16/32 Systems 01634 710788 nharlow@cix.compulink.co.uk Analogic Computers 0181 546 9575 ASCIILUM PDL 0181 550 5572 Atari Authors Association 01454 313352 cpolonowski@fffnet.demon.co.uk Atari Computing 0114 2618940 mkerslake@cix.compulink.co.uk Croft Soft Software 01454 313352 cpolonowski@fffnet.demon.co.uk Douglas Communications 0161 456 9587 Evesham Micros 01386 765500 FaST Atari Repairs 0171 252 3553 peter@fastcomp.demon.co.uk FaST Club 0115 945 5250 stclub@cix.compulink.co.uk First Computer Centre 0113 231 9444 sales@firstcom.demon.co.uk Floppyshop 01224 312756 sdelaney@steil.wintermute.co.uk Gasteiner 0181 345 6000 gastein@dircom.co.uk Golden Image UK 0181 900 9291 Goodman International 01782 335650 HiSoft 01525 718181 sales@hisoft.co.uk support@hisoft.co.uk Impact Software 01280 850450 JCA Europe 01734 452416 JTS Atari UK 01753 533344 75300.3443@compuserve.com Ladbroke Computing 01772 203166 LAPD 01773 761944 clive@lapd.demon.co.uk leigh@lapd2.demon.co.uk Llamasoft 01734 814478
Merlin 01452 770133
Power Computing 01234 273000
Silica Systems 0181 309 1111
Sound Technology 01462 480000
System Solutions 01753 832212
The Console Centre 01484 544926
The Upgrade Shop 01625 503448
Titan Designs 0121 6936669 100345.2350@compuserve.com Top Byte 01622 763056
Village Software 01275 843241
zzSoft 01254 386192
42BBS Hants Colin Fisher-Mcallum 01256 895106
Ad.Lib Chester Le Street Frank Charlton 0191 422 9495
All At Sea Coventry Anthony Lacey 01203 601448
Chameleon Yate Martin Stacey 01454 881095
Fortress Plumstead Kevin Osborne 0181 244 9825
Fractal Dorchester Tim Putnam 01305 266304
Penske Kidderminster Andy Taylor 01562 743661
Tavern London Paul Baker 0181 445 6514
AtariPhile 3 All Atari's Falcon FacTT File 93% E Maggie 20 All Atari's Richard Spowart 90% E Nova 10 Sci Fi James Bird 82% E ST News 10.1 All Atari's Richard Karsmakers 88% E STOSSER 26 STOS Users Dean Sharples 85% E Warp 5 Star Trek Keith Dunn 82% E
Atari Article Archive http://www.netkonect.net/tachyon/a3/ Atari Net Locator http://www.walusoft.co.uk/anl/anl.htm Computer Direct http://www.compdirect.com/ Digital Media http://www.digital-media.co.uk/falcon/clabfalc/index.html Digi Tallis Home Page http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6273/ FaST Club http://www.compulink.co.uk/~sta/ Floppyshop http://www.netkonect.net/tachyon/flopshop/ HiSoft http://www.hisoft.co.uk Jaguar Talk http://www.toad.net/wwwboard/jagtalk.html LAPD http://www.lapd.demon.co.uk Maggie Homepage http://www.cybercomm.nl/~spostma/maggie/maggie.htm Mark Smiths Atari Web Page http://www.mcc.ac.uk/~dlms/atari.html STiK Pages http://www.unn.ac.uk/~cju920/ System Solutions http://www.ssolutions.com Titan Designs/BSS http://ourworld.compuserve.c/homepages/TITANWEB Walusoft Homepage http://www.walusoft.co.uk/ Wessex Atari Group http://www.compulink.co.uk/~mrgs/wag/welcome.htm WSAUG http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/magicka/ Yahoo! http://www.yahoo.com/ Zetnet http://www.zetnet.co.uk/
Hensa ftp://micros.hensa.ac.uk/micros/atari/ Demon ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/atari/ The Atari Archive ftp://atari.archive.umich.edu/atari/ Toad Computers ftp://ftp.toad.net/
Atari Wrinklies Club Jim Hornby Falcon FacTT File Colin Fisher-McAllum Melbourne Atari Computer Enthusiasts Portfolio Club UK Paul Finch UK Association of Atari User Groups Harry Sideras Wessex Atari Group Roy Goring West of Scotland Atari User Group Alastair GooldUser Group Addresses
Current magazines containing Atari related articles:Atari Computer (German) Atari Computing Atari Computing Group Atari Entertainment Computer Shopper Current Notes (Canadian) Denesh Bhabuta Future Music Future Publishing ST Applications Fast Club Sound on Sound
CyberSTrider http://www.cyberstrider.org denesh@cyberstrider.org InterActive http://www.walusoft.co.uk/.... jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk
This list is by no means definitive. For a more exhaustive list of Atari supporting organisations, we recommend you contact Harry Sideras of the UK Association of Atari User Groups (including an SAE and Disk).