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Shareware Schemes
Kivi v2.01
Kivi 2 is available now and the CyberSTrider registration fee is £13.
New features:
- Kivi can now load and show several packets at the same time.
- Kivi now has a new GEM library and new dialogs. Improvements include:
- hotkeys in dialogs:
- iconify under MultiTOS
- some nice external objects
- scroll bar ability in views
- unlimited number of windows open if OS allows
- Every packet may have its own configuration.
- Toolbar icons added. There are icons for: Open packet, pack replies, write message, reply, edit, list own, print message, next/prev message, next/prev area, jump to message, find string, bulletins and BBS information.
- You can mark messages for reading/replying, etc. Just mark the messages you want to read later and select Read marked. A new window is opened where all the messages you selected are shown. You can then do what you want with the messages.
- Killfile - if you don't want to see messages from someone, to someone, or about a subject, just add the details to the killfile.
- You can select a part of a message (or bulletin) to be included in the quote, export/print, etc.
- 'List own' opens its own window.
- If you press Control down and click a menu item, Kivi will try to display help about that menu item by calling ST-Guide.
- You can define the colours for Marked messages and messages that are addressed to you.
- Real-time scroll bars in Bulletins and Font.
- Some keyboard shortcuts have been changed.
- The alerts are displayed in windows and they have hotkeys.
- When sorting by subject, subjects with "Re:" at the beginning are treated on an equal footing with subjects that don't have it.
Kivi 2.00 is available online from CiX or the CyberSTrider website:
Or on FaST Club disk AP.914
A Supported Penguin
HomePage Penguin, the Atari home page wizard, is now being supported by CyberSTrider. HomePage Penguin scores over other wizards because it has many enhanced functions, including: text in two columns, text around graphics, user defined alignment of text, and the ability to reload your pages. HomePage Penguin can create comments in your page to help you to understand the HTML commands. It can also recognize paragraphs in your text so that the original layout can be left unchanged.
Features planned for future releases include colour icons, the ability to load in all HTML files, tables, and frames.
HomePage Penguin is available from the CyberSTrider web pages, or with Web Spinner on FaST Club disk NW.87.
InterActive News
There are now lower registration prices for A'la Card and ToDo: A'la Card registration is down from £25 to £20, and a ToDo resgistration is down from £13, to £10, and now down to £7. Look'n See remains at £20.
InterActive Website
All InterActive programs can now be downloaded from the InterActive web pages or via anonymous ftp, thanks to the generous donation of space on the Dryden-Brown file server.
65 Mill Road, Colchester,
The Probe House Expense Manager (PHEM) claims that it will manage all of your daily expenses and it can also be used as a limited home financial package.
Some of the features are:
- Fully supports the desktop, with 3D look and feel.
- The graphical environment integrates the desktop and automates the way you work.
- Multiple windows for reports and data entries.
- Window icon style toolbar.
- Iconification supported.
- Hotkey shortcut for commonly used functions.
- Number of transactions limited only by memory available.
- A maximum of 60 accounts and 60 categories giving a total of over 300 combinations.
- Sort transactions by accounts, categories or date.
- Calculate expense automatically in display windows.
- Edit any transactions any time.
- Search any transactions.
- Pie and bar charts.
- Graphs for account, categories and date groups.
- Graphs are self-scaling to fit windows.
- Detailed transactions for specified date range, account type or category type.
- Reports are produced on-screen and can be printed or saved on disk.
- Budget reports can be generated for any accounts and categories.
- On-line help with ST Guide.
- SpeedoGDOS support.
CyberSTrider are supporting PHEM in the UK and it can be downloaded from CiX, the CyberSTrider web site:
Or you can get a copy on on FaST Club disk AP.331.
S3-ST v2.20
Version 2.20 of S3-ST, the Psion-Atari file transfer and utilities program, has been launched. New features added since version 2.00 include:
- A new program, XFER.PRG, is included. This is a simple file transfer program which sends a single file from the Atari to the Psion or vice versa. It is much smaller and quicker to load than the main S3-ST program.
