ST REPORT WEEKLY ONLINE MAGAZINE Monday, OCT. 03, 1988 Vol II No. 55 =========== APEInc., P.O. BOX 74, Middlesex, N.J. 08846-0074 PUBLISHER GENERAL MANAGER Ron Kovacs R.F.Mariano ======================================================= ST REPORT EDITOR: Thomas Rex Reade PO Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida. 32236-6672 Headquarters Bulletin Boards ST Report North ST Report South 201-343-1426 904-786-4176 ------------------------------------ ST Report Central ST Report West 216-784-0574 916-962-2566 CONTENTS ======== > From the Editor's Desk..............> The SKY is FALLING!............... > THE BEAT GOES ON....................> HARD DISK FACTS .................. > TANGERINE DREAM.....................> PRO GEM WINDOWS #6................ > INSIGHT part III................... > ST REPORT CONFIDENTIAL............ > GEM Multi-Tasking...................> WORD PERFECT & ATARI.............. ========================================================================= COMP-U-SERVE ~ GENIE ~ DELPHI ~ THE SOURCE ========================================================================= From the Editor's Desk, Having had the time to ponder the course of current events I find many reasons to rejoice in the changes coming about in the Atari Corp. and it's methods of dealing with the US Userbase.....In fact, I HOPE that they will soon have the Federated, or whatever name they care to use, stores all over the country and eliminate the goniffs they have now for dealers. Granted, not all the dealers are bad guys but, at this point in time with all the doomsayers in full bloom the average "I got my life savings tied up here" dealers are going to react unfavorably and thus "score" for every buck they can. This type of situation warrants Atari to get the national chain into full swing ASAP. To the doomsayers I folks are pure bad news unto yourselves and are doing more harm to the Atari Userbase than any good you can possibly imagine. The time is at hand to stand by the machine and company we have embraced, changes are being made. We were extremely vocal in gaining the attention of Atari and we did so. Now, with Atari being responsive to our input, we stand ready to accept the changes we have clamored for. We dont expect total alignment with the userbase suggestions. We do however, expect some similarities. After all, we ARE the ones paying the bills (collectively) and should be heard and responded to..and we have been. Atari is on a course of corrective measures that can only lead to true and lasting success. Having heard that certain members of the Harris types of online folks from Atari had a "mini" conference a day or so ago with one of the doomsayers amazed me. It would seem rather foolish to add fuel to the fires of those that say, "THE ST IS DEAD" ! To insinuate that Atari will have little or NOTHING to show at Comdex is truly a hypocrisy of the word loyalty to one's employer! In addition, it is just plain vile to perpetrate such acts while ONLINE representing ATARI!! That particular department needs further adjustments. Long Live Atari, Rex..... ************************************************************************** NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY COMPUSERVE WILL PRESENT $15.00 WORTH OF COMPLIMENTARY ONLINE TIME to the Readers ST REPORT ONLINE ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE NEW USERS SIGN UP TODAY! Call any of the St Report Official BBS numbers (Listed at the top of ST REPORT) or Leave E-mail to St Report, Ron Kovacs or Rex Reade Be sure to include your full mailing address so your Compuserve kit can be immediately mailed to you! Expires 10-30-88 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE ************************************************************************** SPECIAL SUPRA MODEM OFFER!!! ============================ CompuServe's Atari Forums have made very special arrangements with Paramount Products Inc. to offer the members of our forums the chance to upgrade your system to 2400 baud service at a very special price. For a limited time, CompuServe subscribers may purchase the SUPRA CORP. 2400 baud Hayes-compatible modem for the very **LOW** price of just $139.95 !!!!! These are brand new, not reconditioned units, with the full SUPRA CORP. warranty. The SUPRA MODEM uses the Hayes Smartmodem 'AT' command set and operates at 300-1200-2400 baud. It's an outboard unit (not an internal plug-in card) allowing ease of transfer to other computers. Connection is thru the standard RS-232 interface. (Just plug it into the back of your ATARI ST). To take advantage of this special offer, Phone the 800 number listed below or write to: Paramount Products Inc. 1405 S.E. Pacific Blvd. Albany, Oregon 97321 ***** Phone orders: (800)444-4061 ***** Price: $139.95 + shipping UPS ground: add $4.00 UPS Blue label: add $8.00 C.O.D.: add $2.25 MasterCard or VISA accepted Orders will be shipped the next business day If you've been accessing CompuServe at 1200 baud, this is a great way to lower your total online bill since CIS does *NOT* charge a premium for 2400 baud access. (You can get the same amount of information or download the same amount of programs in approximately 1/2 the time as 1200 baud users!) This modem will PAY FOR ITSELF in just a few sessions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SKY IS FALLING! =================== ******* NOTE: ----- This is Dave Small's response to the announcement by Neil Harris that he has resigned from Atari. For those who don't know Dave he is the developer of the Magic Sac and Spectre 128: devices that emulate the Macintosh computer on the Atari ST. ******* This is really stunning. If you think this is just another "Atari employee splits" note, consider: 1) Neil was the spearhead of Atari online. Here, Genie, Usenet, Delphi, you would find Neil. The support other than Neil has been fragmented to be charitable. (Due credit goes to Julius, though). Given the power of the online networks for marketing, and Atari's upper management completely missing that, this is big trouble. 2) Unless I am much mistaken, I'll guess Neil had Atari stock options. What does it tell you that he's leaving? I don't know how Atari stock could drop more (it's down to 6), but there's always a way. Maybe they can "unsplit" stock to get it back to 12, *grin*. This means Atari is in big trouble. 3) Neil is the *only* effective public speaker Atari had. Atari did manage to waste much of it by forcing him to go say things that weren't so, or were only a little bit true. Neil gave innumerable talks and presentations to user groups at shows across the country. Just who is going to replace him? You don't find people like that easily, or sometimes, at all -- look at the number of corporations who have *no one* like that. This means Atari is in big trouble. 4) This happened right before the "big" CO here online with Sam. Big trouble. 5) This happened right before Comdex. Big, big, big trouble. Neil was one of the few people in an autocratic, 1950's-style management office that had any feel at all for reality. Now, what are we going to get? A repackaged ST game machine with a laser tag pistol? A VCS / ST? You can bet that when it appears (if) at Comdex, there will be ghostly vapor surrounding it, the signal of a product not to appear for another year. Big, big trouble. 6) Atari has no grasp of the current US marketing situation; you can't stop support the instant the customer walks out the door with their ST and you cash their check. Atari tries to do that, of course. I remember well Alex Leavens getting canned for daring to support people who hadn't bought the developer's kit (among other peccadillios). "Business is war", when the people you are warring on are your *customers*, is dumb. We are in a service economy now; people expect *service*. No? Atari top management held up release of the auto hard disk booter for a LONG time, claiming it would "cause a lot of tech support calls". The author, one Landon Dyer, is now at Apple, disgusted with Atari. He *wrote* most of the ST's BIOS; losing a lore-master like that is always very painful for a company. 7) Neil Harris has been with Jack T. a *long* time. What does it tell you that he's bailing out now? Do you think he would if he saw any hope of things changing? Do you think he'd go through the shock of job loss, moving, new company, etc, if he saw any chance at all? *Neil is not stupid*. Atari made him say stupid things, and folks like ST-Report interpret that to mean Neil is stupid. Wrongo. 