo] O.CONTRERAS1> Are there any specific brands of C that you're going to support? When do you plan on releasing the new module? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> I got a good start on the C module the other day, but haven't had a chance to finish it yet. It should work with any C dev system, since the .O file will be in standard Alcyon linkable format. The routines will be very simple. One each for kick-in, kick-out, periodic, and an optional routine for configuration. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Olivo. John, can you tell us about CodeHead plans for WAACE? Anything special coming up? ;-) <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Well, I've been trying very hard to finish MIDI Spy, which has been hanging over my head for ages now. I'm still not sure if I'll make it. Unfortunately, Charles won't be there. He's going to be on tour at the time. Tomas will be there with me. We will probably have a pretty good price on Calligrapher but it's not set yet. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Since there are no questions from the floor I will ask you another :-) <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> I am very impressed with Megapaint. Do you have plans for a future upgrade? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We're also very impressed with MegaPaint, but it doesn't look like it will have a very good future. The sales of MegaPaint have been quite pitiful. One of the reasons is that the German exporter has set the price too high for us to discount it sufficiently for dealers. Another reason is that it is monochrome only and these days people are moving more and more to color. I've expressed these concerns to Tommy Software, but they are not too interested in continuing development on the ST version. It's a shame because MegaPaint is one of our most-used tools in-house. We couldn't get along without it. Only a select few really will ever know the true power of MegaPaint. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Pity. I have seen it demo'ed and it is REALLY worth the money. There is still a large need for good monochrome software. Rod Martin has the next question... Rod <[Network 23] R.MARTIN22> I'm sorry. I got disconnected and missed the first part of your info on Extend-O-Save. Can you encapsulate? Any new modules in the works? It sounded like you'll be supplying parts of code to help programmers out...did I catch that right? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Yes, we will have a package allowing C programmers to easily write modules. We're also working on a couple of other modules. We've got one almost ready, which rolls the screen slowly in a couple of directions at once. ... <[Network 23] R.MARTIN22> How about stuff for assembly? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> The assembly language stuff is already available both in the library here, and on the Warp 9 disk. It includes complete source code for the PICFADE module. I'll also be doing a module like the HotSaver screensaver which allows you to load any IMG into it and have it bounce around on the screen. Another module planned will be a "flashlight" effect where a black screen has a circle of the screen illuminated and moving around. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Olivo has another question for you John. <[Olivo] O.CONTRERAS1> Did you ever come up with Calligrapher Lite? I saw it listed in a catalog for $49. I thought only Gold and Pro were available. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We will not be offering Calligrapher Lite (unless something changes). Currently, Lite is already being marketed through Atari UK and Atari US. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> John, what are you planning to demo at WAACE? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Well...we don't really have anything special planned. Our usual demos these days at shows are done on a TT with a high res screen. We specialize in showing Calligrapher, MegaPaint, Avant Vector, Genus, etc. One thing that I've enjoyed doing is having someone print the alphabet in their block printing. We then scan it with MegaPaint, auto-trace it with Avant Vector, load each object into Genus and create a Calamus font. It's really interesting to be able to type into Calamus and see your own manuscript appear. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Sounds like a winning demo. The power of authorship is VERY attractive to the masses. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> John, I asked you last week about the Falcon... <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> The Falcon? <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> What do you HOPE it will do for the developers? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Last week? Oh, yeah.... <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> The best way the Falcon can help the developers is to be mass produced so that there are enough potential customers for developers to be able to invest their resources in the development of new and exciting products. I know that's what WE'RE hoping for anyway. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Do you have any comment or reaction to the rollout at the Boston Computer Society? I hear it went well but to a smallish crowd. Even Sam was there... <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> It sounded like the BCS rollout was a local success but what is really needed is some wide exposure such as would provided by a major review in Byte Magazine. Let's hope the Atari people are doing their homework along these lines. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Rod Martin has another question.GA <[Network 23] R.MARTIN22> WOW! It's incredible that it's that easy to make your own fonts! Back to E-O-S, you requested module ideas...I'd like one that segments the screen to blocks, removes one, and shuffles the remaining blocks around. I guess you can tell I'm really looking forward to E-O-S! ;-) <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Yes Rod, That's one of the modules I've thought about doing also. I have a few different module screensavers for the PC and there are a lot of good ones already written for Windows. Too bad we can't obtain some of the source code . <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Rod. Chris is next. <[chris] DRAGONWARE> John can Extend-o-Save park the Stacy and turn off the backlight?.. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Hi Chris, I'm glad you asked... <[chris] DRAGONWARE> you said a wish list grin! <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> I got your message from your phone call the other day. It would definitely be possible to do such a module. There is no existing code in Warp 9 to handle this, but it could be done in a module. I don't think there's been any documentation on turning off the Stacy's backlight but if I can obtain it, I'll give it a shot. The hard drive parking code is already in HotSaver and would be simple. (Job 6)<[chris] DRAGONWARE> I love Warp (! and Extend-o-save are the fonts standard 6x6 screen? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We're not up to Warp ( yet, but give us time. <[chris] DRAGONWARE> shift=( not 9 (blush) <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Warp 9 doesn't handle 6x6 fonts specifically although it does speed them up. We've considered adding 6x6 support for loading alternate fonts but have made not decisions on it yet. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Chris. Mike Allen is here for a return visit ;-) <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Mike! <[Quiet Mike] M.ALLEN14> Hi John, I would like to see some more extensive source code examples for E-O-S. For example moving an object around the screen. My first ST programming effort may be an E-O-S module. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Well, as for moving things around the screen code for implementing such a thing would not be specific to Warp 9 although there are some restrictions to what can be done during the vertical blank (when the routine is called). One nice thing about Extendo being in Warp 9 is that the VDI calls handled by Warp 9 can be called even though it would not normally be safe to make normal VDI calls from an interrupt. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Follow up Mike? <[Quiet Mike] M.ALLEN14> Is there a list of VDI call handled by W9? Did you get my XXXL T-shirt order ga. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> I'm embarrassed to say that I've haven't read the entire developers docs that Charles prepared. I'm not sure if it lists the VDI calls that are safe or not. Basically, if you try something and it doesn't crash, it should be OK. I got your shirt order and left you E-Mail about it today. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Mike. Hang around. Next is Eric Goodman. This question may have been asked (I just joined) but do you know if there will be access through GFA Basic? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We're working on that. I'm not sure if we'll be able to pull it off or not. It would involve just writing a few PROCEDURES without linking them into GFA's startup code. We'll know soon if it will work. I suspect that it will work as long as you stay away from some of the internal GFA calls. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Eric. Rob Quance is next. <[Rob] R.QUANCE> John, have you seen any software that you would like to distribute along the lines of Corel Draw? With the new graphic formats available (Falcon), it would be a nice addition the Codehead line. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> So far, I'm not aware of anything along those lines. There is allegedly some very exciting software coming from Germany. Unfortunately, I didn't go to Duesseldorf this year, although I don't think that the software was very far along in the short time they had access to the Falcon machines. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Rob, are you talking about EPS output? <[Rob] R.QUANCE> Corel does have EPS (color) as well... <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> One more thing I'm sure that a Corel type program on the Falcon could run rings around that slow Corel dog under Windows. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks Rob. Fred Nelson has been waiting patiently. ;-) <[Fred nelson] N5424> Been out of town for three weeks. When I got back I see the new Warp9 upgrade. Put my disk and check in the mail tonight! <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Great, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. We hope to have more modules available soon, but there are only so many hours in the day. <[Fred nelson] N5424> Sorry about MegaPaint. I've made great use of it. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Maybe we'll have to start a MegaPaint club....for the Elite. <[Olivo] O.CONTRERAS1> Will you be uploading new modules here or offering them for sale? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> So far, our plans are to release all modules for free, although it's possible that a module might come along that is unique and powerful enough to warrant a purchase price. I doubt it, though. <[Olivo] O.CONTRERAS1> I'm dying to see a flying toasters module! Have you or anyone else written one? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Flying toaster! Everyone wants flying toasters. .... Well, certain things that can be done on the Mac and Windows are more difficult under GEM because Extendo must operate from within an interrupt when there are major restrictions on the types of calls that can be made. For instance, a module daren't do any disk access. This makes it difficult to write a module or module manager that would allow random modules to be called. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> John, we have a short lull ;-) Can I ask if you are aware of any plans by the International Association of Atari Developers to help Atari Corp with the Falcon campaign? Does IAAD ever offer advice to Atari Corp? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Well, we do have plenty of advice both privately, and among ourselves although it seems that most of it doesn't make it to Atari. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> John, we have a couple of other developers here tonight. Mind sharing the podium on this question? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> Maybe Dorothy can shed some light on this question. Or perhaps Jim. Speak up, friends. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> And Jim Allen and Ringo and Lee.... <[Baaad Dot!] D.A.BRUMLEVE> Thanks, John. What was the question? <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Does the IAAD have any suggestions for Atari Corp's Falcon campaign? <[Baaad Dot!] D.A.BRUMLEVE> Yes, we do. I'm glad you asked. I hope Atari does. I'm looking forward to supporting hundreds of thousands of Falcons any minute now. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> That would be pretty heavy. <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> And a great balancing act, to boot. The Falcon is a VERY different computer, it's not a new generation ST, it is aimed at a much different market, and requires a different set of support SW. So the sky's the limit on what might be done, and where the opportunities are. <[Ringo] LEXICOR2> It would be nice if ATARI had a private meeting with all developers and dealers so that a proper plan can be made. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Private meeting? How about something at WAACE? <[chris] DRAGONWARE> Well we have found some things about Networking to tell but sometime.... <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> I'm happy to share this wonderful spotlight with all of my IAAD friends! <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> I suppose you have ALL made the request in email? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> We have officially made our desires known to Atari that we think it would be beneficial for them to attend WAACE. We're trying to get Bill Rehbock...cause he's the super expert on it...to come to WAACE with a Falcon to show the east coasters. Any help from the "people" would be greatly appreciated!! <[Baaad Dot!] D.A.BRUMLEVE> We developers are very interested in the Falcon, and of course in its marketing. <[Ringo] LEXICOR2> Maybe at Comdex? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> There's a bright future on the other side of the curtain. All they need to do is open the drapes and let the light in. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> OK Thanks Dev's. John Eidsvoog, thanks for coming by tonight. Would you like to wrap things up for us? <[CodeHeadJohn] J.EIDSVOOG1> OK. In spite of the havoc we just had in trying to make our point, I'd like to point out that the developers are all excited about the possibilities presented by the impending release of the Falcon. There are some excellent opportunities available right around the corner and the ball is in the Tramiel court. Let's hope there's not a fumble (to mix metaphors). Thanks for coming folks, and thanks for your interest and support of CodeHead Technologies products. <[Lou] L.ROCHA1> Thanks to you, John Eidsvoog. Give our best to Charles and the band and we wish you and all the CodeHeaders the best of luck in the future. ========================================================================== (C) 1992 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service; Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo) Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection, type HHH (RETURN) Wait for the U#= prompt. Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN. ========================================================================= > The Flip Side STR Feature "...a different viewpoint.." """"""""""""""""""""""""" A LITTLE OF THIS, A LITTLE OF THAT ================================== by Michael Lee ---------------- From David Beckemeyer (Beckemeyer Development) - Cat. 2, Topic 34, Msg. 154 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... The SCSI Tape Kit is now available. The introductory suggested retail price is $49.95 including the HD Toolkit backup software ($29.95 retail). Current owners of HD Toolkit may purchase just the SCSI Tape Kit for $20. The SCSI Tape Kit allows you to connect any standard SCSI tape drive to your Atari computer and use the HD Toolkit software to do tape backups. The HD Toolkit programs are fully GEM based, easy-to-use, fast, and reliable. Multiple partitions may be written to a single tape. Backup by file, directory, partition, or the entire disk at once. Has the ability to restore a single file or directory, or restore an entire partition. Save configurations, scripting, and more. ---------------- A quick run-down of Mountain Software's product line - From Anthony Watson (Mountain Software) - Cat.2, Topic 44, Msg. 3 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... The Recipe Box - A database dedicated to the storage, retrieval, and printing of recipes. Easy to use mouse controls, and '3D' buttons. Includes most 'standard' features such as search, batch printing, recipe ingredient resizing, etc. Store recipes in 22 definable catagories. Far too many features to go into, try it out! It's in the library. The Recipe Converter - A 'companion' to The Recipe Box, which allows you to convert recipes from Assistant Chef, Meal-Master, Qbook, Computer Chef, and others into a format usable by The Recipe Box. Easy-Go - A simple program launcher. Set up your favorite files in this menu, and run them with one click of the button! Easy mouse controls for adding files, renaming menu titles, moving menu items, or clearing items. Should run in any graphics mode on ST's or TT's. Automatically maintains seperate menu's for each graphic mode, allowing you to store only those files that run in that graphics mode! No more of those 'Wrong Resolution' messages! (Once the menu is properly set up!) NOTE: EASY-GO was intended for Hard Drive users only, though it can be run from a floppy drive. A bug has recently come to my attention. You will get a 'Path not found' error if you run a program from the root directory of the floppy disk! It only occurs with the floppy disk, and will work fine if the program you wish to run is in a subdirectory, or from any directory if it is run from a hard drive! This bug has been fixed, and will be in the next release! TUZZLE - A little tile game for the STE or TT computers. Uses the DMA sound hardware of the STE's for sound effects. Similar to the little puzzle games you may have played as a child? Note: Tuzzle is playable on standard ST's, though without sound effects! GFA BASIC MENU - A simple replacement menu for the GFA menu program that accompanied GFA BASIC 3.5E. Simplifies running the interpreter or compiling a program. This menu, unlike the original GFA menu, IS compatible with the Window Colors CPX! If you program in GFA BASIC you may wish to try this one out! (Freeware) S-10 Converter - A simple utility for converting sounds from the ROLAND S-10 Digital sampling keyboard, transmitting them via MIDI, to the STE DMA sound sample hardware format! Requires the Roland S-10 keyboard to operate! (Freeware) As always, all Mountain Software will run in ST Medium or ST High resolutions. Also, some of the newer releases have been 'resolution independant', allowing them to work in any graphics mode! Also, all Mountain Software programs SHOULD work on ANY ST! (Assuming sufficient RAM is available for a specific program?) Well, I think this covers them all? If I missed something, and you would like to know more, just ask! ---------------- Questions and answers from Cat. 4, Topic 1, Msgs 1-4 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... Question from Vern Hutz - I own both a 486-50 and the better machine "a TT030". In persuing the need to backup the PC I thought why not get a tape drive to do double duty. I have been met with more than the usual 'Atari has mor than game machines out?'