- A new desk accessory, PSIFONT.ACC, loads 8x8 and 8x16 system fonts with the Psion character set.
- New versions of the stcomms.opa programs for the Psion should improve reliability of copying from Atari to Psion and correct the problems which version 2.00 had when used with Series 3's.
- Database viewers now include an option to jump to a record similar to that in the Series 3a database application. Also, bookmarks have been added. Up to 10 can be assigned using the function keys.
- Accessory version of database viewer includes a fix for the TOS bug that prevents desk accessories responding to their window scrolling controls.
S3-ST is available for download from the main Atari ftp sites, from CiX, or you can get a copy on disk on FaST Club disk AP.915.
Bitmap Viewer 4.2.0.a
Bitmap View is a French image processor by Christoph Boyanique. It can load, display, slide, convert and save picture files in a variety of file formats. It has an intuitive GEM interface, and it is one of the first applications to use the M&E modules from PARX that we featured in last month's ST Applications.
CyberSTrider are supporting Bitmap View in the UK and it can be downloaded from CiX, or from either of these web sites:
Or on FaST Club disk GR.423, the PARX modules are on disk UT.224.
Zorg 2.07
Zorg, the CyberSTider-supported hard disk utility, has been upgraded to version 2.07. New features include:
- Reorganization of the General Options dialog and a new Disk Options dialog.
- Zorg can now keep the tree structure in memory after a Test Structure has been carried out.
Zorg 2.07 is available from CiX, the CyberSTrider web site, or on FaST club disk UT.182.
ST-Guide v1.5
The Atari hypertext and on-line help utility, ST-Guide, has been upgraded to version 1.5 and it now supports colour images.
New features since v1.4 include:
- A new catalogue icon
- Freely definable marks, up to ten markers that are set with Shift+Function key, and called with the Function key.
- Images can now be centred
- New variable BCK3D sets window background to light grey if 16 or more colours are available.
- The Mac/PC PageUp and PageDown keys now work
- New variable BACKWIND tops the background window with a right mouse click.
- Scrolling in background windows is now flicker-free
- At colour depths of less than 16 or more than 256 colours, ST-Guide now dithers images.
ST-Guide 1.5 is available from CiX, the Interactive web site, or on FaST Club disk AP.175.
IdeaList v3.80e
The printing package IdeaList has been upgraded again, and new features since version 3.71 include:
- An optional water-mark on every page; you can configure: text, font, direction, intensity, and colour (if NVDI 3, or newer, is installed).
- Colour of text, frames, header and footer is selectable for GDOS output.
- Options for the header/footer with GDOS printing now include: inverse, double size, understrike, and overstrike.
- The Magnifier in preview mode now has its own box.
- Option to "Show Help for icon bar".
- New format for IWS files (printer queue lists) to cater for the watermark, so that the queue can assign a different watermark for each entry.
- Output window now shows a detailed description of the printer driver in use (for GDOS drivers from NVDI 4.xx).
- "Options for GDOS output" displays the dpi resolution of the selected driver.
- Up to 6000 lines per page; this allows 9-column layouts in 2-point fonts!
- The Parameter window greys out un-available options for internal/GDOS fonts.
- Support for object linking via OLGA.
- Slot order can be changed and slots can be copied by dragging with the mouse.
- Support for printers that have a built-in multiple-copy facility.
- Scalable internal printer fonts can be sized directly in pitch (monospaced fonts) or point size (proportional fonts).
- A "Configuration file" option to select which parameters should be saved.
- Option "Inherit parameters from IXA" retains existing parameters that are not defined when an incomplete printer driver is loaded.
- Special printing interface to CAT 3.0, with extended command line.
- Drag&drop now supports adaptation files (IXA) and configuration files (CNF).
- New mode for sending codes to initiate the "High Quality" printer code for LaserJet Economode.
- File paths can have a length of up to 255 characters.
IdeaList 3.80e is available for download from CiX and from the Interactive website:
Or on FaST Club disk WP.251
InterActive handle the registration for IdeaList.
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