8) John Skruch -- whose word I trusted, a rarity at Atari -- is gone. Sandi Austin, who did those user group shows (remember?) is gone. Richard Frick, who was *instrumental* in getting the Magic Sac going, only to watch Atari's top management cold-shoulder it (Quote: "Why would anyone want to run Mac software when they have TOS?"), is gone. They've all left Atari recently. 9) Just who is going to get Atari publicity from folks like Jerry Pournelle anymore? Neil sold a lot of Ataris that way, and made the Tramiel people a lot of money. 10) Is it possible that Neil feels he's getting out before his reputation is ruined by an Atari crash? Already it's been damaged by things he had to say (Atari corporate policy). 11) The Comdex timing is especially significant. If Neil saw a future at Atari, it would be new products announced at Comdex. I have heard from other sources that Atari's top level management is now backing off from introducing ANYTHING new or interesting at Comdex -- wouldn't want to distract people from the ST, folks. Quote: "Atari's domestic market is Europe. The US is Atari's international market". Unquote. This makes Comdex look like a splash to me -- much like the May one, in the Abandoned Booth. 12) It says a LOT to me about working conditions at Atari that even Neil, who is pretty tough and good at political infighting, is leaving. If you've never seen a 1950's style autocracy, well, check it out. It is hard to stand (look at the number of people Atari has gone through at top management), clearly. Other companies don't tax their personnel like this; they realize that this is not the 1950's anymore, people are scarce and hard to find, and need to be *part of the company*, not just some slave-employee. Many other reports of working conditions at Atari make it sound like hell to work at. 13) If Neil doesn't think there's going to be profit in his stock options, you ought to be thinking about it too. (Again, this is a guess). It is possible that Atari is folding up; the collapse will just take awhile to reach the public. 14) Most ST developers are seriously considering jumping ship; a lot already have. Even Tom Hudson, arguably the best, is gone. Given how little Atari supports its developers (something Neil fought for) and gives online support (ditto), and that it could care less about selling into the US, it seems a waste of time to develop for the ST for the US market, when there's markets like Amiga, IBM, and Mac to develop for -- who have good documentation, people who aren't propeller-hat-heads online, and so on. 15) I think this marks the end of Atari US. The Spectre 128 is almost certainly my last ST product. Dave Small Gadgets by Small, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fm: Neil 70007,1135 To: David and Sandy Small 76606,666 (X) I refuse to allow my departure to be used as evidence for such a gloomy scenario for Atari, even by someone I like as much as you, Dave. Yes, I passed on some stock. But not nearly enough to qualify me for the "golden handcuffs" club that binds some of the vp level and above. To address a couple of minor points, John Skruch is most certainly not gone. He seems to be doing very well -- with the success of Atari video games, members of that division are being treated decently. And as for Alex Leavens -- it was *my* call, period. He spent a fair amount of time online, which was good. But he did not spend enough time on the rest of his job with the tech support group, and that was why I brought him in. It was painful to have to let him go, but that's the price you pay when you're in management. Yes, I share some of the concerns you expressed. Mainly I am concerned for my coworkers at Atari who are underappreciated and underutilized. There is also some concern over product directions, but it ain't over until it's over, and that isn't quite yet. Finally, for the record, I take with me a fair amount of Atari stock, which I have no immediate plans to sell. --->Neil -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEAT GOES ON ================ by T."Rex" Reade AN APOLOGY FROM REX! Having been given a line of seemingly credible information from a very credible source within Atari, I now apologize to all concerned for the information contained in the ST Report 54 article "The Beat Goes On". There absolutely WILL be multi-tasking in the 68030 series of ST machines. I doubt I will receive any further erroneous info from this person as they are no longer with Atari. It is very difficult to disagree with a people you know and respect, but.. To credit ST Report with having caused the demise of certain Atari employees is wild. Actually, to those who would say these things, we say thanks ....but NO THANKS for such flattery. We are flattered to see that one of the so-called leaders of the Atari community feels we wield such power. I find it equally amazing to see this particular item attempt to portray the idea that it is composed of FACTS... it is NOT!...frankly speaking, this item by Dave Small is ... HIS OPINION and HIS OPINION ONLY! We all know the joke about opinions.....right? , <<>> All the crepe hanging going on is about to turn my stomach! Atari is NOT going anywhere but on the sales and service improvement path. To pointedly say, (as if armed with facts and figures), that the days of Atari are "numbered" is a slanderous misrepresentation. A "better" way of expressing this is..the days are "numbered" for certain detrimental individuals in Atari's Employ. To the respected members of the Atari Community I plead with you.. "TAKE DOWN THE PURPLE AND BLACK FLAGS there is no death of anything that we must take notice of. Besides, there really are those of us who wish to continue to support Atari and it's future. We may be critical towards Atari at times but let me tell you this; We will support Atari until such time that either they or us are no longer a viable enterprise. Speaking of Atari needing to get the rest of it's "outspoken" employees in about Mike Dendo, the new Vice President in charge of Computer Sales, going to Michigan, telling the good folks there that Atari had three soft quarters this year and that they needed the fourth to be a huge success to "bail out"!!??? What is this guy? He certainly is NOT an accomplished salesman let alone a VICE PRESIDENT! Maybe he works for the other competition! This bird needs to hit the revolving door! Also, the online folks need to concern themselves ONLY with what they are there for, (representing Atari) stay out of politics, personalities and endorsements of "other" related products for the ST that are not manufactured by Atari. There is NO need to resurrect certain practices Neil took with him. In addition; ALEX LEAVENS...was encouraged to leave because of his spending too much time "online" and not enough time at his assigned duties. John Skrutch has NEVER left Atari, in fact, his division is having a very good year....... Furthermore, anyone who attended the SPRING COMDEX will recall the fact that Neil Harris, *** ex-ATARI SPOKESMAN *** spent the best part of the time there online playing Games!!!! AND....when he was away from the cpu, he left FLASH booted and the system online (he has a system wide free flag) so no other person would attempt to use the computer. I saw this as did a host of others. In my humble opinion, the handwriting was already on the wall.....Neil didn't really care anymore at that time and his departure from Atari would soon be forthcoming. I am NOT putting Neil down, I AM saying he did the right thing in making a career change before his depressed attitude caused him severe personal problems. In conclusion, because of the recent shakeups at Atari, I am lead to believe that the bosses and most of all, Sam Tramiel, are bent on making the U.S. Marketplace Atari's best success story. If such is not the case, then it would be wise to say ...."they had better go underground" because a lot of "not so wealthy" people tied up some "big" bucks in the Atari Dream........Personally, I feel all is well in Sunnyvale, and we still haven't seen the end of the major changes in staff or in policy. Besides, Mega 4s and Laser printers make terrible hats! Rex....