1. TITAN/BSS Website
Attractively designed and regularly updated pages with plenty of
information on all the mouthwatering products being developed and sold
by Titan Designs, Black Scorpion Software and other companies such as
The Upgrade Shop and Gribnif, plus an Atari contacts page and
downloads for software demos and utilites. You are sure to find
something here to want to spend your money on!
Rating: 87%
2. InterActive home page
Nicely laid out and up to date shareware support pages with loads of
information on the wide range of quality shareware supported, plus
downloads for each of the packages avaliable.
Rating: 86%
3. STiK
Clearly and simply laid out with access to downloads of the very
latest versions of STiK related net connectivity packages, plus
programming information for STiK client programmers.
Rating: 85%
4. comp.sys.atari.st
Dozens of messages arrive here daily, making it a resource not to be
missed for the Atari user. It's the Usenet so it's not pretty and
it's sometimes confusing, but an overwhelming amount of information
and the interactive nature of newsgroups makes this a great place to
discuss your platform.
Rating: 81%
5. Mille Babic - Very Welcome to my Homepage...
Graphically impressive pages with information on net connectivity
software, movie players, HTML editors, object linking and more,
downloads of the latest software, plus plenty of attractive and
colourful screenshots of modern Atari software in action.
Rating: 79%
6. The Atari Exhibition
Attractive and interesting site with lots of information and photos
about the history of Atari and Atari computers, including details of
the launch of the very first Atari ST.
Rating: 77%
7. Technical University of Berlin FTP Site
It's FTP so it's not going to be very attractive, but this is probably
the most comprehensive and up to date FTP site currently avaliable (at
least while CNAM is unaccessible). The amount of software here is
enormous - the index alone is around 200kb uncompressed!
Rating: 75%
8. The Linux/m68k Home Page
If you have an Atari with a 68030 or better CPU then have a look here
for loads of up to date information on the port of the Linux operating
system to Motorola 680x0 computers, with a FAQ and links to all the
information you could wish for.
Rating: 72%
9. Atari on the Web!
The first regular port of call I had when starting out on the 'net,
and, although it sadly hasn't been updated for a year, it still has
loads of useful information - FAQs, documents, links, news, reviews,
Q&As and more.
Rating: 70%
And unplaced...
Elysium Place of Ataridom - Atari & TOS Compatible Index Page
Okay, it's my own pride and joy ;-) Bias aside, I honestly think that
it hosts the most comprehensive set of links I have come across on the
'net, a resource that I personally find useful even if nobody else
does! Hopefully the relatively simple layout belies a wealth of
useful information.
Rating: that's up to you to say!