Destruct Imminent
Wolfenstein on the ST?
At last, the ST is beginning to get some high quality Doom clones. First we had Substation by UDS which was an excellent attempt and the Falcon has had Towers 2 and Bad Mood.
One thing lacking from ST Doom clones is the texture mapping and this is one area in which Destruct Imminent excels. In this respect it is the first ever texture mapped maze game on the ST - Substation used Gouraud shading to give a 3D effect.
Another thing which immediately stands out is the smoothness of the game. The authors have managed to make the game as smooth as or maybe even smoother than Substation and this is a very good thing.
The music on the title screen is once again good and is better than the usual ST tune. The in game samples are however not as impressive, they are functional but that's about all.
The game features:
- Completely interactive in full 3D vision.
- High speed 3D texture mapped graphics engine.
- A variety of music, played back in 16 Khz digitised sound.
- Multiple digitised sound effects, and digital speech.
- A large variety of weapons to collect. (Not all in demo)
- Animated monsters to fight, each with their own characteristics.
- Over 250K of between level sequences. (Not in demo)
- Light sourced sprites and multiple dot explosions.
- Secret rooms, and additional equipment to find.
- Easy to use interface. See your exact status at a glance.
- Ultra fast loading routine. (Not in demo)
- STE enhanced. Better graphics, stereo sound, faster action.
- 25 levels with increasing difficulty curve. (Not in demo)
- Keyboard controls, with sidestep and run options.
- Password options so you don't have to keep starting again. (Not
in demo)
- Mapper and radar tools to help you on your mission. (Only
mapper in demo)
The game is due for release by Goodmans at the shows for just œ9.95 and from what I've seen it is going to be the best ST Doom clone to date. A demo version is available from 42BBS and off the Internet so download it and have a look.