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARD DISK FACTS AND FIGURES =========================== The Straight Info! ------------------ To begin, 99% of all hard disks are made to conform to IBM standards. With this thought in mind we shall proceed......... The most readily available and in my opinion, the most reliable hard disk is from in line is the Miniscribe. There are others but you must make sure they conform to the IBM standard. IBM STANDARD: ST-506/ST-412 --------------------------- Most commonly found hard drives do not have controllers built in. These are the most reliable and economical drives to use. WHAT IS THE CONTROLLER??? ========================= This goodie is the custodian of your hard disk! It directs all I/O functions to the hard disk and it points to and accesses each cylinder. It "controls" everything. FACTS FOR REFERENCE ------------------- ST 412 DRIVES WITH MFM ENCODING 5.0 MEGABITS/SEC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA ST 125 ST138 ST225 ST251 ST251-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZE f'm'd 21 32 21 42 42 # HEADS 4 6 4 6 6 CYL's 615 615 615 820 820 STEP RATE uS 3-200 3-200 5-200 3-200 3-200 AC'S TIME mSEC 28 28 65 40 28 WRITE PRE'C N/A N/A 300/614 N/A N/A POWER watts 10 10 14.8 11 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST4038 ST4051 ST4053 ST4096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZE f'm'd 31 42 44 80 # HEADS 5 5 5 9 CYL'S 733 977 1024 1024 STEP RATE uS 10-70 10-70 3-70 3-70 AC'S TIME mSEC 40 40 28 28 WRITE PRE'C 300-732 N/A N/A N/A POWER watts 25.5 25.5 23 25.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST 412 INTERFACE DRIVES WITH RLL ENCODING 7.5 MEGABITS/SEC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA ST138R ST157R ST238R ST251R ST277R ST4141R ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZE f'm't 32 49 31 43 65 122 # HEADS 4 6 4 4 6 9 CYL'S 615 615 615 820 820 1024 STEP RATE uS 3-200 3-200 5-200 3-200 3-200 3-70 AC'S TIME mSEC 28 28 65 40 40 28 WRITE PRE'C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A POWER watts 10 10 14.8 11 11 25.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCSI INTERFACE (EMBEDDED CONTROLLER) HARD DISKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA ST138N ST157N ST225N ST251N ST227N ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZE f'm't 32 48 21 43 64 SECTORS 63,139 95,015 41,170 84,254 126,790 ACCESS TIME 28 28 65 40 40 POWER watts 12 12 16.8 13 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be Advised, as of 01/01/88, Seagate began using the new I'ntl light code, the front light on the drive is GREEN ONLY if it is made after Jan.01 1988. If you purchase one and the light on the front is red, it's either old inventory, used or rebuilt. I do not advise the use of the "N" type H/D, they're limited in their flexibility of use by the embedded controller and are more expensive. Seagate may cost more, but they are the workhorses of the industry. The Seagate Hard Disk is extremely RELIABLE. Seagate units 40mb, and above, have auto-park. All of the above are:FCC,TUV/UL/CSA [CERTIFIED] The list of other types of drives is large, some are, Disctron, Lapine, Microscience, Micro-memories, Miniscribe, Priam, Rodime, Shugart, Tandon and Tulin. The formatted size of these range anywhere from 5-???Mb. I purposely avoided Brand Names of packaged drives because in most cases they use Adaptek and Seagate or Miniscribe...I have found that Atari and Supra have gone to the 3.5 hard disk. I will cover those next time. As far as Atari is concerned, they would have saved a fortune in R&D if they had used the standard assembly, as the method they used is so typical of Atari, "they walked all 'round the barn to walk in the front door", why did they have to change the 'prom, it made the SH204 a problem maker, why the dip switches?,,do they really think the Atari user cant handle Terminal resistor packs and jumpers??? Bad Move! Some of the companies have gone to Miniscribe, (the coffee grinder) to cut production costs, they will go back to SEAGATE as soon as they realize the RMA numbers are eating their lunch! Remember that all these drives (except for a few) come without a controller, you really want it without a's less expensive and works out much better for you in the long will see! The actual chain of connection for a hard drive is: 1-hard disk 2-controller 3-interface..and the DMA port. MFM- This is a format style most commonly found in use although recently, RLL has been becoming far more popular as it is a condensed compact format thus allowing more data to be stored on an equivalent size hard disk. The major difference is the media itself in the hard disk is PLATED to insure accuracy and longevity. Think of it like plain recording tape and Cr02 Chromium Dioxide tape. The recording media in the "R" drives (Seagate) is of a high quality and plated. In most cases, the Interface, ( Host Adapter ) determines what type of system the hard disk will comply with. It also (usually) has a clock/ calendar built in. In reality you can take a hard drive system made for an 8bit XL/XE and change the interface to one for an ST and it will now work on the ST (after a format). The two most widely used controllers, and I might add, ARE REALLY THE BEST, are made by Adaptek they are designed with the user in mind and provide for expansion for the future. ADAPTEK 4000 SERIES CONTROLLERS ------------------------------- ACB-4000A ACB-4070 --------- -------- Interface SCSI dr type ST506/412 ST506/412 [RLL-Certified] While Adaptek does offer other controllers, the 4000 series seem to be the most reliable. Note: the 4070 does require sheilding when mounted close to the drive. These hard disk systems are special in one way, they have embedded controllers. IOMEGA ------ ALPHA 10H BETA XXX interface SCSI dr type Cart 10mb Cart xxmb RODIME ------ RO650 RO652 interface SCSI dr type 10mb 20mb SEAGATE ------- ST225N interface SCSI dr type 20mb *** NOTE Iomega, Rodime, and the 1 Seagate, see listing above, listed are the embedded controller type. These are slowly fading from popularity. WESTERN DIGITAL --------------- WD1002-SHD interface SASI dr type ST506/412 XEBEC ----- 1410 1410A interface SASI dr type ST506/412 ST506/412 * These devices are SASI and are slowly fading into the sunset...... ADAPTEK CONTROLLERS =================== ACB4000A / ACB4070 are highly recomended and of excellent design. These controllers will handle most any application. HARD DISK INTERFACE =================== There are three types available for the ST: ICD, Supra, and Berkley THE ICD ST HOST ADAPTER INTERFACE ================================= The Host Adapter is designed for the 16 bit ST hard drive system or for most anything you care to couple to, tape backup and hard disk and laser printer etc.. The host adapter interface is also equipped with an setable clock made non-volatile thru the use of a lithium battery. SUPRA ----- All of Supra's interfaces are quite good, and as flexible and have the same features as ICD in fact, at this time we reccomend the use of the Supra system as it has more recent updates. Also, Supra provides additional chaining thru scsi ports. The configurations for the hard disk systems are variable, for example, if you wished to use the stand alone system with a different computer you would be able to do so simply by changing the interface. Expandable means you can add another drive at a later date in the existing cabinet without major circuitry changes. The proper cabinets are those made for the IBM twin half height disk drives. They take up less of a footprint than the SH204 and have a 70watt switching power supply and blower included in the cost. Also included in the price is a blank panel for the empty drive space if you are using only 1 half height drive to start with. The cabinet fits like a glove not like an old garbage bag.. All Information provided by: ABCO COMPUTER ELECTRONICS INC. P.O. Box 6672 Jacksonville, Florida 32236-6672 904-783-3319 HARD DISK SYSTEMS TO FIT EVERY BUDGET ------------------------------------- 20mb #SG20510 "The Ranger" 519.00 30mb #SG32610 "The Hawk" 649.00 40mb #SG44810 "The Titan" 849.00 65mb #SG60101 "The Saturn" 1149.00 Larger, (Custom) units available - (Special Order Only) All units are expandable *** Available for ST - Amiga - Mac - IBM *** 6 month Guarantee and a 6 month Parts & Labor Warranty FULL YEAR OF COVERAGE! (under normal usage) -------------- NOTE: This article and the "Hard Disk Series" are for the readers of ST REPORT MAGAZINE and may not be duplicated in any form without the expressed written permission of the author. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -TANGERINE DREAM- ================= REVIEW SEPT 24 1988 CONCERT, BERKELEY CA. For those of you out there who do not know who or what Tangerine Dream are, here is a short explanation. Tangerine Dream are a 3 piece sythesizer group from Germany. They have been around making music since the late 60s/early 70s. I have been listening to them since around 1975. They are probably the pioneers of modern electronic music. They have put out at least 20 albums and many soundtracks. The band has gone through lineup changes a few times and of the original three only one remains, Edgar Froose. They have retained much of their original style although they have evolved as any group worth their artistic talent should. As electronics itself has evolved in music so comes the use of computers in electronic music. Tangerine Dream has adopted the Atari ST into their world to control much of what they do. The computers (they use 11, 5 in concert) control sound patches and rhythms and do a lot of musical housekeeping. Tangerine Dream performed live at the Berkeley Community Theatre, Saturday September 24th. It was one of three tour stops in California. They have criss-crossed their way from Canada through the States and will finish up in Vancover BC this week. The tour promoted their latest album 'Optical Race'. It states on the back side of the album cover 'This album has been produced on the ATARI ST using Steinberg/Jones Software'. Even though I have been following them for many years, this was the first concert of theirs I had ever seen. Atari Computers sponsored the tour and you could tell the moment that you walked into the theatre. We were greeted with a big banner with Tangerine Dream and Atari logos plastered all over it, a treat for an Atari freak like myself. The stage setup consisted of three stations with many synths and a couple of ST's (Megas I think) at each one. What a sight for these Atari lovin eyes, especially with thousands of Tangerine Dream fans all around. Enuf' of this, on to the performance. Andy Summers (ex-Police guitarist) opened up the show for them with a very short set (thank heaven), just a rhythm machine and a guitar. It was not exciting. When Tangerine Dream began their set they were greeted with cheers that told you were in the company of some very excited and loyal fans. I had not known they had such a following. The music was very well projected with the complexity and synchronization that one rarely has the pleasure of witnessing. About half of the material was from the 'Optical Race' album. The other must have been new, at least to me. The rhythm tracks, synth drum sounds and lead keyboard work was simply amazing. I found myself chuckling with the enjoyment that I was in, sometimes wondering if I was listening to a giant CD player. That is how clear and precise it all was. The music was more mainstream, rhythmically 'rolling' and more intricate than their past works I am accustomed to. Their previous stuff was more spacy and eerie with a more heavy,synthetic sound. They had a great light show that seemed to be controlled by one of the sythesizers. Lights flashing,moving and pulsating creating something visual out of the audio. A few times we were shown the individual qualities of the group with piano solos and Edgar Froose's electric guitar work. They were called out for two encores which they played two or three more numbers each. It was a evening that I enjoyed very much. I hope some of you also share my feelings about the concert and were able to attend one of the many tour stops. Some diehard Tangerine Dream fans are undoubtedly feeling that they are maybe going commercial with their new sound. Well, Yes I guess they are. But it is a healthy step forward to reach a wider audience than they have had and they sure sound GREAT. Don't get scared off, they are not nearly as commercial as say Windham Hill, and I consider myself THE diehard Tangerine Dream fan. I wish I could explain to you better what Tangerine Dream are all about. The only way to know is to experience them yourself. If you are a seasoned fan of electronic music buy anything and everything by them. If you are new to the field or are more mainstream (normal?) in your musical tastes then start with 'Optical Race' and go backwards from their. If you share my interest in Tangerine Dream drop me a line. If anyone can tell me where I may find the video that they were selling at the concert please let me know. Rod Swanson 2131 Strauss Ct Fairfield Ca. 94533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANTIC PUBLISHING INC. COPYRIGHT 1988 REPRINTED BY PERMISSION. Professional GEM by Tim Oren Column #6 - Raster Operations This installment of ST PRO GEM, is devoted to explaining the raster, or "bit-blit" portion of the Atari ST's VDI functions. Please note that this is NOT an attempt to show how to write directly to the video memory, although you will be able to deduce a great deal from the discussion. DEFINING TERMS To understand VDI raster operations, you need to understand the jargon used to describe them. (Many programmers will be tempted to skip this section and go directly to the code. Please don't do it this time: Learning the jargon is the larger half of understanding the raster operations!) In VDI terms a raster area is simply a chunk of contiguous words of memory, defining a bit image. This chunk is called a "form". A form may reside in the ST's video map area or it may be in the data area of your application. Forms are roughly analogous to "blits" or "sprites" on other systems. (Note, however, that there is no sprite hardware on the ST.) Unlike other systems, there is NO predefined organization of the raster form. Instead, you determine the internal layout of the form with an auxiliary data structure called the MFDB, or Memory Form Definition Block. Before going into the details of the MFDB, we need to look at the various format options. Their distinguishing features are monochrome vs. color, standard vs. device-specific and even-word vs. fringed. MONOCHROME VS. COLOR Although these terms are standard, it might be better to say "single-color vs. multi-color". What we are actually defining is the number of bits which correspond to each dot, or pixel, on the screen. In the ST, there are three possible answers. The high-resolution mode has one bit per pixel, because there is only one "color": white. In the medium resolution color mode, there are four possible colors for each pixel. Therefore, it takes two bits to represent each dot on the screen. (The actual colors which appear are determined by the settings of the ST's pallette registers.) In the low resolution color mode, sixteen colors are generated, requiring four bits per pixel. Notice that as the number of bits per pixel has been doubled for each mode, so the number of pixels on the screen has been halved: 640 by 400 for monochrome, 640 by 200 for medium-res, and 320 by 200 by low-res. In this way the ST always uses the same amount of video RAM: 32K. Now we have determined how many bits are needed for each pixel, but not how they are laid out within the form. To find this out, we have to see whether the form is device-dependent or not. STANDARD VS. DEVICE-SPECIFIC FORMAT The standard raster form format is a constant layout which is the same for all GEM systems. A device-specific form is one which is stored in the internal format of a particular GEM system. Just as the ST has three different screen modes, so it has three different device-specific form formats. We will look at standard form first, then the ST-specific forms. First, it's reasonable to ask why a standard format is used. Its main function is to establish a portability method between various GEM systems. For instance, an icon created in standard format on an IBM PC GEM setup can be moved to the ST, or a GEM Paint picture from an AT&T 6300 could be loaded into the ST version of Paint. The standard format has some uses even if you only work with the ST, because it gives a method of moving your application's icons and images amongst the three different screen modes. To be sure, there are limits to this. Since there are different numbers of pixels in the different modes, an icon built in the high-resolution mode will appear twice as large in low-res mode, and would appear oblong in medium-res. (You can see this effect in the ST Desktop's icons.) Also, colors defined in the lower resolutions will be useless in monochrome. The standard monochrome format uses a one-bit to represent black, and uses a zero for white. It is assumed that the form begins at the upper left of the raster area, and is written a word at a time left to right on each row, with the rows being output top to bottom. Within each word, the most significant bit is the left-most on the screen. The standard color form uses a storage method called "color planes". The high-order bits for all of the pixels are stored just as for monochrome, followed by the next-lowest bit in another contiguous block, and so on until all of the necessary color bits have been stored. For example, on a 16-color system, there would be four different planes. The color of the upper-leftmost bit in the form would be determined by concatenating the high-order bit in the first word of each plane of the form. The system dependent