The other great Atari HTML Magazine!

The Falcon FacTT File recently released the first issue of AtariPhile, and it was a complete success. It succeeded in being the best ever Atari disk magazine.

So, here is issue two. It's bigger, brighter and better than the first. There is loads of up to date information on all Atari machines, with reviews of some recent products including the HP Deskjet 600, a new series on Accessories and a report on a recent Atari event in Europe.

There are a number of contributors, and the articles are all well written. The news section is very good, covering news on all the latest Atari developments.

The presentation is top notch with loads of pictures and different titles to help give variation. There is a very wide range of areas covered.

There is also a letters page, a section for classified ads, a glossary of terms (with one or two small mistakes!) and a problem page.

All in all, this is an excellent read which is superbly presented. The variety of articles will keep you reading for a very long time to come, and I for one can't wait for the next issue!

Product: AtariPhile 2     Current Status: Freeware
Authors: Falcon FacTT File
Address: 11 Pound Meadow, Whitchurch, Hants RG28 7LG
Obtaining: Send a Self Addressed Envelope, a Double Density disk,
and TWO first class stamps to the FFF. Also available from Floppyshop and
Other information: Requires CAB 1.3 to be read properly

Rating: 92%

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