Subject: September GFA Basic Section By: James Collett (Professor) A Member Of: VIRTUAL INFINITY E-Mail: Address: Park View Farm, Carlton, Nr Nuneaton, Warks, CV13 ODA Mono Account: bcc This is probably the final ST GFA section from me (Professor), as I`ve *finally* got round to (i.e. raised enough cash to) buy a FALCON! GFA 3 And The FALCON ==================== For the benefit of Ictari users who don`t have access to STAMP on Mono, I`m lead to believe GFA only just runs on the FALCON - it only runs in ST medium resolution, as cannot switch between ST low and ST medium. It is also "confused" by the mouse on the menu, for which you *have to* use the function keys. And there will undoubtedly be other incompatibilities. With regards to GFA FOUR, I`m also lead to believe it`s coming very slowly due to legal problems since the original publisher, GFA Media, left the Atari seen (& what a foolish move that was!) I don`t know when GFA FOUR is likely to arrive, I don`t know *if* it`s likely to arrive, but I do know it`ll be a fucking excellent language, as GFA 3 is today. Returning to this month`s disk ============================== As this is my last ever ST GFA section, I`ve decided to leave with an explosion .... well, a PIXEL implosion at any rate!! The final ST screen for Ictari disk is a TOP border OVERSCAN, stimulated by an article on last months (August) Ictari disk by The Space Cowboy. It should work on a STe with multisync/multiscan screen; but I`m not sure if it works on a STfm or "valve-driven" screen, anyway the source is included if it needs re-timing for your system. NOTE also it doesn`t run properly if the background color is black (as left by plastered PIXEL implosion!). If you`ve run PIXELS, or the background is black, you may wish to reset before running the overscan. Although I`ve now got a FALCON, I would still be interested in the explanation of a bottom border overscan theory, or even full screen overscan theory. Contacting Me ============= As usual if there`s anything you want to tell me about (for example a screen incompatibility with your system) or anything you want me to tell you about (details of a screen, etc), I can be contacted: by post, by E-mail, via Ictari and via STAMP on Mono. Though remember I`m no longer doing ST GFA coding. ---END---