. These are serious periferal drive companies, why don't they support this platform, are drivers that hard to write? What companies have tape drives out which can be used on both IBM and ATARI? Answer from Nathan Potechin (DMC Publishing) - Personally I am using one of ICD's Hard Drives with Tape Backup. It's fast, clean and works perfectly and guess what, ICD fully supports the Atari line. :- ) I believe they also sell a separate tape backup unit. Answer from Ron (Atari AD-Vantage) - Beckemeyer's Hard Disk Toolkit now supports a wide range of SCSI tape drives. A SCSI controller in your PC would allow you to share drives. Using the ICD Link, the same can be said for other SCSI peripherals between the ST and PC such as a Syquest removable media drive or the PLI Floptical. ---------------- Questions and answers from Cat. 4, Topic 16, Msgs 1-4 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... Question from Dom Alvear - This is the first of two survey questions. I am in the market for a new hard drive. I already have all the necessary items to hook it up, but I just need the drive. It needs to be at least 80Mb's and fairly fast. SCSI of course. 3.5" only. Let me know what you people think is the best drive out there and possibly where to get it. Answer from Joe Meehan - I have and have been very happy with both Quantam and Maxtor units. Answer from Wayne Watson - Try the Quantums or Maxtors. They are some of the best. Maxtor drives are a little more expensive but, they are built like bricks. Also, the Syquest 88 meg drive is a nice one also and, you can buy more cartridges and have another 88 meg for ~$110.00. The drive mech. will cost about $430.00. You can probably find it cheaper if you look in Computer Shopper. This drive is the removable cartridge type. Answer from Lou Rocha (sysop) - Dom, I have 2 Seagates and 1 Maxtor plus a Megafile 30 and 60. The only one that has ever given a problem is the Megafile 30 (Seagate internally) which occassionally fails to initialize. I am told this is due to a problem with the lubricant becoming dry. --------------- From John Trautschol (Missionware Software - Flash 2.0) - Cat. 8, Topic 2, Msg. 118 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... Hi everyone... There's been some confusion on some recent orders I've been getting for Flash II. Apparently someone (I don't know who) published the cor- rect price for the upgrade from the original Flash to Flash II ($30) but failed to include the $4 shipping and handling charge. The $4 really must be included! At $30 per copy for the program, our margins are slim as it is. The $4 *just* covers the actual postage and cost of the envelope that the product is shipped in. I make absolutely no profit on this! I do ask those who only send in $30 to please submit an extra check for $4 along with their registration card, but that's a real pain (although I'll say that only a couple of folks have never sent in their $4 - and that's too bad because they'll be excluded from any future upgrades - at least free ones - until they've paid up). I do ship all orders that only include the $30, trusting that the folks will send in the extra $4 later. However, if too many orders come in without the S&H charge, I'll have to start holding orders or I'll go broke! Thanks for your understanding and please, pass the message around. I and my cash flow will greatly appreciate it! :-) ---------------- Question and answer from Cat. 8, Topic 4, Msg 167-170 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... Question from J. Wilson - Heard of an Intel 9600 EX???? Got a chance to git one for less than $150...is it/will it workie with a Mega???? Answer from V.PATRICELL1 - I origionally bought an Intel 14.4 EX modem when I decided to go to a high speed modem (same basic modem but 14.4k speed instead of 9600 baud). I decided to send it back and get a USR Dual Standard instead so I could have HST and v.32 bis compatability. However, the Intel worked fine for a v.32 bis modem (the 9600 is only v.32). I own a Mega 4, BTW. $150 sounds like a pretty good deal since new it goes for @ $300. Intel has a 800 voicemail number (I don't have it offhand but you can call 1-800-555-1212 to get it) and it will allow you to select from a verbal menu and it will call a fax number you tell it back with all the specs and a brochure if you like. ---------------- Have you ever wondered what was the difference between YModem-G, YModem, and ZModem? - From Cat. 8, Topic 4, Msg. 168-175 - from the ST Round- table on Genie... Question from Ed Krimen - What's the difference between Ymodem-G and Zmodem? I understand that Ymodem-G, which requires a modem with error correction, does no error checking, while Zmodem does. Are there any other differences? Answer from Jim Ness - Actually, ymodem-g does do the same error checking as ymodem. However, since it has already gone on to the next packet, when an error is discovered, there is no way to recover, and the xfer aborts. Zmodem and CIS B+ have ways to go back and resend the erroneous packet. Ymodem does not, if it has already moved on. It can be a real pain, if you do have an error, after 100k of a 125k file has been received. That is why an error checking modem is really needed. Because ymodem does not have the zmodem capabilities, it has less overhead per packet. This results in the fastest file xfer available, here. Answer from Wayne Watson - Ymodem-G does require an error correcting modem. Ymodem-G is just like Ymodem Batch except it does not do any CRC checks. Since it doesn't do these checks, it relies on the modem to do the check and is supposed to be faster. I haven't found it to be much faster than Zmodem at all, at least not fast enough to make up for the benefits that Zmodem offers. Zmodem is a streamy type protocol (with the right portions of Zmodem implimen- ted) and doesn't really send any ACKS unless asked to do so (GEnie). This may be the reason there isn't much difference in speed for me. I do not use PC Pursuit anymore (in years) but, when I did, Zmodem made a BIG difference. I now call at 14.4K (when possible) using Reach Out America. If you are using 2400 baud only, then there is no real benifit in speed between Ymodem/Ymodem-G/Zmodem except Zmodem has some nice features like transfer resume. Sorry if the above message comes out sounding not right. I had wrist surgery today and my brain to left hand translation isn't as good as my brain to right hand translation. ---------------- From ZRATH-SMILEY - Cat. 9, Topic 22, Msg. 107 - from the ST Roundtable on Genie... Bad news from Microprose UK. I've just received the following letter: A.T.A.C., B-17 Flying Fortress, and Civilization are still being planned for the ST but have release dates of Spring next year. These are not definate and could possibly be changed or we may decide not to release the games at all. It could depend on the market trends at the time. The other titles that you mention - Covert Action, Gunship 2000, Planet Editor (UMS II), and Air Duel we have decided not to release. Well, how do you like them apples!?!??! Make your voice heard, write to the suckers! Microprose LTD Unit 1, Hampton Road Industrial Estate, Tetbury. Gloucestershire GL8 8LD. ---------------- Until next week..... ________________________________________________________________ > Falcon Specifications STR InfoFile A Class Act for sure! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" FALCON030 SPECIFICATIONS ======================== Contact: Sue Baelen or Anne Ellingson Ron Smith or Bill Rehbock Redgate Communications Atari Corporation (415) 777-3911 (408) 745-2000 (415) 777-0896 -fax (408) 745-2088 -fax Atari Falcon030(tm) Specifications System Architecture o Motorola 68030 operating at 16MHz o On-chip demand-paged memory management o Separate on-chip 256-byte instruction and data caches o Independent address and data buses for increased performance o Pipelined architecture o 32-bit data/address bus o 1,4 or 14 MB RAM configurations o 512 K internal ROM; 128 K external cartridge Sound o Eight 16-bit digital audio DMA record and playback channels with up to 50 kHz sampling rate o Stereo 16-bit digital DMA audio input/output o SDMA sound/DMA co-processor Digital Signal Processor o Motorola 56001 DSP operating at 32 MHz o 96 MOPS performance at 32 MHz o 32K words of 0 wait-state static RAM o DSP connector allows easy connection of low-cost 19.2K baud fax/data modems, voice mail systems, direct-to-disk digital audio recorders, JPEG/MPEG image compression, etc. Graphics o 640 X 480 resolution and 256 colors in Super VGA o True color 16-bit mode allows display of up to 65,536 colors o Accepts external video sync signal to allow high-quality genlocking o Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects o Optional overscan o 262,144 possible colors o Hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling o BLiTTER (tm) graphics co-processor Expansion Bus o Internal direct processor slot for 386SX PC emulation, DMA co-processors, etc. o Optional processor socket for other co-processors Standard Ports o SCSI II port with Direct Memory Access (DMA) o High-speed LocalTalk-compatible LAN port o Connector for analog RGB color (VGA or ST) or composite video o RS232C serial port o Bi-directional parallel printer port (also suitable for image scanners o Cartridge port (128 K capacity) o MIDI in/out o Miniature stereo plug input/output o Four 9-pin joystick connectors o Two 15-pin enhanced digital/analog controller and light pen connectors Data Storage o 1.44 MB floppy disk drive o MS-DOS-format compatibility o Optional internal IDE hard drive User Interface o Standard QWERTY keyboard layout. Low profile, sculptured ergonomic design o 94 keys; 10 function keys. Separate numeric and cursor keypads o Keyboard processor to reduce CPU overhead o 2-button mouse supplied as standard System Software o Pre-emptive multitasking with adaptive prioritization (MultiTOS) o Inter-process communication through MultiTOS messages and pipes o TOS operating system in ROM o Hierarchical file system with subdirectories and path names o Icon-based graphical user interface with self-explanatory command functions o On-line help o Multiple window user interface with icons and drop-down windows o NewDesk(tm) desktop and eXtensible Control panel allows customization by user ________________________________________________________________ > STEP AHEAD SOFTWARE NEWS! STR InfoFile STEPPING AHEAD! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" STEP AHEAD SOFTWARE to feature TRACKER/ST AND WINDOWS TRACKER/ST AT WAACE'92 ATARIFEST! Step Ahead Software is pleased to announce that we will be attending the WAACE Atarifest in Reston, VA on October 10th and 11th. We'll be sharing the huge Codehead Software double-booth, and will have a number of exciting items on display and for sale. Of course, our main attraction will be Tracker/ST, long recognized as the leading mailing list/mail merge program for the Atari ST. Used by thousands of satisfied Atari owners, Tracker hosts a number of powerful and unique features, such as the ability to keep unlimited notes on each person in the system, a one-click mail merge system, a very useful Quick Letter feature, and the ability to store an unlimited number of names in an unlimited number of separate mailing list files. At WAACE, we will have the full program for sale, as well as updates to the latest v3.04 of Tracker/ST ($25 for owners of v2.0-2.51, and just $2 for owners of v3.0 or greater). WAACE will also be the sight of the world premiere of Windows Tracker/ST! After fielding an ever-increasing number of requests for a Windows version of Tracker/ST from our registered users, Step Ahead Software is pleased to announce that a fully compatible Windows version of their leading mailing list/mail merge software is near completion. We'll be showing Windows Tracker/ST at WAACE, taking advance orders, and will ship the product on or before Election Day, 1992 (that's November 3rd). Tracker/ST for Windows is practically identical to the current version of Tracker/ST for the Atari ST, STe, and TT (v3.04). The Windows version looks the same, runs the same, and has practically all the same features. Transferring data from existing copies of Atari Tracker/ST is a breeze, and you can use all of your names, Long Notes, mail merge templates and Quick Letters from your Atari version in your Windows version. We're very pleased to be able to offer our dedicated Atari Tracker/ST owners a way to run one of their favorite and most relied-upon programs on the IBM clones that they may have at work, at school, or on a second machine at home. Please stop by our booth for a side by side demonstration of Tracker/ST and Windows Tracker/ST at WAACE! Along with Tracker/ST and Windows Tracker/ST, we'll be demoing and selling GEMvelope, the superb envelope printing program from Synergy Resources. GEMvelope is a desk accessory that prints envelopes complete with postal bar codes. And now Tracker and GEMvelope 'talk' to each other for a truly integrated mailing list/mail merge/mailing label/envelope printing solution. Finally, In addition to Tracker/ST, Windows Tracker/ST and GEMvelope, WordFlair II will also be in our booth. This fine document processor from Goldleaf Publishing uses Atari's new FSM GDOS with true font scaling. You can combine text, calculations, drawings and more into WordFlair documents, making it one of the most intriguing products in the ST marketplace. WAACE is always one of our favorite Atari shows, and we look forward to seeing many of our friends on October 10th and 11th. For more information about the items discussed here, please contact: Step Ahead Software 212-627-5830. Nevin Shalit President, Step Ahead Software, Inc. _____________________________________________________________ > MULTI-TOS! STR InfoFile Now Includes a Font Scaling Manager """"""""""""""""""""""" ATARI'S MULTI-TOS ================= News Release For Immediate Release Contact: Sue Baelen or Anne Ellingson Ron Smith or Bill Rehbock Redgate Communications Atari Corporation (415) 777-3911 (408) 745-2000 (415) 777-0896 -fax (408) 745-2088 -fax ATARI SHIPS NEW MULTITASKING OPERATING SYSTEM WITH ATARI FALCON030 PERSONAL INTEGRATED MEDIA SYSTEM Upgraded MultiTOS System Incorporates Notable New Capabilities Based on User Suggestions, Including Font Scaling Manager. BOSTON Atari Corporation announced today its new multitasking system, called MultiTOS. Available with the new Atari Falcon030 personal integrated media machine, the system will be available in November at Atari distributor around the country. "We took advantage of our strong user network and made many of our upgrades based on input from dedicated Atari users and developers around the world," said Leonard Tramiel, vice-president of system software for Atari. "We designed the operating system around the way people use computers. I believe the level of attention to users, and the degree to which this operating system addresses those concerns, is unique in the industry. We've built in more options and flexibility and at the same time dramatically improved performance." Immediate Pre-Emptive Multitasking Capabilities Atari's MultiTOS is compatible with existing applications and upgrades from software developers are not required. Running on the Atari Falcon030, MultiTOS takes advantage of the hardware memory protection built into Motorola's 68030. Users can confidently run a word processing program without quitting out of a database or electronic mail program first. Unlike offerings from other personal computer manufacturers' Atari's MultiTOS is pre-emptive. The system doesn't have to wait for permission from one application before switching to another task. "Other multitasking systems may leave a user waiting indefinitely, until a calculation or manipulation is completed before changing to another application," said Tramiel. "But MultiTOS is more sophisticated and will switch between applications automatically." The result is a true multitasking environment. Multiple applications can be left running in background windows as new tasks are started in the foreground window. A database program does not have to complete its sort before the user changes windows into a word processor. NewDesk(tm) Improved -------------------- In addition to the operating system enhancements, the graphic desktop NewDesk has also been upgraded. New features include: o Animated, color icons o 3-D buttons and scroll bars o Manipulate and resize background windows o "Drag and drop" across applications o Extensible file system support o Use soft-loaded fonts o Hierarchical and pop-up menus Font Scaling Manager -------------------- Word processing and desktop publishing users will be especially pleased with the addition of Font Scaling Manager (FSM). FSM makes it easy to view any font size by allowing applications to scale text to any point size. FSM also makes arbitrary font rotation and skewing possible, and allows direct manipulation of font characters' Bezier outlines for more advanced type effects. MultiTOS will ship with the Atari Falcon030, available November 1992. Additionally, MultiTOS will soon be available as an upgrade to Atari's TT030. Demonstrations can be seen at authorized Atari dealers around the country. Atari Corporation (AMEX:ATC) is a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of palmtop through desktop computer systems. The company sells its systems, peripherals and software through authorized distributors, resellers and integrators. _________________________________________________________________ > SDACE UNHAPPY! STR FOCUS! "....you let us down, again.." """"""""""""""""""""""""" SAN DIEGO ATARI COMPUTER ENTHUSIASTS SAY IT LIKE IT IS by Daniel B. Phillips, President, San Diego Atari Computer Enthusiasts Ah, finally time to sit down at my newly purchased used TT and report on our "success" here at the San Diego Computer Fair which was held September 18-20. It is also time for me to say some things to and about our friends at Atari Corp. This file is the result of encouragement (not exactly pressure) from the members of the San Diego Atari Computer Enthusiasts, of which group I am president, to go public with what transpired as opposed to keeping it "in-house" with Atari. Way back in May of 1992, two of my fellow officers began to get involved with ComputorEdge Magazine (San Diego's free multi-platform computer mag) and our SIG's parent organization, the San Diego Computer Society. They took on some of the organizing responsibilities for a large show (an estimate of 10,000 to attend) to be put on in September the week following the Atari Show in Glendale. Well, we figured this was perfect timing, as it would allow Atari to help us without much difficulty. After all, San Diego's just an hour and a half away from Glendale, and enough SDACE members would be present to enable US to carry everything down to make it even easier for Atari. So we committed to manning (and womanning) four booths at the show, confident that even Atari couldn't pass this deal up. We also got in contact with Bob Brodie, Atari's Director of Communications, and let him know what we would need, and when. We had decided to go all out. We planned for a Midi-Maze booth with two chains of 8 1040 STE's, complete with SC1435 monitors, a DTP booth featuring 2 TT030's with TTM194 monitors and SLM605 laser printers, and an education booth using Mega STE's to demo teachers' aid programs as well as Dorothy (I hope that's right) Brumleve's excellent software (which, I might add, she found the time to ship, AND gave to a school down here which is so desperate for computers that they will actually take Atari's). Come August, we (I) also committed to having a dedicated membership booth for our little group of approximately 80 members. (As it turned out, there also was a guy with a turn-key Atari embroidery stitching set-up which allows you to do those logos you see on ball caps and golf shirts. He didn't even know he could run other software on his machine! Guitar Center showed up as well, though there was a lot of "and Cubase works just as well on the Mac and IBM", even though they demo'ed on the Atari's.) Various attempts were made to nail down the particulars for the show, including calls, E-mail, and I believe, faxes. The best answer we got came in August, and that was a strong indefinite, "we can't say yes, we can't say no". Before that, I even went so far as to try to get in touch with Bob Brodie through Gail Bacani, Atari's developer rep (who is without