".....And now we see the events which led to AARON SMITHIES winning second place in this years PREMIER SADCASE award...." SAD AND PROUD An Ameoba Owner story. CHAPTER 1 Message to everbody, from Aaron Smithies. Subject: 'st are crap!' "errrmmmm i`ve explained myself really haven`t I?" CHAPTER 2 Hello Aaron This whole thing about what machine is the best is getting a little thin. I have both machines and a few other 68000 machines. From my hands on experience each machine can do things that other can not do. But at the end of the day, it is down to the person who programs it. The real question is what has the person done with machine, Are you just a games and program user or have you re- written the operating system of the machine in question. Or is it you are just engaging the mouth before the brain. I hope it is the former rather the latter. Derek Stewart. CHAPTER 3 Message to Aaron Smithies from Mike Myers: "Wow really objective in you critisim!!!! " TWAT! " Mike - So what games machine do you have then????" CHAPTER 4 now now no need to use such dumb st language, by the way I have an amiga! TWAT! bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHAPTER 5 Oh wow suprise suprise!!! Thought you had a Games machine ;-) Get back to amigadom! and stay there... Ameoba owners who need em'! CHAPTER 6 IF YOU DO NOT WATCH WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, THE MODERATOR ?? IF THE MODERATOR OF THIS CONFERENCE IS DOING HIS JOB CORRECTLY WILL REMOVE YOU. I have both of these machines and both are different. You can not compare them. I assume you a games player or a ray tracer or a person who can not program a computer properly. Really you should get on with the programming and stop talking a lot of rubbish. A disconcering 68000 assembler programmer CHAPTER 7 Hi Aaron! In a message dated 29 Oct 92 you said ..... AS> errrmmmm i`ve explained myself really haven`t I? Yes you have. We all now fully realise what sort of person you are! SteveL THE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE- If you wish to contact this particular sadcase, then we've got the number of his bulletin board! It's: LOOK NORTHWEST 0282-698380 (British telephone number. DWARZ REGISTRATION SITE (2:250/116). There'll be a couple of Sundays every so often when you can call anywhere in Britain at local call rate, so try then! 11/1/92.