The bit at the end!
- HTML: Colin Polonowski
- Graphics: Colin Polonowski and David Polonowski
- Preview material obtained from: 42BBS
- Files written in: HTML Writer, SpiritEd, Everest
- Graphics drawn in: Crack Art, Degas Elite, Hyperpaint
- Graphics converted in: GemView 3.02, SEE-THRU and Speed of Light
- Viewed and tested in: CAB v1.5 and Netscape
- Contributors: Peter J Campbell, Chris Bloy
- Thanks to: Kev Beardsworth, Harry Sideras
Next Time
We will have our third readers top ten and we will also conclude our trilogy of Atariphile profiles!
Reviews and news as always with the latest on Mole Mayhem as well as news of all the Atari Christmas releases...
Finally, we'll be giving away a full game (if it's finished on time!)
Issue 8 will be available as and when it's ready so keep your eyes peeled and remember, if you still want more stuff visit Croft Soft on the 'Net!
Picture of the month 
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