a doubt, one of the most helpful people Atari has ever hired). Needless to say, I didn't get through. Now, I understand that our group hasn't been the most active around, but we have produced the likes of Darlah Potechin (Atari ST GEnie sysop), Mark Booth (once a software developer and currently part-time helper of Dave Small), Mike Bergman (author of DTPaint), and Richard Betson (retailer/distributor), and I'm sure other notables. Of the fore mentioned, one is still extremely active, one is tentative, another all but gone, and the last has given up (I think the CD-Rom fiasco was too much for him). I did manage to convince Reed Mason of AMH Sales, Atari's main music distributor, that he should loan us his personal TT and Mega STE. We are a stubborn lot, and we ARE in what has been called the computer capital of the U.S. (most machines per capita of any city in the U.S.), the last major market in California for Atari to exploit. We expected a little more than what we got. What did we get? I went to the September 12-13 Glendale show like any good Atari geek and confronted Bob personally. He was very affable and assured us that the equipment we saw at the show was slated to appear in San Diego (I was a little concerned at the propensity of TT's, we needed more STE's than TT's). He even said that James Grunke, VP in charge of the Music Division and now the unlucky recipient of the title of VP of Sales, was considering coming to San Diego and bringing our little friend, the FALCON! Needless to say, I was floating on air for the entire first day at Glendale. Forget the fact that I saw the Falcon doing a whole lot of nothing that my hopped-up 1040 STE couldn't, and that the only peripherals I saw were two amplified speakers (which I've had on my machine for at least a year). Bob suggested I talk to James to smooth out the rough edges for the show. James had already decided that there was no way for him to attend San Diego's show because the release of the Falcon at Boston was the Wednesday following, he simply didn't have time. That was fine, we never expected to be graced with a Falcon. The disturbing thing about our conversation was that he didn't know the logistics of Atari's hardware support, either. He told me to get in touch with him later, once he had a chance to talk to Bob. My attendance in the Calamus SL classes (which were pretty good, way to go Mario!), complicated matters and resulted in me not hearing James' page. Minor setback. Calls were made frantically Monday to talk to either Bob or James about shipping. Reed was very instrumental in getting information passed around. He told me to go ahead and leave the address for shipping. No problem. Well, everything seemed to be in control until Tuesday, September 15, two days before we were due to set-up for the show. Bob left a message on my answering machine. He hadn't realized that the show was so soon (we only told him for the first time in May and repeated it far too often thereafter), and due to the amount of work required for the September 23 release of the Falcon in Boston, he would not have time to ship us anything, and that Atari would try to make up for this error by donating some hardware to the group at a later date (by the way, two Falcons for the group and all the ATW800 software you can find for me, would be nice. :^)). I called Bob back in Sunnyvale, where he was still working at 9:30 PM (excellent commitment!), and we discussed Glendale, Boston, and his dismay at not being able to support us in San Diego. Now, I can appreciate the fact that Atari Corp. is down to about 100 employees from a high of somewhere around 10,000, but I find it hard to believe that no one could slap some labels on the Glendale equipment (which, no doubt, has STILL not been unpacked), and tell UPS to get it to San Diego, pronto. Heck, even if half of it was broken from use at Glendale, we would have been well supported. I really didn't think to complain that much until people kept reminding me how Atari has been doing this to people since day one and Reed Mason told me that he had committed his machines to Guitar Center because he was assured that we were well taken care of. Great. So, I had two days to get together at least 10 systems, and there's only one person in the group who has a TT. Without a TT, the best we had was a 25 MHz Mega ST4 with standard video (give me a break). As a matter of fact, all we had the first half of the first day was my lowly 4160 STE with Adspeed STE, TOS 2.06 (from the Codeheads, NOT Atari) and an Acer multisync showing standard 640X400 monochrome, blech! We got to borrow Reed's TT and TTM194 for the second half of the day. We still didn't get a second glance. I ended up buying the TT from the one guy in our group who had one because I needed it and he wanted to get a '486 for real development opportunities, then come back to Atari if the Falcon ever flies. If. On the second day, I showed TT WARS on the Acer monitor and that wowed people. I got a lot of "Atari... didn't they go out of business a couple of years ago?" But when they saw the speed of the TT and the color of Calamus SL, they were suitably impressed. I MIGHT even be able to sell some. One of the guys in SDACE said that the guy from the adjoining Mac/Aldus booth was even checking out Calamus. To sum things up, the first day I was so busy trying to adjust for Atari dumping us, that I went about 15 hours with only one bodily function, breathing. It was a nightmare. I couldn't even keep all the booths manned, we had little documentation to hand out and little to demo. I almost passed out driving up to pick up the Atari Transputer Workstation 800 a guy visiting the show offered to me for free (I ended up paying $20 for what was once a $7000 machine, but that's another story). The officials at ComputorEdge Magazine were amazed at the scope of displays we had for such a small group touting a dead, oops, I mean gasping and moaning and crawling on all fours, platform. Final attendance was 17,300, far too many people for Atari to ignore. Boston had, what, 500-1000, maybe? And I'm sorry, but the readers of the mainstream computer magazines which had reporters there are going to bloop right over that article about Atari. You've got to be in people's faces, like I was. You've got to be excited and competent, like I was. You've got to BE there, like I and more than a dozen dedicated SDACE members were. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to say, "No. Atari isn't supporting us with anything here at the show, we're on our own." You want some more salt for the wounds? An AMIGA dealer supplied us with joysticks and a mouseball (feeling suitably small, yet?) Hell, if it wasn't for my reputation and that of the members of my group, I would have blown it all off. This was for YOUR benefit, Atari, and you let us down, again. NOTICE: ------- This document was uploaded to the Atari ST RT on GEnie and to the SDACE BBS (619)265-2426 on September 27, 1992, by Daniel B. Phillips, President, San Diego Atari Computer Enthusiasts, and may be reprinted in any form as long as the meaning and intent of the text is not changed, and the author is noted. Editor Note: ------------ The author mentions the attendance at the BCS North American Falcon Debut was maybe 500-1000, the hall reputedly could only hold a max 500 and in reality, there was approx 150 people in attendance. ________________________________________________________________ > The TREASURE CHESTS STR Feature NEW AVAILABLE FILES """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" GOODIES GALORE! =============== by Doyle C. Helms Jr. Software Editor @ STReport I thought I would try a different format for the file presentations this week. I will group the files together according to the service on which they were posted. If you like this format let me know, if not, let me know. I will rotate the order of the services each week. If you are not a member of a particular service, let that not stop you from perusing the files of the "other" services. You may find that you will want to join the "other" services for a greater variety of download choices. I have also been thinking about file presentation in a format that would be universally acceptable to "clipping" and saving to your favorite database. Again, let me know what you you think! On with the show... Name: FRAC.LZH Address: [72241,405] Size: 29696 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: This is a demonstration program/acc and cpx of the DSP56001 capabilities. It calculates a Mandelbrot fractal using the 680X0, the 68882 or the DSP. The DSP sources is given as a Falcon DSP programming example. The .LOD file needs to be in the same directory than the CPX or PRG/ACC executable in order to be loaded (just like a .RSC file) if you got a Falcon :-) This demo was written by Brainstorm, the french company who made the Falcon DSP debugger. Uploaded with the Atari France approval. Name: RAMTST.ARC Address: [76702,1466] Size: 26513 [CIS] Description: A very nice Shareware memory testing program from the Netherlands. The documentation for the program contains an extremely good explanation of how memory chips can fail, and ways of testing for these failures. It also gives some suggestions as to how often you should test your RAM. Note that a printer or modem is required as an output device, as the screen memory is tested too. The testing program runs very quickly too..! Name: WINES.LZH Bytes: 82581 Address: [70007,3615] Size: 82851 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: Wines - One of the more impressive HAPs, this HyperLINK Application provides large amounts of information on the various wine vintages based on their country of origin with maps of the various regions and more. Name: WHEEL.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 30208 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: A very specific HAP based on bicyle wheel designs and parts. It provides an interesting example of how HyperLINK can be used. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: VCRHAP.