form for the ST's monochrome mode is very simple: it is identical to the standard form! This occurs because the ST uses a "reverse-video" setup in monochrome mode, with the background set to white. The video organization of the ST's color modes is more complicated. It uses an "interleaved plane" system to store the bits which make up a pixel. In the low-resolution mode, every four words define the values of 16 pixels. The high-order bits of the four words are merged to form the left-most pixel, followed by the next lower bit of each word, and so on. This method is called interleaving because the usually separate color planes described above have been shuffled together in memory. The organization of the ST's medium-resolution mode is similar to low-res, except the only two words are taken at a time. These are merged to create the two bits needed to address four colors. You should note that the actual color produced by a particular pixel value is NOT fixed. The ST uses a color remapping system called a palette. The pixel value in memory is used to address a hardware register in the palette which contains the actual RGB levels to be sent to the display. Programs may set the palette registers with BIOS calls, or the user may alter its settings with the Control Panel desk accessory. Generally, palette zero (background) is left as white, and the highest numbered palette is black. EVEN-WORD VS. FRINGES A form always begins on a word boundary, and is always stored with an integral number of words per row. However, it is possible to use only a portion of the final word. This partial word is called a "fringe". If, for instance, you had a form 40 pixels wide, it would be stored with four words per row: three whole words, and one word with the eight pixel fringe in its upper byte. MFDBs Now we can intelligently define the elements of the MFDB. Its exact C structure definition will be found in the download. The fd_nplanes entry determines the color scheme: a value of one is monochrome, more than one denotes a color form. If fd_stand is zero, then the form is device-specific, otherwise it is in standard format. The fd_w and fd_h fields contain the pixel width and height of the form respectively. Fd_wdwidth is the width of a row in words. If fd_w is not exactly equal to sixteen times fd_wdwidth, then the form has a fringe. Finally, fd_addr is the 32-bit memory address of the form itself. Zero is a special value for fd_addr. It denotes that this MFDB is for the video memory itself. In this case, the VDI substitutes the actual address of the screen, and it ignores ALL of the other parameters. They are replaced with the size of the whole screen and number of planes in the current mode, and the form is (of course) in device-specific format. This implies that any MFDB which points at the screen can only address the entire screen. This is not a problem, however, since the the VDI raster calls allow you to select a rectangular region within the form. (A note to advanced programmers: If this situation is annoying, you can retrieve the address of the ST's video area from low memory, add an appropriate offset, and substitute it into the MFDB yourself to address a portion of the screen.) LET'S OPERATE Now we can look at the VDI raster operations themselves. There are actually three: transform form, copy raster opaque, and copy raster transparent. Both copy raster functions can perform a variety of logic operatoins during the copy. TRANSFORM FORM The purpose of this operation is to change the format of a form: from standard to device-specific, or vice-versa. The calling sequence is: vr_trnfm(vdi_handle,source,dest); where source and dest are each pointers to MFDBs. They ARE allowed to be the same. Transform form checks the fd_stand flag in the source MFDB, toggles it and writes it into the destination MFDB after rewriting the form itself. Note that transform form CANNOT change the number of color planes in a form: fd_nplanes must be identical in the two MFDBs. If you are writing an application to run on the ST only, you will probably be able to avoid transform form entirely. Images and icons are stored within resources as standard forms, but since they are monochrome, they will work "as is" with the ST. If you may want to move your program or picture files to another GEM system, then you will need transform form. Screen images can be transformed to standard format and stored to disk. Another system with the same number of color planes could the read the files, and transform the image to ITS internal format with transform form. A GEM application which will be moved to other systems needs to contain code to transform the images and icons within its resource, since standard and device-specific formats will not always coincide. If you are in this situation, you will find several utilities in the download which you can use to transform G_ICON and G_IMAGE objects. There is also a routine which may be used with map_tree() from the last column in order to transform all of the images and icons in a resource tree at once. COPY RASTER OPAQUE This operation copies all or part of the source form into the destination form. Both the source and destination forms must be in device-specific form. Copy raster opaque is for moving information between "like" forms, that is, it can copy from monochrome to monochrome, or between color forms with the same number of planes. The calling format is: vro_cpyfm(vdi_handle, mode, pxy, source, dest); As above, the source and dest parameters are pointers to MFDBs (which in turn point to the actual forms). The two MFDBs may point to memory areas which overlap. In this case, the VDI will perform the move in a non-destructive order. Mode determines how the pixel values in the source and destination areas will be combined. I will discuss it separately later on. The pxy parameter is a pointer to an eight-word integer array. This array defines the area within each form which will be affected. Pxy[0] and pxy[1] contain, respectively, the X and Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the source rectangle. These are given as positive pixel displacements from the upper left of the form. Pxy[2] and pxy[3] contain the X and Y displacements for the lower right of the source rectangle. Pxy[4] through pxy[7] contain the destination rectangle in the same format. Normally, the destination and source should be the same size. If not, the size given for the source rules, and the whole are is transferred beginning at the upper left given for the destination. This all sounds complex, but is quite simple in many cases. Consider an example where you want to move a 32 by 32 pixel area from one part of the display to another. You would need to allocate only one MFDB, with a zero in the fd_addr field. The VDI will take care of counting color planes and so on. The upper left raster coordinates of the source and destination rectangles go into pxy[0], pxy[1] and pxy[4], pxy[5] respectively. You add 32 to each of these values and insert the results in the corresponding lower right entries, then make the copy call using the same MFDB for both source and destination. The VDI takes care of any overlaps. COPY RASTER TRANSPARENT This operation is used for copying from a monochrome form to a color form. It is called transparent because it "writes through" to all of the color planes. Again, the forms need to be in device-specific form. The calling format is: vrt_cpyfm(vdi_handle, mode, pxy, source, dest, color); All of the parameters are the same as copy opaque, except that color has been added. Color is a pointer to a two word integer array. Color[0] contains the color index which will be used when a one appears in the source form, and color[1] contains the index for use when a zero occurs. Incidentally, copy transparent is used by the AES to draw G_ICONs and G_IMAGEs onto the screen. This explains why you do not need to convert them to color forms yourself. (A note for advanced VDI programmers: The pxy parameter in both copy opaque and transparent may be given in normalized device coordinates (NDC) if the workstation associated with vdi_handle was opened for NDC work.) THE MODE PARAMETER The mode variable used in both of the copy functions is an integer with a value between zero and fifteen. It is used to select how the copy function will merge the pixel values of the source and destination forms. The complete table of functions is given in the download. Since a number of these are of obscure or questionable usefulness, I will only discuss the most commonly used modes. REPLACE MODE A mode of 3 results in a straight-forward copy: every destination pixel is replaced with the