Presentation (10 Marks)         10/10

Ease of Use (15 Marks)          12/15

Usefulness (20 Marks)           18/20

Comparison (5 Marks)              5/5

Overall (50 Marks)              45/50

Total (100 Marks)              90/100



In contrast to many disk magazines (which I personally hate to death as
a genre) this is a magazine on disk - not a waffle vehicle, not a
collection on PD, not a waste of your life.  The intention seems to be
to fill the gap created by the disappearance of readily available
newsstand magazines and uses the established writing talents of Falcon
FacTT File members who you'll alreadyknow even if you don't have a

The main emphasis is on the reviews.  From the selection available in
this (and the previous) issue you know that what you've got is very
up-to-date. Not just PD/Shareware but fully commercial application and
game reviews as well as show reports and advice sections.

The quality and thoroughness of the reviews make this an essential read
and the news section is filled with details that are so up to date that
I haven't even heard of some of them online.  If you think you're up to
date, think again.

The quality of presentation is second to none, but if I have to make
one criticism it's that even on my 4Mb machine (admittedly with only 2Mb
free after my auto folder has eaten away at the rest of it) I had
trouble fitting the some of the pages into RAM - especially those with
big graphics.


Are you kidding?  B^{)