Let's Twist Again!

Q I'm looking for ANY manual in ANY form for TWIST database (version 2 or 3) or short command description with syntax and examples(if possible)!!

Also, any information about TWIST is more than welcome!

With best regards,

Drazen Glojnaric, via AT Help Center On-line

A Shouldn't you have the Twist manual if you bought the program?

Your best bet is to contact HiSoft - the UK distributor of Twist - or if you know of any closer to you try them. Hisoft can be found at:


They should be able to supply you with the manual - they may ask you to return your master disk and may also charge something for it.

I'm not aware of any third party Twist manuals or related web pages. If any of our readers know better then contact us at the usual address and we'll put it in next issue...

Colin Polonowski