+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ | | ||| Atari | | / |/ ___\| | | | / | _ \ | || | / |/ ___\ | | ||| | | / | | __| | | | / | |_| | | || | / | | __ | | / | \ /| | |/ / | | |_ | | | |/ / | _ < | \/ | / / | | |_ | | | | |_| / _ | |__| | |_| / _ | | \\\ | | / _ | |__| | | | \___/_/ |_|\____/ \___/_/ |_|_| \\\ | |/_/ |_|\____/ | | \\\ | | | | T H E L A S T (?) I S S U E | | | | AUSGABE SEPTEMBER 1995 | | | | | | Untersttzt von MEGA*STAR, Schaffhauser Str. 55, 79713 Bad S„ckingen | | Tel.: 07761/59742 Fax: 07761/57014 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Erscheinungsdatum: 02.10.1995 <-> Letzte Aenderung am: 02.10.1995 | | | | Version: 1.00 <-> deutsch/englisch (CATnips) | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | _/aguar Mag Support-Mailboxen: | | ------------------------------ | | | | Name der Mailbox: Tel.-Nummer: max. Connect | | | | ADM-Box Bremen <--------------------------> 0421-823859 28k8 V.34 | | Apolonia (Line 1-20) <--------------------> 0201-2786111 28k8 V.34 | | Apolonia (Line 21-28) <-------------------> 0201-2786222 I-S-D-N | | Chameleon ENGLAND! <----------------------> 0044-1454881095 28k8 V.fast| | Daten Pavillon (Befehl "JAG") <-----------> 030-6222636 28k8 V.34 | | Dreamscape <------------------------------> 08141-30175 19k2 terbo | | Gorezone <--------------------------------> 04841-6069 19k2 Zyxel | | Hit and Run (1. Line) HOLLAND! <----------> 0031-40574236 14k4 | | Hit and Run (2. Line) HOLLAND! <----------> 0031-40511709 28k8 V.fast| | Quark Berlin (Befehl "JAG") <-------------> 030-7519443 28k8 V.34+ | | Quark Hamm (Brett 840) <------------------> 02381-161398 19k2 Zyxel | | Outbreak (Line 1) <-----------------------> 02129-959143 14k4 | | Outbreak (Line 2) <-----------------------> 02129-959144 I-S-D-N | | ST Computer Mailbox (Brett 810) <---------> 069-292966 14k4 | | Subway BBS <------------------------------> 0211-285856 28k8 V.fast| | Video Games Mailbox (kein Gastdownload) <-> 089-4613337 14k4 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Jaguar Mag ber das Internet (WWW PAGE): | | ---------------------------------------- | | | | http://tangram.informatik.uni-kl.de:8001/~r_gehm/jaguar.html | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Jaguar Mag auf Diskette: | | ------------------------ | | | | schickt 1 Diskette sowie 2 DM | | Rckporto in Briefmarken und einen | | Umschlag mit eurer Adresse an: | | | | Atari Jaguar 64-BIT CLUB | | Mischa Hildebrand | | Emil-Nolde Str. 13 | | 59192 Bergkamen | | | | Tel.: 02307/61532 | | (Mo. bis So. 18:00-20:00 Uhr) | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | _/aguar Mag 24 Stunden Telefon-Hotline | | -------------------------------------- | | | | Fragen, Probleme rund um den Atari Jaguar? Wenn ja, dann ruft an!! | | | | 02389-534685 (Martin Lethaus) | | | | Falls niemand abnimmt einfach so lange klingeln lassen (ca. 2 Minuten) | | bis der Anrufbeantworter aktiv wird und Namen und Telefon-Nummer deut- | | lich sprechen und dann auflegen, ich rufe sofort zurck... | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Schickt eure Briefe zum _/aguar Mag bitte an folgende EMail-Adresse: | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | MARTIN_LETHAUS@UN.MAUS.DE | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | oder per POST (wie altmodisch!): | | -------------------------------- | | | | _/aguar Mag Team | | Martin Lethaus | | Brevingstrasse 28 | | 59368 Werne | | Germany | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Vorwort... =========================================================================== Sehr geehrte Leser(innen) des Jaguar Mags, Wie Ihr an dieser abgespeckten Ausgabe erkennt wurden weitreichende Ver- „nderungen vorgenommen. Es sind viele Rubriken aus dem Jaguar Mag geflogen und einer der Hauptgrnde seid Ihr!!! Ich sitze also Tag fr Tag ein paar Stunden an diesem Mag und opfere so meine Freizeit, aber leider ist die Resonanz, bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen viel zu gering. Ich frage mich warum es eine Kleinanzeigen-Rubrik im Mag gibt, wenn nur zwei bis drei Leute sich die "Mhe" machen eine Kleinan- zeige an Rouven Gehm zu schicken. Genauso verh„lt es sich mit der Leser- Prozentbewertung, der Highscore-Liste, Leserbriefen u.a. Rubriken, die ich aus eurem Desinteresse aus dem Jaguar Mag entfernt habe... Derzeit stelle mich mir ernsthaft die Frage ob es sich berhaupt noch lohnt das Jaguar Mag zu releasen, da es wohl viele Leute lesen, aber wohl kein Mensch dafr bereit ist etwas zu spenden oder das Magazin durch Artikel, Leserbriefe, Prozentbewertungen, Kleinanzeigen u.a. Sachen zu untersttzen. Eine Online-ASCII-Magazin lebt vom Feedback der Leser! Und wie derzeit die Lage ist macht es mir keinen Spaž mehr! Martin Lethaus Umfrage... =========================================================================== Fllt den Bogen aus und schickt ihn komplett an: Martin_Lethaus@UN.MAUS.DE (Wenn sie wollen, daž das Jaguar Mag weiterhin einmal im Monat erscheint) ---> schnipp <--- 1) Soll das Jaguar Mag weiterhin erscheinen? ( ) JA ( ) NEIN 2) Soll das Jaguar Mag weiterhin zusammen mit dem komerziellen ­JAG! als sogenanntes "JAGPACK" released werden. ( ) BEIDE ZUSAMMEN ( ) JAGUAR MAG UND ­JAG! TRENNEN 3) Welche Rubriken sollen in das Jaguar Mag? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4) Wie alt sind Sie? __ Jahre 5) Seit wieviel Ausgabe lesen Sie das Jaguar Mag? _ Ausgaben 6) Wie wurden Sie zum ersten Mal auf das Jaguar Mag aufmerksam? ( ) Ich habe eine Mail im Mausnet (Gruppe Atari.Jag/Konsolen) gelesen ( ) Ich habe das Jaguar Mag in den Supportboxen gesehen und downgeloadet ( ) Ich habe das Jaguar Mag von Freunden/Bekannten bekommen ( ) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7) Aus welcher Mailbox saugen sich sie das Jaguar Mag? (Diese Frage ich sehr wichtig, damit wir wissen welche Support-Boxen be- vorzugt das Jaguar Mag bekommen) ( ) Keiner! - Ich beziehe es ber das WWW-Page im Internet ( ) Keiner! - Ich bekomme das Jaguar Mag von/ber ______________________ ( ) Quark Hamm (ehemals Wild Box) ( ) Gorezone ( ) Name der Mailbox: ______________________ Telefon-Nr.: ______________ 8) Wie sch„tzen Sie ihre Englisch-Kenntnisse ein? ( ) sehr gut (ich verstehe alle englischen Texte im Jaguar Mag) ( ) gut (ich verstehe die englischen Texte nur bei speziellen, mir un- bekannten W”rtern muž ich im Lexikon nachschlagen) ( ) zufriedenstellend (ich verstehe den Grožteil der englischen Texte im Mag, aber diverse S„tze sind fr mich ein R„tsel) ( ) mangelhaft (ich erkenne nur Wortbrocken und bin nicht in der Lage die englischen S„tze im Mag sinnvoll zu bersetzen) ( ) ungengend (ich bin Ossi und kann kein englisch) 9) Lesen Sie die CATnips von Don Thomas? ( ) Ja, komplett ( ) Ja, aber nur zu __ % ( ) Nein! 10) Welche anderen Jaguar-Informationsquellen nutzen Sie? ( ) Videospielzeitschriften ( ) Video Games ( ) Mega Fun ( ) Man­c Sonstige: ________________ ( ) Online-Magazine ( ) AEO ( ) Sillicon Times Report Sonstige: ______________________ ( ) diverse Computernetze ( ) Mausnet ( ) Fido ( ) Internet Sonstige: _____________________ ( ) Sonstige Informationsquellen: ______________________________________ 11) Wieviel Jaguar-Spiele besitzen Sie und was sind nach ihrer Meinung die fnf besten Spiele (falls sie fnf Spiele besitzen), die Sie besitzen? __ Jaguar-Spiele Das sind meine fnf Top-Spiele: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 12) Welche Spiele werden Sie sich 100%ig bis Weihnachten '95 fr den Atari Jaguar kaufen? (šber diese Spiele werden wir verst„rkt berichten) _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 13) Werden Sie sich das Jaguar CD-ROM bis Weihnachten '95 kaufen? ( ) JA ( ) NEIN ( ) ICH HABE SCHON DAS CD-ROM FšR ___ DM GEKAUFT 14) Haben Sie Zugang zum Internet? (Atari er”ffnet am 6. Oktober ihr Web Page im Internet) ( ) JA ( ) NEIN 15) Welche Konsole besitzen Sie neben dem Atari Jaguar bzw. welche Konsole werden Sie in den n„chsten 12 Monaten wahrscheinlich kaufen? Besitz:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Kaufen:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ---> schnipp <--- Last Minute... =========================================================================== RUSHWARE bernimmt die Jaguar-Distribution in Deutschland! ---------------------------------------------------------- Herr Klaus-Peter Kuschke (Leiter Vertrieb und Marketing RUSHWARE) teilte dem Jaguar Mag am 18.09.95 exklusiv mit, daž Rushware den Vertrieb des Jaguars in Deutschland bernommen hat! Die Vertr„ge wurden auf der E.C.T.S. in London abgeschlossen und ein offizielles Presse-Statement ist im Laufe dieser Woche geplant. Weiterhin soll es weitere Gespr„che zwischen Rushware und Atari UK (Paul Welch) in denen es um weitere Detail wie z.B. Werbung in deutschen Zeitschriften und die Plazierung diverser Werbespots im deutschen Privat- Fernsehen gehe. Der Jaguar wurde auch gleich im Preis gesenkt: JAGUAR PAL (ohne Spiel) 299,- DM JAGUAR PAL (mit Spiel) 399,- DM JAGUAR CD-ROM 299,- DM Nach Kuschkes Aussagen bei einem kurzen Gespr„ch auf der ECTS am Montag, dem 11.09.95 sieht er die derzeitige Lage des Jaguars in Deutschland sehr objektiv. Der Jaguar sei nach seiner Analyse ein Nischenger„t, was vor allem an nicht vorhandenen Marketing und der unterdurchschnitt- lichen Software l„ge. Nach Kuschkes Ansicht gibt es derzeit nur zwei Spitzentitel, wobei es problematische w„re, daž beide auf dem deutschen Index sind. Zur Person: Klaus-Peter Kuschke arbeitete acht(!) Jahre bei Atari Deutschland und war bevor er Ende der 80ziger Jahre Atari verliess und nach Konami wechselte fr das Atari Lynx zust„ndig. Seit M„rz '95 arbeitet Herr Kuschke nun fr die Rushware Microhandelsgesellschaft mbH. Seine weitreichenden Erfahrungen im Konsolenbusiness und als Ex-Atari- Mitarbeiter welcher die Macken bei Atari zu Genge kennt drfte er ein neuer Hoffungstr„ger fr die Jaguar-Fan-Gemeinde in Deutschland sein. Das Jaguar Mag wnscht Herrn Kuschke viel Erfolg! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HURRA!!!! Das Jaguar CD-ROM ist da... =========================================================================== Unglaublich aber wahr! Atari hat es endlich geschafft das Jaguar CD-ROM zu releasen. Als Beilage war Atari nicht geizig und legt gleich vier(!!) CDs bei, darunter zwei Spiele (Blue Lightning und Vid Grid - Test in dieser Ausgabe - siehe weiter unten - NEIN! nicht auf deine Fsse du Trottel!!!), eine Demoversion des millionfach verkaufen PC-Adventures names MYST (wird "Mist" ausgesprochen) und die Tempest 2000-Audio CD (Yes! Yes! Yes!). Ach ja, das Beste ist natrlich die eingebaute VLM (Virtuelle Light Machine), welche im Jaguar CD-ROM eingebaut ist und aus Musik-CDs in eine brillante phantastische Light Shows verwandelt (fr Leute die unter epileptischen Anf„llen leiden ist diese Option leider nicht ratsam). Insgesamt verfgt die VLM ber 81 Effekte, die per Pad ausgew„hlt werden k”nnen, aber nun erstmal zur fast unendlichen Geschichte des Jaguar CD-ROMs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAGUAR(TM) CD-ROM UNDER $200 CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today plans to ship CD-ROM to stores in ample time for Christmas shopping. The CD-ROM is a hardware peripheral compatible with any Jaguar 64-bit system and will sell for $199.95 (MSRP). It enables the Jaguar to play a new generation of impeccable CD-based video games and play audio compact discs. The module includes CD+G technology and it provides its own cartridge port for applications that may use both cartridge and CD at the same time. Look for the CD titles; Blue Lightning(TM), Battlemorph(TM), Jack Nicklaus Cyber Golf(TM), Highlander(TM), Creature Shock(TM), Demolition Man(TM) and more that will begin shipping fourth quarter 1994. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAGUAR(TM) CD-ROM UNDER $200 Atari(R) reveals CD-ROM and outstanding CD software CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today plans to ship the anticipated CD-ROM to stores in ample time for Christmas shopping. The CD-ROM is a hardware peripheral compatible with any Jaguar 64-bit system and will sell for $199.95 (MSRP). It enables the Jaguar to play a new generation of impeccable CD-based video games and play audio compact discs. ROM-based software in the CD-ROM allows the user to easily manipulate audio tracks and numerous custom selections when playing audio compact discs. The module includes state-of-the-art technology to play the audio and video portions of CD+G encoded discs. It also provides its own cartridge port so some applications may use the cartridge and CD at the same time. ... Another of the planned CD releases for Christmas is Battlemorph(TM); a true 3-dimensional experience in over 50 all-new virtual worlds. Player chooses at will between fighter, tank or submarine with complete 3D movement. The many features include texture mapped enemies and structures. Play inside caves, underwater, on land and in the sky. Work with the resistance to bring down the Pernitia Empire. Anyone who enjoys a round of golf will love Jack Nicklaus Cyber Golf(TM). This CD package includes True Color photos of Murfield Golf Course with access to CD quality voice to help with each hole. Study Jack Nicklaus' golf swing to improve your own game with full motion video of him and other golfers. Also look for the CD titles; Highlander(TM), Creature Shock(TM), Demolition Man(TM) and an assortment of third party products that will begin shipping fourth quarter 1994. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atari debuts CD player for Jaguar at $149.99 SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Jan. 6, 1995 - Prepare to shift your Jaguar into overdrive. Atari Corporation Friday announced that its new compact disc multimedia peripheral will be available in the first quarter, priced at an amazingly affordable $149.99, including a CD game. The CD player, which plugs into the top of the 64-bit Atari Jaguar Interactive Multimedia System, plays CD-based Jaguar video games and standard audio compact discs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Jan. 6, 1995 - Baseball for 1995 may be uncertain and the National Hockey League still is not playing, but there will be sports galore on the 64-bit Atari Jaguar this spring and summer. Atari Corporation today announced that a number of new sports titles will be released in the first half of 1995. "We're going for the gold with sports-oriented games at Atari this year," said Sam Tramiel, CEO of Atari Corporation. "Atari Jaguar owners will play hockey with Brett Hull, golf with Jack Nicklaus, basketball with Charles Barkley and all the baseball they want." Sports games currently under development include: Charles Barkley-Shut Up and Jam takes an in-your-face, over-the-top approach to America's favorite indoor sport. Players will encounter some of the baddest b-ball players on the streets as they try to rule the game's 2 on 2 streetball tournament. Charles Barkley-Shut Up and Jam is expected by the end of the second quarter. Brett Hull Hockey features super-realistic, digitized graphics and a real-time 3-D hockey rink. Available on CD, Brett Hull Hockey will provide the most realistic hockey video game simulation ever. Look for Brett Hull Hockey to arrive in stores by the end of June. Hardball Baseball will provide a graphically and statistically true-to-life simulation of real baseball. Players will have the added option of customizing teams and scheduling themselves for one game, a playoff series or an entire season. Special software builds players' statistics as games are played making Hardball Baseball even more realistic. Atari plans to ship Hardball Baseball before the 1995 All-Star game, if there is one this year. Jack Nicklaus Cyber Golf, a CD title, is a photo-realistic golf game for the Jaguar that utilizes over 9,000 images of Murfield Village Golf Course. This course is the first that Jack Nicklaus created and is the site of the annual Memorial Tournament. Well-known sports presenter David Livingston acts as a virtual commentator to teach the first-time player how to play the game or provide comments and suggestions for the more experienced players. Up to a foursome can play Jack Nicklaus Cyber Golf, and the CD is expected to ship late this spring. Additional sport titles scheduled for the first half of 1995 include Troy Aikman NFL Football (Williams Entertainment), White Men Can't Jump (TriMark), CD League Bowling (V Real) and Sensible Soccer (Telegames). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derzeit sind leider keine weiteren CD-Spiele aužer den "Pack-In"-Spielen verfgbar, aber die Abspeicherkarte names "Memory Track" ist ausgeliefert worden und kostet $30, was wohl fr Deutschland mindestens 49,- DM bedeutet. šber die weiteren Spielereleases auf CD halten wir euch natrlich auf dem laufenden, als letzte Info kam die Aussage, daž in den n„chsten sechs Wochen folgende CD-Spiele erscheinen sollen: Myst, Highlander, Hover Strike, Creature Shock, Dragon's Lair und Demolition Man... Interview... =========================================================================== Interview mit Ted Hoff / Atari - New President of North American Operations (aus dem VIDEOGAME ADVISOR Volume 1, Number 5 - September 1995) Das Interview stammt von Anfang August... VGA: What do you have planned at Atari for the 4th quarter of this year? TED: I think the most exciting plan for Atari, and the most challenging this year, is to increase our distribution base at retail, which has been fairly narrow over a past year-and-a-half. We got off to a really good kick-start when we introduced Jaguar in the 4th Quarter of '93. Then the business flattened somewhat because we did not deliver the retail market and to the installed base of consistent volume of software that you really need to drive into business. We have finally turned that corner; we are at last reaching critical mass at software. My primary objective, although I have only been here about six weeks, is to work very closely with the retail community and to reasure them that Atari is now properly positioned - in its marketing, product development, sales, promotions, merchandising, and advertising. We're now ready to properly support not only our current installed base, but I honestly feel we can double that installed base coming out of Christmas. And we have a title array that supports both the Jaguar base system and the Jaguar CD. Jaguar CD is probably the most exciting introduction or launch for us going into the 4th quarter. Its ships August 24th; we expect it in full distribution shortly after Labor Day. We will follow after that with somewhere between 12 and 18 CD titles during the 4th quarter. We will also introducing about 24 cartridge titles. VGA: Do you have any play in specific to mend relationships with retailers? TED: There seems to a lot of mending going on lately (in the industry), what with Sega having a mend a lot of fences. I don't know that we have to mend fences, per se, with retailers; I think what we have to do is prove ourselves by performance with retailers. We don't have as many retailers upset with us as Sega does because of their decision on their limited shipment of Saturn. One of the things I found coming in here is that there are so many people pulling for us - there are so many people who want Atari to be successful. The marketplace, the retailers, the consumers really need and want Atari because we provide to the consumer a value-priced alternative to very expensive "next generation" systems. There isn't a "next generation" system today, including 3DO, Saturn, Playstation, and Cd-i, that can come near us in shear processing power and pricing. We're a 64-bit system at $149. There isn't another system that can do that. Where the retailer was dissapointed, and there is a difference between being dissapointed and having to mend relationships, I think the retailer and the consumer were dissapointed that here we were providing to the market a very viable, powerful alternative in the "next generation" systems. But what we failed to do was to bring to the market the level of software support, the critical mass, of software that was needed for that person to make that buying decision. VGA: Do you have any special retail programs this fall or promotions? TED: Well, we have created our programs to suit specific retailers' needs. Some retailers like to provide their customers with mail-in oppur- tunities for a free controller or something like that. We have that program in effect now which will run throught the fall. We've had programs where we have actually packed-in software so that some retailers can provide "value pricing" to the consumer with a cartridge packed into a game unit. The programs we have lined up for the fall included a program at Electronic Boutique where what they have done, basically, is a trading program where a consumer can bring in 10 16-bit cartridges and the Electronic Boutique will credit them $100 towards a Jaguar system. So you can go into an EB store with 10 of your old 16-bit cartridges that you don't play anyway and walk out of there with a Jaguar for 49 bucks; you can't beat a deal like that. 64-bit processing for 49 dollars. So, we're open to those type of programs with retailers around the country. I think it is more important to allow, or at least the retailers are telling us, it's more important to allow them to construct a creative marketing program that they feel fits their specific customers' needs. Then, what we will do is provide them a customized program to support that. A destination location like a Toys 'R' Us or a Wal-Mart will have a different type of requirement to draw customers to a free-standing destination location than a mall location like a Software Etc., a Babbages, or an Electronics Boutique. These types of establishments target the people walking through the mall, making a point of sale decision when they see the placard outside the store. That is a different type of program than getting in your car and driving specifically to Toys 'R' Us or Wal-Mart for a program. We are very open to and have created programs for retailers individually, based on the retailers need for their customers. VGA: What do you have planned for media and advertising this fall? TED: What we are focusing on in our TV commercials and print advertsing is the quality of the Atari Jaguar and the value price at $149. What we are doing, and it's a little tiny cheat but we're having some fun with it, is basically challenging someone with "Gee, why would I go out and spend $300 or more on a 32-bit system when I can buy a 64-bit system for $149?" So you're getting, really, a new generation platform at half the price of the other new generation platforms. The print media is focused in two areas. First is the CD ad, which basically makes the point that "it's a digital jungle out there" and one way to "rule the jungle" is to get a Jaguar CD, "unleash the power of the Jaguar CD," and we show the various CD titles. The other print media is kind of fun, challenging someone with a simple puzzle which the answer is very obvious. It is so obvious that you kind of say "Gee, why didn't think of that?" and it says "If you're smart enough to figure out this puzzle, you're probably smart enough to realize that it's a better value to buy a 64-bit system for $149 than it is to spend over $300 on a 32-bit system." So the advertising is consistent and it's all price/value related. VGA: