Masses of New Products!
Just when you thought it was safe to browse the 'Net, we're back! Well actually we've never been away, just extremely busy! Apologies to anyone who thought we'd deserted the "sinking ship". Quite the contrary, we're simply brimming with ideas for making 1998 our most challenging yet. Never before have we released so many new titles at any one time!
Brand new in this update are five unique music products from innovative software house, Electronic Cow. Why not pay a visit to Cownet where you will find full descriptions of the amazing features of all five titles and demo versions to download. Also new is our first Falcon specific CD-ROM release, SELECT CD, for an unbeatable £15 + P&P. It's about time Falcon owners got some decent software on CD, so we have put together a compilation of the latest versions of the best Falcon specific non-commercial software around. SELECT CD
features graphics programs, utilities, games, demos and much more...
We are also pleased to announce that Floppyshop have taken over the production and distribution of the popular Desktop Publishing packages Easy Text Professional and Easy Text Pro Vector. This gives us more flexibility and we are now able to offer upgrades from Pro to Pro Vector as well as competitive upgrades from any other DTP package. Even if you don't own a competing package, the full price of either package is only £19.95 + P&P. No that's not a misprint, under 20 quid for a DTP package, boxed and with a printed manual! If you're using SpeedoGDOS or NVDI (v3 or later), you need Easy Text Pro Vector, otherwise if you have less than 2 Mb and no hard drive you'll want Easy Text Professional instead. If you have a hard drive and at least 2Mb of RAM, we can offer a special
bundling deal with SpeedoGDOS and Easy Text Pro Vector. Contact me for more details.
We now carry a stock of SCSI, serial and parallel cables at very competitive prices. Other items include port adaptors for serial and SCSI ports and devices as well as printer, modem and SCSI switchboxes. We do the full range of generic cables and adaptors, so the chances are that we have exactly what you require! The full list is on our catalogue disks or you can email me to discuss your requirements.
Six brand new releases, competitive upgrades to the only sub-£100 Atari DTP package in the world, over 70 new disks of PD & Shareware and an extensive range of cables, adaptors and switchboxes! Is it any wonder this catalogue is late? So how are we going to top this next time. How about three brand new releases, Positive Image 2, another CD-ROM release and lots more PD & Shareware? That's what's pencilled in. Watch this space.....
Floppyshop are eager to continue support for Atari users as can be clearly seen by the work we've undertaken to bring yet more new products to the market. However there's no denying there are a lot less Atari users than there used to be and this makes it difficult for companies such as ours to continue the current level of support. If you value the service we provide, please consider placing at least one order per month with us. We're doing our bit to keep the Atari market alive, but we need your support to make it work. I will close on that note and let you browse the rest of the site.
Floppyshop,PO Box
273,Aberdeen. Scotland, U.K. AB15 8GJ
Tel:/Fax: +44 (0)1224
312756. Email : floppyshop@cyberstrider.org