SILICON TIMES REPORT ==================== INTERNATIONAL ONLINE MAGAZINE ============================= from STR Electronic Publishing Inc. A subsidiary of STR Worldwide CompNews Inc. June 16, 1995 No. 1124 ====================================================================== Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine Post Office Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32221-6155 R.F. Mariano, Editor Featured in ITCNet's ITC_STREPORT Echo ----------------------------------------- Voice: 1-904-783-3319 10am-4pm EST STR Publishing Support BBS * THE BOUNTY INTERNATIONAL BBS * Featuring: * 4.5GB * of Download Files Operating with * Mustang Software's WILDCAT! BBS v4.10 * Fully Networked within the following Nets: ITCNet 85:881/253 JAX HUB ~ FIDO Net 1:112/35 Prowl ~ USPOLNet ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:301/3 Delivered via Subscriber List through Internet 904-786-4176 MULTI-NODE 24hrs-7 days 2400-115.2 bps V.32-34 v.42 bis 28.8 Hayes Optima 28.8 V.FC Data/Fax USRobotics D/S Data/Fax 28.8 V.34 Everything FAX: 904-783-3319 12am-6am EST ----------------------------------------- The Bounty STReport Support Central .... 1-904-786-4176 FNET. 620 : Leif's World ................1-904-573-0734 FNET. 690 : PASTE BBS....................1-206-284-8493 FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981 MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642 ______________________________________________________________________ > 06/16/95 STR 1124 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!" """"""""""""""""" - CPU INDUSTRY REPORT - NEW Hayes Modems - Internet SMUT Laws - 133Mhz Pentium - IBM mftr's MAC Clone - MSN SCRUTINIZED - Apple CUTS MAC $$ - D-LITE UPDATE FAQ - DELRINA UPDATES - CATnips! - People Talking - Jaguar NewsBits -* Justice BROADENS Microsoft Probe *- -* Lotus Oks IBM Takeover *- -* Europe PROBES Microsoft Plan *- ========================================================================== STReport International OnLine Magazine The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine -* FEATURING WEEKLY *- "Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information" Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports ========================================================================== STReport's BBS - The Bounty BBS, invites all BBS systems, worldwide, to participate in the ITC/Fido/Internet/PROWL/USENET/USPOLNet/NEST/F-Net Mail Networks. You may also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 1-904-786-4176. Enjoy the wonder and excitement of exchanging all types of useful information relative to all computer types, worldwide, through the use of excellent International Networking Systems. SysOps and users alike worldwide, are welcome to join STReport's International Conferences. ITC Node is 85:881/250, The Fido Node is 1:112/35, Crossnet Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is #620. All computer enthusiasts, hobbyist or commercial on all platforms and BBS systems are invited to participate. ========================================================================== HTTP//WWW.ICBA.COM/STREPORT CIS ~ DELPHI ~ GENIE ~ BIX ~ FIDO ~ ITC ~ NEST ~ EURONET ~ CIX ~ USENET ~ USPOLNET CLEVELAND FREE-NET ~ INTERNET ~ PROWL ~ FNET ~ AOL ========================================================================== Florida Lotto ------------------------------------------------------------ LottoMan v1.35 Results: 06/10/95: 3 matches in 5 plays ------------------------------------------------------------ > From the Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!" """""""""""""""""""""" This past week's weather has reminded me of the typical summer weather in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. The air conditioners have been off for the last eight days. Why am I talking about the weather? That's easy.. Its about the only thing one can talk about these days without some over zealous, dribbling at the lips, senate thumper or congress critter jumping your bones about "off-color, smut, incorrect, unfair, out of control" or, "lookout! Its a militia thing". Then, to radically top things off.. The Department of Justice is ever so busy attempting to discover something they can either persecute or prosecute Bill Gates and Microsoft with. Why Microsoft? The one _real_ success story in the USA in the last decade or so!! Why?? Why does Janet "WACO" Reno & company appear to desperately want to do them in?? What Gives?? What the heck is really _going on_ in this country these days?? Reports keep filtering in .. "The DOJ is busy checking Microsoft this and Microsoft that. Pick - pick - pick, certainly, this incarnation of the Department of Justice is not the one we were all taught about as children. You know, the truth, justice and the American way?? I don't think so. The DOJ is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to find a way to do Microsoft in yet, the ongoing flow of DRUGS into this country is at an all time high! Cocaine in one poisonous form or another can be found on almost every street corner. At this time, Columbian gangsters are flooding this nation with extremely high quality counterfeit money (100.00 bills) with ease. But amazingly, we see "The DOJ" hardheartedly pursuing Gates and Microsoft. What is wrong with this picture?? Microsoft puts "bread and butter" on how many people's tables in the USA? Both directly and indirectly? Microsoft pays big time taxes while law- breaking "Hair Ball Politicians" like Packwood, Rostenkowskie & friends are seemingly allowed to slide into obscurity instead of the Defendant's Seat. Again, what's WRONG with THIS picture?? Can Ms. Reno and the DOJ be _that_ hungry for the headlines?? I hope not. But if such is the case, let her resign! She'll get plenty of headlines. If it wasn't for Gates and Microsoft, chances are, we'd be saddled up and stuck with an operating system and hardware totally imported from and fully controlled by Japan! Clinton can't seem to get to first base with Japan on the balance of trade.. yet his "Attorney General" is feverishly trying to stomp on the most recent proof that the USA does indeed "have what it takes" and that the "American Dream" is very much alive. That is, until Reno & Co get hold of it. Why?? What is the real reason?? It cannot be attributable to a "government afraid of being "bought out" by Gates". Sure, we've heard plenty of jokes about that one but in reality, its just that ..a joke. Could one of the major causes of the MS's persecution be the crying and lamenting of Microsoft's lame duck competitors? You bet!! Can you imagine if those who are so busy crying and groveling put as much positive energy and goodwill into their research and development as they do their snitching and crying?? They'd be busy putting an end to the US Trade Deficit, balancing the US Budget through increased tax revenues while gleefully running to their banks with the profits. Then.. we regretfully find we are now blessed with Amato, Mr. Purity, proclaiming all kinds of lily white.. oh, so pure postures. Amato's a confirmed clown who, periodically, has to apologize publicly for his unprofessional "off the wall" actions. And then there's Exon and friends.. He and his buddies are gonna clean up the Internet. They haven't a clue concerning what the Internet is really all about. What these "do-gooder", "wanna make a name for themselves" politicos should be doing is CLEANING UP THEIR OWN HOUSES!! Then and only then should they begin to worry about the houses of others. Seems ..the various proposed actions against the net managed to grab some national headlines so... along come the rest of the "spotlight leeches", the "Johnny Come Lately's"! They all want some of the spotlight. Including Mr. Bitterness, (I wanna be President!), himself!! None other than; Robert (Screw Hollywood!) Dole! Anybody notice how "alone" he's appeared publicly in the last month or two?? His cheap shots at Hollywood and its Stars finished him REAL FAST. And thankfully, not too soon too! This fine, upstanding senior statesman doesn't know the "Internet from a Hairnet"!! But now, while basking in the spotlight of today's events.. He's "gonna re-write the rule book" on; "morals on the net", "accessing the net", "telecommunications and the net" and finally, more.. de-regulation of the monopolistic cable and phone companies so "they can offer competitive rates with more and better services". Right Bob.. Not everyone is a confirmed "pineapple" as you seem to think. What interests in these companies have you? Which.. company will you be appointed an officer in when your term is mercifully over? Imagine this for a second folks, they are gonna protect the US citizenry from moral abuse via the Internet! Who? In heaven's name, do they think they are kidding besides themselves?? I say let 'em know with telegrams, E-mail, netmail, faxes and voice calls that we'd rather they protected each and every one of us and our children from the huge flow of illegal drugs, both prescription and recreational, pouring into this country!! Protect us from the hordes of illegal aliens taking jobs away from US citizens desperately wanting to work! Protect us from the outrageously lopsided international trade flow both in Europe and the Pacific Rim!! Finally... Protect us from those on "The Hill" who wish to re-write The Bill of Rights! Enough is enough!! Tell them loud and clear ..let's tackle the REAL THREATS! The threats to the prosperity, peace, safety and serenity of the citizens and taxpayers of USA! Instead of trying to "create an "imagined threat" so the "real deal" can be ignored tell them to do their jobs or, we'll vote in those who can and will. Yes sir, we'll _all_ diligently remember each and every one of them in the NEXT GENERAL AND PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Maybe.. Ross Perot is right. Perhaps.. we genuinely do need another political party in the USA. A party that's by and for the people. One that'll be stand-up and truthful. One that will sincerely have the entire constituency at heart. Finally, a party that will defend the Constitution with all its heart and soul instead of trying to re-write it in an attempt to satisfy selfish temporary goals! This Great Nation's birthday celebration is coming up fast.. I hope and pray the three branches of our government, Executive, Legislative and Judicial, from the President on down .. feel and positively respond to the gentle nudge of the patriotic wake-up call only The Fourth of July can bring. Please gentlemen and ladies, no more rhetorical B.S., let's get the country back on track. It should be the US Government by and for the US Citizens. Not the convoluted way it seems to be today. Ralph... McAFEE UPDATE ***Important Notice of Trojan**** NEWS UPDATE - June 15, 1995 --------------------------- We have received a report through our International sales department that there has been an incident with a Trojan Horse disguised as VirusScan 2.22 (A Trojan Horse is a destructive program that has been disguised as some other innocuous program. Trojan Horses are not viruses). When executed, it deletes all the files and directories on the disk being scanned. VirusScan has a program named Validate to verify that the VirusScan program the user downloaded is the real one. 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Jacobson STReport Staff Editors: """"""""""""""""""""""" Michael Arthur John Deegan Brad Martin John Szczepanik Paul Guillot Joseph Mirando Doyle Helms Frank Sereno John Duckworth Jeff Coe Steve Keipe Guillaume Brasseur Melanie Bell Jay Levy Jeff Kovach Marty Mankins Carl Prehn Paul Charchian Contributing Correspondents: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Dominick J. Fontana Norman Boucher Clemens Chin Eric Jerue Ron Deal Mike Barnwell Ed Westhusing Glenwood Drake Vernon W.Smith Bruno Puglia Paul Haris Kevin Miller Craig Harris Allen Chang Tim Holt Patrick Hudlow Leonard Worzala Tom Sherwin Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc... via E-Mail to: CompuServe................... 70007,4454 Delphi......................... RMARIANO GEnie......................... ST.REPORT BIX............................ RMARIANO FIDONET........................ 1:112/35 FNET........................... 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In closing, we shall arduously endeavor to meet and further develop the high standards of straight forwardness our readers have come to expect in each and every issue. The Staff & Editors """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" SYSOP NEWS & CYBERWORLD REPORT ============================== The Leading Hard Copy News Source in the BBS & Online Telecommunications World Your own personal copy mailed to your home every month; STReport's special offer! Annual Subscription Rate of $15.95!! (normally 20.95). Include the STR offer number (STR-21) for your discount. You can send your subscription in to: ------------------------------------- BBS Press Services, Inc. 8125 S.W. 21st Street Topeka, KS 66615 Or, to order by phone, Please Call: 1-913-478-3157.....(Voice) 1-913-478-9239......(Data) 1-913-478-1189.......(FAX) Note: Checks, MasterCard & Visa ok, Please include Full Name, Address, ===== Phone Number, Card type, number & expiration date when ordering. If by mail, please _sign_ your personal order. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > STR INDUSTRY REPORT LATE BREAKING INDUSTRY-WIDE NEWS """"""""""""""""""" Computer Products Update - CPU Report ------------------------ ---------- Weekly Happenings in the Computer World Issue #24 Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr. ******* General Computer News ******* >> Gateway Backs New CD Standard << Gateway 2000 Inc. has become the first major PC manufacturer to for- mally endorse the MultiMedia CD (MMCD) format proposed by Sony Corp. and Philips Electronics NV. The MMCD format accommodates up to 7.4GB of data and is compatible with existing CD-ROMs. The discs based on the standard can hold movies ranging up to 4-1/2 hours in length. "We have carefully evaluated other high density disc formats that have been proposed," says Ted Waitt, Gateway 2000's president and CEO. "The Philips/Sony MMCD offers the type of reliability, affordability and backward compatibility that is essential to meet today's expanding optical storage requirements." Several drive makers, including Acer Peripherals Inc., Alps Electric, Aztech Systems Ltd., Mitsumi Electric Co., Ricoh Co. and Teac Corp., have already endorsed MMCD. The format is also being backed by several audio CD player makers. The MMCD format competes against a similar standard supported by Toshiba. >> Europe Probes Microsoft Plan << Microsoft Corp.'s new online computer information service is being examined by the European Commission which is concerned over the possibility of it harming competition on the European Union market. In Brussels, a Commission spokesman said the move follows Microsoft's notification to the agency of its plans for the service. As noted, the new network is set to be launched in August with the company's Windows 95 operating system. Reports say the U.S. Department of Justice also requested the cooperation of the Commission's compe- tition services in its assessment of the case. >> Gateway Launches Win95 Upgrades << Gateway 2000 has launched an upgrade program to the Windows 95 operating system. The computer maker also says it will offer lifetime technical support at no additional charge. The company notes that all customers purchasing new Gateway desktop and portable PCs as of Tuesday, June 13, will receive Windows 95 docu- mentation at the time of purchase and a software upgrade at no addition- al charge when the new operating system becomes available. Windows 95 is currently scheduled to ship on August 24. Existing Gateway computer owners can call the company to reserve their copy of the Windows 95 upgrade package. Gateway customers may also purchase, for an additional charge, upgrade and add-on installation packages that include on-site installation of Windows 95. Additionally, customers can purchase larger hard disks and more memory in order to better utilize Windows 95, and have the hardware upgrades installed by a technician if so desired. >> Hayes Offers New Business Modems << The new Optima 288 and Optima 144 business modems will be available from Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. sometime next month. Retail price for the Optima 288 is estimated at $579, while the Optima 144 will be priced at about $519. The company said that the modems transmit data at up to 230,400bps and offer solutions for remote node access to a LAN, shared modem access from a LAN, transferring large files and multimedia. They also feature remote configuration, fail-safe flash ROM upgradability, access control and call back security. The units are bundled with Smartcom Message Center LE software, which offers messaging features such as voice record and playback, messaging, fax on demand and paging integration. >> Another Home Computer Show Set << Softbank Exposition and Conference Co. says it is teaming up with Microsoft Corp. and Ziff-Davis Publishing's Consumer Media Group to launch ComputerMania, a national series of home computing events. The announcement follows the news that CompuServe Inc. is joining forces with Microsoft Corp. and Compaq Computer Corp. to offer the The Home & Family Computing Supershow, a similar consumer- oriented computer show that will be held this fall and winter in Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and Dallas. ComputerMania will begin with two events: Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 at the Anaheim Convention Center and Oct. 13 to Oct. 15 at the Dallas Infomart. ComputerMania attendees will be able to buy exhibitors' products from major national retailers at the event. In addition to exhibits, attendees will be able to test computer products at Interactive Learning Zones sponsored by Ziff-Davis. >> Cypress Makes Pentium-Class Unit << Cypress Semiconductor Corp. says its new hyperCache Chipset for Pentium-class PCs will help improve system performance at reduced power and a lower cost. CEO T.J. Rodgers is quoted as saying, "Cypress is a natural to design and develop the first Pentium chipset with cache memory, the next step in the evolution of the personal computer," The hyperCache chipset consists of three semiconductor chips -- the CY82C691 PCI and Memory Controller, the CY82C692 Data Path Chip with integrated cache and the CY82C693 Peripheral Controller -- with an optional fourth chip, a 16K by 64 cache RAM, the CY82C694. The chipset will be available in the third quarter. The three-chip version is priced at $48 in 1,000-lot quantities. The four-chip hyperCache chipset is priced at $62 in 1,000s, the company said. >> IBM Said at Work on Mac Clone << IBM is mum on the subject, but reports are circulating the computer giant soon will announce an agreement to manufacture Apple Macintosh clones for Radius Inc., a company that makes video monitors and other peripherals for Apple Computer Inc. Reports note that Radius, which is one of a few companies to have a license to make Mac clones, also is not talking. "At this stage we have no comment," Robert Saltmarsh, Radius chief financial officer, told the wire service. (Other Mac licensees include Power Computing Corp. and Japan's Pioneer Electronic Corp.) The executive reiterated Radius' previous statement his employer plans to contract the manufacturing process out to other companies rather than to make the systems itself. Said Saltmarsh, "In January we said we would be looking for a partner. I can say the field has gotten narrower." >> Apple Cuts Macintosh Prices << Prices on two of Apple Computer Inc.'s Power Macintosh desktop com- puters and four of its color PowerBook computers have been reduced by 5% to 18%, effective immediately. The models include its DOS Compatible Power Macintosh machine. Apple said: -:- The Power Macintosh 16/500MB, originally priced at $2,759, will sell at $2,629. -:- The Power Macintosh 16MB/2.0 GB, originally priced at $6,379, will sell for $5,799. -:- The PowerBook 520c, 4/160 MB, was $2,289 and now sells for $2,069. -:- The PowerBook 4/240 MB was $2,499, and now sells for $2,289. -:- The PowerBook 540c, 4/320 MB, which was $4,079, now sells for $3,339. -:- The Powerbook 12/500 MB was cut from $4,999 to $4,449. >> Six-Speed CD-ROM Drive Unveiled << Aztech Labs Inc. has introduced one of the industry's first IDE-based six-speed CD-ROM drives. The company says its CDA 668-01E drive offers a data transfer rate of 900KB per second and an average access time of 225 milliseconds. The drive also has a 256KB cache buffer. The unit features a 16-bit host interface that allows a burst mode data transfer rate of up to 8.33MB/sec. Also included is a "soft-eject" motorized front loading mechanism. A power-out eject mechanism allows the CD-ROM to be removed from the tray during a power shutdown. The CDA 668-01E is scheduled to ship this summer. No price has been announced. >> Lotus Agrees to Takeover by IBM << A week after the launch of IBM's hostile takeover bid, Lotus Develop- ment Corp. has agreed to be bought out by the computer giant for $3.52 billion, or about $220 million more than was originally offered last Monday. IBM's initial cash offer of $60 per share was twice Lotus' market value at the time. They reached agreement this week at a price of $64 per share. (Lotus stock closed at $62.87 1/2 Friday on the Nasdaq Stock Market.) As reported earlier, IBM seems most interested in the Lotus Notes software, a leading product in an emerging niche called "groupware." >> Microsoft to Offer New Windows NT << New versions of the Windows NT operating environment that add support for PowerPC-based computers have been announced by Microsoft Corp. Reports say Windows NT Workstation version 3.51 and Windows NT Server version 3.51 also add features including support for applications com- patible with Microsoft's forthcoming Windows 95 operating system, due in August. (Windows NT is Microsoft's high-end operating system, intended largely for enterprises that use more than one computer in a network.) Microsoft officials said the pricing for the system is unchanged from previous versions. A "Network Value Pak" is $999 for a server license and 10 client access licenses. Reports say that customers who are on maintenance agreements with Microsoft or who purchased Windows NT Server or Workstation after April 15, will receive the latest version at no charge. >> Intel Announnces New Pentium << Intel Corp. this week announced its fastest production microprocessor to date -- the Pentium Processor at iCOMP index 1110\133 MHz. Available immediately, the chip is targeted for servers and high- performance desktop computers. It is the second member of the Pentium processor family to be introduced in as many weeks. There are now nine versions of the Pentium, each with different prices and performance points for different market segments. Intel said the new processor is the second product to result from the company's investment in advanced 0.35 micron, 3.3 volt manufacturing technology and is expected to be used initially in high-end desktops and high-performance servers. The 133-MHz Pentium processor delivers 155 SPECint92 and 116 SPECfp92 of performance, which is more than twice the speed of the original 60-MHz Pentium processor introduced in March 1993. The 133-MHz Pentium is priced at $935 in 1,000-piece quantities. >> Senate Passes Anti-Smut Measure << The U.S. Senate has passed, by an 84-16 vote, an amendment to a tele- communications reform bill that aims to crack down on pornography on the Internet and online services. The measure would outlaw the posting of obscene materials and hit violators with penalties ranging up to a two- year prison term and stiff fines. To avoid prosecution, online services and users would have to prove they made a good- faith effort to keep indecent material from falling into the hands of minors. Commercial online services like America Online, CompuServe and Prodigy would be required to provide barriers between children and indecent materials on their computer networks. "It is children who are computer experts in our nation's families," Rep. Dan Coats (R-Indiana) said. Critics claim that the rules are unfair, cumbersome and will be impossible to enforce. >> Internet Rating System Proposed << A voluntary rating system is being proposed for the Internet by three software publishers, along with an electronic filter that would allow individuals to block access to sexually explicit content. Microsoft Corp., Netscape Communications Corp. and Progressive Networks Inc. have formed a group to create industry standards for rating content and for the software filter. The companies made the announcement just as the Senate approved a measure that imposes stiff punishments for those who knowingly distribute obscene material over computer networks. Reports from Seattle say the companies have founded the Information Highway Parental Empowerment Group and plan to issue a report by the end of the year on ways to prevent children from gaining access to elect- ronic bulletin boards and discussion groups considered "inappropriate. It's felt that Netscape Communications "is likely to add some kind of parental filters into its Netscape Navigator" web browser software. A Microsoft official said the effort is part of that company's commitment to make "family friendly" its forthcoming Microsoft Network online service. The third participant, Progressive Networks of Seattle, markets an audio-on-demand system for the Internet. The new group is inviting other companies to join the effort. >> Agency Not Seeking Net Cops << Federal proposals to help flesh out the nation's computer networks aren't intended to call for a new federal agency to police them, says the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. The Wall Street Journal wrote earlier this week that a new federal agency was being proposed in a set of plans to help secure and police public and government computer networks. Officials said news accounts that said the agency would be a federal one were premature because the officials still were studying ways to carry out an emergency-response function and ways to preserve the network in case of natural disasters or war. Said one official, "Security could be a multi-entity-based system." _______________________________________________ > Delrina Updates STR Spotlight """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" Delrina Sneak Peaks New Products for Windows 95 at Microsoft Event BELLEVUE, WA -- June 5, 1995 -- Delrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC), the leading supplier of PC communications software for Windows, today provided for the first time a preview of its yet-to-be-announced Delrina CommSuite 95 at the Microsoft Windows 95 Reviewer+s Workshop being held in Bellevue, WA. Delrina outlined plans for WinFax PRO 7.0, Cyberjack 7.0, and WinComm PRO 7.0, all included in an integrated package called Delrina CommSuite 95. New to Delrina+s line-up, Cyberjack has been designed to make the Internet as easy to plug into as one can to a household phone jack. The products will be released within 60 to 90 days of Microsoft Windows 95 shipping. Designed as true 32-bit applications, Delrina has built its new products to enhance the use of the Windows 95 operating system by maximizing the use of the powerful common elements in Windows 95 including, OLE 2.0, MAPI 1.0, TAPI, and Unimodem. All products will be Microsoft Office compatible and Windows 95 logo compliant, with drag and drop and right mouse click support. There will be a common user interface across all applications and a single common installation procedure. "Delrina CommSuite 95 is the total communications solution for Windows 95," said Marc Camm, general manager, Desktop Communications at Delrina. "By providing leading edge, integrated, full-featured applications for fax, data, e-mail, voice, telephony, paging, and Internet access, we will turn the base functionality in Windows 95 into a streamlined, productive communications desktop." Delrina+s Windows 95 products leverage the company+s expertise and position as an industry-leader in fax communications software, with more than 10 million copies of WinFax shipped to date. "Our WinFax PRO 7.0 has been enhanced to take advantage of Windows 95 and includes additional voice and paging features," said Albert Behr, senior marketing director, Desktop Communications at Delrina. "Cyberjack brings together for the first time many of the elements that users have been seeking in an Internet product and makes the Internet as simple to use as using WinFax to fax from one+s computer." Delrina's Windows 95 Products ----------------------------- * Delrina CommSuite 95 -- The Total Communications Solution for Windows 95.Includes three-full-featured applications, WinFax PRO with voice and paging, Cyberjack, and WinComm PRO. * WinFax PRO 7.0 -- The best way to send, receive and manage faxes in Windows. * Cyberjack 7.0 -- The best way to jack-in to Cyberspace. * WinComm PRO 7.0 -- The easiest way to go on-line. DELRINA WINFAX PRO 4.0 SUPPORTS NEW 3.51 RELEASE OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS NT Premier PC Fax Product Now Runs on Premier High-End Desktop Computing Environment SAN JOSE, CA and TORONTO, ONT -- June 7, 1995 -- Delrina Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC), the worldwide leader in PC fax software today announced that WinFax PRO 4.0 supports the new 3.51 release of Microsoft Windows NT. Beginning today, Delrina will make available a set of patch disks to current WinFax PRO 4.0 users who have either purchased or upgraded to Windows NT 3.51. WinFax PRO 4.0 customers should contact a special Delrina hotline at 1-800-239-2318 to obtain the patch disks. "We are very pleased that our software is now supported on the Windows NT platform," said Marc Camm, general manager of the Desktop Communications business unit at Delrina. "There was a lot of development effort and willingness at Microsoft and here to make this happen." Delrina and Microsoft received many requests from Windows NT users wanting to run WinFax PRO. The companies collaborated to ensure that WinFax PRO 4.0 would be able to run under the new release. Delrina developed a special set of patches for WinFax PRO 4.0 to enable it to run under Windows NT while Microsoft developers architected the new version to support WinFax PRO 4.0. "The WinFax PRO 4.0 patches fix