corresponding source form value. ERASE MODE A mode value of 4 will erase every destination pixel which corresponds to a one in the source form. (This mode corresponds to the "eraser" in a Paint program.) A mode value of 1 will erase every destination pixel which DOES NOT correspond to a one in the source. XOR MODE A mode value of 6 will cause the destination pixel to be toggled if the corresponding source bit is a one. This operation is invertable, that is, executing it again will reverse the effects. For this reason it is often used for "software sprites" which must be shown and then removed from the screens. There are some problems with this in color operations, though - see below. TRANSPARENT MODE Don't confuse this term with the copy transparent function itself. In this case it simply means that ONLY those destination pixels corresponding with ones in the source form will be modified by the operation. If a copy transparent is being performed, the value of color[0] is substituted for each one bit in the source form. A mode value of 7 selects transparent mode. REVERSE TRANSPARENT MODE This is like transparent mode except that only those destination pixels corresponding to source ZEROS are modified. In a copy transparent, the value of color[1] is substituted for each zero bit. Mode 13 selects reverse transparent. THE PROBLEM OF COLOR I have discussed the various modes as if they deal with one and zero pixel values only. This is exactly true when both forms are monochrome, but is more complex when one or both are color forms. When both forms are color, indicating that a copy opaque is being performed, then the color planes are combined bit-by-bit using the rule for that mode. That is, for each corresponding source and destination pixel, the VDI extracts the top order bits and processes them, then operates on the next lower bit, and so on, stuffing each bit back into the destination form as the copy progresses. For example, an XOR operation on pixels valued 7 and 10 would result in a pixel value of 13. In the case of a copy transparent, the situation is more complex. The source form consists of one plane, and the destination form has two or more. In order to match these up, the color[] array is used. Whenever a one pixel is found, the value of color[0] is extracted and used in the bit-by-bit merge process described in the last paragraph. When a zero is found, the value of color[1] is merged into the destination form. As you can probably see, a raster copy using a mode which combines the source and destination can be quite complex when color planes are used! The situation is compounded on the ST, since the actual color values may be remapped by the palette at any time. In many cases, just using black and white in color[] may achieve the effects you desire. If need to use full color, experimentation is the best guide to what looks good on the screen and what is garish or illegible. OPTIMIZING RASTER OPERATIONS Because the VDI raster functions are extremely generalized, they are also slower than hand-coded screen drivers which you might write for your own special cases. If you want to speed up your application's raster operations without writing assembly language drivers, the following hints will help you increase the VDI's performance. AVOID MERGED COPIES These are copy modes, such as XOR, which require that words be read from the destination form. This extra memory access increases the running time by up to fifty percent. MOVE TO CORRESPONDING PIXELS The bit position within a word of the destination rectangle should correspond with the bit position of the source rectangle's left edge. For instance, if the source's left edge is one pixel in, then the destination's edge could be at one, seventeen, thirty-three, and so. Copies which do not obey this rule force the VDI to shift each word of the form as it is moved. AVOID FRINGES Put the left edge of the source and destination rectangles on an even word boundary, and make their widths even multiples of sixteen. The VDI then does not have to load and modify partial words within the destination forms. USE ANOTHER METHOD Sometimes a raster operation is not the fastest way to accomplish your task. For instance, filling a rectangle with zeros or ones may be accomplished by using raster copy modes zero and fifteen, but it is faster to use the VDI v_bar function instead. Likewise, inverting an area on the screen may be done more quickly with v_bar by using BLACK in XOR mode. Unfortunately, v_bar cannot affect memory which is not in the video map, so these alternatives do not always work. FEEDBACK RESULTS The results of the poll on keeping or dropping the use of portability macros are in. By a slim margin, you have voted to keep them. The vote was close enough that in future columns I will try to include ST-only versions of routines which make heavy use of the macros. C purists and dedicated Atarians may then use the alternate code. THE NEXT QUESTION This time I'd like to ask you to drop by the Feedback Section and tell me whether the technical level of the columns has been: A) Too hard! Who do you think we are, anyway? B) Too easy! Don't underestimate Atarians. C) About right, on the average. If you have the time, it would also help to know a little about your background, for instance, whether you are a professional programmer, how long you have been computing, if you owned an 8-bit Atari, and so on. COMING UP SOON The next column will deal with GEM menus: How they are constructed, how to decipher menu messages, and how to change menu entries at run-time. The following issue will contain more feedback response, and a discussion on designing user interfaces for GEM programs. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MFDB Structure <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /* Memory Form Definition Block */ typedef struct fdbstr { long fd_addr; /* Form address */ int fd_w; /* Form width in pixels */ int fd_h; /* Form height in pixels */ int fd_wdwidth; /* Form width in memory words */ int fd_stand; /* Standard form flag */ int fd_nplanes; /* Number of color planes */ int fd_r1; /* Dummy locations: */ int fd_r2; /* reserved for future use */ int fd_r3; } MFDB; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resource Transform Utilities <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /*------------------------------*/ /* vdi_fix */ /*------------------------------*/ VOID vdi_fix(pfd, theaddr, wb, h) /* This routine loads the MFDB */ MFDB *pfd; /* Input values are the MFDB's */ LONG theaddr; /* address, the form's address, */ WORD wb, h; /* the form's width in bytes, */ { /* and the height in pixels */ pfd->fww = wb >> 1; pfd->fwp = wb << 3; pfd->fh = h; pfd->np = 1; /* Monochrome assumed */ pfd->mp = theaddr; } /*------------------------------*/ /* vdi_trans */ /*------------------------------*/ WORD vdi_trans(saddr, swb, daddr, dwb, h) /* Transform the standard form */ LONG saddr; /* pointed at by saddr and */ UWORD swb; /* store in the form at daddr */ LONG daddr; /* Byte widths and pixel height */ UWORD dwb; /* are given */ UWORD h; { MFDB src, dst; /* These are on-the-fly MFDBs */ vdi_fix(&src, saddr, swb, h); /* Load the source MFDB */ src.ff = TRUE; /* Set it's std form flag */ vdi_fix(&dst, daddr, dwb, h); /* Load the destination MFDB */ dst.ff = FALSE; /* Clear the std flag */ vr_trnfm(vdi_handle, &src, &dst ); /* Call the VDI */ } /*------------------------------*/ /* trans_bitblk */ /*------------------------------*/ VOID trans_bitblk(obspec) /* Transform the image belonging */ LONG obspec; /* to the bitblk pointed to by */ { /* obspec. This routine may also */ LONG taddr; /* be used with free images */ WORD wb, hl; if ( (taddr = LLGET(BI_PDATA(obspec))) == -1L) return; /* Get and validate image address */ wb = LWGET(BI_WB(obspec)); /* Extract image dimensions */ hl = LWGET(BI_HL(obspec)); vdi_trans(taddr, wb, taddr, wb, hl); /* Perform a transform */ } /* in place */ /*------------------------------*/ /* trans_obj */ /*------------------------------*/ VOID trans_obj(tree, obj) /* Examine the input object. If */ LONG tree; /* it is an icon or image, trans- */ WORD obj; /* form the associated raster */ { /* forms in place. */ WORD type, wb, hl; /* This routine may be used with */ LONG taddr, obspec; /* map_tree() to transform an */ /* entire resource tree */ type = LLOBT(LWGET(OB_TYPE(obj))); /* Load object type */ if ( (obspec = LLGET(OB_SPEC(obj))) == -1L) /* Load and check */ return (TRUE); /* ob_spec pointer */ switch (type) { case G_IMAGE: trans_bitblk(obspec); /* Transform image */ return (TRUE); case G_ICON: /* Load icon size */ hl = LWGET(IB_HICON(obspec)); wb = (LWGET(IB_WICON(obspec)) + 7) >> 3; /* Transform data */ if ( (taddr = LLGET(IB_PDATA(obspec))) != -1L) vdi_trans(taddr, wb, taddr, wb, hl); /* Transform mask */ if ( (taddr = LLGET(IB_PMASK(obspec))) != -1L) vdi_trans(taddr, wb, taddr, wb, hl); return (TRUE); default: return (TRUE); } } >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Macro definitions for the code above <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #define BI_PDATA(x) (x) #define BI_WB(x) (x + 4) #define BI_HL(x) (x + 6) #define OB_TYPE(x) (tree + (x) * sizeof(OBJECT) + 6) #define OB_SPEC(x) (tree + (x) * sizeof(OBJECT) + 12) #define IB_PMASK(x) (x) #define IB_PDATA(x) (x + 4) #define IB_WICON(x) (x + 22) #define IB_HICON(x) (x + 24) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VDI Copy Mode Table <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Symbols: N = new destination pixel value (0 or 1) D = old destination pixel value (0 or 1) S = source pixel value (0 or 1) ~ = Boolean not (inversion) & = Boolean and | = Boolean or ^ = Boolean xor (exclusive-or) Mode Number Action ----------- ------ 0 N = 0 (USE V_BAR INSTEAD) 1 N = S & D 2 N = S & ~D 3 N = S (REPLACE) 4 N = ~S & D (ERASE) 5 N = D (USELESS) 6 N = S ^ D (XOR) 7 N = S | D (TRANSPARENT) 8 N = ~ (S | D) 9 N = ~ (S ^ D) 10 N = ~D (USE V_BAR INSTEAD) 11 N = S | ~D 12 N = ~S 13 N = ~S | D (REVERSE TRANSPARENT) 14 N = ~ (S & D) 15 N = 1 (USE V_BAR INSTEAD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST REPORT CONFIDENTIAL ====================== Sunnyvale CA Sam Tramiel will press for continued upswing in ------------ activity at Atari by personally overseeing all PR releases for accuracy. New York NY Atari will be showing a number of new products at the ----------- Comdex show this fall. The rumor mill has it just the opposite ....why? Washington DC The show was a success but why the NO SHOWS?? Migraph ------------- Astra, Alpha etc.... Rockville MD GEnie Online Services has awarded Gadgets by Small ------------ it's own Roundtable. Congratulations Dave! It will open in a few days. Toronto CA Seems a Beta Copy of Calamus got loose and is now in ---------- the US even with a translation of the RSC file! From what we have seen, the "other DTP packages" had better watch out, this one is ULTRA SUPERB. Orem UT Word Perfect Corp. has announced through Jeff Fowler, ------- that Version 4.1 will be the FINAL release of the ST VERSION. Hmmm, here we go again! ARRRRG! Sunnyvale CA Watch for all the ST units to be shipped with "mega" ------------ type cases and keyboards. Long Island NY Magic Shadow Archiver will process a "boot" disk so it -------------- can be arced and sent over the modem, unarced and processed and be as good as the original. Look for this program it is shareware! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSIGHT into the ST'S FUTURE ============================ Part III - Software ------------------- by Micheal Arthur Of course, NO computer has a future without innovative software. PC-Ditto is an example of how innovative ST software can be, and has also had a great effect on the ST market. Right now, it is about 80 percent as fast as an 8086 chip, only in SOFTWARE. Avant Garde is upgrading PC-DITTO, though, so it will be JUST as fast as the 8086 chip. Meaning that it, a $90 product, will be just as good as the Amiga Bridgeboard, a $590 product. But Commodore is making a new Bridgeboard, having the 286 chip inside, and although it will probably not support OS/2, it WILL support other 286 specific programs, like Windows/286,(A new version of Windows custom made for the 286 chip, intended to replace Windows 2.0)and will be MUCH faster, at 10-12 MHZ. Although PC-Ditto will run at a similar speed with Turbo ST, it won't have much room for improvement after the update in December. So Avant Garde might take either of two paths: 1) Make a 286 version of PC-Ditto, which could only effectively run with Turbo ST. Although this would be logical, as well as pretty good, as it would upgrade PC-Ditto's capabilities, it would require MUCH more work, and might not be of much advantage to a lot of ST users. 2) Make a Hardware/Software combination, with most of the emulator itself in software, but having the parts that would hamper the software's performance, or could be done better in hardware in an expansion card that would go in the ST Expander. This would be more versatile than software, as it would make support of OS/2 possible, shorten the time that the emulator would take to be made and could be subject to further improvement, including built-in graphics chips letting PC-Ditto support the EGA standard with an ST Color Monitor. Avant Garde could also take a third route, deciding to make other products for the ST (Although they have said that they are a "one trick pony") or making an expansion card so PC-DITTO can use the ST's extra (above 703K) memory as LIM/EMS memory. Omnicard -------- NOT Hypercard, Omnicard. A company called BerrysBit A.S.C is planning to come with a "Hypercard-like" application, called Omnicard, at around November. This program will have an Iconic User Interface, which is now lacking in similar programs such as Zoomracks. From their announcement on GEnie: "A completely integrated software package is also available from the new desktop, including a word-processor, paint program, database, telecommmunications, mini-desktop (particularly of interest to the power user with a lot of folders), and an exceptionally easy to use program "Authoring Environment" akin to Hypercard itself." "This Authoring Environment allows the novice to begin programming in the most effective way, without him even realizing it! A card metaphor is used throughout, to heighten the Stack (We call them decks) image. If you can organize a speech, you can write a program. Buttons, icons, graphics and text replace hundreds of lines of code, that to most look like Greek!" "Optimized on a Mega 2 or above, this will be THE program for the Atari ST." In this respect, they are partly right, as Omnicard would give the ST many benefits that Hypercard has brought to the Macintosh, like a simple, but powerful programming language using the latest concepts in how computers work. While it will not be THE program for the ST, it will have a great impact, at least on how OTHER computer users view the ST. Desktop Publishing ------------------ Desktop Publishing (or DTP) products for the ST will begin to rival their IBM and Mac counterparts, as shown by the upcoming Publishing Partner Professional, and Calamus (by ISD, the makers of VIP Professional). The ST will also become a very good choice for it, as the 1280*960 monitor w/card being made in Europe makes it to the US, maybe also being sold by ISD. While the Mega ST and SLM 804 will also help the ST to further penetrate this market, the ST will never become remotely as successful in the DTP market as they have,and will continue to be in the MIDI market, as IBM and Mac products will continue to bring more performance than ST programs, causing it to only be considered in a small degree Spreadsheets ------------ Spreadsheets are the most widely used applications for computers today, and it is not coincidence that most computers setting a standard have had their first big break with a spreadsheet having features above and beyond what had been previously seen. (Lotus 123 and Excel, for examples) Even though some GOOD spreadsheets are coming out for the ST, and one in particular, LDW Power, will be better than Lotus 123 Revision Two, I don't think the ST has much chance in this area, as Lotus is making a Revision THREE of 123, and products like Wingz for the Macintosh,which OUTDO Excel, will be light years ahead of the ST, which won't have anything even half as good as Excel for a while. As ST users can just get a Spectre 128, this won't really matter if you need to use its features NOW, but that doesn't count when people consider a computer based on its own merits and applications. In fact, this might just be a "chicken and egg" problem, as ST spreadsheets as good as Excel won't come out as quickly unless more businesses buy ST's, and more businesses WON'T buy ST's if it doesn't have a spreadsheet powerful enough for them. Advertising, and Public Opinion about Atari ------------------------------------------- Contrary to opinions of a few, MOST people will NOT consider the ST based on the rational, "Is it a good computer, with good applications out for it at a decent price?", but will most likely express strong reservations towards the ST. NOT because they have anything against it, but simply because of the belief out there that an Atari is not really a computer. While this is