Atari supporting companies
16/32 Systems | 01634 710788 | nharlow@cix.compulink.co.uk
| Atari Computing | | ataricomputing@cix.compulink.co.uk
| Croft Soft Software | 01454 313352 | polonowski@zetnet.co.uk
| FaST Atari Repairs | 0171 252 3553 | peter@fastcomp.demon.co.uk
| FaST Club | 0115 945 5250 | stclub@cix.compulink.co.uk
| First Computer Centre | 0113 231 9444 | sales@firstcom.demon.co.uk
| Floppyshop | 01224 312756 | sdelaney@zetnet.co.uk
| Goodman International | 01782 335650 |
HiSoft | 01525 718181 | sales@hisoft.co.uk
| LAPD | 01773 761944 | clive@lapd.demon.co.uk
| Sound Technology | 01462 480000 | |
System Solutions | 01753 832212 | |
The Console Centre | 01484 544926 | |
The Upgrade Shop | 01625 503448 | |
Titan Designs | 0121 6936669 | 100345.2350@compuserve.com
| Zetnet Services Ltd | 01595 696667 | info@zetnet.co.uk |
Bulletin Boards
All At Sea | Coventry | Anthony Lacey | 01203 601448
| Fortress | Plumstead | Kevin Osborne | 0181 244 9825
| Fractal | Dorchester | Tim Putnam | 01305 266304
| Penske | Kidderminster | Andy Taylor | 01562 743661
| Tavern | London | Paul Baker | 0181 445 6514 |

Current Diskzines
Atari Times | 13 | All Atari's | Croft Soft Software | | E
| ATOS | ? | All Atari's | Thomas Much | | G
| Maggie | 24 | All Atari's | The Maggie Team | 91% | E
| ST+ | 23 | All Atari's | Dave Hollis | 82% | E
| ST Highway | ? | All Atari's | | | E

Please Note: Inclusion in this list does not mean that Croft Soft Software endorses or recommends any of these organisations in any way. This list is continually being updated, if you
run an Atari related Company, Diskzine, or BBS not mentioned here, please feel free to contact us.
This list is by no means definitive. For a more exhaustive list of Atari supporting organisations, we recommend you contact Harry Sideras of the UK Association of Atari User Groups (including an SAE and Disk).