The HTML Glossary covers all tags covered in the HTML made EZ series so far, along with their attributes...
Tag | Description | Attributes |
<a>,</a> | Anchor | href - URL of page
name - name of section
target - destination frame |
<area> | Imagemap area | coords - dimensions/coordinates
href - URL of link
nohref - no target URL
shape - shape of area
target - destination frame |
<b>,</b> | Bold text | None |
<body>,</body> | Encloses main document | background - background image
bgcolor - background colour
text - text colour
link - link colour
vlink - visited link colour
alink - active link colour |
<br>,</br> | Line break | clear - left, right or center |
<center>,</center> | Center text | None |
<font>,</font> | Give font attributes | color - font colour
size - size of font
face - typeface |
<head>,</head> | Encloses header area | None |
<Hn>,</Hn> | Heading. n ranges from 1 -6 | None |
<html>,</html> | Encloses entire HTML document | None |
<i>,</i> | Italic text | None |
<img> | Place image in document | src - Image URL
alt - alternative text
align - alignment of image on page
width - width of image
height - height of image
border - image border
hspace - amount of white-space
vspace - amount of white-space
usemap - imagemaps |
<li> | List element | None |
<map>,</map> | Start and end of imagemap code | name - name of imagemap |
<ol>,</ol> | Ordered list | start - number to start at
type - type of numeric |
<p>,</p> | Paragraph tag | align - text alignment |
<table>,</table> | Encloses table |
align - alignment of table
border - width of border
cellpadding - padding of cell
cellspacing - spaces between cells
cols - specifies no of columns
frame - specify borders to display
width - width of table
<td>,</td> | Table Data | align - alignment of text
colspan - no of columns to span
rowspan - no of rows to span
nowrap - turn of text-wrapping |
<title>,</title> | Encloses page title | None |
<tr>,</tr> | Table Row | align - alignment of text |
<u>,</u> | Underscored text | None |
<ul>,</ul> | Unordered list | compact - fit into smaller space
type - type of bullet |
The colour chart below contains all the standard colours. More are supported by most browsers and you can create your own in hex ($FFFFFF - White, $000000 Black).
Colour Chart |
Aqua | Black | Blue | Fuchsia |
Gray | Green | Lime | Maroon |
Navy | Olive | Purple | Red |
Silver | Teal | White | Yellow |