some compatibility problems the software had running in the 32-bit Windows NT environment," said Tony Davis, VP Communication Strategy, Desktop Communications, at Delrina. "WinFax PRO 4.0 is still a 16-bit version designed for the current Windows and Windows for Workgroups operating systems, but it now runs under Windows NT 3.51." Delrina will provide technical support for Windows NT 3.51 users through its forum on CompuServe. Delrina is making the patch diskettes available at no charge, only a shipping and handling fee of US$9.95 applies. Users will need to provide the registration number from the first page of their manual plus the date of manufacture of their WinFax PRO 4.0 (found at the top of the README.TXT file on the WinFax PRO 4.0 Install Disk 1). Users who have Windows NT 3.51, but who do not currently have WinFax PRO 4.0 should call the special Delrina hotline to upgrade their existing WinFax (versions prior to 4.0 or WinFax LITE) for $49 ($65 Cdn) and receive the Windows NT patches. Delrina Corporation designs, develops, markets and supports innovative PC software products and services in the fax, data and voice communications, electronic forms, and consumer software markets. Founded in 1988, the Company is ranked in sales among the top 15 PC software publishers in North America and is recognized as the world leader in PC fax and electronic forms. Delrina employs more than 700 people with offices in San Jose, CA; Bellevue, WA; Washington, DC; Boston, MA; Toronto and Ottawa, Canada; the United Kingdom; France; Germany; and Japan. - ### - Windows, Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT are trademarks, and Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. WinFax is a trademark of Delrina Corporation. ________________________________________ > STR InfoFile """""""""""" D-Lite Update FAQ ================= - What are the current versions available as of 6/11/15? - What are the new features in The Win-D v1.02 - What is new in D-Lite/MAC v2.0.1b? - Will the DOS version be updated soon? - Is there a difference between D-Lite/DOS v2.04 and v2.04d? - Where should I send questions about the new versions? - Where can the new versions be downloaded? Q. What are the current versions available as of 6/11/15? A. D-Lite for Macintosh: v2.0.1b D-Lite for DOS: v2.04d The Win-D (D-Lite for Windows): v1.02 Q. What are the new features in The Win-D v1.02 A. New Features in The Win-D v1.02 include: - A new NEWSWIRE menu for UPI and Reuters News automation. This is a "2-pass" automated system, similar to Usenet's 2-pass options. - a "Filter" option in USENET newsgroups that allows the user to limit newsgroup access to only messages with matching keywords - the capability to include a "Subject" line in a "KILL file". Fixes in v1.02 include - Fixed erratic usenet posting - Fixed GPF from too many newsgroups - Fixed GPF from newsgroup deletions - Fixed Zmodem Text uploads to databases This is a free upgrade to for registered Win-D users. Q. What is new in D-Lite/MAC v2.0.1b? A. If you are currently using v1.x, the interface in v2.0 is completely new. Also added to the program are: - Automated "2-pass" USENET newsgroup automation. - "Kill files" for Usenet - Full-featured Address Book - Broadcasting support for mass-mailings. - Carbon-copy and mail forwarding capability. - Stored "Signature" files - More utilities for managing SIGS for easy deletion, renaming, etc. - much much more... :) If you are currently using v2.0.1a, the bug in Signature and text "imports" has been fixed, and you can now select your own font for message displays. Q. Will the DOS version be updated soon? A. Yes, hopefully by the end of the summer. Q. I am using currently using D-Lite/DOS v2.04, not v2.04d. Is there a difference? A. Yes! v2.04d fixes a few bugs that were in v2.04, and also provides a workaround for a problem in USENET Newsgroups where message-ids are unusually long. If you are currently using v2.04 (or v2.03), you should upgrade asap. The upgrade is free to v2.03/v2.04 users. Q. Where can I download the new versions? A. All new versions are in the D-Lite SIG database (GO COM DLITE). Q. Where should I send questions about the new versions, or to report any problems? A. Please post questions to the D-Lite SIG Forum (GO COM DLITE) and we can best assist you there. Besides the D-Lite SIG staff, there are many knwoledgable and experienced users that can also help you with just about any problem you might run into. Thank You! ______________________________________ > Frankie's Corner STR Feature """""""""""""""""""""""""""" The Kids' Computing Corner -------------------------- Imagination Express Destination: Rain Forest ============================================ Dual format CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh ages 6 to 12 approximate retail $40 by Edmark Corporation P.O. Box 97021 Redmond, WA 98073-9721 (206) 556-8484 IBM Requirements Macintosh Requirements CPU: 386DX-25 CPU: Color Mac RAM: 8 megs RAM: 8 megs Video: 256 color SVGA monitor Video: 256 color, 13" monitor HDISK: 2 megs HDISK: 2 megs CD-ROM: Double-speed recommended CD-ROM: Double-speed recommended OS: Windows 3.1 OS: System 7 Misc.: Sound card, mouse by Frank Sereno Destination: Rain Forest is the newest addition to Edmark's enchanting Imagination Express package. The program encourages children to explore their creative writing skills by allowing them to mix words, graphics and sound to publish multimedia stories. The setting is the rain forest of Panama. The program includes a Fact Book filled with interesting information about the land, people, animals and plants of the region. This information will also spark children's imaginations when they create their stories. Also featured is a Story Ideas section which provides thematic suggestions. A parent's section gives information on the program's educational features and contains suggestions for enhancing your child's enjoyment of writing. The most important feature is the story editor. Children can choose from many backgrounds for each page. Then any number of "stickers" may be added. Destination: Rain Forest includes dozens of stickers of people, plants and animals. Some stickers are animated and some even include sound effects. Stickers change in size as they are moved fore and aft in the scene to maintain proper perspective. They can also be placed behind objects in the background rather than simply being layered on top of it. Some characters can be rotated in three dimensions. The creative possibilities are endless. Destination: Rain Forest offers children the option of recording dialog and sounds for the stickers in each page. They can also record a narration for the page. Simple editing tools can be used to write the text for the story. Several fonts and sizes are available. The program also provides music of the local people which can be used to introduce each page. Children have an infinite array storytelling opportunities with these many options. With outstanding graphics and excellent audio, Destination: Rain Forest is a delight to both the eye and ear. One small flaw is that the program can only be run in 256-color mode. The authentic music is quite different and interesting. Voices and sound effects were digitized very well. The interface is a rather complex point-and-click device. Audible help is not provided so it is best for adults to aid younger children. The manual explains the many interface features and it becomes second nature after a short time. The manual also offers excellent technical tips. Some of these tips keep the program moving at a good pace on older computers. Destination: Rain Forest has great play value. Children will enjoy manipulating the many animals and bugs which are native to the rain forest. They will spend many hours discovering the features of each sticker and then writing stories. The educational value is excellent. Products which can ignite creative thought are still rare in the educational software market. Destination: Rain Forest and Imagination Express inspire creativity by giving children the tools and information to create original multimedia electronic books based on unfamiliar scenarios. Most children will never visit a rain forest. By using the fact book and their imaginations, they can go to this important ecosystem in their minds. Destination: Rain Forest provides a rich learning experience at a reasonable price. It is an excellent value. Ratings Graphics ........... 9.5 Sound .............. 9.5 Interface .......... 9.0 Play Value ......... 9.5 Educational Value ..10.0 Bang for the Buck .. 9.5 Average ............ 9.5 Thank you for reading! ___________________________________________ > Creative Settings STR InfoFile """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Sound Blaster Series Hardware Settings 6/95 You can generally tell which type of card is in a system by examining the SET BLASTER statement. A typical SET BLASTER statement follows: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 This indicates that the card is using base address 220, IRQ 5, Low DMA Channel 1, High DMA channel 5, MIDI port address 330, and card type 6. SB 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and Pro cards will not have 'H' or 'P' parameters. AWE-32 cards may also have a 'E' parameter which indicates the location of the first portion of the AWE address range on the card. The possible card types are: T2 - Sound Blaster Pro 1 T3 - Sound Blaster 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 T4 - Sound Blaster Pro 2 T5 - Sound Blaster Pro MicroChannel version T6 - Sound Blaster 16, including AWE-32 T10 - Sound Blaster MicroChannel version All of our cards can be identified by the CT number on the card; this list currently only covers cards officially released by Creative in the United States. Cards are listed roughly by order of introduction. Default selections for a setting are indicated with [] (square brackets) around the setting. All of our sound cards also make use of the standard Adlib addresses (388h-389h), and game port addresses (200h-207h). Sound Blaster 1.0 & 1.5 (CT1310, CT1320, Discontinued) IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7] DMA: [1] I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh Sound Blaster MCV (CT5320, Discontinued) IRQ: 2, 3, 5, [7] DMA: [1] I/O: 210, [220], 230, 240, 250, 260 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh Sound Blaster 2.0 (CT1350) IRQ: 2, 3, [5], 7 DMA: [1] I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: 2x0h-2xEh Sound Blaster Pro 1 (CT1330, Discontinued) IRQ: 2, 5, [7], 10 DMA: 0, [1], 3 I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h Sound Blaster Pro MCV (CT5330, Discontinued) IRQ: 2, 5, [7] DMA: 0, [1], 3 I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h Sound Blaster Pro 2 (CT1600) IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 DMA: 0, [1], 3 I/O: [220], 240 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h Sound Blaster 16 BASIC / Value (CT1730, CT1740, CT2740, CT2749, CT2770, CT2779, CT2230C, CT2239C, CT2230S, CT2239S) IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h Sound Blaster 16 Value IDE (CT2291) - IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF], 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7) IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15 Sound Blaster 16 MultiCD (CT1750, CT1759, CT2230, CT2239) - ** Includes the base address range for the Sony CD-ROM interface. * MtsmI/O, etc are the settings for the Mitsumi CD-ROM controller. IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 ** I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h *MtsmI/O: 310, 320, [340], 350 ; Range: 3z0h-3z3h MtsmDMA: 6, [7] MtsMIRQ: 3, 10, [11] MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2 (CT1770, CT1779) - IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h SCSII/O: 140, [340] ; Range: base + 1Fh, ex: 340h-35Fh SCSIIRQ: 9, 10, [11], 12 Sound Blaster 16 Pro (CT2290, CT2299) - IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h +IDEI/O: 168-16F, 170-177 (and 376,377), [1E8-1EF], 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7) +IDEIRQ: 10, [11], 12, 14, 15 + Some early cards MAY have different default settings for the IDE portions. Sound Blaster 16 AWE-32 / AWE-32 Value (CT2760, CT3780) - ***This card is effectively a SB16 MultiCD card with the following addition: AWE I/O addresses are based on the base I/O of the card. The AWE portion takes 3 separate address ranges in the form: 6x0h-6x3h Ax0h-Ax3h Ex0h-Ex0h For example, if the base address of the card is 220, then the regular base address range is 220h-233h and the AWE base address ranges are from 620h-623h, A20h-A23h, and E20h-E23h. With these settings, there will also be an E620 in the SET BLASTER line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Phone Blaster (CT3110, CT3120) - IRQ: 2, [5], 7, 10 LDMA: 0, [1], 3 HDMA: [5], 6, 7 I/O: [220], 240, 260, 280 ; Range: base + 13h, ex: 220h-233h MIDI: 300, [330] ; Range: 3y0h-3y1h IDEI/O: 168-16F, [170-177 (and 376,377)], 1E8-1EF, 1F0-1F7 (and 3F6,3F7) IDEIRQ: 10, 11, 12, 14, [15] ModemIRQ: 3, 4, 10, [11] ModemIRQ: 2E8, 2F8, [3E8], 3F8 ; Range: base + 8h, ex: 3E8h-3EFh _______________________________________ > ACT PAK! STR InfoFile """"""""""""""""""""" ACT!PAK! v2.0h for Windows & ACT!PAK! v2.1 for DOS June, 1995 ACT!PAK! for Windows 2.0h: ACT!PAK! for Windows provides a collection of functions that complement and extend the capabilities of ACT! for Windows. ACT!PAK! allows you to use ACT! as your database for storing contact information and export the data from the ACT! database into a Windows word processor and/or spreadsheet application. ACT!PAK! also extends the ACT! scheduling capabilities with scheduling templates that contain a pre-defined sequence of events. Generate reports not possible with the standard ACT! Report Writer. Users benefit through improved integration with other Windows applications and less time is spent inputting redundant activities. What's New In This Release: --------------------------- Supports ACT! for Windows 2.0.4 or later Interfaces to new OAK!RPT! for ACT! (includes 2 introductory reports) Associates Word Processor Documents with a Contact Interfaces to Street Atlas USA CD-ROM (if installed) Includes OAK!Phone! for ACT! Software Features & Benefits: -------------------- Word Processing Interface: Enjoy all the capabilities of your regular word processor (Word, WordPerfect and/or Ami Pro). ACT!PAK! for Windows installs the ACT!PAK! icon on your ACT! toolbar which opens the ACT!PAK! window. Your word processor name is a pull-down menu in the ACT!PAK! window. Using standard Windows dialog boxes, you create templates in your word processor and merge names, addresses, and any other data fields from the current ACT! contact or group into pre-defined word processing templates. ACT!PAK! records the word processing file name in the LETTER DATE and LETTER NAME fields at your request. Scheduling Sequencer: With ACT!PAK! you can define a series of Calls, Meetings, and/or To-Dos as a scheduling template. Then when you need to schedule that sequence of activities for the current ACT! contact or group, on command schedules all of the activities in that template. You choose an anchor date each time you apply a template. The template