
The Official Home Page
August 1997 Release
Thank you for your submissions over the last few years.
I'm pleased to be able to publish the latest results for my ongoing POV benchmark survey. It gives a useful guide to the relative maths performance of a number of various computers.
See the results now!
- NEW! Now introducing the POVmark, with thanks to Michael Zacherl <mz@bacher.co.at> This shows performance in terms of a percentage of the speed of my 200MHz Pentium Pro.
- povb9708.zip contains an Excel 5.0 XLS and CSV file with the full results (best viewed at 1600x1200).
- To participate, use the command line:
povray -i skyvase.pov +v1 -d +ft -x +a0.300 +r3 -q9 -w640 -h480 -mv2.0 -b1000 > results.txt or set equivalent option on GUI versions to:
Don't display while rendering
Output Targa format image
Disable abort on keypress
Set adaptive antialias threshold to 0.3
Set 3x3=9 subsamples to average when antialiasing (default)
Maximum quality
Set height and width to 640 x 480
Set buffer to 1000k to write to disk in 1000k chunks
- To send in your results, please fill out the results submission form.
As you will see, I have plenty of results for Pentiums and 486s, but could do with some more exotic machines.
- Here's the "standard" skyvase.pov script file used for the benchmarks.
(Skyvase.pov is a good choice as a benchmark shouldn't be too long to lock out the machine from use, and it contains an awful lot of reflections to keep the FPU busy)
- If you're running a multi-tasking OS, try to give POV full attention.
- Please Mail me if you have any questions or comments about POVBench.
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I hope you find these results informative and useful.
Copyright © 1995-1997 HRA
Last Modified: August 16th, 1997