These are assembly listings for two routines to read the mouse in absolute mode, at regular intervals, thus allowing stable rasters. 'ABSMOUSE' limits the mouse to absolute co-ordinates on the screen, whereas 'MOUSE2' keeps the mouse on a large grid (0-65535 in X and Y), and processes the position to give the relative movement since the last time the mouse was read. As the mouse nears the edge of its vast limits, it is reset to the centre of the range (resetting the mouse every time it is read causes loss of both position data and button press/release signals). The mouse origin is actually set to the bottom of the screen, simply to demonstrate how it is done. This is not really necessary. The program 'MOUSE.PRG' is actually assembled from 'ABSMOUSE.S', but both listings, when assembled, appear to perform the same way. The border changes colour to indicate pressed mouse buttons, and pressing both mouse buttons together will exit. Jason J Railton ---------------