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 6016 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: Keep track of your VCR tapes, and includes links to a database of actors, and then even back to the original VCR HAP. Nothing too complex here but surprisingly popular among users. Name: STOCKS.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 1968 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: A Sample database to keep track of your stock portfolio. Includes purchase pricing fields and other info to illustrate the performance of any securities you may own. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: STAT20.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 52736 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: A Disk magazine using HyperLINK to combine articles with pictures and data. The Hamilton, Burlingoth, Oakville (HBO) User Group designed this HAP as a prototype for further development. Name: SOFTWR.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 46336 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: SOFTWARE database - to keep track of shareware collection and info on the authors and other features necessary for using commerical software like price for example. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: RUNHLK.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 172032 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: HYPER-LINK run-time module. Allows you to run any of the many hyperlink applications currently available. This run-time module can be freely distributed. From JMG software Name: REPAIR.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 14515 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: A HAP to track parts, labor and more. Provides a modifiable shell to any repair operation you may operation. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: REALTY.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 53095 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: A Real Estate oriented application, integrating house pictures on the with pricing and any notes that might be appropriate. Included with this HAP are some amusing sample records ... Name: RACER.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 32512 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: Provides a log book of race results, including laptimes and much more. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: PLANET.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 27863 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: Planets - as you would imagine, this contains info and pictures on the various planets in our solar system. Name: PAPYRU.LZH Address: [75026,3412] Size: 379264 [CIS] [GEnie] Description: Demo version (prints some characters backwards) of an EXCELLENT document processor from Germany that I found on another service. I liked it so well that I thought CIS users would want to see it. All in German. German descriptive docs and order form included. If you are interested, write to distributor Digital DeskTop to encourage an English language version. Name: MENU.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 19968 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: Designed for restaurant use, this provides a recipe book, along with a pretty fancy menu planner. The database included here, even includes recommendations about the right wine to use with what food, and not just red or white, but also how dry a wine to serve. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: COMIC.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 5663 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: For those who enjoy comic book collecting. This HAP is for you. Requires HyperLINK run-time module. Name: COINBK.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 19840 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: HAP is for any coin collector out there. Its features financial valuations of various rare coins and has the ability for other coins to be added. Requires HyperLINK run-time module to run. Name: 1993_4.LZH Address: [70410,2756] Size: 41728 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: This is a 1993 Calendar made up using Calamus 1.09N. This version is only for those of you with 4 meg machines as it won't load in 1 or 2 meg ST's. Note: This was done in LANDSCAPE format. If you only have 1 or 2 megs, download 1993_1.lzh. Name: 1993_1.LZH Address: [70410,2756] Size: 51968 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: This is a 1993 Calendar that I made up using Calamus 1.09N. Please note that this version is for 1 and 2 meg ST users. It's the same as the 4 meg version, I just broke it up into six .CDK files. Each one prints out 2 months. ie: 1_2CAL.CDK is for the months of January and February. Note, that if you have a 4 meg Atari download 1993_4.lzh. Name: MOLCLE.PRG Address: [70007,3615] Size: 73728 [CIS] [Delphi] Description: Molecular modeling program. Lots of features. This file is a self extracting archive. Just double click on it to make it self extract. Name: GEODSC.LZH Address: [70007,3615] Size: 126746 [GEnie] [CIS] [Delphi] Description: This program was written for the love of perfect symmetry and the beauty of geodesic domes. This is a program that allows one to create spherical triangles. Also has a move movie feature for rotating the objects ... its great way to learn about surfaces, geometry and all of the fun things in math. This program is by Ray McKaig. This is also very interesting for anyone remotely interested in art. Very enjoyable learning experience. Name: W9373UPD.LZH Address: CODEHEAD Size: 78336 [GEnie] [CIS] [Delphi] Description: Look out, it's still another free bug-fix update from CodeHead Technologies! This LZH archive contains everything you need to update version 3.72 of Warp 9 to version 3.73. Some earlier versions of TOS didn't get along with Warp 9's automatic picture loading feature; the update fixes this, and a few other small bugs. See Category 32 for more information about Warp 9 -- now with Extend-O-Save, the modular screensaver! (And see file #25744 for a complete description of the new release, including upgrade policies from pre-3.70 versions.) Name: RECIPE34.LZH Address: A.WATSON6 Size: 77696 [GEnie] [Delphi] Description: This version fixes two minor bugs in The Recipe Box. The Recipe Box is a database dedicated to the storage, retrieval, and printing of recipes. Includes Search feature, Ingredient resizing, Batch printing, 3 print modes, Importing/Exporting, and much more. Shareware by Mountain Software. Name: E_SPELL.LZH Address: BAGET Size: 34048 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: HEY...ELIEMOUSE IS COMING TO THE FAIR (WAACE FAIR, THAT IS). As part of Eliemouse's debut we at Baggetta_Ware are offering this shareware game for elementary school age children called, "Eliemouse's Spelling Hunt." It is a educational and fun game that introduces young children to colors, directions, and spelling 5-letter words. Modled on text adventure game scheme but with lots of color and sound and, of course, Eliemouse. Come and see us and all the Baggetta_Ware products at WAA, for the first time. Color monitor required. Unpack with .lzh unpacker. Documentation included. Name: HP_5196.LZH Address: R.BROWN30 Size: 3200 [GEnie] Description: PageStream, the ultimate labeling system, now handles the AVERY 5196 3.5 inch Micro Diskette Laser Labels! Tested on PostScript Laser and HP DeskJet 500C, HP_5196.LZH contains HP_5196.MAC and README_5.196, a macro file for PageStream and instructions for use. The macros provide EXTREMELY flexible label creation scenarios. See the README file for complete details! Also see HP_5160.LZH for PageStream macro control over the AVERY 5160 label, right here on GEnie! Fast an powerful, these are musts for PgS users and label users! Name: BUGBIRTH.LZH Address: B.KOLINS1 Size: 917376 [GEnie] Description: As the description implies... Excerpt of animation in CyberPaint's .SEQ format (to support a palette change) - 242 frames long. Created with CyberSculpt and Chronos. Screen scaled 65% to make the file size more managable. Name: DESKMSTR.LZH Address: E.GOODMAN Size: 35200 [GEnie] Description: This is a Desktop Manager from Digital Media, a new MultiMedia Software developer for the ST and Falcon. It is compatible with DeskManager preset files, makes switching VERY easy. DEMO program works from DRIVE A only. TT Compatible in all resolutions. Name: HP_5160.LZH Address: R.BROWN30 Size: 4352 [GEnie] Description: HP_5160.LZH is your key to ATARI-based Avery Laser Printer Label power using PageStream as the ultimate label creator for the HP DeskJet or other printer. Easily create 1 to 30 labels, all alike, different, or in combinations thereof. Add graphics to multiple individual labels, or 3, 10, 15, or 30 labels at a time. AND DO IT ALL WITH ONE BUTTON POWER. This is an elegant example of PageStream's function key macro power. Works with AVERY 5160 labels, 1 x 2 5/8 inches, which features 30 labels up on an 8.5 x 11 page. Works for all printers, optimized for DeskJet 500C. README file tells ALL... Name: MOIRE.LZH Address: J.PIERCE5 Size: 11136 Description: This is a moire-type screensaver for monochrome monitors. It's not like the Mac version with a Qix-type animation, but a genuine Moire pattern. DOES NOT WORK ON COLOR SYSTEMS. Name: SPC3375.LZH Address: J.PIERCE5 Size: 14208 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: Version 1.6 of this fabulous Spectrum slideshow program incorporates automatic CPU speed adjustment for the Mega STE. No more shifting down to 8 MHz before using it. As usual, it flickers the colors on a normal ST to simulate 3375 of 4096 colors of an STE Spectrum picture. Name: SPC-THUMB Address: FREDTUT Size: 63104 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: SPC-Thumb is an interesting program. It will create thumbnail pictures from a group and put them all on the screen at once. You can choose from 4 to 16 pics,in grayscale or Spectrum. It will read in Spectru, Degas, Tiny or Neochrome formats. Registered owners can put 25 pics on screen at once. It's VERY FAST too. Another awesome program from DMJ-Soft! Name: MHZ11.LZH Address: J.PIERCE5 Size: 8960 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: MHz is a TSR that allows