identifies how many days (-999 to +999) fall between the anchor date and each event. Define as many scheduling templates as you want! For example, a new contact needs a letter (To-Do) on day 2, a Call on day 8, and a Meeting on day 15. If your anchor day is May 1st, the To-Do is scheduled for May 3rd, the Call is scheduled for May 9th, and the Meeting is scheduled for May 16th. ACT!PAK!'s PREFERENCES Menu lets you indicate how to handle events falling on Saturdays or Sundays, AND which days YOU have reserved for holidays or vacation! A powerful time-saver for anyone who frequently enters the same series of activities for different contacts. Spreadsheet Interface: Transfer data from the current ACT! contact or group to a new spreadsheet in Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 and/or Quattro Pro. Manipulate the data in the spreadsheet and save the spreadsheet. Use ACT!PAK! to "associate" a spreadsheet name to a contact (or group of contacts). One spreadsheet can be associated to multiple contacts. One contact can have multiple spreadsheets associated to it. A great way to perform mathematical calculations on your ACT! data AND produce reports. Interface To Other Products: Activate OAK!CHK! for ACT! and Street Atlas USA CD-ROM Map packages directly from ACT!PAK!. Utilize the OAK!RPT! for ACT! menu selection to generate reports from your ACT! database not otherwise possible. Two reports are included that print summary reports showing how many records there are for each ID/Status and each Zip Code. The OAK!Phone! software that is included reformats data from SelectPhone, DirectPhone and FreePhone. Data from these powerful CD-ROM products becomes directly usable in ACT!. Requirements & Installation: ---------------------------- Software: Compatible with ACT! for Windows 2.0.4 or later, WordPerfect for Windows 6.0 and 6.1, Word for Windows 6.0, Ami Pro for Windows 3.0 and 3.1, Excel for Windows 4.0 and 5.0, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 4.0 and 5.0, Quattro Pro for Windows 5.0 and 6.0, and Street Atlas USA for Windows 2.0. Hardware: 5MB of disk storage, 8MB RAM, 486 processor. Installation: Automated installation program. Installs in minutes! Supports multiple word processing or spreadsheet applications via ACT!PAK! preferences. Changes: ACT!PAK! does NOT replace ACT!'s Word Processor. All standard features of ACT! are always available. Cost & Ordering Information: ---------------------------- ACT!PAK! for DOS 2.1: ACT!PAK! for DOS provides a collection of functions that complement and extend the capabilities of ACT! for DOS. ACT!PAK! for DOS also provides an interface between the ACT! for DOS database and word processing applications. Now you can produce quality-looking business correspondence without rekeying name and address information. What's New In This Release: --------------------------- Supports WordPerfect 6.0 and 5.1 for DOS More F2 UNlimited Popup Fields Ability to "Cross Use" UNlimited Popup Lists Ability to EDIT an existing UNlimited Popup Entry Supports MM/DD/YY and DD/MM/YY International Date Formats Includes OAK!Phone! for ACT! Software Features & Benefits: -------------------- Word Processing Interface: Send correspondence using your favorite word processor and enjoy all the capabilities of the word processor: graphics, fonts, file management, thesaurus, spell checker. ACT!PAK! for DOS puts your word processor on the ACT! WRITE menu so that you can merge names addresses, and other data from the ACT! database into form documents stored in your word processing application. Your can activate your word processor, taking along the salutation and closing from ACT!'s standard LETTER.FRM file. When you EXIT the word processor, you automatically return to ACT! and the LETTER DATE and LETTER NAME fields are updated if you approve. Also toggles between ACT! and word processor for general use. Tag On The Fly: Create a group of ACT! contacts by adding a contact or group to the current "hold file" group as you locate each contact. Then process the group by merging them into word processing form documents. This provides an indirect interface to any other DOS or Windows word processor! UNlimited F2 Popups: Standard ACT! provides up to 26 F2 Popup entries. With ACT!PAK!, an UNlimited list of valid choices displays for a field when you press F2. Each entry can be edited. Popup lists can be used by multiple fields. The @CURRDAT & @CURRTIM keywords automatically place the Current Date and Current Time in the ACT! field when chosen. ACT!TOT! Generalized Report: Create management summary reports about your ACT! database in ways you never thought possible. For example, print one line for each unique ID/Status field AND print the total Contact count for each ID/Status. Also subtotal any numeric field! Time Stamp On Notes: Each time you press F9 to enter a note, the current date AND time are automatically entered for the next note. DAZZLE Graphics Screen Saver: Displays continuous kaleidoscopic patterns. Pressing any key brings ACT! back. By running DAZZLE when the PC is not used, you (1) avoid "burn in" of ACT! Screen and (2) reduce probability of ACT! database corruption due to unexpected power loss. Export ACT! Data To Fax Phone books: Export contact names & phone numbers to an Intel Satisfaction Fax Phone book or other fax phone books. .DEF File & F2 Security: Now you can prevent end users from changing field names and/or F2 entries. Especially useful on networks where multiple users access the same database. Alternate Data Format: Supports MM/DD/YY and DD/MM/YY LETTER DATE format utilized by ACT! International versions. Includes OAK!PHONE! Software: For reformatting data from SelectPhone, DirectPhone and FreePhone. Data from these powerful CD-ROM products becomes directly usable in ACT!. Easy Installation Procedure & Fast Execution. --------------------------------------------- Requirements & Installation: Software: ACT! for DOS 2.1, with: WordPerfect 5.1 or 6.0 for DOS, Word 5.5 for DOS. Memory: 85K Conventional Memory or 28K Conventional and 63K Expanded Memory. Installation: Automated installation program. Installs in minutes! Changes ACT!PAK! does NOT replace ACT!'s Word Processor. All standard features of ACT! and all other products are always available. *** Yes, ACT!PAK! for DOS runs on networks, too! *** Cost & Ordering Information: ---------------------------- COST & ORDERING INFORMATION: ACT!PAK! for Windows Release 2.0 is $109.00 per user. ACT!PAK! for DOS Release 2.1 is $89.00 per user. Price includes 30-day Money-back Guarantee, 90-day no-charge technical support & shipping anywhere in the world. Prices subject to change without notice. Multi-copy Discount: 2% per copy - maximum 10% per order. Specify DOS/Windows & 3-1/2" or 5-1/4" disk size. Add 6.75% Sales Tax for Illinois destinations. ACT! is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation. ACT!PAK! is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation licensed solely to Oakhurst Systems, Inc. Order with check or money order payable to: TROCK SYSTEMS INNOVATIONS, INC. 29W391 Emerald Green Dr. # 32F Warrenville, IL 60555-2037 phone (708) 393-2701; fax (708) 393-0377 CompuServe 70400,2611 Sorry, no credit card orders. COD orders are available, for $15 additional. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N FARGO PRIMERA PRO COLOR PRINTERS - 600DPI For a limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent to you that demonstrates FARGO Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY 600dpi 24 bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to: STReport's Fargo Printout Offer P.O. Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155 Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet. Its far superior to the newest of Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as much. Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words. Send for this sample now. Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please, allow at least a one week turn-around) A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N -- A T T E N T I O N """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ___ ___ _____ _______ /___| /___| /_____| /_______/ /____|/____| /__/|__| /__/ /_____|_____|/__/_|__|/__/ /__/|____/|__|________|__/ /__/ |___/ |__|_/ |__|_/_____ /__/ |__/ |__|/ |__|______/ ________________________________________ /_______________________________________/ MAC/APPLE SECTION (II) ====================== John Deegan, Editor (Temp) > Phone Lists STR InfoFile Support lines """""""""""""""""""""""" Symantec Worldwide Corporate Telephone Directory ------------------------------------------------ WORLD HEADQUARTERS Symantec Corporate Offices, 10201 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014-2132 +1 (408) 253-9600 +1 (408) 253-3968 Fax Marketing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH AMERICAN OFFICES CANADA Toronto Symantec Canada, 250 The Esplanade, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1J2 +1 (416) 366-0423 +1 (416) 366-4453 Fax Ottawa Symantec Canada, 440 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 7X6 +1 (613) 782-2465 +1 (613) 782-2364 Fax Vancouver Symantec Canada, 2570 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6K 1T1 +1 (604) 737-0214 +1 (604) 737-0219 Fax Montreal Symantec Canada, 1200, Mc Gill College, Bureau/Suite 1100, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 4G7 +1 (514) 393-1776 +1 (514) 393-3314 Fax MEXICO Symantec Mexico. "Torre Caballito" Piso 19, Reforma 10 Col. Centro, Mexico, D.F. 06400 MEXICO +52 5 628 1242 Main Number +52 5 628 1212 Fax UNITED STATES Sunnyvale Symantec (Sunnyvale), 1452 Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 +1 (408) 732-1211 +1 (408) 730-3594 Fax (Purchasing) +1 (408) 730-3595 Fax (Planning) +1 (408) 735-9860 Fax (Shipping) Eugene Symantec Service & Support Center (Eugene), 175W. Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401 +1 (503) 345-3322 +1 (800) 441-7234 (Customer Serv) +1 (503) 334-6054 (Customer Serv) +1 (503) 334-7473 Fax Main +1 (503) 334-7400 Fax C/S +1 (503) 334-7475 Fax HR Novato Symantec (Novato), 7200 Redwood Blvd, Suite 300, Novato, CA 94945 +1 (415) 898-1919 +1 (415) 898-1297 Fax 3rd Floor +1 (415) 898-8591 Fax 2nd Floor Bedford Symantec (Bedford), 135 South Road, Bedford, MA 01730 +1 (617) 275-4800 +1 (617) 275-2124 Fax Santa Monica Symantec (Peter Norton Group), 2500 Broadway Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404 +1 (310) 453-4600 +1 (310) 453-0636 Fax Huntington Symantec (Huntington), 1776 East Jericho Turnpike, Huntington, NY 11743 +1 (516) 462-0440 +1 (516) 462-6652 Fax Richardson (Dallas) Symantec (Richardson), 801 East Campbell RD, Suite 325, Richardson, TX 75081 +1 (214) 690-0595 +1 (214) 690-1733 Fax Baton Rouge Symantec (Baton Rouge), 10049N. Reiger Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 +1 (504) 291-7221 +1 (504) 291-5453 Fax Shelton Symantec (Shelton), 2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 504, Shelton, CT 06484 +1 (203) 925-1521 +1 (203) 925-4249 Fax Beaverton Symantec (Beaverton), 15220 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 200, Beaverton, OR 97006 +1 (503) 690-8088 +1 (503) 690-8083 Fax Irvine Symantec (Irvine), 4010 Barranca Parkway, Suite 245, Irvine, CA 92714 +1 (714) 262-3224 +1 (714) 262-3225 Fax ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS Symantec Ltd, Postbus 1345, 2302 BH Leiden, Holland +31 (71) 353 111 +31 (71) 353 150 Fax ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANCE Paris Symantec SARAL, 31-35 rue Gambetta, 92150 Suresnes, France +33 (1) 47 72 16 36 Sales +33 (1) 47 72 16 48 Customer Support +33 (1) 46 97 11 32 Fax GERMANY DusselDorf Symantec (Deutschland) GmbH, Grafenberger Alle 136, 40237 Dusseldorf, Deutschland +49 (211) 9917 0 Main Number +49 (211) 9917 222 Fax Munich Symantec Munich, Die Guenther, Leopoldstr. 28 a, 80802 Munich, Deutschland +49 89 38 38 330 Main Number +49 89 33 57 31 Fax IRELAND International Manufacturing/Translations Symantec Ltd. 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If you require North American Technical Support for; CorelSCSI, Corel CD Creator, Corel CD Home, and Corel CD PowerPak Multimedia Technical Support hotline 1-613-728-1010 24 hr Interactive Voice Support 1-613-728-1010 24 hr Automated Fax Service 1-613-728-0826 ext. 3080 CompuServe Multimedia Forum Go Corel Corel BBS download service 613-728-4752 9600,8,1,N Corel BBS download service 613-761-7795 9600,8,1,N 2. If you require North American Technical Support for; Corel Professional Photos and Corel Artshow Software Support International hotline 1-407-333-1967 24 hr Interactive Voice Support 1-613-728-1010 24 hr Automated Fax Support 1-613-728-0826 ext. 3080 CompuServe Multimedia Forum Go Corel Corel BBS download service 613-728-4752 9600,8,1,N Corel BBS download service 613-761-7795 9600,8,1,N 3. If you require European Technical Support, German, or Spanish language support for; CorelSCSI, Corel CD Creator, Corel CD Home, Corel CD PowerPak, Corel Professional Photos, and Corel Artshow Corel Technical Support hotline Ireland 353-1405-2300 4. If you require Japanese Technical Support for; CorelSCSI, Corel CD Creator, and Corel CD Home Sumitomo Technical Support hotline Japan 03-5476-9802 ********************************************************************** ATARI/JAG SECTION (III) ======================= Dana Jacobson, Editor > From the Atari Editor's Desk "Saying it like it is!" """""""""""""""""""""""""""" It's been a LONG time since I was in a "political" mood in one of my editorials. But, since that's what this space is usually meant to reflect, why not? Recent articles in the press regarding "policing" the Internet and online services, and other "regulatory" suggestions has really got under my skin. I really believe that there's potential for things getting carried away in this regard. Let's get realistic here, for a minute. If minors are getting hold of pornographic materials online - where are the parents? Give a kid a computer, modem, and access to an online service - as a parent, you had better know what your child is doing online. There're not only pictures of naked women, but the potential for other online "hazards". How about piracy? Flame mail? Obscenities? And more. Parents need to monitor their children's activities somehow; or teach them to avoid this stuff. Why is it any different than television and the movies? Stop putting the responsibility of parents with government agencies! On the other hand, child pornography is something different. However, I believe that the online services (legitimate pay services such as CompuServe, Prodigy, etc.) should be self-monitoring. If items of this ilk arises, it needs to be readily eradicated. Child-porn is illegal, and should be. Private bulletin boards should be dealt with in much the same way as piracy - maybe moreso, and more punitive for those who are caught. One of my complaints about generalized policing of such things as the Internet is where will it stop, if started? What gets censored; and what doesn't? As an online friend and I discussed a few days ago, the Internet reminds us both of the days when CB radios were the fad of the decade, some years ago. With the advent of technology, computers were a natural movement for CB users. With