The bit at the end!
- HTML written by Colin Polonowski
- Graphics by Colin Polonowski
- Preview material obtained from Hensa, 42BBS and Chameleon BBS
- Files written in SpiritEd, Everest and Protext
- Graphics drawn in Crack Art, Degas Elite, Hyperpaint
- Graphics converted in GemView 3.02
- Viewed and tested in the CAB v1.3 by Alexander Clauss
- Contributors: Peter Campbell
- Thanks to: Joe Connor (InterActive)
Next Time
Issue 5 will feature our third User Profile, this time on Colin Fisher-McAllum.
Our Top Ten will have a change, this time one of our readers will choose their ten favourite Atari games of all time.
As always, we have the latest news, reviews and previews.
September will also hopefully see the release of at least one game - Mole Mayhem, and of course the Atari Shows in Birmingham and London. Look out for a report in Issue 6!.
Picture of the month 
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The Atari Authors Association and The Atari Times are all Copyright 1996 Croft Soft Software. All files within this publication must stay intact - NO files must be seperated and distributed without written permission of Colin Polonowski.