an OBVIOUS fact to almost ALL ST Enthusiasts, it seems that some people at Atari do not seem to realize that the general consensus of opinion is that the name Atari stands for "Good Game Machines". Thanks to the Atari 2600, and the Arcade Machines that Atari Games (the only part of Atari still owned by Warner Brothers) is noted for. And usually, the ONLY way to completely cure a bad PR problem is to do the ONE thing that Atari has not said they will do, the MAIN thing that Apple did to make the Macintosh popular among IBM users, who never before saw a need for anything other than DOS, the MAIN thing that caused the C-64 to become the second best selling microcomputer of ALL TIME, and one of the things that Commodore has said they WILL do for the Amiga. ADVERTISE. And NOT just in ST Magazines, where the readership ALREADY owns Ataris. I am NOT suggesting that Atari start a major advertising campaign when they are obviously not ready to meet the demand that it would bring, but I DO suggest this: That Atari start advertising,at least on a small scale,with a few good ads on TV for the ST, or with a few good business-related ads in computer magazines such as Byte. When the Atari Factory starts up next year, and Atari WILL be able to meet the demand that advertising will bring for the ST's, then Atari will probably start a major advertising campaign. Their main focuses should (and probably will) be: 1) In TV advertisements, to educate the American public about the ST's capabilities, and to FIX the perception that Atari is just a Game Machine company. 2) To start advertising in business-related publications, emphasizing the ST's raw power with the good products now out for it, while showing the option of using Mac software. IBM applications won't be emphasized so much, as PC-Ditto is only as fast as an IBM PC. 3) To support large-scale advertisements of ST software products. 4) In the Educational Market, advertising HEAVILY to both Universities directly,trying to displace the trend of using Macs and IBMs there, and to publications that deal with this market, with ads showing its superiority to the Apple II series. To better aid this, though, Atari MUST support ST software developers in making products for this segment of the market, as well as supporting a network of educational dealers, who would already have been full-service ST dealers, but who would have a staff specifically targeted for the needs of this market. Commodore has already begun to do this with the Amiga. IF Atari is smart, they will also give GOOD Educational Discounts and Specials to Schools for the ST, maybe having a 520 or 1040 ST with Color Monitor and a package of several good pieces of educational software, for a price of under 1000 dollars, directly competing with the Apple IIgs. Also, Atari's problems with "Atari Bashers" will definitely decrease SOON, maybe even STAYING at a tolerable level if Atari makes sure that the Atari Factory is open before December. Also, Atari will be MUCH more open to suggestions in the future. The Atari Factory ----------------- Of course, ANY plans that Atari makes must be dependent on the ability to manufacture these products, as experienced business executives know that you cannot successfully come out with a product that will be VERY popular unless you have a decent manufacturing base to meet the demand. Seeing this, Atari plans to make a manufacturing plant in the US, to be in Houston, Texas. This plant will primarily attend to the demands of the US ST market, and will probably preclude any advertisements by Atari. IF Atari is smart, they will seriously consider making their OWN RAM chips for the ST in THIS factory. Not only would making their own RAM chips be less expensive than buying them, in ANY RAM market, but the import fees of things made in Europe and Japan are generally more than the price of importing things from the US there. However,they haven't yet gotten the facilities, and it will probably not be producing ST's or ST peripherals with it until the beginning of next year. This would be a disaster, meaning that there would be little to no advertising for the Atari ST during most of the Christmas season. Also meaning that the momentum generated by the new ST computers/peripherals would be a fraction of what it could be. And Commodore plans to advertise HEAVILY for the Amiga, both coming out with new Amiga products (like the 286 Bridgeboard) and advertising to sell Amiga 500's in the home and educational markets. Miscellaneous ST Info --------------------- Here are the addresses and phone numbers for info on some of the products previously mentioned: OmniCard BeerysBit ASC,Inc; 8174 Century Circle East #8 Indianapolis, In 46260 (317)872-8622 Spectre 128 Gadgets By Small, Inc. 40 W. Littleton Blvd., #210-211 Littleton, Colorado 80120 (303)791-6098 Turbo ST, ST Expander Megabyte Inc. 109 W. Bay Area Webster, Tx 77598 (800)255-5786 (A little sidenote on this; Megabyte Inc.'s 800 Number is VERY GOOD, superlative in fact, having people who KNOW a LOT about their products, and who are VERY courteous. THIS should be the model for ALL companies, ST or otherwise, to follow, as even the LONG DISTANCE numbers of some companies tend to bring less than preferable service.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEM Multi-Tasking ----------------- 30-Sep-88 20:50:31 Sb: #111893-#Farewell Fm: JOHN RULEY 76227,117 To: Neil Harris 73256,3275 (X) I just got the word that I can let the cat out of the bag NOW: I spent last weekend at DRI in Monterey. GEM multitasks. Read that again: GEM MULTITASKS! No compromises - and a *nice* interface, with multiple "virtual consoles", each of which can hold several windows. Desk accs are gone - but, then again, they really aren't. The DESK menu still has 6 positions for application names, which can be used to launch any GEM app as if it was an accessory. This is all running RIGHT NOW - I saw it work. And here are two biggies: I saw it running on a Hercules monochrome system (720x348 BW graphics) and it was updating as fast as the graphics would allow WITH FOUR WINDOWS OPEN, and you can run DOS programs in it! It traps the screen I/O and displays inside a window - I saw WORDSTAR running on screen concurrently with GEM output. Folks - it's a whole new ballgame! John. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- a short but sad note... WORD PERFECT & ATARI ==================== a few words from: Jeff WILSON, Word Perfect Corp ....Once again, the situation has changed, probably for the last time for a while. I will still be working on the ST, but at this point primarily to support and enhance the existing version of WordPerfect. New major versions of WordPerfect and other products have been placedon hold for primarily one reason: WordPerfect Corporation has watched the presence of Atari Corporation in the US marketplace significantly diminish over the last year. Atari has reduced the number of dealers supporting them, and been allowing only a minimal number of ST's into the US marketplace, has failed to support dealers, developers, or Atari owners, and has, quite frankly, lost WordPerfect Corporation's faith. WPCorp will not commit itself to several years worth of R&D for a market in this condition. The hold will probably remain in effect until Atari market conditions change significantly. This is not an official statement, but I will not misrepresent the current state of affairs. As a die-hard Atari fanatic, it disappoints me terribly to have come down to this. However, from a business standpoint, I understand and agree with the decision. I hope that WordPerfect Corporation will be able to complete and release the many exciting projects that have been underway since the release of WordPerfect 4.1 for the Atari, but this will only happen on the condition stated above. We will continue to fully support 4.1 for the Atari, in fact, you will probably see enhancements that would not have come about any other way. Jeff R. Wilson ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS WEEK'S QUOTABLE QUOTE ========================== READE'S LAW ----------- There are two sides to every argument, unless I am personally involved, in which case there is only one..MINE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST-REPORT Issue #55 OCT. 03, 1988 (c)'88 APEInc. All Rights Reserved. Reprint permission granted except where noted in the article. Any reprint must include ST-Report and the author in the credits. Views Presented herein are not necessarily those of ST-Report or of the Staff. All items and articles appearing in ST-REPORT are copywrite (c)APEInc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------