CBs, people could talk with one another, or in groups, without the "fear" of really knowing "who" you were talking with. The Internet (at least with those using "handles"), it's very similar. Instead of actual voices, you have messages. However, some of the garbage that you see online is no different from what was being said over the CB radio. How is any agency going to enforce speech? The Internet has always been a terrific forum for the exchange of ideas. Certainly, there will always be a few who act like idiots online, but they can be ignored. With users starting out younger and younger; and the Internet and online services being advertised to the hilt, the atmosphere of these services will change accordingly. What should be taught at home should also apply in all facets of life. Teach them the same good ethics for being online. It should be that simple. Keep the government busy by doing something important, like curbing crime. Off my least for this week! Until next time... _______________________________________ Delphi's Atari Advantage! TOP TEN DOWNLOADS (6/14/95) (1) SPEED OF LIGHT 3.8 (6) MUNSIE VIDEO NEWSLETTER (2) NISHIRAN! (7) DR. BOB'S ICON DRAW 1.42 (3) SEAWOLF ARCADE GAME (8) PSST! 1.0 (4) PICTURE FILE BROWSER 1.0A (9) GHOST LINK 1.02 BETA (5) COLD HARD CACHE V4 *(10) SQUARE OFF! * = New on list HONORARY TOP 10 The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently out-performing every other file in the databases. STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 11.23) ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE (Current issue: AEO: JAGUAR EDITION 3) Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database. __________________________________________ > NEW CDROMS STR FOCUS! """"""""""""""""""""" Suzy B Software DOUBLE CD SET Now Available! This TWO CD set is the most complete collection of Atari PD and shareware software ever assembled. For the past 5 years, Suzy B's Software has been the premier supplier of Atari public-domain and shareware software, selling it to customers on individual 3.5" disks. Their experience has paid off. There's no fluff in this collection -- just tested, up-to-date programs and files. What's on here? Games! Falcon030 software! WAV's, AVR's, and MOD's! Utilities! MiNT and MiNT files! Spectrum 512 files, financial software, Atariworks templates, software demos, telecomm software, childrens' software, databases, picture manipulation tools, label creation software, Double-Click software, Atari Eight Bit files, printer drivers, icons, boot utilities, screen savers, MIDI song files, pictures from NASA, hard disk backup software and MUCH MUCH MORE! Suzy B & Toad Computers 2 CD Set: $59.00! (Dealer Inquiries Invited!) TO EVERYONE WHO PRE-ORDERED THE SUZY B SOFTWARE DOUBLE CD SET THROUGH SUZY B SOFTWARE OR TOAD COMPUTERS: Thanks! Your orders were all shipped on May 26th and you should be receiving your discs momentarily! This has been ONE HOT SELLER -- and understandably so. It's packed with programs and files in an organized & easy to use fashion. Who wouldn't want it? And with over 1GB of files on this disk, you're getting software at the BULK PRICE of just 5 CENTS per MEGABYTE! WOW! To order this or any other product, please call Toad Computers at (800) 448-8623! -- David Troy [] Toad Computers, Inc. (800) 448-8623 Orders America's Atari Source (410) 544-6943 Info (410) 544-1329 FAX (410) 544-6999 BBS Pushing for a GEM Web Browser! (410) 544-0098 FAX-Back _______________________________________ -/- Lotus Seems Ready to Deal With IBM -/- A day after Wall Street expected Lotus Development Corp. to seek a "white knight" to deflect IBM's $3.3 billion hostile takeover bid, analysts now say Lotus appears ready to acquiesce, if it can get the price and terms it wants. In The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporters Laurie Hays and Steven Lipin write, "The two sides have met three times already this week, starting with a dinner Tuesday night in Manhattan between IBM Chairman Louis V. Gerstner Jr. and Lotus Chairman Jim P. Manzi, at the request of Manzi, a person familiar with the situation said. The two men also met on Wednesday and yesterday along with their financial advisers in the offices of CS First Boston Inc., IBM's financial advisers." In addition to the meetings, which the paper calls "especially unusual this soon in a hostile takeover battle," the companies' financial advisers broke up into small working groups at the offices of First Boston "to find ways to hammer out a possible deal." The Journal quotes A person familiar with the talks as saying IBM and Lotus are working to "see how we could come closer together." Hays and Lipin say it appears Manzi has dropped his insistence that Lotus should remain independent and has expressed concerns on "philosophical and cultural" issues. "Some people close to the situation," says the paper, "expect Manzi to seek a higher price from the computer giant, even though he appears to be in a weak bargaining position because no other potential buyers for Lotus have yet appeared." Nonetheless, there still is talk of a possible new suitor. The paper reports speculation Fujitsu Ltd.'s ICL subsidiary might be interested in making a bid for Lotus, though a Fujitsu spokesman in Tokyo said, "That's news to us," adding the ICL unit doesn't have the resources to make such an acquisition. -/- Lotus Agrees to Takeover by IBM -/- A week after the launch of IBM's hostile takeover bid, Lotus Development Corp. has agreed to be bought out by the computer giant for $3.52 billion, or about $220 million more than was originally offered last Monday. IBM's initial cash offer of $60 per share was twice Lotus' market value at the time. They reached agreement late yesterday at a price of $64 per share. (Lotus stock closed at $62.87 1/2 Friday on the Nasdaq Stock Market.) Reporting for The Associated Press, business writer Evan Ramstad says, "Though the details took several days to work out, executives said Sunday that the head of Lotus became serious about the deal a day after IBM's initial offer." Apparently, Lotus CEO Jim Manzi agreed to proceed with the buyout after meeting IBM chief Louis Gerstner Jr. for dinner Tuesday. Gerstner agreed to raise the purchase price, preserve Lotus' autonomy and leave Manzi in charge of the company. Says Ramstad, "The deal has the potential to reorder the personal computer software industry by putting IBM in a strong position to challenge Microsoft Corp., which leads the industry through its dominance in operating system programs that run the basic functions of a PC." Late yesterday, Gerstner said, "We are really delighted at IBM that we and Lotus were able to reach an agreement so quickly. I'm looking forward to Jim's counsel on a whole host of strategic issues at IBM." Meanwhile, Manzi commented, "This serves up some very big opportunities that we didn't have before." As reported earlier, IBM seems most interested in the Lotus Notes software, a leading product in an emerging niche called "groupware." But, says AP, "while the deal gives IBM a chance at taking on Microsoft, analysts are cautious about the company's prospects." Editor Jeff Tarter of Softletter commented, "I don't know where we get the magic that creates a different competitive situation." And editor David Coursey of PC Letter said, "IBM is paying too much but it's what it took to make the deal go. They had to come with a price that was face-saving for everyone." -/- Lotus Deal Seen as Blow to OS/2 -/- Could IBM's big $3.5 billion buyout of Lotus Development Corp. signal the beginning of the end of Big Blue's long efforts to push OS/2 operating system software? Some think so. Writer Bart Ziegler of The Wall Street Journal comments this morning that establishing OS/2 as a credible rival to Microsoft Corp.'s Windows has been IBM's "Holy Grail" for nearly six years, "consuming the work of hundreds of employees and more than $2 billion." Says Ziegler, "Now IBM has made it clear that Lotus's hot-selling Notes will become its strategic centerpiece in personal-computer software -- a role long held by OS/2." Noting that despite massive advertising OS/2 has barely dented the Windows operating-system franchise, a longtime IBM executive who left the company recently told the paper, "It's like the Vietnam War. After a while you've been there so long you can't get out." While an IBM spokesman says the company remains committed to OS/2 and "fully supports" it, other observers told the paper it is highly unlikely that IBM will promote as its main strategic direction both OS/2 and Lotus Notes, a leading product in an emerging niche called "groupware." Ziegler points out IBM Chairman Louis V. Gerstner Jr. has been "sensitive to criticism that Big Blue historically has confused customers by backing too many strategies," and "given the cost of buying Lotus and building on Notes, some executives question whether Mr. Gerstner and his tight-fisted chief financial officer, Jerome York, would continue devoting the same level of effort to OS/2, estimated at close to $200 million a year." As reported earlier, Gerstner as said the takeover "has nothing to do with OS/2," Ziegler's source said, "I can't see them co-existing," suggesting IBM might fold some of OS/2's features into Notes, then let the operating system fade from view eventually. -/- Feds Propose Net Policing Agency -/- A new federal agency is being proposed in a set of plans to help secure and police public and government computer networks. Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporter John J. Fialka says the moves, outlined in a 33-page report, "are part of a growing, government-wide concern that escalating attacks by hackers and disgruntled insiders could undermine the nation's faith in electronic information systems, including telecommunications networks, databases and advanced computer systems." One unidentified administration official told the paper, "People need to be able to trust this infrastructure or they won't use it." The effort is part of a government-wide task force called the National Information Infrastructure Forum that, Fialka says, "is proposing the rules to strengthen the security and reliability of advanced-communications networks." The task force calls for: ------------------------- -:- The Securities and Exchange Commission, Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to examine banking regulations and procedures to verify information that will be needed to prevent counterfeiting and consumer fraud in electronic investing, electronic banking and the consumer use of so-called "digital cash." -:- All federal agencies to extend their oversight of outside systems and step up the security of their own systems so they can serve as a "model user" for industry. Backers says the new federal entity would be modeled after the Computer Emergency Response Team, the Carnegie-Mellon University unit that has its hands full responding to an ever-growing number of intrusions and other emergencies experienced by Internet users. As an example of how vulnerable government systems are, the paper notes that the Defense Information Systems Agency, using teams of its security experts to "hack" into 12,000 Defense Department computer systems attached to the Internet, succeeded in penetrating 88 percent of time. And 96 percent of the attacks weren't detected. Also cited is a Rand Corp. study that found 1,172 computer intrusions and vandalism incidents occurred during the first six months of last year, nearly three times the amount from the year earlier. "In addition," says the Journal, "the new I-way patrol agency would build on the experience of the National Communication System, a small Washington-based unit where government and telephone industry experts work to preserve the integrity of the nation's telephone system in case of war or natural disasters." -/- Internet Rating System Proposed -/- A voluntary rating system is being proposed for the Internet by three software publishers, along with an electronic filter that would allow individuals to block access to sexually explicit content. Microsoft Corp., Netscape Communications Corp. and Progressive Networks Inc. have formed a group to create industry standards for rating content and for the software filter. The companies made the announcement just as the Senate approved a measure that imposes stiff punishments for those who knowingly distribute obscene material over computer networks. Reporting from Seattle, the Reuter News Service says the companies have founded the Information Highway Parental Empowerment Group and plan to issue a report by the end of the year on ways to prevent children from gaining access to electronic bulletin boards and discussion groups considered "inappropriate." Reuters says Netscape Communications "is likely to add some kind of parental filters into its Netscape Navigator" web browser software. A Microsoft official told the wire service the effort is part of that company's commitment to make "family friendly" its forthcoming Microsoft Network online service. The third participant, Progressive Networks of Seattle, markets an audio-on-demand system for the Internet. The new group is inviting other companies to join the effort. -/- Microsoft Online Plans Probed -/- Word is the U.S. Justice Department's antitrust division continues to examine how an electronic network Microsoft Corp. plans to launch might affect the online industry. Washington Post reporter Elizabeth Corcoran writes this morning that CompuServe, America Online Inc. and Prodigy Services Co. all received requests from the Justice Department this week for information, with the responses due by today. She adds the Justice Department won't confirm the exact nature of its inquiry into Microsoft's electronic network. Spokeswoman Gina Talamona said, "We're looking at the possibility of anti-competitive practices in the computer software industry." Meanwhile, Kent Stuckey, general counsel for CompuServe, told the paper, "We have a lot of this information assembled. The request is actually a continuation of a dialogue that had been going on for some time. I expect we could respond pretty promptly." And Microsoft spokesman Greg Shaw said the company could not comment on whether an investigation was ongoing. Microsoft has said the new version of its operating system software, Windows 95, due in August, will include the software to reach its new electronic network, Microsoft Network. Competitors argue Microsoft's dominance of the market for operating system software gives it an unfair advantage in the new realm of online services. This is the Department of Justice's third investigation of Microsoft business practices. In April, it filed a suit against Microsoft's plans to acquire Intuit Inc., prompting Microsoft to drop the deal. Last year Microsoft agreed to change the way it licensed its DOS and Windows operating system software after a five-year government investigation. -/- Microsoft Defends Online Plans -/- In response to news that the Justice Department is investigating its planned move into the online services field, Microsoft is defending The Microsoft Network, claiming that the venture is "entirely pro-competitive." "We believe Microsoft's entry into online services will benefit PC users," says William H. Neukom, Microsoft's