Mega STE owners to switch CPU speeds using a hotkey. Version 1.1 has some minor bug fixes dealing with AUTO folder installation. Name: GW_DISK4.ARC Address: GWULRICH Size: 301568 [GEnie] Description: This is a replacement file for GW_DISK4.ARC previously file 25884. There was an inadvertent problem with that file. This is GW_DISK4.ARC, four of five files required for God's Word 2 (c), a Bible reserch and study tool. The other files are GODSWORD.TXT, GW_DISK1.ARC, GW_DISK2.ARC, GW_DISK3.ARC. God's Word 2 (c) is share ware and may be freely distributed through BBS's, Electronic Inform- ation Services and User Group libraries provided that all files incorporated in God's Word 2 (c) remain intact and stay together. Commercial distribution or distribution through or by commercial Public Domain software distributors is strictly prohibited. Name: SPCTHUMB.LZH Address: J.PIERCE5 Size: 63104 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: SPC-Thumb is an interesting program. It will create thumbnail pictures from a group and put them all on the screen at once. You can choose from 4 to 16 pics, in grayscale or Spectrum. It will read in Spectru, Degas, Tiny or Neochrome formats. Registered owners can put 25 pics on screen at once. It's VERY FAST too. Another awesome program from DMJ-Soft! Color monitor required. TT Compatible (though not viewing SP? pics) Name: GODSWORD.TXT Address: GWULRICH Size: 3968 [GEnie] Description: GODSWORD.TXT is five of five files required for God's Word 2 (C), a Bible research and study tool. The other files are GW_DISK1.ARC, GW_DISK2.ARC, GW_DISK3.ARC and GW_DISK4.ARC. God's Word 2 (C) is shareware and may be freely distributed through BBS's, Electronic Information Services and User Group libraries provided that all files incorporated in God's Word 2 (C) remain intact and stay together. Commercial distribution or distribution through or by commercial Public Domain software distributors is strictly prohibited. Name: GW_DISK3.ARC Address: GWULRICH Size: 544384 [GEnie] Description: GW_DISK3.ARC is third of five files required for God's Word 2 (C), a Bible research and study tool. The other files are GODSWORD.TXT, GW_DISK1.ARC, GW_DISK2.ARC and GW_DISK4.ARC. God's Word 2 (C) is shareware and may be freely distributed through BBS's, Electronic Information Services and User Group libraries provided that all files incorporated in God's Word 2 (C) remain intact and stay together. Commercial distribution or distribution through or by commercial Public Domain software distributors is strictly prohibited. Name: GW_DISK2.ARC Address: GWULRICH Size: 688128 [GEnie] Description: GW_DISK2.ARC is two of five files required for God's Word 2 (C), a Bible research and study tool. The other files are GODSWORD.TXT, GW_DISK1.ARC, GW_DISK3.ARC and GW_DISK4.ARC. God's Word 2 (C) is shareware and may be freely distributed through BBS's, Electronic Information Services and User Group libraries provided that all files incorporated in God's Word 2 (C) remain intact and stay together. Commercial distribution or distribution through or by commercial Public Domain software distributors is strictly prohibited. Name: BACKCOPY.LZH Address: DRAGONWARE Size: 3584 [GEnie] [CIS] [Delphi] Description: This program is the first in a line of Multitasking Programs for PowerDOS. This program is FreeWare (C) 1992 PowerPoint software, DragonWare Software Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! Name: GW_DISK1.ARC Address: GWULRICH Size: 614656 [GEnie] Description: GW_DISK1.ARC is one of five files required for God's Word 2 (C), a Bible research and study tool. The other files are GODSWORD.TXT, GW_DISK2.ARC, GW_DISK3.ARC and GW_DISK4.ARC. God's Word 2 (C) is shareware and may be freely distributed through BBS's, Electronic Information Services and User Group libraries provided that all files incorporated in God's Word 2 (C) remain intact and stay together. Commercial distribution or distribution through or by commercial Public Domain software distributors is strictly prohibited. Name: SILKM206.ARC Address: M.SLAGELL Size: 22912 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: A uniquely smooth, fast, well-behaved mouse accelerator A screen saver that won't intrude on your work. A cure for Atari's phantom function key bug (SILKFKEY algorithm) SILKMOUS.PRG is fully functional, not a timed demo. Shareware from SilkWare ($10). Name: P_DOS1_2.LZH Address: DRAGONWARE Size: 22144 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: This New Version of PowerDOS fixes some of the bugs reported by users. This program does NOT come with a PowerDOS folder or Configure file. To get those download V 1.01 all other files are Upwardly compatible! (C)1992 PowerPoint software, DragonWare Software Inc. ALL Rights reserved! Name: WATCHDOG.ARC Address: J.HAWTHORNE Size: 19072 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: Program that has helped me utilize some of the features of GFA basic it is a program that when called logs the time and date to a disk file.In addition it keeps track of up to 100 log ons in the disk file source code available on request. Name: ANCIENT.LZH Address: D.BECKER8 Size: 40192 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: The Ancient Art of ASCII. Experience an art form from the dawn of the computer age! By placing small and large characters of the alphabet in spots corresponding to a DEGAS pictures light and dark areas you can trick the eye into still perceiving the original image, now converted entirely to text! Get out your pocket protector, find that DEGAS pic of Snoopy and lets create some ASCII art! Mono freeware. Use Quester's LZH (lh5) to extract. Name: 123JUMBL.LZH Address: D.BECKER8 Size: 21888 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: 123 Jumble lets kids sort the numbers after the computer jumbles them up. Completely configurable. GEM point and click interface is easy for children to learn and use. Mono educational freeware. Use Quester's LZH (lh5) to extract. Name: COYOTE.LZH Address: D.BECKER8 Size: 151040 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: Coyote Dave's Poker. Welcome to the wild west. Grab a chair, choose a table in the saloon and sit yourself down for some 5 card draw poker. You'll have a chance to play against some of the most treacherous characters north of the Rio Grande. I'm not talking about 2 dimensional computer simulations, these are real folks! Digitized sound effects, graphics and it's freeware. Mono. Name: LPRINT.LZH Address: P.LEFEBVRE Size: 20352 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: This program will print ASCII text files to a printer connected to either the serial port or the parallel port. It can print in the background or be set up as an installed application. Line numbers are optional and printer width can be 80, 96, or 132. A single line heading is printed at the top of each page and contains the filename and page number. FREEWARE by Paul Lefebvre Name: EXTEND-O-SAVE CONSTRUCTION SET ADDRESS:CODEHEAD Size: 15488 [CIS] [Delphi] [GEnie] Description: Here's the Extend-O-Save Construction Set -- complete information on how to write modules for Warp 9's new "Extend-O-Save" screensaver! This LZH file includes the assembly language source code for a working module (Picture Fader), and a text file explaining the programming specifications in detail. Flying toasters, anyone? This file is Copyright 1992 CodeHead Technologies, but may be freely distributed provided it is complete and unaltered. Name: DIEAGAIN.MOD Address: JLEHETT Size: 313702 [Delphi] Description: Die Again .MOD file. Quite a few voice samples (from Starwars). A pretty 'dark' mod file, but interesting none-the- less. Name: MODS LIKE CRAZY, MAN!!!!!!! Address: ATARIPOWER7 [Delphi] Description: Here's an awesome passle of MOD files, I've looked for matches in filename and Keyword so hopefully dupes will be kept to a minimum. Some of these are from a CD ROM on a 486/33 BBS I CoSysop, some are from who knows where.... Now, lessee if I can get all 31 of 'em up right now! OH, Yes, they ALL work with Paula 1.5 and 2.0, Jukebox, and BackTrack 2.3, tho there are some that will need to be converted if using Modplay.TTP..... ... I'm using a Mega STe 4/48/1.44/2.06 and have all works fine, I reccomend Paula 2.0 cause you can set it to play 'em all, one by one or randomly! KEYWORDS: MUSIC, MOD, 7, A2, BALAD, BETTYBET, CYBER, DISCO_GR, DR_WHO, INTHEAIR, KEF_VECT, LITTLECH, MUNKJAMS, MUZAK, NIGHTFALL, RAA, RAINYNIGHT, ROBOTRON.2, ROCKING1, SAD_HISTORY, SAHARA, SHADOWFI, SOVIET, SPACETRAVELLING, STARSCROLL, STRESS, SUN, THINGZCHANGE, TUBULARBELLS, TUNE2, TUNE3, V48, WOWST Contents: 1 7 (Size: 80934 Count: 5) 2 A2 (Size: 59554 Count: 5) 3 BALAD (Size: 60941 Count: 4) 4 BETTY BET (Size: 27691 Count: 4) 5 CYBER (Size: 34377 Count: 4) 6 DISCO GROOVE (Size: 67210 Count: 4) 7 DR. WHO (Size: 86432 Count: 4) 8 IN THE AIR (Size: 27960 Count: 4) 9 KEFRENSVECTOR (Size: 67743 Count: 3) 10 LITTLE CHINA (Size: 16312 Count: 3) 11 MUNK JAMS (Size: 22160 Count: 3) 12 MUZAK (Size: 28433 Count: 3) 13 NIGHTFALL (Size: 70827 Count: 3) 14 RAA (Size: 54577 Count: 3) 15 RAINY NIGHT (Size: 135867 Count: 3) 16 ROBOTRON 2 (Size: 68640 Count: 5) 17 ROCKING 1 (Size: 23196 Count: 3) 18 SAD HISTORY (Size: 53418 Count: 3) 19 SAHARA (Size: 61207 Count: 3) 20 SHADOWFI (SPACEDWEEB) (Size: 57339 Count: 3) 21 SOVIET (MIG 29) (Size: 88242 Count: 3) 22 SPACETRAVELLING (Size: 75931 Count: 3) 23 STARSCROLL (Size: 86444 Count: 3) 24 STRESS (Size: 56054 Count: 4) 25 SUN (Size: 29264 Count: 3) 26 THINGZ CHANGE (Size: 25642 Count: 3) 27 TUBULARBELLS (Size: 22732 Count: 6) 28 TUNE 2 (Size: 38777 Count: 3) 29 TUNE 3 (Size: 14631 Count: 3) 30 V48 (Size: 34893 Count: 1) 31 WOWST (Size: 62018 Count: 1) Name: MOD FILES - EARLY "B'S" Address: JLEHETT [Delphi] Description: Some of the "b's" from mod files available from ftp sites... let me know if you want more! Some of these are Amiga .MOD files, so you may have to rename them with something the Atari can deal with. (Mostly making .MOD the extender.) Contents: 1 BALAD.LZH (Size: 62563 Count: 4) 2 BATDANCE.LZH (Size: 217136 Count: 5) 3 BATMEAT.LZH (Size: 182418 Count: 4) 4 BEACHHD2.LZH (Size: 37436 Count: 5) Name: UNCLELOK 1.0 Address: GREGTATE Size: 24064 [Delphi] Description: Keep friends, neighbors, family, kids, animals (maybe some household appliances) from playing w/your computer while you step out for a moment. Just enter a password and lock them out ! OPTIONS include transparent replace mode, screen saver,menu hiding and your own personal message to that inquisitive friend . ST/TT compatible in ALL resolutions. Well that is about it for this week, Until next time... _________________________________________________________________ > STReport CONFIDENTIAL "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips" """"""""""""""""""""" - Sunnyvale, CA DOWNSIZING & CONSOLIDATION CONTINUES ------------- Atari, in an ongoing effort to create better efficiency and better communications among its various divisions and departments, has closed down its facilties in both Lombard, a suburb of Chicago Il., a game development facility with 20 employees and Dallas, Tx., Atari Microsystems an R&D facility with 40 employees. Atari maintains that the employees of these facilities may move to Sunnyvale along with the facilities thus, ensuring that no positions will be lost if everyone agrees to move. Additionally, its been reported the Taiwanese facility, an interface operation with Atari's subcontractors has laid off 12 people as certian of this facility's functions will be assumed by Sunnyvale and Atari's Hong Kong office. - New York City, NY ATARI TO ATTEND WAACE! ----------------- Bill Rehbock will be attending WAACE and along with him will be a few Falcons for everyone to see and use! As funds are tight and Atari is being extremely careful in how they proceed with the new machine, Its great news to see they have decided to attend the show. See you all at WAACE! - Rockford, IL ICD * PRO * SOFTWARE AVAILABLE! ------------ ICD made it known their software does support any device on the SCSI port as well as the ASCI port. According to our contact at ICD you can connect your CD-ROM to either that SCSI port or your host adapter. So you do not need a Link if you are going to leave your host adapter on your TT030. It was also made known that you can purchase the "PRO" version of their software to allow you to have full access to all the disk caching features without being forced to keep a host adapter attached to you TT. The price was going to be between $50.00 and $75.00. (ICD is world famous for its powerful, hardware management software) - Los Angeles, CA. CODEHEAD SPORTS NEW TEC DESIGN ---------------- Codehead Technologies has begun to provide a newer design to its famous TOS upgrade system. It the BUS TEC with a feed thru bus connector. Now all those folks with other cards in the Mega Bus connector can now enjoy the use of TOS 2.06 and Codehead's TEC. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" STReport's "EDITORIAL CARTOON" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > A "Quotable Quote" Thought for this week """"""""""""""""" "Some peoples idea of free speech is that they are free to say anything they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage..." Winston Churchill """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > ABCO SPECIALS! STR InfoFile * NEW 1992 Prices! MORE Products! * """"""""""""""""""""""""""" ------------------------------- ** EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! ** NOTICE: ABCO will BEAT OR MATCH * ANY * Advertised or Invoiced price * WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! ABCO COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ========================= P.O. Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672 Est. 1985 _________________________________________ Voice: 904-783-3319 10 AM - 4 PM EDT BBS: 904-786-4176 12-24-96 HST FAX: 904-783-3319 12 PM - 6 AM EDT _________________________________________ HARD DISK SYSTEMS TO FIT EVERY BUDGET _________________________________________ All systems are complete and ready to use, included at NO EXTRA COST are clock/calendar and cooling blower(s). *-ALL ABCO HARD DISK SYSTEMS ARE FULLY EXPANDABLE-* (you are NOT limited to two drives) - Available for all Platforms - -* ICD LINK & ADSCSI PLUS HOST ADAPTERS USED EXCLUSIVELY *- WE PAY SHIPPING & INSURANCE!!! >UPS!< (Cont. USA) VISA - MASTERCARD - NO SURCHARGE! *_*_*_* WAACE'92 SPECIAL "CELEBRATE THINGS ATARI" ABCOFILE 80mb Hard disk System - $ 419.95! Assembled Ready to run! Includes either the ICD ADSCSI PLUS _or_ THE LINK & DMA Cable Installed in our NEW "Super Style" Case! (exp 11/15/92) *_*_*_* *** NEW!!! ULTRA MODERN "SUPER STYLE" ABCOFILE CASE *** DELUXE 2 bay Cabinet W/65w Auto PS & Blower $119.00 Case & ICD LINK or ADSCSI PLUS Host [Hard Disk Ready] $259.95 Model Description Autopark Price ================================================== SGN4951 51Mb 3.5" Y 419.00 SQN1096 83mb 3.5" Y 519.00 SQN2055 120mb 3.5" Y 574.95 SQN1296 213mb 3.5" Y 839.00 SQN4055 340mb 3.5" Y 1310.00 ================================================== Standard "Shoebox Cabinet style is also available MODERN TOWER CABINETS AVAILABLE Call for Info! PLEASE NOTE: The above is partial listing only! Many other configurations available. 20mb - 3.5gb NOTICE - NOTICE - NOTICE - NOTICE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" SPECIAL PURCHASE! * 83mb - 1345mb * Hard Disk Mechanisms Call for SUPER PRICING!! Limited Time Only!! FULLY ASSEMBLED SCSI DRIVES w/o ICD LINK Available ADD $35.00 for 4 BAY SUPER CABINET w/250+w PS EXOTIC TOWER CABINETS AVAILABLE Call for Info! PLEASE NOTE: The above is partial listing only! FAST TECHNOLOGY ACCELERATOR UPGRADES AVAILABLE & INSTALLED ***** >> ABCO proudly offers ATARI PRODUCTS << Call for ABCO's * HIGHLY COMPETITIVE PRICING! * ATARI COMPUTERS * STILL THE BEST VALUE! ***** Original Atari Mouse replacement: $35.00 NEW! If you don't see what you want listed here, call us. Odds are, we either have it or, can get it for you! * GUARANTEED * AT THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE! * ** 800-562-4037 ** "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" ****** SPECIAL - SPECIAL ****** * SYQUEST 44MB (#555) >> ABCOFILE "44" & "88" * * REMOVABLE MEDIA DRIVES * --->> LIMITED TIME SPECIAL! NOW ONLY 44MB $ 559.00 <<--- 88MB $ 659.00 WE PAY SHIPPING & INSURANCE! >UPS!< (Cont. USA) COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED AND READY TO RUN! Cart and Utility Software Included! 44mb CARTS: $ 69.50 88mb CARTS: $ 109.50 44mb MECH ONLY: $ 339.95 88mb MECH ONLY: $ 439.95 ****** SPECIAL - SPECIAL ****** * TWIN SYQUEST 44MB REMOVABLE MEDIA DRIVES ... PROGRAMMER'S DELIGHT * SPECIALLY PRICED ** $895.95.00 ** Includes: * TWO * cartridges! * SYQUEST 44MB REMOVABLE MEDIA DRIVE AND HARD DRIVE COMBINATIONS * - Syquest 44 Model [555] and the following hard drives - ** 50mb SQG51S $759.00 105mb SQG105S $959.00 ** Or, YOUR choice of Hard Disk Mechanism! LOWBOY - STANDARD - DUAL BLOWER CABINETS CUSTOM CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE ** ANNOUNCING THE NEW! -> ABCO CD-ROM! ** :Special Introductory offer: ABCO CD-ROM $489.95 Listed above are a sampling of the systems available. Prices also reflect various cabinet/power supply configurations (over sixty configurations are available, flexibility is unlimited) * IBM - MSDOS - AMIGA - ATARI - APPLE - MACINTOSH * ALL UNITS COMPATIBLE WITH --> SUPERCHARGER - AT/PC SPEED - GCR LARGER units are available - (Custom Configurations) *>> NO REPACKS OR REFURBS USED! <<* - Custom Walnut WOODEN Cabinets - TOWER - AT - XT Cabinets - Atari SLM 804, SLM 804PCV Laser Toner Kits Memorex 2108, 5287 Oasys Laserpro 5287, 5308, Express 830, Express Series II Silver Express, Gold Express ** $41.95 shipping Included ** Atari SLM 605 Laser Toner Kits AT&T 593, CAF Laser, DSI Laser, DTP Systems, Epson EPL-6000 Facit P6060, Fontx Syslaser, Harris3M 2006, M-Tally MT905 Microtek Turbo PS, OAS Laserpro Executive, Packard Bell 9500 TEC LB 1305, Toshiba PageLaser 6 ** $41.95 shipping included ** (TWO Toner Carts Incl.) Panasonic Laser Toner Kits Panasonic KX -P 400 series, Panafax UF-750 Facsimile ** $41.95 shipping included ** -- ALL TONER KITS * IN STOCK * -- * Toner Starter Kits-$62.95 * * Replacement (804) Drums-$186.95 * ABCO is PROUD to announce the acquisition of the exclusive U.S.A. distribution rights for ** Bitblit Software's ///Turbo Board BBS. ** This fine Atari ST BBS system software and user support is available through ABCO to all Turbo customers in the USA. Call for current pricing. >> MANY other ATARI related products STOCKED << ALL POWER SUPPLIES UL APPROVED -* 12 month FULL Guarantee *- (A FULL YEAR of COVERAGE) WE PAY SHIPPING & INSURANCE! >UPS!< (Cont. USA) QUANTITY & USERGROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! _________________________________________ DEALERS and DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! please, call for details VISA - MASTERCARD - NO SURCHARGE! Personal and Company Checks accepted. ORDER YOUR NEW UNIT TODAY! CALL: 1-800-562-4037 -=**=- CALL: 1-904-783-3319 Customer Orders ONLY Customer Service 9am - 8pm EDT Tues thru Sat ABCO is EXPANDING!! CALL FOR INFORMATION! SEND FOR YOUR NEW ABCO CATALOG TODAY! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" STReport International Online Magazine [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport Available through more than 10,002 Private BBS systems WorldWide! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" STR Online! "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE" October 02, 1992 Since 1987 copyright (c) 1987-92 All Rights Reserved No.8.40 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of the editors/staff, PCReport, STReport, AMReport, MCReport. Permission to reprint articles is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted. Each reprint must include the name of the publication, date, issue number and the author's name. The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in any way without prior written permission. The entire contents, at the time of publication, are believed to be reasonably accurate. The STR editors, contributors and or staff are not responsible for the use or misuse of information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""