What do you have planned for POP and other materials at retail this fall? TED: That we are offering at the point of sale, again, we have customized programs for the retailers needs themselves, both with Electronics Boutique, Babbages, it is fairly limited with Toys 'R' Us. We are in process right now of creating new materials for Wal-Mart. We will be in full distribution in about 400 of Wal-Mart's superstores throughout the United States, which we are very excited about. They will carry 28 SKU's of Atari's which will include an array of 24 titles- both CD and cartridge, the Jaguar 64, the Jaguar CD, and a controller and the linkage set. We are very excited about this because Wal-Mart gives us a national presence in the world largest retailer. We're going to service every store individually ourselves to make sure it is done right. We're creating, as we speak, signage that is going in the Wal-Mart stores that will draw the consumer to the fact, particulary with Wal-Mart's philosophy, that we're "made in the United States." I believe that we are the only system right now made in the United States. One of our philosophies, and I think it is very strong selling point, is that you can step up to a new generation platform and buy a Jaguar 64 for $149. At some point next month, next week, three weeks from now, you can add a component to the Jaguar system, which is the Jaguar CD again, for $149. You don't have to do it all once; it is like going out and buying things for your stereo system. It is very unlikely that you will go out and buy all eight components at one time because you want to buy a premiere component each time you go out. So, you may buy a tuner, then an amplifier, an equalizer, obviously the speakers, then the CD, then the multiple CD player - but you can add those things to your base system and that is the approach we are using with the Jaguar. You can start with your base system for $149, which is a heck of value for a 64-bit system. Then, when you want or the critical mass of software is compelling enough for you to go out and add-on a CD, you can do so. You can do that in two or three months if you want. So the materials that address the consumer at retail, address them in that way. In other words, here is the core system for $149, the CD system is another component which you can add if you are already a Jaguar owner. VGA: What do you see as Atari's oppurunities in "new media?" TED: We are annoucing our own web page which will premier October 6th. We feel it is critically important. I think as far as information, news, resources, chat, previews, game descriptions, everything, it is a way that consumers can communicate and learn about things we are doing. We want to do that; it is very important for us. It is a communication vehicle that we use now. I have made a point to go out on the net every weeks with a newsletter and, basically, people can read about what is our situation is on "Fight For Life" and why I elected to hold it back and not release it right away. "What is our situation with respect to releasing the Jaguar CD now as opposed to several months ago?" All those things that people are constantly chatting about and asking on the net, there is now a message from the president of the company, talking about these things very openly and candidly. You know we're not launching 100 titles for Christmas. I don't know where things like this that start. We have 27 titles now in cartridge, we're doing 24 by Christmas. I hope to get 20 of those 24 out. CD is going to be 18 titles by Christmas, if I can get 12 of them out I will be pleased. Those are real facts, those are things you can take to the bank and print. We're not coming out with the VR helmet before Christmas. It is time that we focus on what's available and what is real and that can people can plan for, and that people can save for. If a kid is putting away money and saving for Ultra Vortek, I want to be able to tell him when it is going available or a VR helmet, or "Fight For Life" or whatever it might be, and not have that person be dissapointed. (abgetippt von Martin Lethaus) Bericht aus den USA... =========================================================================== Die USA, das Land der unbegrenzten Videospiele??? ------------------------------------------------- Ein Bericht von Holger Haslbeck Auf meiner Reise in die USA hab ich auch umgesehen wie es um Videospiele aussieht. Wie vielen sicherlich bekannt ist gibt es in den USA keine Alters- beschr„nkung fr Spielhallen, Videospiele sind in den US-Flugh„fen oft zu finden und dann meistens auch ziemlich aktuelle (Daytona, VF II, etc), wenn man das mit denen in Mnchen am Flughafen vergleicht, dann sind die sogar top aktuell... In den grožen Spielhallen in den "Spieler-St„dten" Reno oder auch Lake Tahoe in Nevada, gibt es dann auch 5er Daytona USA Automaten, Virtua Fighter 2, Ridge Racer, Mortal Kombat III (in USA ist brigens gerade der Kinofilm zu Mortal Kombat erschienen, der hat zwar fast keine Story, aber super Action, Musik und Spezialeffekte!), Tekken und auch einiges an Virtual Reality Spielen. Neben den neuesten K„sten findet man auch einiges an „lteren Automaten, teilweise einige wirkliche kultige, wie Centipede von Atari.... Da w„re wir ja schon beim Thema Atari. Atari hat seinen Hauptsitz bekannt- lich in Sunnyvale Californien, einem relativ kleinen Ort in der San Francisco Bay-Area. Trotzdem hat leider noch lange nicht jedes Software-, Electronic-, Spielzeug-Gesch„ft Jaguars was etwas entt„uschend ist. Wenn man sich umgesehen hat sah man ber all die grožen Sony-Playstation Aufsteller ("Coming September 9th"). Alle Kaufh„user und Spielzeuggesch„fte werben mit der neuen PS. Es gab Vorbestellungslisten, Angebote, daž wenn man 10 Spiele eintauscht, die Konsole um $100 billiger bekommt (Electronics Boutique), doch trotzdem scheinen mir die $299 OHNE Spiel fr USA-Verh„ltnisse nicht gerade billig sein. Trotz dem ganzen Hype um die PS (es wurde jedoch keine Fernsehwerbung gemacht, war auch wegen der grožen Berichterstattung in den Videospielezeitschriften, den Anzeigen ("Sofia says take one") und der fl„chendeckenden Pr„senz der Verkaufsstellen nicht n”tig), gabs es am 9. September keine grože Schlangen wie es von Japan berichtet wurde. Dasselbe wie bei Windows 95, trotz grožem Hyps keine berw„ltigenden Verkaufzahlen in den ersten Tagen. Auch ohne Vorbestellung w„re es ohne weiteres m”glich gewesen am Samstag die PS zu bekommen. Wer nun jetzt sagen will, das ein Release an einem Samstag nicht glcklich ist, der liegt falsch. In den USA sind meisten die Gesch„fte und besonders die grožen Einkaufs- zentren auch am Wochenende ganzt„gig ge”ffnet. Da ist sogar am meisten los, weil die normalen Arbeitnehmer am Wochenende Zeit haben und die ganze Familie zum Einkaufen f„hrt (nicht geht, in USA muž man berall hinfahren. In USA ist man ohne Auto kein Mensch...). Nun ja, Atari's Jaguar ist jedoch sicherlich in jeder gr”žeren Stadt erh„lt- lich. Einer der gr”žten Elektro- , Elektronik- und Computer-M„rkte der USA (oder zumindest Californiens) Incredible Universe hat alles rund um den Jaguar ziemlich schnell (und auch Jaguars zum Probespielen), Sears eines der gr”žten US Kaufh„user und Versender hat es im Weihnachtskatalog, Musikge- sch„fte wie Tower Records und Virgin haben Spiele und Zubeh”r, auch TV-Video-Gesch„fte wie Good Guys oder Radio Shack'haben Konsole und Spiele im Programm. Daneben gibt es noch viele andere kleinere Gesch„fte. Einer der schnellsten und besten H„ndler in Sachen Jaguar ist Electroniques Boutique die haben alles ziemlich schnell. Jaguar CD am 15.09 Rayman zwei Tage zuvor. Ich m”chte ja nicht UBI Soft auch noch ankreiden das sie von Sony geschmiert wurden um den Erscheinungstermin des Jag-Raymans rauszuz”gern, ich finde es nur seltsam das die PSX-Version zwei Tage frher als die Jaguarversion er- erh„ltlich war... Atari bemht sich redlich die Jaguarbesitzer zu informieren. Hat man eine Registrationskarte eingeschickt bekommt man grože vollfarbige Hochglanzpost- karten ber neue Spiele oder Hardware. Die sind wirklich sch”n aufgemacht und eine gute Idee... Videospiele sind in USA sehr popol„r, besonders das SNES scheint sehr ver- breitet zu sein, fraglich ob sich die Amis so schnell fr die neuen teuren Next-Generation-Konsolen begeistern k”nnen. Angesichts der immer noch grožen Flut an SNES-Spielen (Doom, Killer Instinkt ,Donkey Kong Country II) werden viele abwarten bis die neuen Konsolen billiger sind. $299 sind in USA viel Geld. Auch $60-70 fr ein Spiel ist fr US-Verh„lt- nisse doch recht teuer. Bei den SNES-, Genesis-, Gameboy-Spielen kann man noch auf den Gebrauchtmarkt ausweichen. Videospielegesch„fte wie Electronic Boutique oder auch Musikgesch„fte wie Tower Records kaufen und verkaufen gebrauchte Spiele, da kann mann dann schon hin und wieder ein Schn„ppchen ergattern. Es sind zwar auch gebrauchte Spiele fr den Jaguar vorhanden, aber leider nicht in der Auswahl.... Die Zeitschriften in USA sind teilweise gegenber dem Jaguar nicht gerade objektiv. Rayman Bewertungen sind fr den Jaguar grunds„tzlich schlechter als fr die PSX. Teilweise zwar nur 2-3% weniger aber in den Berichten wird dann von "wesentlich" besser geschrieben. Rayman wird als das erste gute Spiel fr den Atari Jaguar bezeichnet. Ich finde IS gut und Tempest 2000 ist auch was besonderes. Aber auch die Werbung der Konkurenz verspricht mehr als geboten wird: Ich zitiere aus der Playstation Werbung von Sony: "NAMCO Ridge Racer .... Choose from 13 super-styled cars and a variety of tracks....". Seit wann hat Ridge Racer mehrere verschiedene Strecken???? Dafr sind die Ausstellungsger„te gut gemacht, auf einer speziellen Demo CD sind 4 spielbare Spiele (ESPN Extreme Games, Toshinden, Wipeout und Jumping Flash) und noch ein paar selbstablaufende Demos von Spielen. Alles fr den Kunden zum selbstausw„hlen. Die Jaguarvorfhrk„sten haben leider nur immer ein Modul drin und man muž den H„ndler bitten um es zu wechseln. Da sollte Atari auch mal was machen. Ein weiteres System das vor kurzem in USA released wurde ist der Virtua Boy von Nintendo. Zum Preis von $169 bekommt man Das Spielger„t einen Controller und Mario 3D Tennis. Der 3D Effekt ist recht gut besonders bei dem 3D Baller- spiel Red Alarm. Das Bild ist sehr ruhig, der Sound liegt jedoch auf Gameboy Niveau. Das Geld sollte jedoch lieber in eine echte Konsole investieren. Der Virtua Boy ist kein echtes Portable, man braucht immer einen Tisch um es zu spielen und es ist auch kein echtes Heimger„t:ob vierfarbige (vier Rott”ne) Spiele fr zuhause noch der Knaller sind? Es besteht aber, glaub ich zumindest, die M”glichkeit zwei Virtua Boys per Kabel zu linken. Netzteil ist im Pack brigens keins enthalten, das Grundger„t l„uft mit Batterien. Mann kann jedoch ein Netzteil optional bekommen. Die USA ist zwar ein riesiger Markt fr Videospiele, diese sind auch popul„rer wie bei uns, aber die Leute sind bei weitem nicht so verrckt nach Video- spielen wie in Japan. Nintendo hat mit dem SNES sicherlich den gr”žten Markt- anteil auch SEGA Megadrive (Genesis)/Mega CD is gut vertreten. Zumindest fr die Kids wird es das auch bleiben. Einzige Konkurent ist Atari, die mit der Jaguar Grundkonsole fr $149 einen konkurenzf„higen Preis haben. Rayman bekommt man am Jaguar im Endeffekt um $150 billiger als auf der PSX. Das Weihnachtsgesch„ft in USA beginnt schon jetzt im September, wir werden sehen wie es l„uft... (Holger Haslbeck) Marktanalyse... =========================================================================== In der letzten Zeit wurde ja viel geschrieben, wie schlecht es Atari geht und das keine Spiele erscheinen, aber in den letzten Wochen zeigt Atari es allen Kritikern, daž der Jaguar genug Power hat um gegen von den deutschen Zeitschriften angepriesen šberkonsolen names "Saturn" und "Playstation" bestehen zu k”nnen. Dabei sieht es gar nicht mal sooo schlecht aus... Prognose USA: ------------- Atari gab die Userbasis in den USA im Frhjahr '95 mit 150.000 verkauften Jaguars an. Dies war vor der Preissenkung auf 159 Dollar! Also sch„tzen wir die Zahl auf 200.000 verkauften Jaguar bis dato, Ted Hoff m”chte diese derzeitig Userbasis zum Weihnachtsgesch„ft verdoppeln und die Chancen stehen gnstig wie nie zuvor. Atari konnte in den USA weitere wichtige Kaufhausketten wie z.B. Wal-Mart gewinnen, welche mit ber 400 Gesch„ften in der gesamten USA vertreten ist. Rechnen wir pro Tag mit etwa zwei verkauften Jaguars je Gesch„ft (diese Zahl ist bei einem Preis von nur $149 nicht unrealistisch) dann verkauft alleine Wal-Mart vom 1. Oktober (wenn da an fhrt Wal-Mart den Atari Jaguar) bis Ende des Jahres an die 75.000 Jaguars zus„tzlich!!! In den restlichen amerikanischen Gesch„ften wo der Jaguar (Toys 'R' Us, Babbages, Electronics Boutique, etc. ...) angeboten wird werden sich auch wohl mindestens 125.000 Ger„te verkaufen. Zudem gibt es bei Electronics Boutique diese Credits-Aktion, der K„ufer eines Atari Jaguars bekommt 100 Dollar Bonus, wenn er zehn 16-Bit Module oder ein SNES mit 3 Spielen abgibt, d.h. er bezahlt nur 49 Dollar fr den Jaguar. Vor allem der Frust bei den Nintendo-Jngern wird grož sein, das Ultra 64 wurde jetzt schon einige Male verschoben und nur fr knapp $50 ein neues 64-Bit Videospielsystem? Da k”nnten einige schwach werden... Auch eingefleischte Sega-Freaks werden sich zweimal berlegen ob sie ihr altes 16-Bit System plus $50 Aufschlag eintauschen oder derzeit das achtfache fr einen Sega Saturn ($400) bezahlen wollen... Prognose Europa: ---------------- Im Grunde genommen hat sich Atari UK nicht besonders um den europ„ischen Markt gekmmert, aber trotzdem drften derzeit um die 50.000 Jaguars in Europa verkauft sein. Knapp die H„lfe davon drfte in Deutschland stehen, danach folgt England, Frankreich und die anderen L„nder sind kaum der Rede wert. Nachdem aus dem Deal mit COSMO nichts geworden ist, hat sich Rushware dazu durchgerungen den Vertrieb es Jaguars in Europa gr”žten Videospielmarkt names Deutschland zu bernehmen. Mit etwa Marketing, d.h. Anzeigen in Video- spielzeitschriften, etwas Fernsehwerbung und gute Untersttzung der H„ndler drfte sich auch in Europa die Verkaufszahlen verdoppeln. Rechnen wir mal die Zahlen fr die n„chsten Monate hoch: Frhjahr 1995: etwa 150.000 (nur USA) derzeit: etwa 250.000 (200.000 USA & 50.000 Europa) 1.1.1996: ber 500.000 (400.000 USA & 100.000 Europa) Ab 1996 werden auch gr”žere Softwarefirmen fr den Jaguar entwickeln, da sich gengend Ger„te (> 0,5 Millionen) verkauft haben. Nach dem Weihnachtsgesch„ft flaut das Gesch„ft berall ab und es werden etwa 25.000 Jaguars pro Monat in den USA verkauft und 10.000 Jaguars in Europa (bei Werbung). 1.2.1996: 535.000 (425.000 USA & 110.000 Europa) 1.5.1996: 640.000 (500.000 USA & 140.000 Europa) 1.9.1996: 780.000 (600.000 USA & 180.000 Europa) Fazit: Die Jaguar-User-Basis wird sich in einem Jahr verdreifachen!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dies ist natrlich nur eine vorsichtige Kalkulation, die Zahlen k”nnen natrlich ganz anders aussehen, aber wenn Sega und Sony ber 500.000 Spielkonsolen zum doppelten Preis bis April '96 in den USA verkaufen m”chten, wieso sollte das Atari zu einen gnstigen Preis (derzeit $149) nicht gelingen? Eine angebliche Preissenkung auf $99 - in Europa unter 200,- DM, unter 100 engl. Pfund - k”nnte natrlich die Verkaufszahlen nochmals um etwa 50 % steigern und im September '96 wrde die Millionengrenze berschritten... Gerchte... =========================================================================== Aus fr Conan ------------- Laut Gerchten aus dem Internet wurde die Entwicklung des Golden Axe-Clones names "Conan" welcher fr den Atari Jaguar auf Modul erscheinen sollte ein- gestellt. Handmade Software pleite? ------------------------- Nach den letzten Gerchte befindet sich Handmade Software in der Liquidation. Rayman 2 in Arbeit! ------------------- Nach den letzten Insidergerchten ist ein Nachfolger des soeben fr die Sony Playstation und Atari Jaguar (Saturn-Version wird im Oktober released) erschienen Spiels in Arbeit. Nach Aussagen von Frank Slater/UBI Soft USA wird der Schwierigkeitsgrad erh”ht, da sich viele Leute beschwert haben, daž der erste Teil von Rayman zu leicht war... Saturn 900mal leistungsf„higer als 16-Bit! ------------------------------------------ Laut den Werbeaussagen von Sega ist der Saturn 900mal leistungsf„higer als eine 16-Bit Konsole. Dies konnte Sony nicht auf sich sitzen lassen und konterten in ihrer englischen Werbekampange, daž die Sony Playstation leistungsf„higer als "Gott" ist. Mal sehen was sich Sega darauf einfallen l„žt... News... =========================================================================== Aktion-Spektakel "Targa" fr Jaguar CD in Planung! -------------------------------------------------- Laut den Informationen der Videospielzeitschrift Man­c (nicht lachen!) plant Softgold eine Konvertierung des inoffiziellen Turrican-Nachfolgers names "Targa" fr das Jaguar CD-ROM, das Spiel soll aber frhestens in einem Jahr erscheinen und da kann viel passieren. Aussage Christopher Schmitz / Softgold - Entwickler der Jaguar CD-Version auf der ECTS in London: "Die Jaguar CD-Version wird deutlich besser werden als die Super Nintendo-Version". Wir bleiben am Ball! ST Computer kehrt zu ihren Wurzeln zurck! ------------------------------------------ Die ST Computer wird nun endlich wieder eine richtige Atari-Zeitschrift, leider mužte aber der Umfang auf 84 Seiten verkrzt werden und das Ver- h„ltnis Werbeseiten zu Artikeln steht 1:3, wir das Jaguar Mag findet diese Entscheidung sehr positiv und wir fordern jeden Atari Jaguar-Freak auf beide Atari-Zeitschriften (ST Computer und Atari Inside) durch den Kauf zu unter- sttzen, was sind schon ein paar Mark von jeden wenn ihr dadurch jeden Monat eine wirklich professionelle Atari-Zeitschrift bekommt? Die n„chste Ausgabe ist fr Jaguar-Freaks sehr interessant! Es gibt einen ECTS-Bericht, sowie Spieltests (u.a. Rayman) und ber das neue Jaguar CD-ROM wird berichtet. Kein Mac - Atari pur!!! Also lauft zu euren Zeitschriften-H„ndler oder wie w„re es mit einem Abbo? Neue deutsche Videospielzeitschrift! ------------------------------------ Der Vogel Verlag plant eine neue Videospielzeitschrift names "FUN GENERATION" und wird von Anfang an klotzen, anstatt zu kleckern. Dies beweist auch die Anfangs sehr hohe Auflage von 150.000 Exemplaren. Ein Teil der Redakteure haben schon fr andere Videospielzeitschriften geschrieben wie z.B. Martin Weidner oder G”tz Schmiedehausen/beide Ex-Mega Fun. Man darf gespannt sein! S P I E L E T E S T S . . . =========================================================================== FLIP OUT! --------- Datentr„ger: 16 MBit-Modul Preis: cirka 129,- DM Gekauft bei: Dynatex, Dortmund Ausgeflippt! Bei Flip Out! handelt es sich um ein simples Puzzle-Spiel, du bist auf dem Planeten Phrohmaj (die Verantwortlichen fr diese Spiels sollte man auch dorthin schiessen und zwar ohne Rckfahrkarte!) die Bewohner dieses Planeten (bunte Knetm„nnchen, die fast so Aussehen wie Brodmuehlers) haben dich zu ihrem grožen Fliesen-Flip-Festival eingeladen (Oh Mann! Das ist fast so spannend wie ein Telefongespr„ch mit Lars Kammann). Das Festival beeinflužt ihren Tagesablaufen (meinen nicht, bei mir verstaubt das Modul in der Ecke), ihre Ežgewohnheit (hmmm, eventl. sollte ich mal zu Mittag essen? - nein das Jaguar Mag muž endlich fertig werden) und sogar ihre Freizeit (wieso muž ich meine kostbare Freizeit mit solche einen bl”den Testbericht verplempern?). L”se das wahnsinnige Puzzle (im warsten Sinne des Wortes) und achte dabei auf Aužerirdische (Knetm„nnchen = Aužerirdisch, daž ich nicht lache!!!), die glauben, Dich zu verwirren ist ein Teil des Spiels. Die Grafik ist den Leuten recht gut gelungen, die Knetm„nnchen sehen putzig aus, der Sound vor allem die Musik geht auf die Nerven, oder wer steht schon aus klassische Musik? Das Gameplay ist wirklich nicht berauschend fr notorische Puzzle-Freaks kann man noch eine Empfehlung aussprechen alle anderen (normalen) Menschen sollte man jedoch damit verschonen und sich das Geld fr bessere Jaguar-Spiele, wie z.B. Rayman (ist der tuffig) und Ultra Vortek (Blut - sabber!) aufheben. Grafik: 70 % Sound: 40 % Gesamt: 50 % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ULTRA VORTEK ------------ Datentr„ger: 32 MBit-Modul Preis: cirka 129,- DM Gekauft bei: Tradelink Edel-Gemetzel auf 64-Bit! Dies bietet Beyond Games mit dem derzeit besten Jaguar-Beat'em Up namens "Ultra Vortek". Die Aufgabe besteht darin mit seinen K„mpfer den W„chter zu besiegen und dadurch die Menschheit vor den Untergang zu bewahren. Dem Spieler stehen sieben Charakteren zur Verfgung jeder diese K„mpfer kann in der Regel sechs bis acht Spezial-Moves, die sich wesentlich ein- facher ausfhren lassen als z.B. bei dem misslungenen Kasumi Ninja. Das Spiel orientiert sich sehr an das grože Vorbild names "Mortal Kombat 2" einige Spezial-Moves lassen sich z.B. mit den selben Kombinationen abrufen wie bei Mortal Kombat 2 auch einige Ideen (Uppercut und der Gegner fliegt in die Tiefe und platsch!) wurden aus MK 2 geklaut, aber besser gut geklaut als schlecht erfunden... Wie gesagt die Steuerung ist sehr gut gelungen, die Grafik ist eine Augen- weide ich h„tte niemals gedacht, daž man eine solch fantatische Grafik auf einem 32 MBit-Modul pressen kann. Der Hintergrund ist teilweise wirklich toll animiert, was z.B. bei Kasumi Ninja ein grožes Manko war. Dafr sind die Ultra Vortek-Figuren nicht gerade riesig, aber auch nicht zu klein... Die Musik ist einfach erste Sahne und alle Musikstcke sind perfekt auf die jeweilige Szenarie abgestimmt. Die Sprachausgabe ist sauber und klingt wirk- lich gruselig, was die Atmosph„re es Spiel noch weiter erh”ht. Vom Gameplay kann man auch nicht motzen, bis auf die Winzigkeit, daž der NORMAL-Modus viel zu leicht ist... Aber zum Glck gibt es ja noch den HARD- und KILLER-Modus (Schade, daž es keine Schlag-Combos gibt). Grafik: 90 % Sound: 90 % Gesamt: 80 % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RAYMAN ------ Datentr„ger: 32 MBit-Modul Preis: cirka 129,- DM Gekauft bei: Tradelink Sonstiges: 3 Spielst„nde sind speicherbar auf EEPROM Edles Next Generation-Jump'n'Run! Nach einigen Verz”gerungen (war Sony im Spiel?) erschien Mitte September nun endlich die Jaguar-Version von Rayman auf Modul, das Spiel bietet atmenberaubende High-Color-Grafik (65000 Farben) Rayman hat die Aufgabe seine Freunde aus den K„figen zu befreien und muž zum Schluž (wenn er alle befreit hat) gegen Mr. Dark, dem grožen Oberb”se- wicht k„mpfen. Die Grafik kann als Referenz fr die kommenden Jaguar-Spiele genommen werden, Rayman bewegt sich flssig ber den Screen. Es wird in mehreren Ebenen gescrollt, natrlich ruckelt es ab und zu ein wenig, aber wenn sollte das st”ren? (aužer vielleicht einen Fritz Schober) Die Musik passt ganz gut zum Spiel, sie ist zwar leider etwas ddelig, aber da hatten die Programmierer wohl kaum noch Platz auf dem Modul wegen der wahnsinnig guten Grafik. Spielerisch l„žt sich auch nicht viel auszusetzen, Rayman erlernt nach und nach immer mehr F„higkeiten, wenn er die Fee trifft (wie z.B. schlagen, rumh„ngen, hangeln, fliegen usw.). Nur der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist viel zu hoch angesetzt nachdem der Moskito besiegt wurde steigt der Schwierigkeitsgrad ins Unermežliche, ich frage mich was sich Spieledesigner dabei gedacht haben, vor allem weil das Spiel ja fr Kinder und Jugendliche konzipiert wurde und nicht fr Jump'n'Run- Halbg”tter. So kann es schon vorkommen, daž man stundenlang ein Level spielt bis man wieder abspeichern kann was schon sehr frustierend seien kann. Wegen diese hohen Schwierigkeitsgrades habe ich auch noch 5% von der Gesamt- wertung abgezogen, denn das Spiel mužte auf keinen Fall so schwer sein... Grafik: 95 % Sound: 75 % Gesamt: 90 % Der Vergleich: Jaguar-Rayman vs. Playstation-Rayman --------------------------------------------------- - Umfang des Spiels: Die Jaguar-Version von Rayman ist auf einem 32 MBit-Modul, die Playstation- Version auf CD (Kapazit„t weit ber 5000(!!) MBit). Trotz des gigantischen Speichervorteils ist der Levelaufbau bei beiden(!!) Versionen identisch! Ach ja, die Jaguar-Version hat sogar ein zus„tzliches Bonus-Spiel a la Break Out mit 10 Levels, welches die Playstation-Version wohl nicht hat, da ja kein Platz mehr auf der CD war. ;) - Grafik: Die Grafiken sind identisch, obwohl man um alle Jaguar-Grafiken auf ein 32 MBit-Modul packen zu k”nnen, mužten die Bilder mit dem JPEG-Verfahren, welches mit Detailverlusten der Grafik arbeitet erstmal wesentlich verkleinert werden (Rechnung: 320 x 200 in 16 Bit True Color ben”tigen entpackt 128 KB). Auf der Playstation ist die Aufl”sung etwas geringer, als bei der Jaguar- Version, welche auch deutlich klare Farben besitzt. - Musik: Die Musik ist natrlich dank CD auf der Sony Playstation besser. - Spielbarkeit: Die Spielbarkeit, vor allem die Steuerung ist laut Aussagen von Frank Slater/ UBI Soft USA auf dem Jaguar die Beste! - Programmierung: Zu der Programmierung der Playstation-Version kann ich nichts sagen, aber der Atari Jaguar wird keinesfalls bis an seine Grenzen ausgenutzt! Laut Aussagen von Frank Slater / UBI Soft USA l„uft 70 % des Programmcodes auf dem 68000er. Fazit: Obwohl die F„higkeiten des Jaguar nur ansatzweise genutzt werden kann Jaguar-Rayman locker mit der Playstation-Version mithalten. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BLUE LIGHTNING -------------- Datentr„ger: CD Preis: liegt dem CD-ROM bei Gekauft bei: Dynatex, Dortmund Sonstiges: Abspeichern nur mit Memory Track No Attention to Detail! Wahhhh! Da hatte die Designer, Programmierer, Grafiker und Musiker fast zwei Jahre Zeit, aber was ist aus dem diesen sch”nen Atari Lynx-Spiel ge- worden? Die Grafiken sind wirklich nicht besonders beeindruckend, vor allem die Cinepak-Sequenzen sehen wirklich schlecht aus, da h„tte man sich wesentlich mehr Mhe geben mssen. Ach ja, worum geht es bei diesem Spiel? Nun ja, nichts Neues ein hoher U.N. General names Schober, „h Drako ist bergeschnappt. Als Mitglied der U.N. Blue Lightning Schwadron mužt Du verhindern, daž er ein globales Imperium des Verbrechens (Sony?) organi- siert und die Welt (mit der Paystation) erpresst. Benutze die Multi-Nationale Auswahl von t”dlichen Kampf- und Angriffs- flugzeugen um Drakos Kampverb„nde (Original-Fehler in der Anleitung) zu stoppen. Nur du stehst zwischen Drako und einer Weltdiktatur! Soviel zu der lahmen 08/15-Story und nun zum 08/15-Spiel, w„hrend den ”den langweiligen Cinepak-Sequenzen, die sich st„ndig Wiederholen sodaž sie schon nach 15 Minuten Spielzeit auf den Geist gehen (Sony Playstation- Besitzer lieben ja so etwas) hat ATD es geschafft ein recht primitives Spiel einzubauen. Der Spieler hat die Aufgabe mit seinem vorher ausge- w„hlten Flugzeug so durch die Gegend zu drsen und alles abzuballern was sich bewegt, bzw. nach Feindobjekten aussieht hat man dies geschafft geht es in den n„chsten Level der genau dasselbe bietet nur wird es von mal zu mal halt ein wenig Schwieriger... Blue Lightning ist als Beilage ok, aber zum Vollpreis von 99,- DM w„re es sicherlich ein Flop! Grafik: 65 % Sound: 60 % Gesamt: 60 % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VID GRID -------- Datentr„ger: CD Preis: liegt dem CD-ROM bei Sonstiges: Abspeichern nur mit Memory Track Video-Puzzle Fun! Bei den zweiten Gratis-Spiel kann der Spieler sein Lieblings-Video zusammen- puzzlen, dabei stehen neun Musik-Videos zur Verfgung. Angeblich ist auch noch ein Bonus-Video auf der CD versteckt... Folgende Musik-Videos k”nnen ausgew„hlt werden: * Aerosmith - Cryin' * Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer * Guns N' Roses - November Rain * Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experience? * Metallica - Enter Sandman * Van Halen - Right Now * Ozzy Osborne - No More Tears * Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away * Soundgarden - Spoonman Die Cinepak-Qualit„t ist stark unterschiedlich, sie reicht von gut bis ausreichend. Vor allem bei vielen unterschiedlichen Farben, vielen Details, vielen Rotfarbt”nen und bei schneller Animationen wird die Grafik sehr pixelig, da h„tten die Leute von High Voltage die Videos nochmal nachbe- arbeiten mssen, aber alles wurde durch den Grafik-Konverter geschickt egal wie es nachher aussieht. W„hrend des Puzzlens f„llt die pixelige Grafik aber nicht besonders auf, bis auf ein paar wirklich extreme Stellen. Es k”nnen folgende Puzzle-Gr”žen ausgew„hlt werden: 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, so- wie ein Modus nachdem man die Gr”žen hintereinander kombinieren kann, d.h. hat man das Video im 3x3-Modus gel”st wird sofort in den 4x4-Modus geschaltet usw. ... Fr absolute Videospezialisten gibt es noch eine Spiegel-Option, sowie einen hammerharten Perfect-Modus welches alle Puzzle-Teile per Zufall neu mischt, falls ein Puzzle-Teil falsch gesetzt wird. Die Musik kann als gut bezeichnet werden, nicht jedes Musikstck entspricht meinem Geschmack, aber es gibt ja unterschiedliche Songs und man sollte auch bedenken, daž Vid Grid fr den amerikanischen Musik-Markt gedacht ist... Spielerisch macht Vid Grid Anfangs total fun, aber die Spiel-Motivation l„žt nach einigen Tagen nach, aber Vid Grid ist ein gutes Puzzle-Spiel und selbst absolute Puzzle-Muffel (wie z.B. Rainer Fr”hlich) lassen sich begeistern. Einige Videos sind zum Puzzle nicht gerade gut geeignet, da sie zu hektisch sind wie z.B. das Musik-Video von Metallica - "Enter Sandman", aber trotzdem ist Vid Grid eindeutig das beste Beipackspiel (die VLM ist ja kein Spiel). Grafik: 66 % Sound: 80 % Gesamt: 75 % S P I E L E T I P S . . . =========================================================================== RAYMAN ------ Fr ein Bonusspiel gebt einfach im Titel-Screen "1364" ein. Wenn Ihr alle zehn Levels bersteht bekommt Ihr UNENDLICH CONTINUES! SUPER BURN OUT -------------- Ist euch das Spiel immer noch nicht schnell genug? Dann probiert den TURBO-MODUS! Gebt im Titel-Screen "19672" ein (Cheat-Best„ttigung durch einen Ton) im Automatik-Modus k”nnt Ihr mit der unbelegten Taste, die normalerweise zum Schalten der G„nge da ist den Turbo-Beschleuniger aktivieren. ULTRA VORTEK ------------ Im Hintergrund-Auswahlmen einfach mal "#" oder "*" und es erscheinen zwei neue Hintergrund-Grafiken! Hier nun die Special-Moves (von: Vaultkeepr@aol.com): Moves: Punch = A Uppercut = Down+A Kick = B Sweep = Down+B. Jab = C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buzzsaw ------- HI Buzzsaw = Forward, forward A. Pain Machine = Hold Away, forward B. Low Bolo = Forward, forward C. Gut Spear Uppercut = Hold Away, forward A. Air Grab and Slam = While the opponent is in the air press Down, A. Richochet Blades = in the air press Down, down C. Gut Grinder = Forward, back A. Annihilations ------------- Screwed = Down, forward A. (3 guys away) Decap = Forward, forward, forward C. (anywhere) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dreadloc -------- Smoke Ring = Forward, back A. Speed Slice = Back, forward A. Come to Daddy = Forward, forward A. Spin Staff = Down, forward C. Upclose combo = ??? Low Jab = Down, A. Angle Spear Dive = in the air press Down, down A. Back Off, Man! = Forward+A. (close) Annihilations ------------- Decap = Down, down, away, forward C. (5 guys away) Stomach Impale = Forward, forward, forward C (3-4 guys away) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grok ---- Bouldermorph = Hold Away, down C. GroundPounder = Hold Away, C. Boulder Bounce (air) = in the air press Down+C. The Tenderizer = Away+A. (Close) Annihilations ------------- Super Duper Mega Major Uppercut = Hold Down, A+C. (close) When doing this annihilation keep holding down when you press A+C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lucius ------ Lightning Blast = Down, forward A. (Can also be done in the air) Hawk Attack (low) = in the air press Down+C. Hawk Teleport = in the air press C. Electrotherapy = Forward, back A. (Close) Spinning Back Kick = Away+B. Hawk Attack (high) = in the air press Down+A. Ground Spark Wave = Forward, forward B. Annihilations ------------- Electrifying = Forward, forward, away A. (close) Decap = Jump, in the air press Away, away A. (anywhere) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mercury ------- Spinning Blade Sweep = Down, down, B+C. Big Gooey Pounder = Away, forward A. (Close) Sawblade = Hold Away, forward, B. Porcupine Spike Defense = Down, down, A+B. Annihilations ------------- Decap = Forward, forward A. (3 guys away) Fresh Meat = Down, forward C. (anywhere) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Skullcrusher ------------ Brain Fryin' Wave = Forward, forward, A. Creeping Ground Blast = Forward, forward, C. Choke and Thump = Hold Away, forward A. Grim Dive of Death = Hold Down, up. Charged Particle Blast = Away, forward, C. Stride and Slide = Forward, forward, B. Knife Headbutt = Away, forward A. (Close) Annihilations ------------- Sizzler = Forward, forward, away C. (2 guys away) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Volcana ------- Flame Blast = Down, forward A. Fireport (behind) = Down, away. Fire Breath = Away, A. (Close) Flying Firedive = Hold Away, forward, C. Aerial Firebomb = in the air press Down,A. Fireroll = in the air Forward+C. Fireport Uppercut = Hold Down, Up. Flame Wall = Hold Away, B. Annihilations ------------- Blown Away = Forward, forward, away, A. (Close) Shaken and Burned = Down, forward, C. (3 guys away to anywhere) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hidden Character #1...Carbon- Start a game on killer mode, when you make it to you the Subway background you must do the following... get a double flawless victory, then perform a annihilation move on the opponent in the area to the left marked with the words," No fighting in this area." He looks like Grok only darker and has one extra move. ECTS Report... =========================================================================== Hier nun der ultimative ECTS-Bericht V1.00 ------------------------------------------ geschrieben von Martin Lethaus Atari Kart - Modul ------------------ Ist ein Rennspiel a la Super Mario Kart, die Steuerung ist wie bei den Vorbild sehr gut gelungen. Die Grafik kann als gut bezeichnet werden und ist zudem flssig (>20 Frames/sec.). Ein 2 Spieler-Modus per Split-Screen ist auch vorhanden, wie drei Schwierigkeitsgrad und einen flachen Modus (wie z.B. bei Super Mario Kart) und einen etwas hgeligen Modus. Ein Manko ist leider noch im Spiel sonst h„tte ich n„mlich die H”chstnote "sehr gut" vergeben. Berhrt der Spieler ein Hindernis, oder st”žt/rempelt er mit einen Gegenfahrer zusammen verliert der die komplette Geschwindigkeit! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attack of the Mutant Penguins - Modul ------------------------------------- Hierbei handelt sich es um ein Action-Spiel indem der Spieler die Aufgabe hat mit seinen "tuffigen"(!!) Helden names Bernard oder Rodney, die Erde vor Ausserirdische die sich als Pinguine tarnen zu retten. Die Grafik kann als "sehr gut" bezeichnet werden und ist absolut detailiert. Das Gameplay ist total abgedreht und es drfte eines der Highlights zum Weihnachtsfest werden... Hier nun die englische Atari PR: Attack of the Mutant Penguins *THIS YEAR IT IS PENGUINS!* You have had Hedgehogs and plumbers, Now it's Penguins! The most original, challeging and addictive title of 1995 is coming soon. Once again the earth is under threat, but this time the attack is in the Antartic! AMP is an frantic, strategic, wild & wacky race against time to ensure the environmental balance. But it ain't no green game! The machines you must build destroy the mutated Penguins in horrible ways....but what else would you do with flightless wildfowl who dress up as Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne and the Village People? With AMP we have dispensed with talk of x thousand Polygons per second, ignored talk of billions of SGI rendered sprites and produced simply the most enjoyable game you will have seen for ages. The characters are superb, the humour is side splitting, the death machines are excruciating and the game is, quite simply, wonderfully, brilliantly, playable! *The Raison d'ˆtre* Aliens have picked up signals from earth, however they have become a little confused. Firstly they have picked up satellite signals from a documentary channel and assume that all earth creatures look like these strange, ungainly, black and white birdlike creatures with flippers and beaks. So they use all their technological prowess to mutate their huge gruesome green frames into Penguins, then, horror they tune into a different channel! flicking the switches, they soon realise their mistake, but have no power left to re-mutate their shape. No problem, all they need to do is duplicate the clothing that the more common earth creatures seem to use and nobody will know any different! *The Characters* This then is how end up with Penguins invading the earth who are dressed as Cowboys, Indians, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Cardinals (more confusion here), Robin Hood and many more! They haven even had a dose of MTV and when certain characters get together, they just cannot helf themselves (you'll see!). *Our Heroes* The salvation of the world is dependent upon two wonderful heroes of ours. Bernard and Rodney. Not your average private eyes, maybe, with their electric frying pan and big pink club , but Bernie & Rodders do the business with some help from you. *How to win the game* There are many different ways to win at Penguins. The main objective of the game is to ensure that the ecological balance never gets out of kilter. This, of course, is not easy as it sounds. The Mutant Penguins are deter- mined to force their superiorty on the earth by getting to the Doomscale - the scales which measure the balance. You must either stop them getting there, or ensure more Earth Penguins are there. In order to stop them, you have been provided with a number of gruesome machines, but none of them are working, so you must collect some of the numerous Gremlins that are running around and enter them into the machines, the more Gremlins added, the quicker the machines will work, but beware, you may need some Gremlins later! There are times when you will also need to delay the Mutants and the way to do this is usually related to their dress. For example, light a camp fire and the Indian Penguins will stop and try to send smoke signals, whilst the cowboys will eat beans (with noisy conse- quences), Elvis of course cannot resist a playing jukebox! Watch him boogie!! *Your worst nightmare* The worst thing that can hapen to you, is if the Mutant Penguins reach a Mutation Station. Then they can insert their ticket and mutate back to their usual state - Big, Green and 'Orrid! which means that they weight much more than their Penguin state, which means they are heavy on the Doomscale. Not Good. *It ain't all bad* Yes, help is at hand. There are numerous treasure chests around, which contain items more valuable than golden goblets and everything being equal, often the best way to win is to collect the Electrified Pan or the Big Bat and just blam those pesky mutants to hell! Also available is a Vindaloo to give Rodney "Torch Breath" and a Sword to achieve "Samurai Bernard". Great Fun, watch out those dismembered Penguins parts fly! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blue Lightning - CD ------------------- siehe Testbericht in dieser Ausgabe! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brett Hull Hockey - CD ---------------------- Das Icehockey-Spiel besitzt recht flssige Grafik und drfte fr alle Icehockey-Freaks interessant sein. Leider habe ich es nicht gespielt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Defender 2000 - Modul --------------------- Von Defender war ich sehr entt„uscht, da der Schwierigkeitsgrad viel zu hoch angesetzt war, „hnlich wie bei Llamazap(!!!) und auch der Hintergrund ruckelte im 2000er-Modus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fever Pitch Soccer - Modul -------------------------- Dieses Fužballspiel ist die Konvertierung von den 16-Bittern, die Jaguar-Version war noch nicht mal einen Monat alt und besaž die SNES-Grafik. Mir wurde aber versichert, daž die Grafik noch aufgemotzt wird. Spielerisch war das Game absolute Spitzenklasse, ich habe mit Rouven mehrere Matches gespielt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fight for Life - Modul ---------------------- Eines muž man anerkennen, die Grafik der Spielfiguren wird immer besser und eventl. wird wenn das Spiel im n„chsten Jahr erscheint sogar gleichwertige Grafik zu den Playstation-3D-Beat'em Up pr„sentieren!?!? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Formula 1 Racing - CD --------------------- Dieses Rennspiel besitzt zwar ordentlich Grafik ist aber so langsam, daž der Spielspaž so hoch ist wie die Temperaturen am Nordpol. Ich glaube kaum, daž solch ein langsames Rennspiel ernsthaft noch als Konkurenz zu den Saturn- und Playstation-Rennspielen (Wipe Out, Ridge Racer) bis Weihnachten '95 ins Rennen geschickt wird. Ted Hoff sollte wie bei Fight for Life geschehen mal ein Machtwort sprechen und die Programmierer zum Optimieren ihrer Grafik- Routinen verdonnern. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Highlander - CD --------------- Ein sehr sch”nes Aktion-Adventure im "Alone in the Dark"-Stil. Eines der JAGUAR CD-Highlights fr dieses Jahr. Hier nun die englische PR: *Highlander - The Animated Series* Highlander is set in a post-cataclysm world where, seven centuries pre- viously, a large meteor struck the earth. The shockwaves from the resultant explosion caused the permature detonation of a large percentage of the world's nuclear weapons stockpile. Continents crumbled and untold billions died. Civilisation ended almost overnight. This event is referred to as 'the great catastrophe'. But Mankind was not alone... The race of Immortals, each vying to be the last and elusive prize were present, although they could do nothing but stand and watch while the world died around them. These immortals, who until this point had kept themselves separate from the problems of mankind, met together on what has now become known as 'the Hill of Oaths'. Here they decided to lay down their arms and decicate their lives to gathering the knowledge necessary to allow mankind to rebuild. They all swore not to kill another immortal and became Jettators, all but one... This was Kortan. He refused to take the vow and instead declared himself the last immortal. He was challenged by Connor Macleod who, having already taken the vow, could not win. He was quickly despatched, but his sacrifice was not in vain for it allowed the remaining Jettators to amend their vow so that they would wait until another immortal came to be born. They would then give their knowledge to him who, not being bound by the oath, could defeat Kortan. And so they waited. Kortan, built himself the mighty city of Mogonda and from there he ruled over the tattered remnants of mankind. The Jettators scattered to the four winds leaving one of their number, Ramirez, to wait for the new immortal, and the saviour of mankind, to be born. *The Story So Far...* You are Quentin Macleod. Until recently you lived out your life with the Dundee clan in the highlands. That all changed, when the hunters attacked your village on a hunt for slaves. During the attack, you suffered a mortal wound and 'died'. Somehow you have been regenerated or born again but your past has been utterly destroyed. Your mother has been murdered and your people captured. As the game opens, you are alone and defenceless in the burned-out village that used to be your home. You must find some way to rescue the Dundees (including Clyde, your little sister) from Kortan. As well as saving your family and clan, you must also solve the mystery of who you are... On her death-bed your mother told that you were not her child. She called you 'The Highlander' and urged you to find the stranger who brought you to her soon after you were born. He will train you to fulfil your mysterius destiny... Wer jetzt diese einfachen englischen S„tze nicht verstanden hat dem kann gesagt werden, daž man auch im Spiel auf "deutsche Sprache" umschalten kann, was man natrlich positiv erw„hnen muž! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iron Soldier 2 - CD ------------------- Auf der ECTS habe wir auch zuf„llig Marc Rosocha getroffen, der uns aus erster Hand erz„hlt, daž Iron Soldier nicht mehr bis Weihnachten '95 fertig wird und im Frhjahr '96 erscheinen soll. Marc Rosocha m”chte halt alle geplanten Features (welche total geheim sind :)) in Iron Soldier 2 einbauen und keine abgespeckte Version fr das Weihnachtsgesch„ft produzieren. H„tten wir mehr solch professioneller Leute im Jaguar-Software-Business, dann wrde es in Sachen Softwareangebot und Qualit„t wesentlich besser aussehen... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pitfall - 32 MBit-Modul ----------------------- Auch von Pitfall war ich entt„uscht. "Nur" 256 Farben und das Scrolling ruckelte, es sah nach einer 1:1 Konvertierung vom PC aus, wirklich schade... Aber zur Beruhigung fr alle Oldie-Freaks sei gesagt, daž die uralte Original-Version auch auf dem Modul gepackt wurde. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Power Drive Rally - Modul ------------------------- Diese Rennspiel im "Super Sprint"-Stil sollte in den n„chsten Wochen erscheinen und kann jeden Vogelperspektive-Rennspiel-Freak empfohlen werden. Hier nun die deutschen PR-Aussagen von Time Warner Interactive: Seit es die Jaguar-Version gibt, k”nnen Sie von Power Drive Rally eine absolute Weltklasse-Leistung erwarten. Mit noch mehr Abwechselung, schnellerem Gameplay, verbessertem Sound, fantatischen Grafiken und An- weisungen vom Beifahrer raubt Power Drive Rally Ihnen garantiert den Atem! *Spielmerkmale:* * Die beste Version des Kassenschlagers "Power Drive" auf allen Formaten. * Bietet noch mehr Rennstrecken - 48 abwechselungsreiche Kurse in unter- lichen Gel„ndearten und mit ver„nderlichen Wetterbedingungen. * Wesentlich schnelleres Gameplay. * Totales Realit„tsgefhl in 6 verschiedenen Wagen. * Unglaublich detaillierte Grafiken, starke Farben und verbesserter Sound * Neu beim Jaguar - der Beifahrer sagt Kurven und Gefahrenstellen auf der Strecke an. * Punkte und Preisgeld fr Reparaturen und Nachrstung der Fahrzeuge. * Kennwortsystem sichert Ihre Position innerhalb der Wettbewerbe. * Macht vollen Gebrauch von den M”glichkeiten der fortgeschrittlichen Jaguar-Konsole. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Primal Rage - CD ---------------- Diese Automatenumsetzung von Time Warner Interactive war recht gut gelungen, alle Dinos konnten angew„hlt werden, nur gab es - wie erwartet - weniger Animationsphasen als in der Automatenversion. Hier noch die "lustigen" deutschen PR-Aussagen von Time Warner Interactive: Primal Rage ist ein Hit unter den Arcade-Spielen. Jetzt endlich erscheint dieses herausragende "Beat-'em-up"-Actionspiel auch fr fast alle Spiele- systeme bei Ihnen zu Hause. Der furchterregende Blizzard stellt sich seinen blen und „užerst gef„hrlich Gegnern. Lassen Sie sich dieses Erlebnis nicht entgehen. *Spielmerkmale:* * Viele Jahre intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit zeigen ihre Wirkung. * Ha sido probado concienzudamente para garantizar una incre¡ble afici¢n y un entretenimiento gratificante (was soviel heižt wie: "Sorgf„ltige Tests fhrten zu diesem packenden und erlebnisreichen Spiel."). * Primal Rage ist weltweit eines der beliebtesten Arcade-Spiele. * Sieben lebensechte Puppen standen Modell fr unz„hlige Kampfpositionen. * Eines der ersten Videospiele mit vollst„ndiger Einzelbild-Animation. * Die grože Vielfalt normaler Bewegungen wird erg„nzt durch Spezial- techniken und spektakul„ren Entscheidungsschl„ge. * Voller lustiger Situationen und verborgener Bonus-Level. * Dieses "Beat-'em-up"-Spiel bietet mehr Kombinationen als Sie bisher kannten. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rayman - Modul -------------- siehe Testbericht in dieser Ausgabe! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Supercross 3D - Modul --------------------- Dieses Motorcross-Spiel war wirklich ein schlechter Witz! Mit weniger als 10 Frames per Second und schlechten Gameplay war es ein purer FLOP! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ultra Vortek - Modul -------------------- siehe Testbericht in dieser Ausgabe! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vid Grid - CD ------------- siehe Testbericht in dieser Ausgabe! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ZERO 5 - Modul -------------- Diese 3D-Weltraum-Shoot'em Up war sauschnell und das Raumschiff konnte in alle Richtungen bewegt werden. Ich bin mir sicher, daž dies einer der Top-Hits fr Anfang '96 wird. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zum Schluž des Berichtes m”chte ich noch "Pillen" Marc Rosocha, Rouven "Socke" Gehm, Mark "Smoking" Fechtner, J”rg "Guten Tag" Tobergte, Lars "Lynx" Baumstark, "Kamera-Man" Martin Seidel grssen und freue mich schon auf die Frhjahrs-ECTS im April 1996!! Atari Jaguar Release Liste... =========================================================================== erschienen sind... Name des Spiels... Programmierer/(C)/Produktion Modul Datum Genre... Grafik %/Sound %/Spielspaž % Serienummer Spieleranzahl Sonstiges ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien vs. Predator Rebellion Software/Atari 32MBit 10/94 Actionspiel 85 % 70 % 90 % J9008E 1 Spieler Fortsetzung auf CD geplant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Blue Lightning Attention to Detail/Atari CD 09/95 Actionspiel 65 % 60 % 60 % J9016E 1 Spieler Erstes CD-Spiel, liegt CD-ROM bei! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brutal Sports Football Millenium Teque/Telegames 16MBit 08/94 brutales Sportspiel 55 % 45 % 55 % JA100 1-2 Spieler erste Version hatte Bugs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bubsy Imagitec/Accolade/Atari 16MBit 12/94 Jump'n'Run 70 % 55 % 50 % J9020E 1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) nette Grafik - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cannon Fodder Sensible Software/Virgin 16MBit 02/95 Actionspiel 75 % 65 % 80 % keine Nummer 1 Spieler Amiga- und PC-Version sind auf dem Index - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Checkered Flag Rebellion Software/Atari 16MBit 12/94 3D-Rennspiel 60 % 55 % 50 % J9007E 1 Spieler Rebellion's erstes Rennspiel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Club Drive Atari 16MBit 11/94 3D-Rennspiel 30 % 15 % 25 % J9003E 1-2 Spieler schlampige 3D-Grafik - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Crescent Galaxy Atari 16MBit 01/94 2D-Shoot'em Up 70 % 10 % 30 % J9001 1 Spieler Grafik hui, Gameplay pfui! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cybermorph Attention to Detail/Atari 16MBit 11/93 3D-Actionspiel 65 % 50 % 65 % J9000E 1 Spieler liegt normalerweise dem Jaguar bei - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Doom ID Software/Atari 32MBit 12/94 Actionspiel 80 % 55 % 90 % J9029E 1-2 Spieler (JagLink) PC-Version ist auf dem Index - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Double Dragon 5 Tradewest/Williams 16MBit 04/95 Beat'em Up 20 % 25 % 20 % keine Nummer 1-2 Spieler Mit der 16-Bit Version (SNES) identisch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story Virgin/Atari 16MBit 11/94 Beat'em Up 70 % 65 % 70 % J9036E 1-2 Spieler spielerisch ok! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Evolution - Dino Dudes Imagitec/Atari 16MBit 02/94 Geschicklichkeitsspiel 55 % 45 % 50 % J9006E 1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) langweiliger Lemmings-Clone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flashback Delphine Software/U.S. Gold 16MBit 08/95 Jump'n'Run 50 % 40 % 75 % keine Nummer 1 Spieler mit der Mega Drive-Version fast identisch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flip Out! Gorilla Systems/Atari 16MBit 09/95 Puzzle-Spiel 70 % 40 % 50 % J9040E 1 Spieler Puzzle-Spiel mit Knetm„nnchen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hover Strike Atari 16MBit 04/95 3D-Actionspiel 75 % 55 % 65 % J9009E 1-2 Spieler(steuern+schiessen) ehemaliger Projektname: "Battlezone 2000" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iron Soldier Eclipse Software Design/Atari 16MBit 12/94 3D-Actionspiel 85 % 80 % 85 % J9026E 1 Spieler Made in Germany - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kasumi Ninja Handmade Software/Atari 32MBit 12/94 Beat'em Up 80 % 50 % 60 % J9012E 1-2 Spieler Blutiger als Mortal Kombat! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pinball Fantasies Spidersoft/21st Century/Atari 16MBit 06/95 Flipper-Simulation 75 % 70 % 80 % J0144E 1-8 Spieler (nacheinander) gute Konvertierung des Kult-Flippers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Raiden Imagitec/Fabtec Inc./Atari 16MBit 01/94 2D-Shoot'em Up 60 % 55 % 60 % J9005 1-2 Spieler gute Automaten-Umsetzung des Oldie-Shooters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rayman UBI Soft 32MBit 09/95 Jump'n'Run 95 % 75 % 90 % C3669T 1 Spieler Das derzeit beste Next Generation-Jump'n'Run - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sensible Soccer Sensible Software/Renegade 16MBit 03/95 Fužballspiel 50 % 50 % 65 % JA250 1-2 Spieler bei 60 Hz keine Sprachen-Option - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Super Burn Out Shen/Atari 16MBit 06/95 Motorradrennspiel 80 % 85 % 90 % J9052E 1-2 Spieler Rennspiel a la Super Hang On - nur besser :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Syndicate Bullfrog/Ocean 16MBit 03/95 Action-Strategiespiel 50 % 35 % 80 % L8002-SYNJAG 1 Spieler ruckel, ruckel, aber trotzdem gut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tempest 2000 Llamasoft/Atari 16MBit 05/94 3D-Ballerspiel 75 % 85 % 90 % J9010E 1-2 Spieler Eines der besten Action-Spiele - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Theme Park Bullfrog/Ocean 16MBit 03/95 Freizeitpark-Simulation 80 % 75 % 85 % L8001-TPKJAG 1 Spieler begrenzte Abspeicheroption - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Troy Aikman Football Tradewest 16MBit 03/95 Sportspiel 50 % 50 % 60 % keine Nummer 1-2 Spieler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ultra Vortek Beyond Games/Atari 32MBit 09/95 Beat'em Up 90 % 90 % 80 % J9082E 1-2 Spieler Aufwendiges Prgelspiel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Val d'Isere Skiing & Snowb. Loriciel/Atari 16MBit 01/95 Sportspiel 80 % 65 % 70 % J9060E 1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) nettes Ski-Spiel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vid Grid High Voltage Software/Atari CD 09/95 Video-Puzzlespiel 66 % 80 % 75 % J9078E 1 Spieler Puzzelt Musik-Videos! - liegt dem CD-ROM bei - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - White Men Can't Jump High Voltage Software/Atari 32MBit 08/95 Basketball 70 % 60 % 75 % J9070E 1-4 Spieler (Team Tap) Basketballspiel mit 4 Spielern dank Team Tap - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wolfenstein 3D ID Software/Atari 16MBit 07/94 Actionspiel 65 % 65 % 70 % J9028 1 Spieler Die Jaguar-Version wurde beschlagnamt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zool 2 Imagitec/Gremlin Graphics/Atari 16MBit 12/94 Jump'n'Run 60 % 65 % 60 % J9042E 1-2 Spieler (nacheinander) Mit der Amiga-Version fast identisch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Die zehn besten Jaguar-Spiele --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Rayman ******************* 90 % (Spiel des Jahres) 2. Super Burn Out ****************** 90 % 3. Tempest 2000 ****************** 90 % 4. Alien vs. Predator ****************** 90 % 5. Doom ****************** 90 % 6. Iron Soldier ***************** 85 % 7. Theme Park ***************** 85 % 8. Ultra Vortek **************** 80 % 9. Pinball Fantasies **************** 80 % 10. Cannon Fodder **************** 80 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > VORRAUSSICHTLICHE ERSCHEINUNGSTERMINE VON JAGUAR-SPIELEN < < < < --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Liste wurde komplett berarbeitet und alle Spiele rausgeworfen, von denen es lange schon keine Informationen gab, bzw. Spiele-Projekte die angeblich eingestellt sind wie z.B. CONAN. Stand: 18.09.1995 kurze Erl„uterung: ? = unsicher XXX = noch kein Spielname bekannt 1Q = 1. Quartal (Januar-M„rz) 2Q = 2. Quartal (April-Juni) 3Q = 3. Quartal (Juli-September) 4Q = 4. Quartal (Oktober-Dezember) A = Anfang des Monates M = Mitte des Monates E = Ende des Monates * = liegt dem Jaguar CD-ROM bei! MD = Modul (16)= 16 MBit CD = CD VR = fr den Virtueller Helm P = angeblich in Produktion Spiel (Game) Hersteller (Developer) Format Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Cars MIDNITE SOFTWARE/ATARI MD (16) 4Q/95 Alien vs. Predator 2 ATARI CD 1Q/96 Allegiance TEAM 17/OCEAN CD 1Q/96 Arena Football League V-REAL PRODUCTIONS/ATARI MD 11/95 Artemis SPRINGER SPANIEL CD 2Q/96 Atari Kart CYBERDREAMS/ATARI MD 11/95 Attack of the M. Penguins SUNRISE PRODUCTIONS/ATARI MD 12/95 Baldies GAMETEK INC./ATARI CD 10/95 Batman Forever ATARI CD 6/96 Battlesphere 4PLAY MD 12/95 Black ICE/White Noise ATARI CD 12/95 Brain Dead 13 READYSOFT CD 4Q/95 Breakout 2000 ATARI MD 12/95 Brett Hull Hockey ACCOLADE/ATARI MD 11/95 Brett Hull Hockey ACCOLADE/ATARI CD 1Q/96 Charles Barkley Basketb. ATARI MD 11/95 Commander Blood ATARI CD 11/95 Commando MICROIDS/ATARI CD 11/95 Creature Shock ARGONAUT/VIRGIN 2 CDs 10/95 Cybermorph 2- Battlemorph ATTENTIOM TO DETAIL/ATARI CD 10/95 Dactyl Joust HIGH VOLTAGE/ATARI MD 11/95 Dante ATARI CD 6/96 Deathwatch VISUAL DESIGN/ATARI MD 11/95 Defender 2000 LLAMASOFT/ATARI MD 11/95 Demolition Man VIRGIN INTERACTIVE CD 10/95 Dragon's Lair 1 READYSOFT CD E9/95 Dune Racer ATARI CD 1Q/96 Fever Pitch Soccer ATARI MD 12/95 Fight for Life ATARI MD (32) 1996 Formula 1 Racing DOMARK GROUP LTD./ATARI CD 11/95 Frank Thomas Baseball ACCLAIM MD 2Q/96 Gotcha! ATARI MD 1Q/96 Highlander 1 LORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 10/95 Highlander 2 LORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 1996 Highlander 3 LORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 1996 Hover Strike ATARI CD E9/95 P Hyper Force VISUAL IMPACT/C-WEST MD 11/95 Iratan Supremecy LEVEL 7 CD 1996 Iron Soldier 2 ECLIPSE SOFTWARE/ATARI CD 1/96 Ironman/XO-Manowar ATARI MD 6/96 I-War ATARI MD 11/95 Legions of the Undead REBELLION SOFTWARE/ATARI MD 1996 Magic Carpet BULLFROG/ATARI CD 12/95 Max Force ATARI CD 12/95 Mindripper ATARI CD 1Q/96 Missile Command VR ATARI MD+VR 12/95 Mortal Kombat 3 WILLIAMS/ATARI CD 2Q/96 Myst ATARI CD 10/95 NBA Jam-TournamentEdition ACCLAIM/ATARI MD 12/95 Phase Zero HYPER IMAGE/ATARI MD 11/95 Pitfall: The Mayan Adv. ACTIVISION MD 10/95 P Power Drive Rally TIME WARNER MD E9/95 P Primal Rage TIME WARNER CD 14.11.95 Redemption ATARI CD 11/95 Return Fire ATARI CD 1Q/96 Return of Magic VIRTUAL ARTISTRY MD 1996 Rise of the Robots TIME WARNER CD 11/95 Robinson's Requiem SILMARILS/ATARI CD 11/95 Rocky Horror Interactive ATARI CD 6/96 Rollcage TEAM 17/OCEAN CD 1Q/96 Ruiner HIGH VOLTAGE SOFTWARE MD 10/95 P Skyhammer REBELLION SOFTWARE/ATARI CD 12/95 Soulstar CORE DESIGN/ATARI CD 10/95 Space Ace READYSOFT CD 11/95 Sudden Impact ATARI MD 12/95 Supercross 3D ATARI MD 11/95 Targa SOFTGOLD CD 3Q/96 Thea Realm Fighters HIGH VOLTAGE SOFTWARE CD 1Q/96 Towers 2 JV ENTERPRISES MD 12/95 Varuna's Forces ACCENT MEDIA PRODUCTIONS CD 12/95 Wayne Gretzky Hockey TIME WARNER CD 12/95 Witchwood TEAM 17/OCEAN CD 1Q/96 Worms TEAM 17/OCEAN CD 1Q/96 Zero Five CASPARIAN SOFTWARE/ATARI MD 12/95 Zone Hunter VIRTUALITY MD+VR 1996 Zoop VIACOM MD 12/95 ALLE ANGABEN OHNE GEWŽHR !! (all infos without guarantee !!!) Zeittabelle der Spielerscheinungstermine... (ab 8/95 mit CD-ROM Spiele) =========================================================================== 11/93 * 12/93 01/94 *** 02/94 03/94 04/94 05/94 * 06/94 07/94 * 08/94 * 09/94 10/94 * 11/94 ** 12/94 ****** 01/95 * 02/95 * 03/95 **** 04/95 ** 05/95 06/95 ** 07/95 * 08/95 ** 09/95 ***** 10/95 ******* (Prognose) 11/95 ************ (Prognose) Jaguar Kleinanzeigen =============================================================================== Kleinanzeigen bitte an folgende Net-Adressen oder per FAX an: Rouven Gehm @ KL (MausNet), gehm@sixpack.pfalz.de ((Inter)UseNet) oder auch wenn Ihr dieses Mag vielleicht durch andere Kan„le erhaltet hier auch meine Telefon/FAX-Nummer : 0631-29643 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suche : [BUB], [DD5], [SSO], [SYN] MausNet : Rouven Gehm @ KL Voice/Fax: 0631 - 29643 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verkaufe : [CHF], [DRA], [EDD], [TMF] je 30,- Suche : [CNF] MausNet : Christian Lier @ G™ Tel/BTX : 055241441-0001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tausche : [HST] MausNet : Patrick Berzbach @ B2 Telefon : 030 - 7863830 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verkaufe : [KAN], [BSF] Suche : [PBF], [IRS], [AVP], [SYN], [SSO], [SBO], [CNF] MausNet : Frank Przepiora @ SZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verkaufe : [BSF] 55,- oder Tausch gegen [PBF] [HST] 60,- oder Tausch gegen [PBF] [EDD] 35,- oder Tausch gegen [DRA] [TMF] 35,- oder Tausch gegen [DRA] Name : Jochen Merz Telefon : 0203-502011 Fax : 0203-502012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AJN (Atari Jaguar Norm) : Software [AVP] Alien vs Predator [BSF] Brutal Sports Football [BUB] Bubsy [CNF] Cannon Fodder [CHF] Checkered Flag [CLD] Club Drive [CYB] Cybermorph [DOO] Doom [DD5] Double Dragon 5 [DRA] Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story [EDD] Evolution: Dino Dudes [FLB] Flashback [FLO] Flip Out [HST] Hover Strike [IRS] Iron Soldier [KAN] Kasumi Ninja [PBF] Pinball Fantasies [RAI] Raiden [SSO] Sensible Soccer [SBO] Super BurnOut [SYN] Syndicate [T2K] Tempest 2000 [THP] Theme Park [TMF] Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy [TAF] Troy Aikman Football [VAL] Val d'Isere Skiing & Snowboarding [W3D] Wolfenstein 3D [ZO2] Zool 2 Hardware [J50] Jaguar PAL [J60] Jaguar NTSC [J56] Umgebauter PAL [J65] Umgebauter NTSC [CP1] Control Pad 1 [CP2] Control Pad 2 [CBX] Catbox [MBX] Multibox Modulverleih... =========================================================================== Als neue Rubrik haben wir uns entschlossen Jaguar-Spiele zu verleihen. Dies geht aber nur, wenn die jeweilige Person, die die Module ausleiht sie auch pnktlich wieder zurckschickt. Ich (Martin Lethaus) und Rouven Gehm verleihen die Module, nur an Leute, die eine SW-Kopie ihres Ausweises schicken, damit soll vermieden werden, daž Minderj„hrige Spiele in die H„nde bekommen, welche auf dem Index sind. Zudem haben wir eine gewisse Sicherheit, daž wir die Module wiederbekommen. Bevor Ihr ein Modul ausleihen fragt telefonisch bei mir (Martin Lethaus) oder Rouven Gehm nach, ob das Modul berhaupt verfgbar ist, dann schickt Ihr euer Ausweiskopie und die Ausleihgebhr an mich oder Rouven Gehm, es kommt halt darauf an von wenn Ihr das Modul ausleiht. Hier nun die Adressen: Zust„ndig fr: Martin Lethaus Nord-Deutschland Brevingstr. 28 z.B. Schleswig Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, 59368 Werne Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen Tel.: 02389/534685 und Ost-Deutschland Rouven Gehm Sd-Deutschland Carl-Euler-Str. 26 z.B. Bayern, Baden-Wrtemberg, Saarland, 67663 Kaiserslautern Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz Tel.: 0631/29643 und Ost-Deutschland Diese Einteilungen wurden gemacht, da der Postweg bei grožen Entfernungen mehr als zwei Werktage sein kann. Folgende Spiele stehen zur Verfgung: Name des Spiels verfgbar ber | ab | Ausleih-Gebhr | | 1 Woche / 1 Monat -------------------------------------------------|----|------------------ Alien vs. Predator beide | 18 | 5+5 / 20+5 Brutal Sports Football beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5 Bubsy Martin | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Cannon Fodder beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5 Checkered Flag beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Club Drive beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Crescent Galaxy beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Cybermorph Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Doom beide | 18 | 5+5 / 20+5 Double Dragon 5 keiner | -- | --- / ---- Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story beide | 14 | 5+5 / 15+5 Evolution - Dino Dudes Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Flashback keiner | 16 | --- / ---- Flip Out! Martin | -- | 5+5 / 20+5 Hover Strike Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Iron Soldier beide | 16 | 5+5 / 15+5 Kasumi Ninja beide | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5 Pinball Fantasies beide | -- | 5+5 / 20+5 Raiden beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Rayman demn„chst! | -- | --- / ---- Sensible Soccer keiner | -- | --- / ---- Super Burn Out beide | -- | 5+5 / 20+5 Syndicate Martin | 18 | 5+5 / 15+5 Tempest 2000 beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Theme Park beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Troy Aikman Football Rouven | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Ultra Vortek demn„chst! | 18 | --- / ---- Val d'Isere beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 White Men Can't Jump Martin | -- | 5+10/ 20+10 Zool 2 beide | -- | 5+5 / 15+5 Die Ausleihgebhr betr„gt fr eine Woche (= 5 Werktage) 5,- DM plus 5,- DM zus„tzlich fr Portokosten. Bei White Men Can't Jump betragen die Porto- kosten 10,- DM wegen dem Team Tap, das mit ausgeliehen wird... Wenn ihr das Spiel einen Monat (= 30 Tage) ausleiht bezahlt Ihr nur 15,- DM bis 20,- DM!!! Diese Zeit drfte ausreichen um selbst das schwerste Spiel durchzuzocken!!! Falls Ihr meint diese Ausleihgebhr w„re zu teuer, dann schaut euch bitte mal bei den diversen Videospielh„ndler um die Spiele verleihen. Dort sind n„mlich 2,- bis 4,- DM Ausleihgebhr PRO TAG blich! Thema: Deutsche Videospielzeitschriften - Alle inkompetent? =========================================================================== Alle derzeitigen Videospielzeitschriften scheinen sich technisch nicht auszukennen, nachdem sich schon die Mega Fun und die Maniac schon im Frhjahr riesige Fehler geleistet hatten (z.B. Jaguar ist 32-Bit) und noch nicht einmal sich entschuldigt hatten mužte man leider auch einigen Bl”dsinn in der ansonsten sehr kompetenten Video Games lesen... Hier ein Probe aus der Video Games 10/95: ----------------------------------------- "... W„hrend beispielsweise das Mega Drive mit Befehlen arbeitet, die aus 16 Informationseinheiten (Bit) bestehen, verhackstckt der Saturn nur noch sehr kurze Datenw”rter aus 4 (oder weniger) Bit. Das nennt man dann RISC (Reduced Instruction Solomon Code). Mit anderen Worten: Um die gleiche Anzahl an Bits zu verarbeiten, braucht das Mega Drive einen Befehl der Saturn aber gleich vier. ..." Mein Kommentar: *Mangelhaft* - Setzen!!! Hier hat Einer einen "Konsolenreport" geschrieben, der noch nie in Assembler programmiert hat und von der Materie soviel Ahnung hat wie Fritz Schober (geistig begrenzte Person aus der Konsolen.Ger) vom Atari Jaguar. Herr Barysch als Insider sollte es ihnen eigentlich bekannt sein, daž der 68000er nicht nur 16-Bit Befehle verarbeiten kann, je nach Befehl betr„gt die L„nge 8, 16, 24, 32 oder mehr Bit, z.B. der ben”tigt der 68000er-Befehl: move.w #13,-(sp) fnf Bytes (also 40 Bits) im Hex-Code sieht das so aus: 1060896781 - Hier nun die bin„re Version des Befehls: 0001000001100000100010010110011110000001 Zudem ist der 68000er keine reine 16-Bit CPU, da er intern(!) mit 32-Bit arbeitet, d.h. die Datenregister sind 32 Bit breit und k”nnen ein Langwort (32 Bit) verarbeiten... Auch ist mir noch nicht zu Ohren gekommen, daž ein RISC-Prozessor Befehle von einer L„nge von 4(!)-Bit arbeiten kann. Sollte dies so sein, dann kann der RISC-Prozessor maximal 16 Befehle (2^4). Der kleinste RISC-Befehl hat eine L„nge von 8-Bit also einem Byte(!!!). Auch ist uns neu, daž der Atari Jaguar sagenhafte 128 MBit (16 MByte) Speicher hat (ein wirklich peinlicher Fehler, welcher selbst einem Amateur nicht passieren darf). Auch r„tsel ich bis heute noch was der Spezial-Effekt im Atari Jaguar names "Warping" seien sollen, da es laut offiziellen Aussagen von Atari diesen Effekt gar nicht gibt!!! Also ein weiteres Hirngespinnst (wohl zuviel "Raumschiff Enterprise" geguckt?) des Video Games-Redakteur, der wohl mit diesem schnell hingeschluderten unpr„zisen Konsolen-Bericht total berfordert war. Zu guter Letzt wurde sogar noch der 64-Bit Blitter es Atari Jaguars vergessen - Herr Barysch das war wohl nichts! Tut mir wirklich leid fr Jan Barysch, aber vor allem fr die ansonsten sehr gute Video Games, die natrlich durch solch einen Schwachsinn viel Ansehen verlieren wird... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATnips + Atari PRs von Donald A. Thomas, Jr. Director, Customer Service, Atari Corporation USA)... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Die CATnips von Don Thomas wurden nicht eingedeutsch, da dies zuviel Arbeit w„re (versuchen sie mal einen zig KB langen englischen Text auf deutsch zu bersetzen), aužerdem kann durch eine šbersetzung es zu Missverst„nd- nissen kommen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Contact: Jessie Nagel or Jennifer Hansen Dorf & Stanton Communication, Inc. 310/479-4997 or 810/444-6663 _For Immediate Release_ ATARI CORPORATION GOES TO BAT FOR THE SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS COMMUNITY FUND SUNNYVALE (August 1, 1995) -- On Saturday, August 12, Atari Corporation will donate $10,500 to the San Francisco Giants Community Fund. With over 300 Atari Corporation employees and their families in attendance, Sam Tramiel, President and C.E.O. of Atari Corporation, will present the donation to Giants' third baseman Matt Williams as the team faces the Chicago Cubs at Candlestick Park. Last year, Atari Corporation committed to donate $250 for every home run Matt Williams hit. Williams met Atari Corporation's challenge, hitting forty-two home runs, and raising a grand total of $10,500 for the Giants Community Fund. "Atari Corporation is a proud supporter of the Giants Community Fund. It is a vital organization, as it champions key programs for all ages," comments Atari Corporation President Sam Tramiel. The San Francisco Giants Community Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement of local communities through the funding of the Jr. Giants Baseball Program and other charitable endeavors. In 1994, the Junior Giants program, which focuses on self-esteem training, ethics and teamwork, served nearly 5,000 children in more than 50 communities. Since its inception in 1991, the San Francisco Giants Fund has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to non-profit organizations throughout Northern California. Recipients of the 1995 grant awards include Golden Gate Senior Services, Friends of Recreation and Parks, Hospice of Marin, and the San Francisco Consortium for Elder Abuse Prevention. For over 20 years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with high-quality value-priced entertainment. Atari Corporation, located in Sunnyvale, CA, markets Jaguar, the only American-made advanced 64-Bit entertainment system. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.08.15) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" We are fast approaching August 24th and the BIG day... the long awaited launch of the Jaguar 64 CD-ROM. Yea! I'm told everything is lined up perfectly for the launch and large batches of units will be on store shelves by the first week of September. I received my copy of "Flashback" a couple days ago. I guess anyone who has spent time with this popular title on another gaming platform might feel they've already played the game out. For me, however, it's an all new experience and I am enjoying it a lot. I love watching the guy jump up to higher platforms, crouch down and roll... all with an animated smoothness that's hard to describe unless you've seen it. Even the tiny gun spits out empty shells when you shoot it. "Flashback" is published by U.S. Gold and is in stores right now. On this past Sunday, Master Jeff Norwood, publisher of Jaguar Journal, hosted his second live interactive conference on Compuserve. The event began at 5 pm my time (Pacific Time) and lasted a full 6 hours. Participants included myself, Mr. Dana Jacobson of STReport, Mr. Travis Guy of Atari Explorer Online forum regulars and converted lurkers. Three copies of the new Jaguar strategy Guide were awarded as prizes (courtesy of Sandwich Islands Publishing and Atari Corporation). One of the winners, Mr. Dana Jacobson, donated his prize to a valued STReport reader. Many of us exchanged private messages during the conference and we all had a lot of laughs and a lot of fun. Look for an ASCII compilation of the conference in the libraries on CompuServe soon. A particularly special conference event is being planned right now on GEnie for September 6 in conjunction with Atari's launch of the Jaguar 64 CD-ROM. Anticipated participants include a great number of regular GEnie Roundtable members, Mr. Laury Scott, Mr. Ron Beltramo and yours truly . We'll see who else we can stir up too. Speaking of GEnie... here's a recent post I thought noteworthy... CAT: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! TPC: Atari JAGUAR, 64-bit RISC Game Console TO: ALL FRM: JOHN.KING.T DTE: August 8, 1995 Here is a story I think most of you will enjoy... A few months back I gave a friend's son a Jag and six games for his birthday present. The boy is 11, a perfect age for a Jaguar. :-} Well anyway, he has been the most popular kid on his block singe getting the Jag. Two weeks ago his neighbor, also 11, got a Saturn for his birthday. This neighbor's father bought him the Saturn because the salesperson at the game store praised it as the best system "for the money." The neighbor boy did not like the Saturn as much as Jag. So the father returned the Saturn and got his son a Jag plus four additional games in exchange for the Saturn. Now the two boys have ten different games between the two of them plus multiple DOOMS so they can play head-to-head. --JKT Don't forget to check out "White Men Can't Jump" and the special sell through pack which includes the Team Tap free. So far, it looks as if gamers like the special bundles and, if the trend continues, we'll have to look at doing similar deals with other peripherals in the future. BTW, if playing WMCJ with the Team Tap, be certain to turn the system on with the controllers already connected. Otherwise the software may not detect your joypad configuration properly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.08.23) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" It's here! D-Day! No, I'm not talking about WinEver '95. I'm talking about the Jaguar CD-ROM. This morning, Ted Hoff gathered us together and was grinning big time as he verified that the final pack-ins were being delivered and the boxes would roll off the packout lines just as predicted. Ted feels a peripheral as important as the CD-ROM should be blessed by the retail buyers by sending the first units off the line to their attention. Another batch will be shipped ahead of his arrival to New York to host a formal press presentation next week. In the past four weeks, orders from retailers for the CD-ROM have exploded and Atari will ship in quantity as soon as ample quantities of the complete packouts have been amassed. Unlike some of our software releases in the past when only preorders are fulfilled, Ted is demanding that delivery schedules to retailers are timed to be equitable and as fair as possible. The CD-ROM should be available nationwide within just a couple of weeks! Yea! FlipOut! will be shipping this Friday. I think it will be a surprise hit. We will see. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Jaguar Book Contest from Atari Explorer Online.... It has a black glossy cover, with peering yellow eyes. It's full of cool stuff. It even includes a few AEO interviews. Now =you= can win an author signed copy of Sandwich Islands' "Atari Jaguar Official Gamer's Guide." How? Atari Explorer Online Magazine is holding a contest, of sorts. It's the "AEO 'Read Between The Lines'" contest. It's easy to enter, and you could win a copy of the book that shows (among other things): [ ] Just WHERE that darn Motion Tracker in Alien Vs. Predator is located. [ ] How to lower the drawbridge over the Big Pit O'Acid in Level 3 of Doom. [ ] Exactly the path needed to complete the final level of Zool 2. [ ] Cheats, Codes and Funny Captioned Fotos of eighteen Jaguar games. How to Enter.... E-Mail a tip about a Jaguar game to AEO before Midnight CDT (UTC-5) August 31, 1995. (Please put the word "Contest" in the subject line!! AEO regularly receives dozens of EMails every day, and it would make the sorting job easier!) =Any= tip for =any= Jaguar game will suffice. (Don't know any tips? Make one up! This contest is well named.) Two tips will be selected in a random drawing of all entered tips. The winning entries will be notified, and their entries will be published in the next issue of AEO, due out the weekend of September 2, 1995. All submissions will be considered the property of Subspace Publishers, and may be used in future issues of Atari Explorer Online Magazine. Void where prohibited. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Get those tips in NOW! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hey if you're a kid or know any kids between the ages of 8 to 14 years of age AND they have access to Web Domains within the wonderful world of the Internet, tell them about KIDSCOM. KIDSCOM is a new wholesome way kids can learn, participate in surveys, exchange ideas on the "Graffiti Wall" and even win prizes. To visit KIDSCOM, steer your Web Browser to http:\\www.kidscom.com. KIDSCOM currently includes Jaguar news including screen shots AND soon, kids can win cool Jaguar stuff too! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kristine Chambers tells me that "Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands" (the CD descendent) looks really good. For you audiophiles, the left/right stereo has been corrected and there's a whole bunch of exciting new improvements over the cart-based game that is available now. Kristine said I could share some of them with you... In the new CD version, there are full motion video sequences including a real cool intro, between mission scenes and an exciting end-of-game reward. There are 10 entirely new missions and 2 brand new terrain types. A new rendering engine allows lighting effects on the texture mapped terrain as well as more efficient overall coding and animated terrain textures. There are high-resolution terrain textures for new missions and a new control panel so the user can customize flying physics of the craft. Gamers will discover improved flying with smoother movement physics and there will be CD quality music during gameplay. "Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands" will be available by the end of September according to Kristine. Based on what she tells me, the new game will be a natural for those who love the cart based game and it will offer a lot of appeal for those who felt the original game may have been a bit hard to control. Get on the presell lists now! I know it's off topic, but my wife treated me to an unusual get-a-way this past weekend. On Friday, she drove us to Wine Country (Napa Valley, CA) and we checked in to what I later learned was one of the region's highest rated Bed & Breakfast (Foothill House). On Saturday she rolled me out of bed at 4:30 a.m. to take a hot air balloon ride at dawn across the valley. There is no effective way to describe the beauty, courtesies and pleasures of where we stayed or the nice times we had, so I won't even try. Let me just tell you to book the best bed & breakfast in Calistoga, call 800/942-6933. Insist on the Quail's Roost cottage for at least two nights. You can also have them book reservations at any one of the nicest nearby restaurants for dinner. There are several. If you go all out and want the best balloon ride, call 707/944-4408. Tell them you want to ride the balloon named "Lucy" and you want it piloted by "Sonoma Bob". Feel free to tell them that Don and Lynn Thomas promised the time of your life! Stay tuned for a lot more Jaguar-related news coming soon. There are some exciting releases scheduled for the upcoming weeks. BTW, we know it may be frustrating if you're anxiously waiting for the CD-ROM. This long awaited peripheral is being distributed very carefully so that as our retailers and the gamers receive quality merchandise that passes stringent Quality Assurance tests rather than simply loading them in overnight sacks for the sake of just being fast. I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get my hands on one too... I never did get to finish any of the games I started at E3. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.08.25) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Jaguar CD-ROMs have been rolling off the packout lines and the first batches have been arriving to select buying and distribution offices across the country. I spoke to one distributor today who told me his entire staff is already having a ball with Blue Lightning. Ted Hoff and Sam Tramiel hosted a company-wide luncheon this afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30. We all enjoyed a variety of gourmet pizzas, finger snacks, soft drinks and sundaes while soon-to-be released CD software was set up on rows of monitors. Mike Fulton was among the first to show interest in an upcoming softball game which was announced and Sam Tramiel pointed out how the tables were all set up in the shape of a Fuji. Bottom line: we all had a great day and were allowed the pleasures of wiping the sweat from our brows. It was a sad farewell to Garry Tramiel. Garry and I have worked well together over the past 7 or 8 years and I was disappointed to see him go. I don't blame him though. He has worked very hard and has been on the road while coordinating visits to Distributors, Rep Firms and Retail Buying Offices for a long while. He has negotiated many of the companies most critical real estate deals and has been instrumental in product improvements by sustaining a strong interaction between engineering and consumer feedback coming back from the retailers. Garry had decided to leave a long while back, but I'm told he agreed to hang in with Ted until the CD-ROM was launched. I'm glad he did. Best wishes, Garry! I would like some feedback from Jaguar owners if they are able/willing to provide it. I am often asked questions about what kinds of other things Jaguar gamers like to do when not playing Jaguar games. I've got a little idea from our "warranty" cards, but it would be fun to hear about some other things. If possible, I would like to hear back from as many online Jaguar gamers as possible by Monday, August 28 in E-Mail. Please send responses to: 75300.1267@compuserve.com -OR- atari@genie.com I would like to know how many games you own, what other hobbies you have, clubs you belong to, general interests, sports you like to watch/play, music preferences, TV and radio stations you listen to in your area. Favorite restaurants and snack foods. Heck, tell me your vices if you want to! Nothing highly intelligent will be used with this information, but it will help me gain some more insight I can pass on to marketing as to what Jaguar gamers like to eat and do! Thanks in advance for saying 'HI' and sharing these things with me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.08.28) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A very dear friend of mine used to tell me every once in a while, "I buy you books and I buy you books and all you do is read the covers". I don't know if that's an adaptation of some great movie quote or otherwise from some memorable play, but I remember it was definitely something she used to try to drill in my head. If I became enriched by the words at all, I understand them to mean, "Don't you get it!?" My friend did buy me a lot of proverbial books... lesson plans if you will... figurative blueprints of brick wall head pounding in which I could carry with me in some figurative form. I don't know if it was based more on being ignorant or simply obstinate, but I often didn't read the books she bought me. I would read the covers and because I knew the title, the author and maybe the publisher, I felt I knew everything there was to know inside of them also. For a very long time, Atari has been promising a CD-ROM for your Jaguar. In that time a lot of things had changed except for one... we never seemingly got any closer to putting the CD-ROM on the market. Although at trade shows and on specialty store videos, Atari has shown some very impressive CD-based game footage, the CD-ROM peripheral seemed to many like a book without any pages. In little more than 8 weeks, Mr. Ted Hoff has stepped into a very challenging role at Atari Corporation. While Ted continues to access the condition and value of all the poetic books of business Atari has placed before him to read and act upon, he is making decisions which everyone I know at Atari applaud. One such decision is that the CD-ROM has been supposedly "ready" and "promised" for an incredibly long period of time. Ted figured if Microsoft can finally release Windows '95 after 1 or two years, then Atari can start shipping the CD-ROM on that date too. Based on that decision to start shipping on the 24th, a lot of actions had to be implemented. Final tests and final decisions... final sign-offs and final orders. Although, tainted by a one word spelling error on the back of one of the pack-in software packages, the entire project finally came together within about 5 weeks. This, after Ted's predecessors took forever and a distant day. On August 24th, 1995, the first packed-out batch of Jaguar 64 CD-ROMs rolled off the factory lines with everything packaged together, including a $100 value software ensemble. The book is entitled "Ted's Promise to Start Shipping CD-ROM's on August 24th". It contains pages and pages of a distribution plan so that retailers get the product equitably (especially considering unexpected new orders placed by retailers impressed by the progress being made since Ted arrived at Atari). The pages of the book even detail a formal plan to launch to the press within the first week of September in New York. Somehow, amidst all this hoopla, some people appear to have expected CD-ROMs to already be on store shelves for resale by 9 am on Thursday, August 24th. To all those valued customers (including the one whom sent me a message containing profanity for me and my family to enjoy), I am certain your anxious desire for the new peripheral will be well rewarded within a couple of weeks. I think most of you know by now that the first batch of CD-ROMs were shipped so that the store buyers, distributors and members of the press received their units right away. Shipments since August 24th are being distributed so that all our retailers will have sufficient quantities to fill preorders and stock their shelves during the week of September 11th. In fact, notifications announcing this strategy were express mailed or faxed to stores the day after Atari released the first batch. It is my opinion that Ted has made a wise decision to treat the CD-ROM release more carefully than a standard software release. Keeping some quantity within the distribution channel until enough have been packed out will enable retailers to feel like they are being shipped fairly and that customers who have waited a long time for their preorders do not hear their friends getting unites from other stores first. There's nothing I can do for the people who like to argue or try to sabotage our launch with opinions in difference to Ted's strategies. But to those who have been patient for so long, the message for you is that the wait is virtually over. The CD-ROM is a complete package and the only thing standing in the way of you having one is a couple weeks to make sure no one unfairly gets one before you do. =========================================================== I expect to get my hands on a copy of FlipOut! tomorrow so I can look at it and tell you what I've found after extended play. It arrived in Atari's warehouse late Friday and began shipping today (8/28/95). I think a lot of you who liked the "Pac-Man", "Centipede", "Klax" and "Tetris" games will love FlipOut! Please send me feedback and tell me what you think. Look for reduced screen images of this game on CompuServe, GEnie and CATscan [209/239-1552]. =========================================================== Ted Hoff and Ron Beltramo will be in New York early next week armed with a full schedule of appointments to "meet the press". The topics will be Atari's newest technologies, release of the CD-ROM and the best next generation gaming value there is.... oh, did I say Jaguar?! Planned meetings include Fortune, Popular Science & Forbes, et al. =========================================================== Look for a press release dated August 29 announcing Atari's signed deal with Atomix; a powerful Hollywood graphics, animation and Web Domain house. More details to follow. =========================================================== The Jaguar Roundtable on GEnie will be hosting a live conference with Ted Hoff, Ron Beltramo and Laury Scott as guests on Wednesday, September 13 at 6PM (Pacific). Be there or be square. Stop by the Roundtable by typing JAGUAR at any system prompt for more information. =========================================================== I'll leave you with a tip. If you've been following STReport, you may like to look at their newest graphics-based edition which has been publishing for a few weeks now in concert with their text-based edition. Special viewers are required, but the visual appeal is outstanding INCLUDING the newly enhanced Jaguar section. Check it out! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr Dorf & Stanton Communications (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663 _For Immediate Release_ Gamers "Flip" Over New Atari Release "FlipOut!"(tm) for Jaguar 64 Hits Stores Nationwide SUNNYVALE, CA (August 28, 1995) -- This morning Atari Corporation introduced the exciting title "FlipOut!", a wacky and challenging puzzle game for the Jaguar 64 home entertainment system. "FlipOut!" is a puzzle game with a unique twist. Players tour the distant "Planet Cheese" and view Mother Earth through the eyes of alien tourists. The game takes place at The Great Tile Flipping Festival, the premiere sporting event for the citizens of Planet Cheese. Players participate in The Great Tile Flipping Festival all over the Universe, from the Zero Gravity Arena on Planet Cheese to the presidential faces of Mount Rushmore. In some of the worlds, players must "juggle" ten tiles by flipping them into the designated places on a three-by-three grid, where one must be in the air at all times. In Yellowstone, aliens are flipped until they land on the color coordinated geyser, and in the Sphorkle Diner, players must match food with the correct color alien. Sound simple? Don't be fooled. "FlipOut!" has four difficulty levels ranging from normal to insane with obstacles to challenge even the most talented flippers. Each area offers different challenges, including alien interference, that intensify as levels progress. In the final world, gamers meet King Fluffy, a wacky blue-blood determined to confuse players by scrambling and destroying the difficult sixteen-tile playing field. "'FlipOut!' adds yet another genre of game play to Jaguar 64," said Ted Hoff, Atari's President of North American Operations. "It combines animated characters with three dimensional multi-level game play to create a puzzle game beyond players' wildest imaginations." "FlipOut!" is just one of Atari's new title launches for the season. Recently, Atari released "Super Burnout" and "White Men Can't Jump" bundled with Team Tap(tm), a peripheral to link four players at once. Other titles to be released this summer include: "Ultra Vortek", "Pitfall: the Mayan Adventure", "Flashback" (published by US Gold), and "Rayman" (published by UbiSoft). "FlipOut!" has a rating of K-A (appropriate for Kids to Adults) and has a suggested retail price of $49.99. It is available in stores nationwide. For over twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with high quality, value priced entertainment. Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-bit entertainment system. Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale, California. "FlipOut!" All Rights Reserved. "FlipOut!", Atari logo and Jaguar are all trademarks of Atari Corporation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patty Kerr Dorf & Stanton Communications 310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663 _For Immediate Release_ Atari(r) Corporation and ATOMIX(tm) Confirm Web Site Development Deal to Support JaguarTM Internet Users. SUNNYVALE (August 29) -- Atari Corporation announced this morning an agreement with ATOMIX, Inc. (formerly TOPIX; an Emmy Award winning CGI and new media development house) to develop a next-generation user support World Wide Web Domain on the Internet. The pages that make up the Domain, with planned installation by October 6, will host Internet users worldwide with news and information regarding Atari Corporations next-generation 64-bit Jaguar 64. "The Internet is exploding with popularity; almost as if telecommunications were being discovered all over again," stated Mr. Don Thomas, Atari's Director of Customer Service Marketing. "Jaguar 64 is the most advanced multimedia entertainment platform and only Atari can offer 64-bit technology for less than $150. It makes sense that Atari would demand a next-generation development team focused on our Web Page development." Visitors to Ataris Web Domain will be treated to a wide variety of information, previews, reviews and interactive games. A Domain is an interactive billboard that is connected to the Internet; the worldwide information database anchored by universities, military sites and corporate participation. Individual users can visually travel to places established for entertainment or to sell goods and services. Sometimes specific topics are covered largely by colorful text, but most Pages integrate eye-popping graphics, stunning animation, appealing sound effects and interactive activities. Access to Web Pages is made available by special programs called Browsers which connect through an established host system. CompuServe Information Service is one such service which offers economical and versatile access. "The combined creative, technical and networking experience of ATOMIX programming artists offers Atari Corporation over 30 years experience in innovative application to Web Page design," states Mr. Kirt McMaster, Director of New Media for ATOMIX. "Our primary focus is to engulf our clients in an arena of 'next-level' development. Utilizing innovative new Web technologies such as Sun Microsystems Hot Java, we will overwhelm visitors to Atari Corporations Web Domain with a multimedia experience that pushes the envelope of known standards." ATOMIX, based in Hollywood, CA, combines the resources of talent, hardware and creative application. Over 12 SGI workstations are staffed by the industry's most desired artists and expert programmers. ATOMIX enjoys a portfolio which includes work on movies like "Judge Dredd" and "Candyman II". Studio production work includes animated logo material for Twentieth Century Fox which made its debut with the premiere of "True Lies". The firm has also integrated digital visual and sound technology in motion rides such as the one popularized at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Music video work includes performers such as TLC and David Bowie. Industrial and commercial references include General Motors, Michelob, Discover Card, Toshiba, McDonalds and Pirelli Tires. Atari Corporation has been in the video game business for over twenty years. Today, Atari markets the 64-bit Jaguar, the only American-made home video game system. Atari Corporation is based in Sunnyvale, California. # # # # Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Hot Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems. ATOMIX is a trademark of ATOMIX, Inc. All other tradenames are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owning companies. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.09.02) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonjour gamers! Here's the latest Jaguar 64 software schedule hot off the press. It IS subject to change without notice! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1995 (Second Half) SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE CARTRIDGES (As of September 1, 1995) Title Ship Publisher Category =========================================================== Power Drive Rally Sep Time Warner Driving Rayman Sep UbiSoft Action/Adventure Ultra Vortek Sep Atari Action/Adventure Pitfall: Mayan Adv Oct Atari Action/Adventure Ruiner Pinball Oct Atari Arcade Arena Football Nov Atari Sports Atari Kart (working title) Nov Atari Driving Brett Hull Hockey Nov Atari Sports Chas Barkley Basketbl Nov Atari Sports Defender 2000 Nov Atari Arcade Netwar (aka Redemption) Nov Atari Action/Adventure Phase Zero (aka Hover Hunter) Nov Atari Action/Arcade SuperCross 3D Nov Atari Sports Attack of the Mutant Penguins Dec Atari Arcade Battlesphere Dec 4-Play Space/Combat Breakout 2000 Dec Atari Arcade Fever Pitch Dec Atari Sports Missile Command (working title) Dec Atari Action/Arcade NBA Jam TE Dec Atari Sports Sudden Impact (working title) Dec Atari Action Zoop Dec Atari Puzzle Zero Five Dec Atari Space/Combat 1995 (Second Half) SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE CDs (As of September 1, 1995) Title Ship Publisher Category =========================================================== Blue Lightning Sep Atari Flying/Action Dragon's Lair Sep ReadySoft Adventure Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands Sep Atari Action/Combat Vid Grid Sep Atari Puzzle/Music Vid Demolition Man Oct Atari Action/Combat Highlander Oct Atari Action/Adventure Myst Oct Atari Fantasy Creature Shock Oct Atari Adventure/Sci-Fi Baldies Nov Atari Action/Sim Battlemorph Nov Atari Flying/Action Commander Blood Nov Atari RPG Formula 1 Racing Nov Atari Driving Iron Soldier II Nov Atari Action/Strategy Primal Rage Nov Time Warner Fighting Robinson's Requiem Nov Atari Adventure Black ICE\White Noise Dec Atari Action/Adventure Magic Carpet Dec Atari Adventure/RPG Max Force Dec Atari Action Varuna's Forces Dec Atari Action/Adventure Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey Dec Time Warner Sports 1996 SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE (As of September 1, 1995) Title Ship Publisher Category =========================================================== Alien vs. Predator CD Q1 Atari RPG/Adventure Brett Hull Hockey CD Q1 Atari Sports Dune Racer Q1 Atari Driving Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball Q1 Atari Sports Mindripper Q1 Atari Adventure Return Fire Q1 Atari Combat Rocky Horror Interctve Q1 Atari Adventure Batman Forever In dev. Atari Action/Adventure Dante In dev. Atari Action Ironman/XO-Manowar In dev. Atari Action Mortal Kombat III In dev. Atari Fighting Thea Realm Fighters In dev. Atari Fighting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those who like to keep up with the special event tours, here's the 1995 Super Tour(tm) schedule. The schedule is accurate as of August 30, 1995, but locations and dates are subject to change at any time without notice. Visit Electronics Boutique on the dates and at the mall locations listed below for hands-on gaming action on the best super systems including Jaguar 64. DATES CITY MALL --------------- ------------ ---------------------- September 1- 3 Minneapolis Mall of America September 9-10 Dallas Vista Ridge Mall September 16-17 Miami Sawgrass Mills September 23-24 Albany Crossgates Mall Sep-Oct 30- 1 Philadelphia Oxford Valley Mall October 7- 8 Buffalo Walden Galleria October 14-15 Columbus Eastland Mall October 21-22 San Jose Vallco Fashion Mall October 28-29 San Bruno Tanforan Park November 3- 5 Los Angeles Del Amo Fashion Center November 11-12 Burbank Media City Center Jaguar gamers are encouraged to visit these events and offer feedback on the activity. We'd (Atari) would be delighted to hear back as to how you think they went and we would love you to feel free to make certain all games are running properly (Jaguar games usually have lots of joypad switches and tour visitors sometimes like to play around and turn sounds and options off, then walk away ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Ted Hoff and Mr. Ron Beltramo were excitedly getting materials together Friday for their media interviews set up in New York City next week. Ted says it's about time the mass media (not just the gaming magazines) started hearing from Atari more often. I've seen Ted's and Ron's schedules. Even all the "breaks" for meals are booked to see someone that has editorial power in the Big Apple. I'll be routing copies of the press releases they are taking with them as soon as possible. (Don't read more into that than what I've said. The PRs are about the shipping of the CD-ROM, the release of FlipOut!, etc.... things that are new to the outside world, but those of us "in the know". ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While waiting for "Mortal Kombat III" on the Jaguar, you may not want to miss the New Line Cinema production of "Mortal Kombat" in theaters now. I took my son to see it this afternoon and it was well done for a movie of its kind... Great special effects, satisfactory acting, cool soundtrack and certainly worth the early bird discount. It's rated PG-13. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may have seen the phrase: "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!". I can say is that it has to do with something cool for onliners beginning October 6. I encourage you to stay alert. A little more will be revealed each week up until October 6. If you're a Jaguar supporter and would like to help spread the enthusiasm of something really cool happening on October 6, please consider adding: "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!" ...to your message posts, in prominent Internet newsgroup locations, BBS systems, etc. [Please note: the event referred to above will involve commercial participation between Atari Corporation and other trademarked services such as a commercial on-line service. Please do not incorporate the above tag line with your posts or on your service if you have concerns as to whether such an entity may be in competition with you, your occupation, products or services your company may offer or distribute, etc. This message is a courtesy with appreciation for your support of Jaguar 64 and intended to prevent any one commercial service from unknowingly helping to promote another. If this is a concern, please feel free to delete referenced text in this CATnips prior to posting.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.09.07) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE. ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those of us who faithfully follow each issue of Silicon Times Report (STReport) and Atari Explorer Online (AEO) are in for a BIG treat... Very soon (as in "as soon as 10/06/95") and in conjunction with a couple few other unannounced things going on that day, AEO and STReport have agreed to go head-to-head, toe-to-toe, but not often eye-to-eye in a series of mind bending debates related to topical Jaguar 64 issues. Yes, you read it right, but feel free to read it again... The two most formidable Jaguar online news source publications have agreed to don the gloves of arguable contention. Sometimes they may "discuss" their opinions of their favorite games. Other times they may "present" their positions for or against Atari's latest advertising campaign... in every case the confrontations promise to be stimulating, insightful and chuck full of opinions. If that's not enough, YOU get to submit the topics and one particularly awesome topic will be chosen by CompuServe's own Ron Luks and friends. Type GO JAGUAR on CompuServe for more information or submit your topic ideas by 9/18/95 to: ATARI@genie.com -or- 75300.1267@compuserve.com I cannot endorse what they'll say. I cannot guarantee who will win, but YOU will be able to vote and the winning online publication for the 10/6/95 bout will win select prizes to pass on to some of their readers. (Prizes to be announced) Don't miss it. Look for the sparks to fly on 10/06/95 in that week's issues of STReport and Atari Explorer Online. ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DON'T FORGET THE BIG EVENT ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 ON GENIE IN THE JAGUAR ROUNDTABLE (type JAGUAR at any system prompt). ATARI's OWN TED HOFF WILL BE ON HAND TO ANSWER QUESTIONS AND ABSORB IDEAS. -This will be Ted's FIRST online conference since being named as Atari's President of North American Operations.!- The day is next Wednesday. The time is 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern. The place is GEnie in the Jaguar Roundtable. This is your only excuse not to be on the Jaguar Wednesday night! ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Leah Gross Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc. (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663 _For Immediate Release_ Atari Corporation and Ground Zero Take Off With Sizzling Ad Campaign SUNNYVALE, CA -- (September 5, 1995) -- Atari Corporation has retained the creative services of the hot, Southern California based agency Ground Zero to develop a new in-your-face, cutting edge advertising campaign for their Jaguar 64 home entertainment system. The humorous, fast-paced :30 spots target males ages 12-34. The campaign features a series of characters who deduce that the Atari Jaguar 64 represents the most outstanding value among advanced video game systems. The first commercial employs an engaging "stimulus and response" theme where the main character concludes it would be dumb not to select the Atari Jaguar system for half the price of competitive video game systems. Subsequent spots will include other eclectic characters who arrive at the same conclusion. The commercials also include a rapid fire sequence of game footage and retailer tags. "Our alliance with Ground Zero has resulted in a fantastic attention-grabbing television and print campaign for the Jaguar 64," said Ted Hoff, Atari's President of North American Operations. "The ads are extremely creative and continue to reinforce our corporate message -- that the Jaguar 64 is the fun, high quality, value priced home entertainment system of choice." The aggressive advertising blitz will break on cable networks and syndication nationally in early September with heavy-up advertising in the top spot markets commencing in early mid-October. The television and print advertising schedule will run throughout December, the peak sales period for video games. "This is a tremendous opportunity for Ground Zero to work with the company that invented the home video game market," said Jim Smith, one of Ground Zero's Co-Founders. "Consumers are jaded by the sameness of video game hardware and software advertising. The Atari Jaguar delivers not only cutting edge technology and great games, it's also the most affordable system available. The creative result is advertising that drives home that message very clearly." For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with high-quality, value-priced entertainment. Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made, advanced 64- bit entertainment system, and is located in Sunnyvale, California. Ground Zero is based in Venice, California and was started in late 1993 by Court Crandell, Kirk Souder, and Jim Smith. Clients include Atari Corporation, The Walt Disney Company, Yamaha WaveRunners, Diamondback Mountain Bikes, and the Athletic Footwear Association. -*- Atari, Atari Logo and Jaguar are all trademarks of Atari Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # # ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There's a lot of great feedback on Atari's newest game: "FlipOut! I intend to collect a lot of them and pass them on to you, but here's one I found on GEnie in the meantime... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: September 1, 1995 09:51 PM FROM: John King Tarpinian I got FlipOut! last night. I like it so much that I went back and got two copies as gifts. ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmmm, what else? Oh yes, Mr. Ted Hoff has confirmed the rumors while meeting with the press in New York the past two days... WAL*MART is on board! It's almost like July 4 all over again isn't it? That's right. Wal*Mart will be featuring 64-bit Jaguar technology and the most popular Jaguar games and peripherals in special displays positioned in 389 of their biggest stores for the holidays. As most of you know, Wal*Mart is one of the nation's most popular mass merchants who advertise the benefits of selling made-in-America products and value-priced quality. Apparently, we agree that the Jaguar 64 fits those categories! If that ain't enough for you, the Jaguar 64 will be featured in 6,500 Radio Shack store catalogs across the country. There's even a rumor that it will be highlighted in an upcoming mailer being planned for 18,000,000 million homes. That's right... please don't make me count them again. Stay tuned for formalized releases soon. ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may have seen the phrase: "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!". If you're a Jaguar supporter and would like to help spread the enthusiasm of something really cool happening on October 6, please consider adding: "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!" ...to your message posts, in prominent Internet newsgroup locations, BBS systems, etc. [Please note: the event referred to above will involve commercial participation between Atari Corporation and other trademarked services such as a commercial on-line service. Please do not incorporate the above tag line with your posts or on your service if you have concerns as to whether such an entity may be in competition with you, your occupation, products or services your company may offer or distribute, etc. This message is a courtesy with appreciation for your support of Jaguar 64 and intended to prevent any one commercial service from unknowingly helping to promote another. If this is a concern, please feel free to delete referenced text in this CATnips prior to posting.] ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, goodness. Yes, there's more goodies to spill on you tonight. Mrs. Jeanne Winding, one of Atari's expert Marketing Managers has hinted that Atari has signed a top motorcycle celebrity to promote an upcoming Jaguar game title. (I'd tell you who, but Jeanne said I can't yet.) ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeanne Winding also asked me if I could add the statement: "That's ZOOPer" somewhere in this issue of CATnips. She won't tell me what it's all about, so I told her I didn't know how I would get it in... after all this IS a f-u-l-l issue. Now that I see I have a few lines I can squeeze in here at the end... ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.09.08) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" An open letter to Mr. Chris Gore (Video Games magazine) September 9, 1995 Mr. Chris Gore Editor-In Chief Video Games Magazine 9171 Wilshire Boulevard, #300 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Dear Chris, I wanted to take the time and share my appreciation that Video Games magazine prioritizes professional editorial values with quality reporting. It is clear that your unbiased focus on video gaming has been checked and rechecked and you sustain that high level of dependable reporting in each and every issue. You know that you build integrity with the public when mistakes are minimized. Readers know that obviously wrong information never gets past your proofreaders and the occasional buried error that does get by is promptly followed up by a fair and equitable correction. I cannot speak as a typical reader in my position within the industry, but I can express my gratitude for your dedicated coverage to the Jaguar gamer. Thank you for consistently fair reviews and the time that has to be taken to assure they are accurate and of benefit to the purchasers of our products. By the way, on page 80 of your September '95 issue, Atari's Customer Service phone number is not 1-800-USA-SEGA. Regards, Donald A. Thomas, Jr. Director, Customer Service Marketing cc: online community ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Great Games on a Great System (so they say on the Internet) ... From: slcsj@cc.usu.edu (Jesse Lambert) Subject: Re: AvP >>hi all, >> >>Is it me or does anybody else get @#%& worried when >>playing AvP on the jag? I play it with the lights off >>and the sound though an amp, i last about 20 mins >>before i get a cold sweet and Need to put the lights >>back on!! >> >>I can help it, this is the only game that does it, god >>help me when i get a VR headset...B-) It's quite alright, AvP does have that effect, especially in the main part of the Alien ship! At least you haven't broken anything around you yet! I hope the joypad hasn't been ripped out of its socket too often! >>Nope! I'm too scared to move!!!! The medical section on the space station is dang scary too... along with all of level 3! Ack! and level 6! My stomach is tensing, my shoulders are going tight, and breathing is getting shorter just thinking about it!!! it's hard to type! and I haven't played AVP for almost a year! Jesse >----------------------------------------------------> Jesse -- your friend! | 486DX2-66 > slcsj@cc.usu.edu | Atari Jaguar > http://cc.usu.edu/~slcsj/ | Atari 1200XL 256K ;) >----------------------------------------------------> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andy Eddy tells me that GamePro Magazine, the numero uno Video Game Magazine, has launched an electronic version on America On-Line (AOL). _GamePro Online_ features articles from the current issue of the magazine; conferences with the editors, industry insiders and other celebrities; a searchable (and growing) bank of game tips; the latest industry news; and a whole lot more. Check it out at Keyword: GAMEPRO while on AOL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Larry Tipton (74127,601@compuserve.com) posted in an open CompuServe message... I just saw Atari's new Jaguar commercial on ESPN tonight! Very cool, very funny. Its' got a guy with light bulbs hooked to his head with a lab technician stimulating the various parts of his brain. Good stuff. "Why would I by a 32 bit system when I can get a 64 bit system for $149.99." Brief shots of Super Burnout, Doom, Defender 2000, Pitfall Harry and a couple of other games were shown at the end of the commercial. -Larry Tipton ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~ Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some of you may have missed the recent Reuters, Ltd. copyright article that appeared on the wires on Wednesday (09/06/95). The article was written from a phone interview with Mr. Ted Hoff where Ted announced that Atari Corporation "will tap its large library of classic games ... for personal computers." According to the article, games such as "Asteroids", "Missile Command", "Breakout" and "Battlezone" are among the candidates. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (95.09.12) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepare yourself for the final test... Mankind has something to prove before they are worthy of the "Ultra Vortek"; the eternal source of life's energy for all living things on the planet Earth. If you fail to guide any one of the seven mightiest and cunning warriors from all the planet to a victory against the Guardian, then you'll have to try again after dinner! "Ultra Vortek" is here and will be shipping from Atari's warehouse on Wednesday, September 13. I know. I've personally made the long journey to the Dock Zone and snagged my copy from the Grand Master of Expedient Expedites (with properly approved signature scrolls of course). What can I say? If you haven't seen previews of "Ultra Vortek", then you may very well not be prepared for the excitement that awaits you in... ULTRA VORTEK! (imagine deep snarling resounding voice) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, I know CD-ROMs were to start shipping this week. As I understand it, a minimum quantity must be prepared before distribution can release them. The deadline for that is Friday and Ted has asked for all to be delivered that are ready at that time. On the other hand... ULTRA VORTEK! (imagine deep snarling resounding voice again) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Live, via whatever it takes! The GEnie Atari Jaguar Roundtable presents.... Ted Hoff, Ron Beltramo, Don Thomas and a cast of really cool GEnie Roundtable regulars... (Irregulars welcome too!). What: Conference and prizes When: Wednesday, September 13, 1995 Where: GEnie online service, type JAGUAR at system prompt Time: 6:00 PM Pacific time, 9:00 PM Eastern 7 or 8 for those who live in between ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Europe's Computer Trade Show (ECTS) is wrapping up this week and there's a lot of excitement in the Atari booth as I understand. Make sure to pick up this weeks issues of Atari Explorer Online and STReport for complete coverage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas (950917) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I expect this issue of CATnips will turn out being a bit unique. It looks like it will be a long one and I hope people like it because I've spent hours and hours putting this together. I urge everyone to read ALL the comments because I picked a lot of the ones brought to my attention for their informative value. Please help copy and distribute this issue so as many people as possible have it available to them. CD-ROM is here! As you will see, Atari has had an explosive end of week last week. Not only has "FlipOut!", "White Men Can't Jump", "Rayman" and "Ultra Vortek" been released on carts recently, the CD-ROM is hitting stores in quantities and gamers are ecstatic. I don't expect you to take my "biased" word for it, so I've collected "a few" comments from CompuServe, the Internet, GEnie, CATscan and Prodigy. It seems that Mr. Hoff is a bit of a hero at Atari. In my opinion, he deserves the recognition! On last Wednesday, Mr. Hoff helped launch the CD-ROM with a live RTC (Round Table Conference) on GEnie and within hours of that event, CD-ROM's were being cited in popular gaming retailers across the country. My EMail box on all the popular services is filled. Special thanks to Frans Keylard for his tireless efforts to keep me up-to-date with Internet traffic. (Yes, I appreciate Travis Guy and Dana Jacobson too. ) Another unsung hero is Mr. Laury Scott who has had to put a lot of work to meet the deadlines established to keep Atari's schedules. I also think Atari's Customer Service Department deserves a LOT of that-a-person's (politically corrected that-a-boys ). In particular, I'd like to say "thanks" to Carolyn, Barbara, Renee, Claudia, Geraldine and Arnold. They put up with a lot of people who have, well let's say, very anxious ways of telling Atari that they'd like their CD-ROM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE network." "On October 6, Atari Corporation, CompuServe Information Service, Atari Explorer Online Magazine and Silicon Times Report unveil something big for the online community." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR COUNTRY MUSIC FANS... Before I unleash the frenzied feedback from friends who found the CD-ROM , let me offer a suggestion as one of the first audio CDs you may wish to play on it. Just recently, a young lady who we (my family) know in the humble town of Manteca released her first album on CD and cassette. Her mother used to babysit my son, and I remember the long hours that her daughter would practice singing and training her voice. The other night, I took my son to see "Hackers" (got to keep up with these things ) and the theater was playing Kristin's new CD: "Neon Romeo" before the movie started. Wow! Kristin sounded good! It occurs to me that there may be a few Country Music lovers in the Internet as well as on the major online services. I think Kristin may very well teach me to appreciate Country Music a lot more. I admit I am biased, but Kristin has a unique quality in her voice and she has managed to perfect it over the years. I think she has a great shot at making a name for herself. Kristin's mom is a super lady. If she's not doing something for Kristin, it's for another family member or one of her friends. Kathy has co-produced the CD and the family made the trek to Hilltop Studios in Nashville, Tennessee to record it. It's been a little while since I have seen Kathy and Kristin Rich since our son is now on a different schedule and they don't watch him during the day any longer. I do think Kristin sounds great and I know how much work their family has put into putting out their first bonafide album. So, I've offered to help spread the word... especially since all the Jaguar owners I know are getting something cool to play Kristin's new CD on. Here's the deal... The CD is $15 and the cassette is $10. The cassette and the CD are professionally packaged (although I can't find a barcode... hmmm). As an offer to anyone reading this, both Kristin and Kathy have agreed to sign your copy. (Kathy and Kristin both sing on the CD). You can have the sleeve signed, the CD or both. Just ask. There are 10 songs and Kristin's best is in every one of them. Since this is the teenager's first, this may be a great opportunity to preview what is in store for her fans down that Country road! Here are the selections: Just Wanna Rodeo With You Take It From Me You Said You'd Call Me Trouble With Love A Mile a Minute We're Talkin Tears Never Stop Lovin' Me Love's Looking Back Runnin' On Love Forever Young If you're inclined to help launch this young woman's success AND benefit from a great "limited edition, signed" audio CD or cassette, then send $15 for CD or $10 for cassette (plus $3.00 S&H) to: Kristin Rich - NEON ROMEO Special Offer c/o Artisan SW P.O. Box 849 Manteca, CA 95337 Checks and Money Orders accepted. Make checks out to "Kristin Rich-Neon Romeo offer". California orders, please add sales tax. Distributor, resale and bulk purchase inquiries welcome. SMALL PRINT -- Please note that this offer is not endorsed or affiliated with Atari Corporation or it's licensees. I am admittedly taking advantage of my distribution channels to help Kristin sell her new CD. I have not nor do I intend to personally benefit financially or otherwise from this offer. Have I missed anything? Send E-Mail inquiries to: 75300.1267@compuserve.com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAYMAN!!!!! Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 02:47:26 From: Lenorah@aol.com To: Multiple recipients Subject: RAYMAN!!!!!! Comment: Discussion of the Atari Jaguar and video gaming industry I picked up my copy of Rayman today. The moment I got home, I made straight for EB. Sure enough, it was there on the shelf (the empty box with the NEW RELEASE on it anyway), I headed to the checkout so quick I was just a blur. I struggled to write the check fast enough, and waited impatiently for the clerk to clear it. I took the fast route home, and had Rayman inserted into the cart port the instant I was through the door. So far I've played for a little over two hours, and I'm having a BLAST! The control is perfect, the sound is great, the music is OK (I was hoping for stereo, but I guess memory is limited when graphics this detailed are used), and the graphics are extremely sharp. Parallax, shmerillax, the three scrolls are detailed enough to suffice. It's my guess, that the only reason the PSX version has more parallax, is because it has plenty of space on the CD, and it doesn't play music from memory. UBI has packed a lot into limited cart space, the characters movements incredibly varied (I just love breaking the teeth out of the fish's mouth), and there are tons of little mushrooms moving, stacking up, and jumping around in the first word. I can't really say if I've seen any Slowdown (TM Nintendo), I think this game is so fluid, that I just imagine it, but it rarely occurs, and only an extremely tiny hint of it then. The music fits the game extremely well, it's crystal clear, and as stated before I would've preferred stereo, but that doesn't bother me (unless my Jag isn't hooked up right, my TV is supposedly smart and detects mono signals when cable is connected to the right input jack). The SFX are clear and fit right into the action, there is always sound coming from something. The only thing missing in the audio is voices, at the startup screen, you can see Rayman's mouth moving as to say "Rayman", but no voice is heard. Also, when you stand still for a while he says something, but nothing comes out. It doesn't impact the game though. ... Well, that's my review. > >Stephen > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM PRODIGY... SERVICE: PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service TIME: 09/16 3:01 AM BOARD: VIDEO GAMES BB TOPIC: ATARI JAGUAR SUBJECT: UV AND RAYMAN TO: DONALD THOMAS JR (EUKG11A) FROM: ROBERT JOHNSON JR (LTTY44A) Don -- I just picked up copies of Rayman & UV this morning locally in the Bay Area -- both are fantastic & were worth waiting for. Rayman in particular is spectacular. As you wrote, my local dealer said the CD unit should be in by early next week. I can barely wait!! And on behalf of everyone on this board, I wish to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your candid input on the Jaguar. And also thanks to all the Jaguar fans who post notes on my favorite board. See you all tomorrow night. Robert ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JAG CD-ROM IMPRESSES AMERICA ON-LINE USER... DATE: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 23:59:00 FROM: Lenorah@aol.com TO: Multiple recipients SUBJECT: I GOT MY JAG-CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMENT: Discussion of the Atari Jaguar and video gaming industry YES, YES, YES!!!! Ya Mon! Woo Hoo!! The moment I saw the posts that the JagCD was out, I grabbed the check book and flew out the door . The moment I got to EB I sighted my crosshairs on the Jag stuff and locked on to the CD display box. After an excruciating(sp?) wait at the check out counter, I hurried to my car. Just to make sure it was really real, I opened the box and looked in, it was real! I never thought I would visit EB two days in a row and walk out with something new (not returns or trades) both times. Rayman and JagCD within a day of each other, hurray for us! I guess my patience paid off ;) . The only thing I didn't like about getting them is the tax, around here it is 8.25%, which is high for tax in this area. I've got Rayman and my JagCD, so I'm not going to be spending any more for a while anyway. As soon as I got home, I fulfilled my promise I made a long time ago, the first disk I put in it was the T2K soundtrack (my old one, I'll keep the new one in the wrapper), VLM is everything the hype makes it out to be. My mom likes it as well, and my dad keeps saying the images are fractals, I don't really know but I don't think so. Next, I played the Myst demo (talk about short demo), very nice color, the sound that goes with the FMV was a bit scratchy, but that is common with most FMV anyway. Next, I played BL, the cinemas looked really good, and the music during the game is crystal clear. Load time is minimal, only about 10 seconds, it jumps to the FMV quickly too. It will take a while to get used to the control, but its not impossible, I've only played it a few times so far. The Jaguar can now be truly called a Multimedia System. I could be wrong, but I can say that I speak for the majority of Jag owners who are impatiently awaiting their JagCD when I say "YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!! YES!!" I don't normally listen to country (I feel the need every once in a >while for some reason), but the VLM seems to respond well to it. I'll have to try some of my soundtracks next, most have a bit of orchestrated tracks in them. Excuse me while I go watch the VLM some more..... =8) > >Stephen > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And YET ANOTHER AOL FAN!!! DATE: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 19:06:15 FROM: Marvin15@aol.com TO: Multiple recipients SUBJECT: JAGUAR CD COMMENT: Discussion of the Atari Jaguar and video gaming industry Well, I got it and WOW. This thing rocks and you cannot beat the price. A kick-a$$ system and 4 discs for 150 dollars. Vid Grid really shows off the system's FMV abilities. Blue Lightning is not that great but it will do. I haven't listened to the Tempest soundtrack yet but still, I is great techo judging from the game. I also haven't opened Myst but it should be nice. The VLM is ultimate and really works well to the Dangerous Minds Soundtrack. Well, I have to get back to playing and I just hope that this doesn't go the same way the Jag did and take almost 2 years for a good number of games to come out. Good Job Atari. BTW, I got it from Babbages in St. Louis in case anyone is wondering what areas have gotten them yet. > >Derek > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANOTHER DANCE AT CD-ROM PROM... DATE: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 21:03:27 -0400 FROM: mbates@stocko.com (Marlin Bates, IV) TO: Multiple recipients SUBJECT: JAGUAR CD COMMENT: Discussion of the Atari Jaguar and video gaming industry Well, I got mine today. Just thought I would do a quick overview of the system and software. Location: Stockton, CA (Northern Calif) Bought it at Electronic Boutique in Concord, CA for $149. Last one out of 10 they got. In a nice box similar in design to the Jag box. Comes with the four discs which you know about. The holders for the CD-ROM games (except Myst) come in very cool tri-fold CD holders (similar to the ones some audio CDs come in). Myst, since it is a demo, is simply in a Cardboard sleeve. The power supply is IDENTICAL to the Jag base which is cool and odd at the same time. Included is of course the multi national owners manual and a flyer about a Memory Track. It is a cart sized memory backup for high scores on CD games. Which is very cool to know. One thing I was disappointed with was the loss of the boot up roar. Too be sure the new effects with the Logo and VLM at boot up are too cool! Also, I did not think I was going to like Vid Grid but it IS GREAT! The difficulty accelerates at a good but challenging pace. I'm not too hot on all of the groups but they picked songs which span a good variety and don't annoy those not familiar with all of them. Also the opening shots in here are OUTSTANDING. Very fluid. If you fail to put either a cart or disk in a cool ? Disk comes up (similar to the Mac ? disk) when you do not put a disk in at boot) Blue Lightning is graphically excellent but the controls are a bit picky. MYST IS EXCELLENT. I had owned the Mac version and this is BETTER graphics and speed wise and this is only a demo! All-in-all I would rate everything about this a 9. And not a 10 only because I have had to wait so long! > > Marlin > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ULTRA VORTEK REVIEW FROM INTERNET... FROM: fkeylard@on-ramp.ior.com (Frans Keylard) TO: 75300.1267@compuserve.com SUBJECT: Re: Ultra Vortek Opinion DATE: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 21:39:45 In rec.games.video.atari, tiptron@aol.com (Tiptron) wrote: Ultra Vortex - Beyond Games Review By: Larry Tipton Ultra Vortek finally answers the question "Can the Atari Jaguar Do Fighting Games?" The answer, a resounding YES!!! If you are a fan of MK/MKII, Killer Instinct, Street Fighter, or NEO GEO fighters go out and get this game now! The control is splendid, the special moves are new an fresh, the sound effects are bone crunching great, the music FITS this game: Hyper-Grunge-Garage Band Guitar Rock. Ultra Vortek is not hyper fast like some of the fighter games are today. You know, where the characters move soooo fast you cant see them and they nail you with 100 punches and kicks in 2 seconds. The action in this game just feels right. The look.... No blurry images. Incredible backgrounds. This thing oozes with next generation style. The playfields are about two TV screens wide. There is plenty of room to fight, escape, etc. The first two levels of difficulty are pretty easy. I was able to reach the Guardian in Normal mode. What an ugly dude!!!! Watch his tail! Ouch. The Hard Level setting is where you can find the real game. The Hyper level is for folks who love to feel pain of losing to a superior CPU opponent! The move are easy to pull off, not frustration like those found in Kasumi Ninja. It feels natural! The booklet does not give away all of the special moves, well have to figure those out for ourselves! I've seen quite a few Annihilation moves performed by the CPU at the hard setting. Three by Mercury alone. I have not figured out how to do them yet. All of the characters have the same basic moves: Punch, Pummel, Kick, Jab, Uppercut, Sweep, Retreat, Escape, Jump, Crouch, Block. Feels very similar to MK/MK2/MK3. But, they also have their own special moves. Lucious' Hawk Attack looks incredible! Buzzsaw's Pain Machine looks like a Daggit on steroids! And who wouldnt love Skullcrusher's "Choke and Thump!" Volcano's fire moves are Hyper-Toasty . Did I mention that the backgrounds are incredible? Or that the control is top-notch? Yes! -and- Yes! Oh, and the shadow fights are also incredible looking. Look, transparencies! Very tough too! Save your strength, you are going to need it. :-) Rating on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest score possible. Graphics: 10 Control: 10 Sound: 10 Music: 9 Playability: 10 Originality: 8 Overall: 9.5 Beyond Games and Atari did this one right! I just cant say enough good things about this title!!!!! > > Larry Tipton > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FROM THE ATARI JAGUAR SUPPORT AREA ON COMPUSERVE... SERVICE: CompuServe DATE: Saturday, September 16, 1995 TOPIC: Jaguar General SUBJECT: Congratulations, Atari MSG#: 92804 FROM: Daniel Skelton, 73742,464 To Don, Lynn, Laury, Loic, and everybody at Atari who've had to put up with lots of griping over the past few weeks (much of it from me): Congratulations to all of you for the finest week in the life span of the Jaguar. Rayman, Ultra Vortek, Blue Lightning, Vid-Grid, Virtual Light Machine, and the Myst demo. Okay, I don't want to hear ANYBODY complaining about no new software being released. That's SIX new programs in one week, including what may be three of the best ever released for the system, Rayman, Ultra Vortek, and VLM. Finally, the Jaguar has a world-class platform game, one which is being released at the same time as other platforms' versions (not months after), a game that screams "next generation." Finally, the Jaguar has a solid two-person fighter, one which has aroused even my interest, and I have about as much love for two-person fighters as I have for memorizing DOS commands. Every delay taken by Atari to improve this program was time well-spent. I can only hope that Fight For Life is utilizing its extra time as well. Finally, the CD-ROM is available, and Virtual Light Machine is the kind of program I dreamed of running some 15 years ago when I did an electronic music radio program on college radio - this is EXACTLY what I had wanted to broadcast on video to accompany the music. Keep up the pace, keep up the good work, and many thanks from one happy Jag owner having a GREAT weekend! -- Dan Skelton Antique Videogame Aficionado and Proud Jaguar Owner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRANS FINDS ANOTHER ULTRA VORTEK FAN ON THE INTERNET... FROM: fkeylard@on-ramp.ior.com (Frans Keylard) TO: 75300.1267@compuserve.com SUBJECT: Da_n UV ! It gave me a blister! DATE: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 21:41:00 In rec.games.video.atari, mnelson@netcom.com (Michael Nelson) wrote: I picked up Ultra Vortek this morning. The game is excellent! In fact, I haven't had this much fun with a Jag game since IS. The graphics are crisp, smooth, and interesting. I have no idea where the animation complaints came from. I was also impressed by the energetic music. Not quite in the same league with T2K, but still very good. They make heavy use of a heavily distorted guitar sound - >very cool. I was a bit concerned when I breezed through the trainee level opponents (uh oh, KN all over again). Fortunately, the game got harder on the normal setting. The guardian kicked my weenie a$$. A big problem I had with KN was that opponents (even on Ninja God level) would fall easily to repeated attacks. I can run the table using only a high kick. UV opponents, though, will have none of this. Only on Trainee level could I repeatedly use the same attack and consistently win bouts. This is good. Do I have any regrets about buying this game? Yup, I've got a great big blister on my joypad thumb. I'm gonna have to wait for it to heal before I play UV again. > > Michael > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT WAS IT THEY SAY ABOUT RAYMAN AGAIN?... FROM: fkeylard@on-ramp.ior.com (Frans Keylard) TO: 75300.1267@compuserve.com SUBJECT: RAYMAN is awesome !!!!!!!!!! DATE: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 21:44:26 In rec.games.video.atari, rcdebaca@nmsu.edu (Richard CDeBaca) wrote: Just bought Rayman this Friday and all I can say is I feel sorry for the people that sold their jaguars, the fun is just beginning. The bright colors, and animations even look great on an old cheap 13" TV. Everyone in my student apartments that walks by and sees the screen wants to know more about the Jag. Who cares if people only find out about the Jag now. It is never too late. I think this game will definitely sell some systems! Later. > > Richard > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OKAY, BUT I NEED MORE BEFORE I'LL BELIEVE IT... FROM: fkeylard@on-ramp.ior.com (Frans Keylard) TO: 75300.1267@compuserve.com SUBJECT: Reviews: Rayman and Ultra Vortek DATE: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 21:45:55 In rec.games.video.atari, TheShirt@interramp.com (Boomer) wrote: Yesterday I bought, sight unseen, Rayman and Ultra Vortek from my local Babbages. (They had *two* whole copies of Ultra Vortek shipped >to them?) Although the sales person seemed somewhat surprised, I couldn't have been happier when I got them home.... and that was after paying Babbages exorbitant price of $69.99 each (what can a guy do when only one store in a city of 100,000 plus carries Jaguar stuff). Anyway, here goes: Rayman (after about one hour of playing) A new classic in the realm of platformers. Though I usually don't pay much attention to platformers (my daughters do), it beats, hands down, any other platform I have played.... including DKC. Of course, I prefer game play to prettiness, so keep that in mind. I'm sure, over time, I will put in the effort to finish it (something I usually don't do). Definitely a *MUST BUY*, even at $69.99. Ultra Vortek (after about 30 minutes of playing) This games rocks....and I don't just mean the soundtrack. I have played MK, MKII, SF, SFIIT, Primal Rage, etc., and I personally think this beats them all..... truly a Jaguar victory!!! The graphics are superb, the music is superb, the gameplay is superb! An 11, 11, 11 straight across on a scale of 1-10. Buy it, buy it, buy it..... if you like fighters, you won't be disappointed. I really question whether MKIII will be able to beat it. Bottom line... I think the question of 64 bits? (one I never doubted) has clearly been answered by both of these games. BTW, I have the disposable income to buy Saturn or Playstation or whatever else I want, but with the release of these two games, I see there is no longer a reason to even think about them! There is no doubt in my mind that Atari is on the right track and there are many *GREAT* things to come. See Ya, > > The Shirt > > E-mail: TheShirt@interramp.com Without Atari's almighty pong No video game console would be going strong If playing any console and thinking "Hey, this is for me" Be sure and thank the creator, the mighty Atari! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VLM=VERY LIKABLE MACHINE!!!! SERVICE: Prodigy BOARD: VIDEO GAMES BB TOPIC: ATARI JAGUAR SUBJECT: UV AND RAYMAN TO: DONALD THOMAS JR (EUKG11A) FROM: JERRY DANZIG (PSFT55A) DATE: 09/17/95, 12:59 PM Don, The VLM is a universal favorite because it's such a mindblower! I mean, I was looking forward to it, and it still far exceeds my expectations; I'm having a wonderful time running all my old psychedelic CDs on it, with incredible results. If Atari can keep stuff coming that blows people's minds like this, the Jag can still hold its own against the latest onslaught from the Far East. I'd also like to say that I think Blue Lightning is much better than some of the reviews I've seen; it's the best fighter simulation I've played, though I don't have an exhaustive knowledge of the genre... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JERRY LOVES THE JAGUAR CD-ROM... SERVICE: Prodigy BOARD: VIDEO GAMES BB TOPIC: ATARI JAGUAR SUBJECT: CD: HAPPY JOY JOY!!! TO: ALL FROM: JERRY DANZIG (PSFT55A) DATE: 09/15/95, 4:47 PM YES!! The day after I scored a copy of Rayman, what else did I see sitting on the EB shelf... can it be... THE JAG CD!!! (I'm here in NYC.) How is it? F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!! Here are my initial observations, after just a few hours messing around with it: 1) THE VLM IS WORTH THE PRICE ALONE!!! Yes, I qualify as an "ex-hippie", but you have simply got to see the Virtual Light Machine in action to believe it. This is the finest light show I've ever seen, and it's not at the old Fillmore... it's on your TV, lighting up your favorite CDs. [Don Thomas, if you're listening, you MUST show the VLM in a TV ad; words and a static picture alone don't do it justice. And it's a feature none of the other systems has!] What's really cool is to pick one of the nine VLM banks and set the Jag for random, so it changes effects within the bank every twenty seconds. AWESOME!!! Smoke 'em if you got 'em!!! Minter to the rescue!!! 2) Blue Lightning looks great too, with texture mapping on all surfaces, smooth flight, choice of planes, intro FMV, voices, stereo is the video selection, which seems to favor videos with quick cuts and weird images, like Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. The only gripe is I hear some static on the audio, which I don't hear when playing audio CD's. 3) Demo of Myst looks impressive too, with interactive demo of library plus slide show of later scenes. I was so excited to have the CD (and so broke), I didn't even look to see what if any games were available. Between Flip Out, Rayman, Blue Lightning, and Vid Grid, I have plenty to keep me occupied for a while. There is also mention in the package of a separate "Memory Track" cartridge which plugs in the cartridge slot and retains CD game settings; I'd like to know if this is available yet too. At any rate, Jag fans, I HIGHLY recommend the CD unit and suggest you RUN, don't walk, to your game store to pick one up. (By the way, I was afraid mine wasn't working when I first hooked it up; it turned out I hadn't plugged it all the way into the base unit -- make sure you hear it click into place...) Happy to answer further questions when I'm not playing. (I'm currently "watching" the Beatle's Magical Mystery Tour, and it's something to see!!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CATscan IS BUZZING TOO... CATscan E-Mail (209/239-1552) Sent By: (#27) John Hardie Sent To: (#1) Don Thomas - Atari Corporation Sent On: September 16, 1995 at 8:35pm Recv On: September 17, 1995 at 3:47pm Subject: CD,etc. Jag CD, Rayman, and Ultra Vortek! Don, I've gone to Atari heaven!!! Everything is great, VLM, VidGrid, Blue, Myst Demo, all are very good. Thanks again for the informative conference the other night. All this talk of Oct. 6, should I get myself a CompuServe account?? Talk to you later. -- John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YET ANOTHER CATscan PURRRRk... Message: = Open Discussion = #221 of 221 [20 Lines] Sent On: September 17, 1995 at 12:55am Sent By: Marlin Bates - All Hail the Fuji! Sent To: All Replies: None Subject: JAGUAR CD Just thought I would call and post a message to the effect that I think this Jag CD is COOL! Another quality program from the people in he land of the Fuji! I am curious (but very happy to see it) as to the Memory Track cart and when we will see it available for purchase? Everything about the Jag CD from packaging to performance is top notch. Blue Lightning is a bit tough for my not so nimble reactions but other than that I am VERY glad to have purchased it. I do like the new opening Logo screen. I also have to admit that I did not think I would like Vid Grid (h_ll, I don't even like some of the groups!) but Vid Grid is incredibly addictive. I just keep playing it and playing it. Sometimes just to watch the videos! Outstanding game! Will we see more of these? Maybe volumes II & III? Howsabout some Elton John (since he has some Geffen albums)? Dan Folgelburg? Keep it up! I love it! BTW, the Concord Electronics Boutique was sold out of Jag CDs! I bought the last one! --Marlin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND FROM THE LAND OF BOTTLED WISHES... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/15/95, 08:49 PM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: P.FLETCHER4 I GOT MINE!!! I GOT MINE!!!! I GOT MINE!!!! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! FUN! Ok I'm still a bit excited, but gee was I happy when EB called today and I cruised to the mall straight after work. :) First impressions......... The unit is very well built. it always looked so flimsy on the advertisements, but man this sucker is strong. VLM....... Looked a bit weird at first, but once I began playing with it..... its great! Cool effects and tons of options. VID GRID...... Actually pretty fun. The videos are a bit grainier than I had expected, but it certainly looks better than standard MPEG movies on the PC. I only played this for maybe 15 minutes so I'll have to make my judgments at a later time. MYST DEMO..... Graphics are nice and the demo is fairly interesting if you like this sort of look at stills and interact with them sort of game. BLUE LIGHTNING..... Graphics are really cool... FMV is used but is easily skipped by pressing a button. The FMV is of a nice quality, but I hate FMV as a rule so I doubt I'll ever watch it again. The game is basically the Lynx version with a 90's paint job. Its good, but not a game that will last the test of time. TEMPEST CD..... Already have a Minter signed copy so who cares???? :) Good job Atari. I'm glad that the week of Sept 11th was a true date. I only live an hour from EB world headquarters so we in the Philadelphia area may have a jump start on other Atarians, but believe me the wait is OVER!!!! --Pete ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHORT BUT TO THE POINT... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/15/95, 09:12 PM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: JOHN.KING.T I bought six Rayman and three Ultra Vortek carts today from my local Babbages'. One of each is for me, the rest are Xmas presents. Don't you wish you were on my list? :-} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DID SOMEONE SAY RAYMAN?... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/16/95, 03:19 AM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: T.STEED1 Hi folks! Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've been busy playing.... R - A - Y - M - A - N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Yahooooooooooooooooooooo! My little buddy was everything I expected, and more!!!!!! It was SO impressive, we hooked up a Jag to one of our monitors (don't tell anyone!) and let passersby play it! Lots of people asked "Is this the Playstation?" And I had to frequently answer, "No, it's the Jaguar, at almost half the price. Sure LOOKS like a Playstation, though doesn't it? Except the case is cooler!" Just today, I sold 3 systems WITH Rayman alone. Sold more Jags today than the Playstation and Saturn put together..... THEN..... when it was getting sort of slow, Mr. UPS shows up with Ultra Vortek. Now, I normally am not a fighter fan (Though I eagerly await Primal Rage) but this title was worth the wait, too! The evil voice person should be hired for Atari Customer Service, and that Volcana chick can come by my place anytime... oh, the game! Yes! It sure is a relief after Kasumi (no slam intended). WOW. Anyone have any codes/fatalities? AND THEN, just to ruin my day, I read the latest issue of DHGF which also arrived today... and in the Dragon's Lair review, they mention, AGAIN, that the Jag CD is single speed. Well, being the smart-allelic that I am, I took the liberty of writing them a scathing letter (civilized, but scathing) and,..... get this!.... I mailed it in a box with about 200 Jaguar brochures, the one with the JagCD specs on the back, stating that it is indeed a DOUBLE SPEED drive.... I don't know if they'll be happy or not, but I continued my role as smartie-pants... mission-complete. :-) DHGF will be assimilated.... resistance is futile.... you will become one with the Fuji.... inferior gaming magazines will be assimilated..... What a MONTH.... WHAT a MONTH Atari.... (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap...) --Tim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/16/95, 08:18 AM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: B.LAMBERT4 Last night, on Friday, September 15, I walked proudly into the Electronics Boutique at the Mall of America and purchased a Jaguar CD. I had, after buying Rayman, originally planned to wait until next month, but several things changed my mind. First, and foremost, was the fact that -despite- talk here and elsewhere, they really did ship in quantity this week. That was what we were told would happen on the 24th, and all previous delays aside, that's actually what -did- happen. Second, I've been feeling very pro-underdog lately, and with the Playstation out, it couldn't hurt Atari to have another first-day sale. Third, Rayman for the Jaguar made enough of my Genesis platformers obsolete that I got a good discount for turning them in. :) First, I'd like to thank Atari for producing such a dang fine piece of hardware. A box with a plug. Simple, easy, snaps right in, and gives me a brand-new cartridge port (which is great, seeing as how the old one was acting up!) Second, I'd like to officially nominate Jeff Minter as Programming God. VLM is fantastic. It'll take some experimenting to find the really cool effects (nothing seems to work very well with hip-hop yet, but I'll be looking) but as a piece of work, -wow-. Third, it's a good thing they included Blue Lightning as a pack-in, because anybody who actually -bought- woulda screamed bloody murder. As a pack-in, it makes nice eye-candy. Fourth, Vid-Grid's a lot more fun than I thought it would be. But "Enter Sandman" is gonna give me the fits for weeks, I think. Strobe effects, anyone? Fifth, boy, that Myst demo is... limited. Sixth, I have -got- to go and get me a new composite/stereo cable. All in all, it's here, and it's a Good Thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DID SOMEONE ON GEnie SAY RAYMAN?... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/16/95, 10:16 AM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: EXPLORER.3 Picked up my Jag CD and Rayman here yesterday at the Queens Center Mall in NY. Didn't even hook up the CD till around 10 last night as I was running Rayman through it's paces. Needless to say, I was up till 4 a.m. Briefly, VLM is great!, Vid Grid is excellent, but seems to get hard pretty quickly. Also, some parts of the videos are crystal clear, while others seem a bit too grainy. I haven't gotten into Blue Lightning too much yet, but the graphics and sound are great. Myst Demo has some great graphics, but if the game requires me to read all those books and remember what's in them, I don't think I'll enjoy it too much. I've been rockin' with the T2K CD for a while so it was nothing new. All in all, a great package and as someone else said, It actually was available the week of the 11th. --John ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANYONE GET A JagCD???... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/15/95, 11:50 PM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: T.MCCOMB This one dynamite package folks. Run. Don't walk. VLM: words don't (can't) do it justice. Blue Lightning: Not ground breaking, but FUN none the less. VidGrid: Very interesting. The Wife likes it. 'Nuff Said. MYST Demo: I'm VERY glad they included this. I didn't think it would appeal to me at all. When it's released I'll be first in line to buy a copy. T2K CD: Got one already. But what a great way to exercise VLM! Buck for buck this package CAN NOT BE BEAT. I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! I got my JagCD!!! -Tom McComb {11:47 pm} Friday, September 15, 1995 Jaguar...it runs rings around Saturn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A CLASSIC COMMENT... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/17/95, 02:12 AM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: M.LIPSON I'm playing Beethoven's String Quartet No. 13 in B flat, Op. 130, on the VLM. Anyone who says the VLM won't sell Jaguars is a MORON. For the VLM, Minter deserves the Nobel Prize. Zeppelin are next. VLM is incredible. Who the **** cares about videogames?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GEnie MEMBERS ARE GEnuises... SERVICE: GEnie DATE: 9/17/95, 06:42 PM CATAGORY: The Jaguar - Atari's latest Game Console! FROM: SAM-RAPP Here is the most recent list of CD+G discs I could find on the Internet. There doesn't seem to be a lot. (p) - disk is available as a promo only (not for resale) NON-CLASSICAL: ============== [*] Alphaville "The Breathtaking Blue" Atl 81943 Anita Baker "Rapture" <*> Laura Brannigan "Laura Brannigan" Atl 19289 [*] Crosby, Stills & Nash "Live It Up" Atl 82107 <*> Firesign Theatre "Eat Or Be Eaten" Ella Fitzgerald "Ella/Things Ain't What ..." Flamin' Groovies "Groovies Greatest Grooves" WB 25948 [*] Fleetwood Mac "Behind The Mask" WB 26111 Frozen Ghost "Nice Place To Visit" Atl 81875 <*> Emmylou Harris "Pieces In The Sky" [*] Jimi Hendrix "Smash Hits" WB 2276 Honeymoon Suite "Racing After Midnight" WB 25652 <*> [*] Information Society "Information Society" WB 25691 [*] Chris Isaak "Silvertone" WB 25156 Little Feat "Hoy Hoy" WB 3538 Little Feat "Representing The Mambo" WB 26163 Van Dyke Parks "Tokyo Rose" WB 25968 Gram Parsons "GP/Grievious Angel" WB 26108 Bonnie Raiit "Green Light" WB 3630 Bonnie Raiit "Nine Lives" WB 25486 [*] Lou Reed "New York" WB 25829 Simply Red "Picture Book" Ele 60452 <*> Phoebe Snow "Something Real" <*> Donna Summer "Another Place And Time" <*> [*] Talking Heads "Naked" WB 25654 <*> 10,000 Maniacs "Blind Man's Zoo" Ele 60815 <*> [*] Various "CD+G: A New Dimension" WNM PRO-15027 (p) [*] Various "Tribute to Woodie Guthrie" WB 26036 [*] Various "The Home Video Album" RCA 60354-2-RC CLASSICAL: ========== J. S. Bach "St. Matthew Passion" WNM 15010 Beethoven "String Quartet No. 14" WNM 15011 Beethoven "Symphony No. 7" WNM 15008 Beethoven/Liszt "Symphony No. 9" WNM 15009 Hector Berlioz "Symphonie Fantastique" WNM 15015 Anton Bruckner "Symphony No. 9" WNM 15004 Placido Domingo "Belcanto Domingo" WNM 15014 Gustav Holst "The Planets" WNM 15001 Gustav Mahler "Symphony No. 5" WNM 15007 Felix Mendelssohn "Symphony No. 2" WNM 15029 Felix Mendelssohn "Symphony No. 3" WNM 15003 Felix Mendelssohn "Symphony No. 4" WNM 15013 Mozart "Abduction from the Seraglio" WNM 15016 Mozart "Magic Flute Highlights" [*] Sergei Prokofiev "Peter And The Wolf" WNM 15028 Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas" WNM 15005 LONG DESCRIPTIONS --- CD+G discs ================================ Alphaville "The Breathtaking Blue" Atl 81943 A series of black and white photographs are panned and scanned while the lyrics (1 - English, 2 - French) are constantly displayed below the pictures. Crosby, Stills & Nash "Live It Up" Atl 82107 Various pictures, relating to songs (well, looks like the folks who did this CD+G never actually listened to the lyrics of the song "Live It Up"). One of the best done and nicest looking CD+Gs around -- if you can find it. Fleetwood Mac "Behind The Mask" WB 26111 A series of band and related pictures are shown, along with lyrical accompaniment. Jimi Hendrix "Smash Hits" WB 2276 Bizarre, psychedelic CD+G as large pictures (which are collages of both computer art and real photos) are panned. Through the entire CD+G, the brightest palettes are continually being shifted, giving a non-stop strobe effect. Information Society "Information Society" WB 25691 Miscellaneous pictures (both real and computer art) are displayed, while the lyrics are constantly updated at the bottom of the screen. One of the nicest CD+Gs available with regard to lack of repetitiveness (except lots of the computer pictures are cut and pasted throughout the CD+G). Chris Isaak "Silvertone" WB 25156 A variety of different Chris Isaak pictures are shown, and sometimes, even a pic or two relating to a song. Golly! Sergei Prokofiev "Peter And The Wolf" WNM 15028 2 tracks - the first is an illustrated version of Peter And The Wolf, as read by Sir John Geilgud. The second track (which I believe has almost identical audio) is the annotated version, that is the audio track is accompanied by commentary about which instrument is being used and it's significance in the story. The music is performed by the Academy of London (Richard Stamp conduction). Lou Reed "New York" WB 25829 Various black and white pictures are interspersed with the lyrics (available in English, Spanish, French and Italian). Talking Heads "Naked" WB 25654 Each track is displayed showing what instruments are being used for what part of each song, along with this are 2 lyric windows, one has 4 to 5 lines in it, while the other (constantly being updated) shows the lyrics along with the guitar chords so that you can strum along at home. Various "CD+G: A New Dimension" WNM PRO-15027 Various artists from other CD+Gs are on this sampler (including Jimi Hendrix, Bonnie Raitt, Chris Isaak, Arlo Guthrie and a few tracks from the classical CD+Gs). Essentially an advertising tool telling you about other Warner New Media CD+Gs. Various "Tribute to Woodie Guthrie" WB 26036 As each songs begins, photos from the 1930s and 1940s are shown to accompany Guthrie's songs about the Great Depression, WWII, and other events of the time. Artists include: Joan Baez, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan, Arlo Guthrie, Richie Havens, Odetta, Tom Paxton and Pete Seger. ========================================================= Note that not all CDs listed are CD+Gs, for instance, CDs ordered through a record club may not be, and also some later reissues of CDs are not CD+Gs (for instance Lou Reed's "New York" and the Talking Heads "Naked".) Generally there will be a sticker on the CD stating that it is a CD+G. If you're dealing with used CDs, then there is generally a "CD+G" on the CD's hub (or sometimes an additional "G" after the catalog number), or it is quite clearly labeled "CD + Graphics" on the title side of the disc. If you have any questions about this, contact me. --Dr. Moze (Steve Marsh) marsh@anvil.nrl.navy.mil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE network." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ############################################################# # # # # ## # # ## ### # # ##### # ### # ## # # # ## # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # # ####### # # ## # # # ## # # # # # # # ####### # # # # # # # # ## ### ### # ##### # ### # Die ultimative Trendanalyse im Jaguar Mag! # ############################################################# # IN ist/sind: ### ------------ ##### # - Jaguar spielen (RAYMAN) # - Jaguar Mag lesen und sich aktiv daran beteiligen. - Mit der Londoner U-Bahn sich zu verfahren und Marc Rosocha zu treffen. - E.C.T.S. besuchen und Marc Rosocha treffen. - Sich das Jaguar CD-ROM kaufen - Squaresoft-Rollenspiel zocken - Technische Informatik studieren - Die Leute fr das Jaguar Mag eine Spende brig haben. (in diesem Sinne vielen Dank an Andreas Rotzoll) - Mit dem Auto auf der rechten Straženseite fahren. - Jeff Minters "VLM" # OUT ist/sind: # ------------- ##### ### - Rauchen # - Supercross 3D - Blue Lightning spielen - Eine 32-Bit Konsole kaufen, wenn man zu halben Preis eine 64-Bit Konsole oder das optionale CD-ROM bekommt. - Spiele-Release-Termine verschieben. - Werbungen in denen Augen ausgesaugt werden. (die Augen ben”tigt man n„mlich um das ruckeln des Rennspiels zu sehen) - "Schwule" Anrufbeantworter mit Raumschiff Enterprise-Ansage. - Dicke, deutsche H„ndler die auf der ECTS MEINEn sie mžten weil sie im Ausland sind auf die Kacke hauen. (Originalton am Atari Stand: "Primal Rage ist Scheiže..." Pech fr ihn, daž auch ein halbes Dutzend Deutsche da waren die das nicht witzig fanden.) - TETRIS-Entwickler - Gameboy-K„ufer - Michael Ruge - Zeitschriften die zu Unrecht "MEGA" heižen und das Lesen kein Spaž mehr macht. - Ohne Ersatz-Socken und Uhr nach London zu fliegen. - Online Mags mit uralten Infos und schlampigen Berichten (AEO). - Frank Brodmuehler - Leute die st„ndig was in der Atari.Jag-Gruppe zu n”rgeln haben. - PAL-VHS-Videos fr Geld mit schlechter Bildqualit„t. - Die "Schnecken"-Post welche fr ein P„ckchen ber 10(!!) Tage braucht bei nur 350 km Entfernung! (ca. 1,5 km/Stunde) - Mit dem Auto auf der linken Straženseite fahren. -----------------------------------+--------------------------------------- __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | Wir bedanken uns bei allen Lesern fr //_//_ / //_//_/ ////_//_ | Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen auf ein __// //_//_// // \ / // //_/ | baldiges Wiederlesen in der zehnten | Ausgabe. Ihr Ausgabe 10 erscheint am ??.??.1995 | _/aguar Mag Team ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | | | Das Jaguar Mag ist ein Freeware-ASCII-Online Magazin, d.h. es darf | | frei kopiert werden und es ist kostenlos. | | | | Aber es entstehen auch diverse Ausgaben (Telefon, Spiele etc.) und | | und deshalb sind Spenden immer willkommen!! | | | | Hier nun die Konto-Nr. | | Stadtsparkasse Werne | | BLZ 41051695 | | Konto-Nr. 1531102 | | Verwendungszweck: Spende Jaguar Mag | | | | Die Spenden werden vollst„ndig fr das Jaguar Mag ausgegeben! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Wichtige Anmerkungen: - Alle im Jaguar Mag erschienen Beitr„ge sind Public Domain sie stehen jedem zur Verfgung sofern die Informationen nicht kommerziell genutzt (d.h. der Verkauf von Beitr„gen aus dem Jaguar Mag an diverse Zeitschriften) werden. - Leserbriefe, Pressemitteilungen, Artikel sind von der jeweiligen genannten Person/Firma erstellt worden und entsprechen nicht unbedingt der Meinung der Jaguar Mag-Redaktion. - S„mtliche Ver”ffentlichungen im Jaguar Mag erfolgen ohne Bercksichtigung eines eventuellen Patentschutzes, auch werden Warennamen ohne Gew„hrleistung einer freien Verwendung benutzt. - Fr Fehler im Text wird keine Haftung ber bernommen.