senior vice president for law & corporate affairs. "The online services business is an emerging, growing field. We are a new entrant to the field with a terrific new product that we believe customers will want. The result of our entry will be increased consumer choice and lower prices." Neukom adds, "We regret that some of our competitors, faced with new competition, have resorted to complaining to government regulators rather than competing vigorously in the marketplace. The nation's antitrust laws are an important part of our legal system but they exist to protect the competitive process, not particular competitors." According to the Redmond, Washington-based company, consumers running Windows 95 will have a broad range of online services from which to choose. A Microsoft statement notes, "All of the major online services are developing Windows 95-based client access software for their services. Windows 95 will also run the Windows 3.1- based client software that online services subscribers are currently using." -/- Justice Broadens Microsoft Probe -/- The U.S. Justice Department's probe into how Microsoft plans to market its new online service apparently also will look into whether the firm is unfairly limiting computer manufacturers' ability to sue it for patent-infringement claims. Writing in The Washington Post this morning, reporter Mike Mills quotes officials at Microsoft's Redmond, Washington, headquarters as saying the Justice Department has requested information about a provision in its licensing agreements with computer manufacturers that will include Windows 95 with their computers. "The provision requires the manufacturers to agree not to sue Microsoft for patent infringement claims involving Windows 95," Mills writes. Microsoft Vice President William H. Neukom said the firm has been including the provision in some licensing agreements for previous versions of Windows since 1990. It is necessary, he said, "to create an environment for Windows 95 users in which patent infringement litigation is minimized. Microsoft and the [manufacturers] that already have agreed to this provision believe it is in the best interest of consumers, because it lowers prices and allows everyone to focus on building better products without the distraction of costly and time-consuming patent-infringement litigation." Neukom said Microsoft often was dragged into disputes between other software makers and computer manufacturers solely because the Windows operating system was sold along with the computer involved in a patent-infringement lawsuit. But California attorney Gary Reback, who represents companies critical of Microsoft's business practices, told the Post computer makers think they have no option but to sign away their patent rights because most customers expect to have Windows on the computers they buy. "It's Windows or you don't have anything," Reback said. "That gives Microsoft overwhelming market power and negotiating leverage." And an unidentified industry executive told the paper most large PC makers have resisted Microsoft's attempts since 1990 to seek protection from patent suits and that now that Microsoft is coming out with a new operating system, "they have a chance to really shove this down the industry's throat." Says the Post, "Computer industry sources said a number of major computer manufacturers, including AT&T Corp., Compaq Computer Corp., Dell Computer Corp. and Texas Instruments Inc. also received requests for information about the licensing provision. Those companies and the Justice Department yesterday declined to comment." As reported earlier, the Windows 95 inquiry and its Microsoft Network feature is the Justice Department's third major look at the business practices of Microsoft, the world's largest personal computer software company. ___________________________________________ JAGUAR SECTION ============== VR Health Questions! Team-17! CATnips! Power Drive Rally! AEO Video! And much more! > From the Editor's Controller - Playin' it like it is! """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Pinball Fantasies is out and the comments (other than my own!) have been very favorable so far. If you like pinball at the arcades, you should really pick this game up and give it a try. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Check out last week's issue of STReport for a review of this fun game! I had a lot of comments regarding the "editorial" content of Don Thomas' latest CATnips article, but I felt that Don did a much better job of explaining his stance on personal versus Atari opinions voiced online. Some would like us, or Don, to believe that he has no rights to a personal opinion - that any opinions presented online should, at the least, have an "I am an Atari employee" disclaimer attached to any message or article. Are you people serious?? Read Don's latest article below and see for yourself. By the way, I agree that it's possible for Don, and anyone for that matter, to wear more than one hat if he chooses to do so. Well, I'm going to cut this unusually short this week; I might just have some time to get in a few games of "Stones N' Bones" before calling it a night! Until next time... ___________________________________________ > Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile - What's currently available, what's """"""""""""""""""""""""""" coming out. Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT # TITLE MSRP DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER J9000 Cybermorph $59.99 Atari Corp. J9006 Evolution:Dino Dudes $29.99 Atari Corp. J9005 Raiden $29.99 FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp. J9001 Trevor McFur/ Crescent Galaxy $29.99 Atari Corp. J9010 Tempest 2000 $59.95 Llamasoft/Atari Corp. J9028 Wolfenstein 3D $69.95 id/Atari Corp. JA100 Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95 Telegames J9008 Alien vs. Predator $69.99 Rebellion/Atari Corp. J9029 Doom $69.99 id/Atari Corp. J9036 Dragon: Bruce Lee $39.99 Atari Corp. J9003 Club Drive $59.99 Atari Corp. J9007 Checkered Flag $39.99 Atari Corp. J9012 Kasumi Ninja $69.99 Atari Corp. J9042 Zool 2 $59.99 Atari Corp J9020 Bubsy $49.99 Atari Corp J9026 Iron Soldier $59.99 Atari Corp J9060 Val D'Isere Skiing $59.99 Atari Corp. Cannon Fodder $69.99 Virgin/C-West Syndicate $69.99 Ocean Troy Aikman Ftball $69.99 Williams Theme Park $69.99 Ocean Sensible Soccer Telegames Double Dragon V $59.99 Williams J9009E Hover Strike $59.99 Atari Corp. Pinball Fantasies $59.99 C-West Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT # TITLE MSRP DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER Super Burnout TBD Atari Air Cars TBD MidNite Entertainment Fight For Life TBD Atari Flashback TBD U.S. Gold Power Drive Rally TBD TWI Rayman TBD UBI Soft Ultra Vortex TBD Atari White Men Can't Jump TBD Atari Jaguar CD-ROM $149.99 Atari Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT # TITLE MSRP MANUFACTURER J8001 Jaguar (complete) $189.99 Atari Corp. J8001 Jaguar (no cart) $159.99 Atari Corp. J8904 Composite Cable $19.95 J8901 Controller/Joypad $24.95 Atari Corp. J8905 S-Video Cable $19.95 CatBox $69.95 ICD ____________________________________________ > Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile - Current Developer Lists & Titles """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Game Title Date Game Type MSRP Publisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Cars 7/95 Racing/Combat $59.99 MidNite Ent. Alien vs Predator NOW Role Play/Adventure $69.99 Atari Alien vs Predator CD 2/96 Role Play/Adventure TBD Atari Arena Football 8/95 Sports TBD V Reel Assault 2Q/95 Action/Combat $59.99 MidNite Ent. Atari Kart 9/95 TBD TBD Atari Att. of Mut. Penguins 10/95 Arcade TBD Atari Baldies (CD) 8/95 Action/Simulation TBD Atari Batman Forever (CD) 4/96 Action/Adventure TBD Atari Battlemorph (CD) 8/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari Battlesphere 9/95 Space/Combat TBD 4-Play Battle Wheels 2Q/95 Racing/Combat TBD Beyond Games Black ICE/White Noise 12/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari Blue Lightning (CD) 8/95 Flying/Action $59.99 Atari Braindead 13 (CD) 10/95 Action/Adventure TBD ReadySoft Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 11/95 Sports TBD Atari Brutal Sports Football NOW Sports/Combat $69.99 Telegames Bubsy NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari Cannon Fodder NOW Action/Adventure $69.99 Virgin Chas Barkley Basketball 9/95 Sports TBD Atari Checkered Flag NOW Racing $69.99 Atari Club Drive NOW Racing $59.99 Atari Commando (CD) 11/95 Action (3D) TBD Atari Creature Shock (CD) 8/95 Adventure/Sci-Fi TBD Atari/Virgin Cybermorph NOW Flying/Action $59.99 Atari Dactyl Joust 11/95 Action TBD Atari Dante (CD) 6/96 Action TBD Atari Deathwatch 12/95 Arcade TBD Atari Defender 2000 (CD) 10/95 Arcade TBD Atari Demolition Man (CD) 8/95 Action/Combat $59.99 Atari Doom NOW Action/Combat $69.99 Atari Double Dragon V NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Williams Dragon:Bruce Lee Story NOW Combat $59.99 Atari Dragon's Lair (CD) 8/95 Adventure TBD Ready Soft Dragon's Lair 2 (CD) 10/95 Adventure TBD ReadySoft Dreadnought (CD) 2Q/95 Adventure TBD Atari Dune Racer (CD) 1/96 Racing TBD Atari Dungeon Depths 2Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 MidNite Ent. Evolution: Dino Dudes NOW Puzzle/Adventure $49.99 Atari Fight For Life 7/95 Combat TBD Atari Flashback 7/95 Action/Adventure TBD US Gold Flip-Out 8/95 Puzzle TBD Atari Formula Racing (CD) 11/95 Racing TBD Atari Frank Thomas Baseball 4/96 Sports TBD Atari Hardball Baseball 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari Highlander I (CD) 8/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari Highlander II (CD) 10/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari Highlander III (CD) 11/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari Horrorscope 2Q/95 Combat TBD V Reel Hover Strike NOW Action/Combat $59.99 Atari Hover Strike CD 9/95 Action/Combat TBD Atari Hover Hunter 9/95 Action/Arcade TBD Atari Ironman/Exoman 4/96 Action TBD Atari Iron Soldier NOW Action/Strategy $59.99 Atari Iron Soldier II (CD) 1/96 Action/Strategy TBD Atari Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95 Sports TBD Atari Kasumi Ninja NOW Combat $69.99 Atari Magic Carpet (CD) 12/95 Action/RPG TBD Atari Max Force 9/95 Action TBD Atari Mind-ripper (CD) 2/96 Adventure TBD Atari Mortal Kombat 3 4/96 Fighting TBD Atari Myst (CD) 8/95 Interactive Novel TBD Atari NBA Jam T.E. 12/95 Sports TBD Atari Pinball Fantasies NOW Arcade $59.95 Comp. West Pitfall 8/95 Arcade TBD Activision Power Drive Rally 7/95 Driving TBD TWI Primal Rage (CD) 11/95 Fighting TBD TWI Rage Rally 2Q/95 Racing TBD Atari Raiden NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari Rayman 7/95 Action/Adventure TBD UBI Soft Rise of the Robots (CD) 8/95 Action/Arcade TBD TWI Robinson's Requiem (CD) 8/95 Adventure TBD Atari Ruiner Pinball 8/95 Arcade TBD Atari Sensible Soccer NOW Sports Telegames Sky Hammer (CD) 10/95 Flying/Action TBD Atari Soccer Kid 2Q/95 Sports TBD Ocean Soul Star (CD) 9/95 Action/Sci-Fi TBD Atari Space Ace (CD) 8/95 Space/Combat TBD ReadySoft Space War 9/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari Starlight BowlaRama CD 10/95 Simulation/Sports TBD Atari Star Raiders 2Q/95 Space Simulation TBD Atari Super Burnout 6/95 Racing TBD Atari Supercross 3D 9/95 Sports TBD Atari Syndicate NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean Tempest 2000 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari Thea Relm Fighters (CD)10/95 Action/Fighting TBD Atari Theme Park NOW Simulation $69.99 Ocean Tiny Toon Adventures 2Q/95 Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari Trevor McFur NOW Action/Adventure $49.99 Atari Troy Aikman NFL Ftball NOW Sports $69.99 Williams Ultimate Brain Games 2Q/95 Puzzle TBD Telegames Ultra Vortex 7/95 Action/Adventure $69.99 Beyond Games Val D'Isere Skiing... NOW Sports $59.99 Atari Varuna's Forces (CD) 11/95 Action/Adventure TBD Atari VidGrid (CD) 8/95 Puzzle/Music Video TBD Atari Wayne Gretzky NHL (CD) 11/95 Sports TBD TWI White Men Can't Jump 7/95 Sports TBD TriMark Wolfenstein 3D NOW Combat/Action $59.99 Atari Zool2 NOW Action/Adventure $59.99 Atari [Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are verified from Atari - all subject to change] ____________________________________________ > Jaguar Online STR InfoFile Online Users Growl & Purr! """""""""""""""""""""""""" Sb: #82406-#VR Games? Fm: Derek Steiger 73007,2223 To: Don Thomas 75300,1267 (X) Say Don, i've been hearing rumours about VR having certain "side effects". Things such as flashbacks, etc. Have you heard anything about this, or has Atari looked into such things? Not to rain on anybody's parade.. after all, its just rumor, but we don't really know for sure if VR is as safe and fun as everybody is lead to believe. Fun, perhaps, but safe? I wonder if it would be dangerous for a person who is being treated for depression or some such related disorder, to be totally immersed in an artificial environment thus using this as a drug to escape reality. :( We could also see many socially disfunct[ional] people in the days to come when VR breaks through in popularity. Oh well, I'm opening up a whole new ball of wax here.... :) Derek Sb: #82468-#VR Games? Fm: Don Thomas 75300,1267 To: Derek Steiger 73007,2223 Derek, >>Say Don, i've been hearing rumours about VR having certain "side >>effects". Things such as flashbacks, etc. Have you heard anything >>about this, or has Atari looked into such things? I don't know about flashbacks, but this is what I know.... One of the reasons VR hasn't been put out there any faster than it has is due to health and safety issues... it's a key reason VR has not been any sooner on the Jaguar. Virtuality, the developing masterminds behind Jaguar VR, was chosen by Atari after they demonstrated that their VR technology was the most thoroughly health and safety tested product in the world. Virtuality are the same people who have developed the systems for the specialty arcades and they have conducted tests that involve hundreds of thousands of gamers using the same technology they are integrating into the Jaguar. In addition, Virtuality offers the most advanced motion tracking system so that the virtual world moves as the player does in real time. One of the sources of problems after gamers played on other systems was attributed to the fact that the system sluggishly tracked the gamer's movements... creating a seasick type effect. ALSO, the Jaguar system will have added built-in shut-off safety features to prohibit use of the product if the player decides to move outside of the immediate tracking zone. For what it's worth, I played the VR at E3 for quite a while. I sort of expected to have to "reconfigure" myself when I took it off, but there was no difference than if I had played any other video game for that length of time. >>Not to rain on anybody's parade.. after all, its just rumor, but we >>don't really know for sure if VR is as safe and fun as everybody is >>lead to believe. Fun, perhaps, but safe? Got you covered. >>I wonder if it would be dangerous for a person who is being treated >>for depression... Playing standard video games can affect a small number of people in the population as noted as a precaution in your instruction manual. Heck, driving a car can affect some people. >>Oh well, I'm opening up a whole new ball of wax here.... :) Nope. You really aren't. That issue is very important to Atari and has been addressed early on. -- Don Thomas Atari Corporation Sb: Possible New Games?? Fm: Cody Maloney 75204,3532 To: All < --- schnipp --- Martin, Yes, Team17 are developing Jaguar games which are scheduled for release at the very end of this year or more than likely first quarter 1996. These include Rollcage (a 3D off-road racing game), Allegiance (an arcade strategy first-person perspective title) and Witchwood (arcade adventure in Zelda's clothing ;-) ). Oh yeah, the one that will definitely appear this year (October) is the already legendary Worms. Regarded by most as more entertaining than sex, Worms will set your Jag alight with its humour, multi-player facilities (16 players in total) and strong, underlying elements of engrossing strategy - that's the PR sales pitch out of the way! If you want any more info, you know where to find me! --- schnipp --- Greetings Martin Lethaus (JAGUAR MAG GERMANY)>> Can anyone verify this information?? Is it true?? Cody Team 17 working on Jag-Games! --- schnipp --- Martin, Yes, Team17 are developing Jaguar games which are scheduled for release at the very end of this year or more than likely first quarter 1996. These include Rollcage (a 3D off-road racing game), Allegiance (an arcade strategy first-person perspective title) and Witchwood (arcade adventure in Zelda's clothing ;-) ). Oh yeah, the one that will definitely appear this year (October) is the already legendary Worms. Regarded by most as more entertaining than sex, Worms will set your Jag alight with its humour, multi-player facilities (16 players in total) and strong, underlying elements of engrossing strategy - that's the PR sales pitch out of the way! If you want any more info, you know where to find me! --- schnipp --- Greetings Martin Lethaus (JAGUAR MAG GERMANY) __________________________________________ > From Don's DeskTop STR FOCUS! "Personal Opinion Edition" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" (95.06.13) CATnips ======= Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas I'm going to celebrate this edition of CATnips by giving it a theme... I'm calling it my "Personal Opinion Edition!" Last week I was forwarded an Internet message from someone feeling I was not entitled to a personal opinion or, at least, a right to express it within my CATnips format. So to that... I say "Bullpunky!" For the record, CATnips is NOT a formal statement of Atari Corporation and my personal opinions expressed herein are no one else's but my own. I think everyone on my private distributionchannel (KJAG or WJAG for our friends East of the Mississippi ) knows that CATnips is my own personal means to fill the gap between what is newsy in the Jaguar spotlight, but may not be covered by press releases or formal statements. Subjects I have covered have been personal perspectives of E3, my adventures with CATscan (209/239-1552 == 14.4 == 24 hours), my impressions on games or simply where to find them, previews of neat stuff I've snagged for onliners at great prices (T-Shirts, posters, CD Soundtracks, videos, etc.), great online comments and more... lots more. I've even attached Press Releases from time to time. You can tell which ones they are because of the two secret words at the top of them... (PRESS RELEASE). Also, for the record, I do work at Atari Corporation and my opinions are 100%+ biased in favor of Atari product. I'm sorry to shock some of you, but looking for ways to sell the SNES doesn't really pay my mortgage well. For what it's worth, working at Atari is a thrill for me because I get to swim in my favorite pool of entertainment products. Long before I knew Atari would scrape grease from my elbows, I was collecting 2600 game cartridges, devoted to my 400 and 800 computers (no, those are not quantities) and attending Atari users' group meetings in Ft. Worth, Texas. Although only one person I know of ever suggested I not voice opinions, I felt compelled to be PC (no pun intended) about it and 'fess up that I am biased. In the interest of fairness, I encourage anyone that chooses to republish copies of CATnips to point out that my expressed opinions are based on those things I think will help promote the Atari Jaguar (and Lynx). Those who know me realize I will never falsify anything, but I won't go out of my way to point out the occasional "not so good" stuff... Kind of like when I proudly show pictures of my son, I don't go out of my way to point out that his team lost their baseball season this year. Heck, if I'm going to paint, why not use colors I like! Right? I suppose I should feel obligated to point out that the preceding was a biased editorial based on personal opinion. Okay, let's move on ... Some of you may recall that I was entertaining the idea of assembling a timeline of Atari's history. Although things like Christmas and E3 have shifted its position on my priority list, I'm still collecting goodies as sources for information. So far I have over 130 pages packed with material and I still have volumes of books and magazines to review. I'd like to point out an excellent book I came across. It was recommended to me by John Hardie, a Jaguar devotee and CATscan member from New York who expressed his PERSONAL OPINION and... oh, anyway, the book is called: "PHOENIX: The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames". It was written by Leonard Herman who is a freelance writer, award winning lyricist, Atari game collector and computer programmer residing in New Jersey. The book is published by Rolenta Press with a copyright of 1994. Now the following review of this book is my PERSONAL opinion... "PHOENIX: The Fall & Rise of Home Video Games" seems to me to be the most thorough history of the video game evolution I have seen. Unlike "Game Over" by David Sheff which takes an angle from primarily Nintendo's perspective, Herman's accounts appear to me (my opinion) to be evenly devoted to all the systems that contributed to the phenomenon of videogaming. It would have been nice if there were photos or illustrations because part of the charm to reminisce is to visualize how some of those old blocky games looked. I do not know the accuracy of all the data in the book, but the book is extremely well indexed (another opinion) and offers a three page bibliography in teeny tiny print. The book is 298 pages and perfect bound by a generic looking cover. It is available direct from the publisher for $22.49 which includes shipping costs. New Jersey residents need to add $1.20 for the sales tax. In MY OPINION, it adds something to the book to have the author sign it. You may want to make that request when ordering. By the way, I am personally looking for a book titled: "ZAP" written by Scott Cohen and published by McGraw Hill in 1984. I found a copy in the library at Sacramento State University, but I would like to add a clean copy to my private library. The book is out of print and no longer available through McGraw Hill. (A FACT verified through the publisher... not an opinion.) Please EMail me at or if you have help for me on this. I am also interested in dusty, but good condition Atari 2600 game cartridges. Of course, the unusual ones would be most appealing. One such cart that comes to mind was part of a Puppy Chow promotion. Before you you offer them away to me or anyone else, take a good look at them again. Some of those games were a lot of fun and you might see new versions of some of them playing on a Jaguar near you! Those looking for great Jaguar press, check out the July issue of POPULAR SCIENCE on page 41. (Note, it is my opinion that the coverage was "great", but it is NOT my opinion that it is found on page 41.) The system is pictured and a couple screen shots of Kasumi Ninja are featured to show the version with and without the parental code activated. Just as a premature footnote, I have received several comments back in agreement with my PERSONAL OPINIONS of "Pinball Fantasies". Look for reviews coming up in the upcoming issues of STReport and Atari Explorer Online. BTW, "Pinball Fantasies" is available NOW! [Editor's note: The review of Pinball Fantasies was in last week's issue (issue #11.23)] The new July issue of VIDEOGAMES reached me today. In MY OPINION, our buddy Chris Gore is at it again. Although our recent lunch meeting with Gore was after this issue went to press, there are a few "technical errors" which will appear to be new because the magazine is just coming out. One of them happens to be the FACT (not opinion) that the CD-ROM is still scheduled for release in August... not "by Christmas" as quoted in the magazine. Please help notify gamers in advance of this. Your favorite press celebrities have been invited to a very special FUN 'N' GAMES event at Atari headquarters. Look for early feedback from them within a couple weeks. The event will open opportunities for sneak previews, exclusive interviews (and the separation of opinion and fact). I still get a lot of EMail asking if we still have AvP or IS posters, Tempest Soundtrack CDs and videos. Yes, we have all of them for collectors and enthusiasts. Whenever I get a chance, I snag some for the onliners in case they want to get one. Just follow the instructions in the ad to place your order. Please keep in mind that the Tempest Soundtrack CD is now scheduled for release as a pack-in with the CD-ROM so don't order one if you can wait until then. Also, the best recent video (IMO) is actually from Atari Explorer Online. Here's what the onliners are saying about the AEO/E3 video... Service: GEnie Author: C.SMITH89[CLINT/A.P.E.] Posted: 06/09/95, 08:29PM Message #: 148 Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! Topic: ATARI@E3 "...Terrific quality work... Rayman looks killer... Hopefully the rest of SoulStar will be as good as it's FMV intro. Whoa! Missile Command 2000 is looking very nice indeed. White Men Can't Jump looks and sounds very cool. Nice effects. Shut Up and Jam's setup screens look nice. Nice to see that it's being handled by Ringler(they did Lynx Hockey, Mario Lemieux for Sega, and some computer sports games for Mindscape years ago). Fight For Life looks GREAT. Much better looking than Virtua Fighters on Saturn. The best move shown on the video is when a character gets finished off with a vicious looking bearhug. Nice FMV for that NERF ad. Defender 2000 plus looks excellent. Love the aurora and the various sounds (especially the sizzle of the lightning lazer). It should kick with the right music. More great looking FMV for Varuna's Forces. Pinball Fantasies looks pretty good and the music is quite nice. Flip Out...boy what an odd looking(but neat) game. Ultra Vortex is looking great(especially since the background smooth scrolls ... no more jumpiness). Lucius has some great looking attacks. SkyHammer looks promising. Power Drive Rally looks and sounds excellent. Love the reflection of the sky in the water. Ruiner looks interesting. The war motif appeals to me more. Some cool sound. Battlesphere ... WOW ... Battlesphere. Oh my god, it's full of stars! Somebody clone the 4Play gang. I especially love the music. It sounds EXCELLENT. Also, I don't care who you have to bribe ... keep the Star Raiders shot sound. Who'd think that an 8-bit game's sound effect would seem so right in a 64-bit game? Thea Relm Fighters looks to have promise. Really nice backgrounds. The FMV on Blue Lightning is incredible. I'd really like to see something of a level where you're flying over ground though before I condemn it (plus, it's probably still being worked on). Primal Rage is looking VERY close to the arcade game. Hyper Force strikes me along the same lines as Switchblade 2 on the Lynx. I hope the game is still being worked on (your character looks super stiff). Creature Shock has to have the BEST FMV on the Jag CD. It looks unbelievable. Even if there isn't much gameplay, it still may be worth picking up just to blow your friend's minds. Brett Hull Hockey (also from Ringler) is also looking VERY promising. Could be a good one. Vid Grid looks pretty good. People's thoughts that it might be very easy to piece together a music video in motion need to take a look (ouch, tough). Battlemorph. YES. Great FMV. Visually it's a step beyond the original and the underwater stuff looks great. Deathmatch gives me almost an EarthWorm Jim feel. Very pretty. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it. Finally, Hover Hunter looks very neat. Terrific job, AEO gang. (Oh, when I said the Jag logo looked neat, I meant this cool FMV logo sequence. It's looks great). ======================================================== Service: GEnie Author: C.BENAVIDES[CB Sez] Posted: 06/10/95, 12:10AM Message #: 151 Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! Topic: ATARI@E3 I just finished watching both AEO tapes (which I received today!). They are great. I personally can't wait to get BattleMorph and Battlesphere. My 11 year old son wants Vid Grid. Great job by the AEO guys. -CB Sez ======================================================== Service: GEnie Author: C.WELLS10[Ginsu] Posted: 06/10/95, 02:57AM Message #: 152 Category: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! Topic: ATARI@E3 Got both tapes in this afternoon; had to skim through the Atari one real quick before work, getting ready to sit down and watch now. What brief bit I saw earlier looked excellent! Rayman, Ultra Vortex, Defender 2000, White Men Can't Jump, Battlemorph, Battlesphere (AWESOME!) and Hover Hunters looked like the best of the bunch, with many others looking really great (or promising on the early ones). The intros on the CD games were all spectacular! Gotta go watch, more comments to follow! ginsu ======================================================== Service: CompuServe Author: Daniel Skelton 73742,464 Posted: 0/126/95, 10:51PM Message #: 82913 Category: Jaguar General Topic: AEO tapes arrive Got mine today, and spent most of the evening watching it. Great stuff again, and thanks! Dan Skelton Antique Videogame Aficionado and Proud Jaguar Owner I am getting a lot of EMail on the E3 Video. Please!... the video is available exclusively through Atari Explorer Online. Contact them through the Internet for ordering info: A lot of people have asked about the software schedule. As many of you have heard, there are enough software projects in the works for the Jaguar to have a library potential of 75 - 100 titles to have been released by the Holidays. Many of them have already been announced. Here is the schedule from E3: (although NOT based on opinion, the FACTS are subject to change ) JUNE: Pinball Fantasies Super Burnout JULY: Air Cars Fight For Life Flashback Power Drive Rally Rayman Ultra Vortex White Men Can't Jump AUGUST: Arena Football Baldies (CD) Battlemorph (CD) Blue Lightning (CD) Creature Shock (CD) Demolition Man (CD) Dragon's Lair (CD) Flip-Out Highlander I (CD) Myst (CD) Pitfall Rise of the Robots (CD) Robinson's Requiem (CD) Ruiner Pinball Space Ace (CD) Vid Grid (CD) SEPTEMBER: Atari Kart Battlesphere Charles Barkley B'Ball Hover Hunter Hover Strike (CD) Max Force Soul Star (CD) Space War Super Cross (3D) OCTOBER: Attack of the Mutant Penguins (CD/Cart) Braindead 13 Defender 2000 Dragons Lair 2: Time Warp (CD) Highlander II (CD) Starlight Bowl-a-Rama (CD) Sky Hammer (CD) Thea Relm Fighters (CD) NOVEMBER: Brett Hull Hockey (CD/Cart) Commando (CD) Dactyl Joust Formula Racing (CD) Highlander III (CD) Primal Rage (CD) Varuna's Forces (CD) Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey (CD) DECEMBER: Black Ice\White Noise (CD) Deathwatch Magic Carpet (CD) NBA Jam TE (TBD) JANUARY 96: Dune Racer (CD) Iron Soldier II (CD) FEBRUARY: Alien Vs Predator (CD) Mind-ripper (CD) APRIL: Batman Forever (CD) Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (TBD) Ironman/Exoman (TBD) Mortal Kombat 3 (TBD) JUNE: Dante (CD) Wow, that's a long list! (Well, that's MY OPINION anyway!) ### END OF FILE ### Sb: Hyper Force Video Clip Fm: Peter Curry 75373,2203 To: All I have placed a video clip in the Video Games library of our next game, Hyper Force, This is work in progress. Clip includes video and sound. Run time around 45 seconds. File size just over 2M Zipped. File can be viewed in Windows using the Windows Media Player. Peter Curry CWest (Computer West) Sb: Power Drive Rally Fm: Laury Scott [ATARI] 75300,2631 To: All Just thought I would let you know that I spent 3 hours last nite playing a beta version of this game. I really liked it! The cars handle like cars. I had to re-play a couple of the levels over again just for the fun of powering my mini through snow filled corners. I am on level 13 at the moment (I don't know how many levels there actually are). So far I have been throughqualifying, some head-to-head races (in one of them the other car bumped me off the track into a snow bank - and it wasn't easy getting out), some rally cross and a couple of skill test levels. FYI, I have found these the toughest. I'll send you a further update once I get off this current level. -Laury (It's a tough job but someone has to do it!) Sb: #82998-#Power Drive Rally Fm: Laury Scott [ATARI] 75300,2631 To: Marty Mankins 75300,1770 I am now up to level 16 and it is getting TOUGHER. One interesting feature of the game is that once you have won enough money you can buy a new (more powerful car). I started in the Mini and have now moved up to a special Vauxhall. I was playing last nite and my daughter came into the room and asked what kind of "stupid" game this was (as you can see she is not into 'good' games). I put it into the practice mode, put her into the snow and ice practice area and within a minute or two she was having a ball sliding all over the place. To make a long story short I didn't get to play anymore and she completed courses 1 and 2. -Laury ____________________________________________ > ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine The wires are a hummin'! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" PEOPLE... ARE TALKING ===================== On CompuServe ------------- compiled by Joe Mirando 73637,2262 Hidi ho friends and neighbors. With all of the new options available on the Internet and the current nail-biting over how to make it "safer", it's nice to know that you can always come to CompuServe and not have to worry about whether the file that you could find last week will still be available this week or whether the powers that be have decided that what was "p.c." last week just isn't acceptable anymore. It's not because CompuServe is any better than any other service or network (although I think it is), it's because CompuServe has been doing what it does longer than anyone else. They've already had to handle most of the issues that could come up. And I've got the feeling that they'll continue to lead the way. Let's take a look at some of the stuff from CompuServe this week. From the Atari Computing Forums =============================== Jean-Philippe Tramo tells us: "I am a newcomer to CompuServe. I will be happy to share this experience with my best friend. He owns an Atari ST 1040. Is it possible for him to join CompuServe ? Does he need a special hardware or software ? Where is it possible to get these products ?" Sysop Jim Ness tells Jean-Philippe: "Yes, your friend can join CompuServe. All he needs is a terminal program, such as one of the terminals in our library 2 here. Also, of course, a modem and cable." The Big Kahuna himself, Chief Sysop Ron Luks, adds: "Your friend can join CompuServe with his Atari ST with no problems. There's no graphical interface provided for the Atari, but most commercial, ASCII-based telecomm programs can access the service. There's no special hardware needed except for the obvious items like a modem." Jerry Carter posts: "I have a friend who is a musician and has an Atari ST. I would like to download some files from Compuserve for him but I don't know what special things I would need to do to make the files usable on his Atari ST. Would I need to download the files and then copy the files to a single sided diskette that was formatted on the Atari or can I use a single sided diskette that was formatted on an IBM compatitble PC? Are there any special utility programs that I should use either on the PC or Atari so that he could use the files? He and I would really appreciate any help." Sysop Bob Retelle tells Jerry: "It's certainly possible, and even easy, to do what you want to do... The Atari ST shares almost exactly the same floppy disk format that the IBM PC systems use, so you can download programs and files to your PC, copy them onto diskettes and give them to your friend. The "trick" to making this work is to format the floppy disk *ON THE PC*. Then just copy the files to the disk and your friend will be able to load them on his Atari ST. You mentioned "single sided"... do you know for certain that your friend's ST has a single sided floppy drive..? Only the most early models of the ST were equipped with single sided drives. If the floppy drives are *external*, and are marked SF354 then they are indeed single sided. If the model number on the drives is SF314 then they are double sided 720K drives. In either case, you'll obviously have to format the floppies on the PC to match." Lyle Raymond asks: "Would any of you agree that one of the most important reasons Atari hasn't done well in the computer market is that Atari users have been forced to choose between low/medium and high resolution? I know that I myself have been increasingly frustrated every time I see cool software that doesn't work in mono. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that the main thing that has kept Atari users in the stone age (besides a lack of RAM, processing speed, and vendor support) is the limitations on our buying power due to our individual machine's screen resolution. The way I see it, it literally splits the market in half! Plus, there's no strong brotherly "bond" between users of different screen resolutions, since, for the most part, we are running entirely different sets of applications." Mike Mortilla tells Lyle: "Actually, it splits the market in thirds! I don't have any med or low rez progs, so my take on the situation is a little different... I think the corp is more likely a play thing for the owners." Barry Reeves posts: "Thanks to the this thread I was able to get NOS up and running on my Mega STe. However, after playing with it a bit I do have some questions on it. The included documentation seems somewhat lacking. With some experimentation I have determined that this program seems to emulate a VT52 terminal. Is there any way to get it to emulate a VT100? Also, although the program appears to support mail (smtp), I can't seem to get it to send any email. How would one do this? Also is there some way to get this program to work with usenet or is there a Usenet News reader that will work with this program? Does the newer version of KA9Q-NOS offer any increased functionality, or are there just bug fixes? In either case perhaps you should go ahead and upload it." Michel Vanhamme tells Barry: "My guess is VT52 too. I don't know any way to get it to emulate VT100, unfortunately. This caused me some problems too when I tried using a Gopher under VT100. Eventually I used CIS's Telnet service for the session. SMTP : a) I am currently reading a series of articles in a French magazine on how to use NOS, but they didn't find out how to use SMPT neither, but... ... b) even if we knew how to make it work, odds are we would not be able to use it through CIS, because I've seen messages from PC and Macintosh users in other forums telling it didn't work with their progs. I guess CIS didn't provide for it since we can use CIS Mail for emailing to the Internet. Usenet: Yes, you can work with Usenet. However, I only know how to receive articles, not how to send them (yet, I hope). a) See if your STARTUP.NOS file contains something like those lines, else copy them to it (# comments not mandatory, of course): # Configuration Net News Transfer Protocol (NNTP): # ------------------------------------------------ # -Trace: 0-4. With 1, only major errors are displayed. nntp trace 1 # -verbose: 'on' will not allow you to work because il will display every # received article. nntp verbose off # batch: don't know what it does nntp batch off # -directory where your news will be saved (change this according to your # config): nntp dir d:\nos\spool\news # -Address of the news server with refresh rate in seconds nntp addserver 600 b) There should be a NNTP.DAT file in your \SPOOL\NEWS\ directory. If not, you can easily create one. - The first line should be: XXXXXX YYYYYY where the X's represent the date (format : Year-Month-Day, f.i. today is 950612) and the Y's the time (Hour-Min-Sec) of your last news session. Depending on the number of newsgroups you intend to read, it is recommended that you put a not too ancient date in there, or you'll drown in the articles! - Subsequent lines are the names of the newsgroups you want to read, one per line, *beginning with a space*, f.i.: comp.sys.atari.announce comp.sys.atari.programmer etc... ;-) c) Once you have NOS running, type 'nntp kick' at the 'NET>' prompt. NOS will begin retrieving the articles. If you want to see how the process is going, type 'nntp status'. d) When you exit NOS, you will find the file BATCH.TXT in your \SPOOL\NEWS\ directory, which will contain the Usenet news. It is an ASCII file, so you can read it as it is. But there are two Usenet news readers that work with NOS: SNEWS (a .TTP) and Oasis (a GEM think. If he reads this thread, maybe he'll jump in and tell us about it (Hi, Chris!). On the newer version: I don't know... I'll upload it anyway, with the STARTUP.NOS and DIALER.PP0 I and (mainly) Chris have put together, and a README which compiles most of what has been said here on the subject, plus some things I've read about it. I hope it will be more or less "ready to use" for CIS members... Credits dept.: Most of what I know comes from Chris, so he's to be thanked too. Phew, that was a long one again, wasn't it?" Barry tells Michel: "Wow! Thanks, for all the info. :). I did some experimentation with nntp after I posted my first message. I did get it to download some news, but I almost immediatly want it to stop. I had only set one news group but it when it started reading it wanted to download some 800+ messages! To make it worse I had it in verbose mode so I couldn't stop it, since it kept scrolling my prompt away. :(. I finally had to get it to just abort the program. With the information that you have given me, now I think I know why that was happening. I'll try it again and see what happens. I've been reading up on the MS/PC-DOS version of NOS and from _that_ documention it looks like you could send mail from NOS but you would have to compose it with an external program (such as a text editor) save it in the correct format, then configure NOS so it knows where to look for it. Now exactly _how_ you would configure NOS to find and send your mail, I don't know... One thing that I did note however, A reference to a PC mail program call BM was made perhaps if we could find this program, its documentation would give us the clues we need to decipher this problem." Gary Phillips posts: "I am new to Compuserve and am having a bit of trouble downloading. I enter a file name for my computer as prompted and then nothing else appears to happen. I am using Flash 1.6 on a 2.5 meg (520ST) and a 14.4 modem. I can down load stuff like weather maps and such but nothing from the libraries. Any one have an idea? I download from other boards regularly with no problem." Sysop Jim Ness tells Gary: "You did not say what protocol (download method) you tried using to download files. Some require you to kick-start Flash after CIS is ready. Others are automatic - but only if you've set Flash up properly to begin automatically. Could you tell us which protocol you're using?" Gary tells Jim: "The problem seems to me that I am not allowed to set up the protocol that I want to use. If I tell my system to use Xmodem then it is ready to recieve and will not let me tell CIS to send. If I type in a file name for my computer as promted by CIS, it begins to send instantly without me ever telling my system to recieve or which protocol to use. I have tried timing tight and loose. CHK and CRC, 128k block and 1K block size. I know this must be some simple thing that I am overlooking but it is drivin me nuts." Jim tells Gary: "In your default settings (GO DEFAULT) you must have set up a default protocol. Therefore, CIS does not ask you which one you want to use. To get around this, you can tell CIS which protocol you want to use as you tell CIS you wish to download a file. For instance, instead of choosing a menu item marked "Download", you can type DOWN PRO:XMO to initiate an xmodem download. However, xmodem is pretty slow, so you may wish to use ymodem, or CIS B. In that case, type DOWN PRO:YMO or DOWN PRO:B. To use CIS B with Flash, you need to have Flash in Vidtex Terminal mode." Leslie Katz posts: "I examined the ultimate converter program on the weekend. It claims to convert from 1st Word to RTF, but not back again, nor does it claim to do anything in either direction re 1st Word Plus. I can see that it might be turned into a "1st Word Plus to RTF and back again" converter, but, unfortunately, I don't have the necessary skills to do it. I have now found what I hope is a source for the Marcel word processing program I mentioned in my first message. That program does claim to import both 1st Word Plus and RTF files and to export in RTF, which would be just what I need. I have my fingers crossed that, first, I'll actually get a copy of the program and, secondly, that it'll work as required." Chas Cartwright tells Leslie: "My own brief experiments with TUC indicate that it could be cabable of quite a lot but not without rather more effort than I am prepaired to invest." Paul Peeraerts tells Leslie: "I'm planning to make a TUC converter from RTF to 1st Word, and maybe also a convertor from WordPerfect to 1st Word. If this is what you need, drop me a line in a few weeks or so. By the way, if someone is doing, or has done, the same job, please let us know!" Well folks, that's it for this week. Tune in again next time... same time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when... 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