STOSSER Software

© Tony Greenwood

STOSSER on the World Wide Web....

STOSSER on the internet

  • I can be emailed at either or on any subject relating to STOSSER Software

  • Also anyone wanting to speak to me regarding STOS or STOSSER Software can usualy find me on channel #ATARI most weekends on IRC.. Usual Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings

Heres a Quick rundown of Software released, with the most recent listed first

  1. AUTOVIEW, For loading and displaying CYBER.SEQ files from an auto folder, also APPlication support

  2. H.E.R.O.2, Not officialy released until October this year, but test versions are floating about..and getting good reviews..

  3. D.C.K.2 Diskzine Construction Kit 2, Actualy this was the last issue of ST+ to use what had become a vast reincarnation of DCK 1, As a new shell was being written I decided to change the ST+ shell into a kit for anyone to use

  4. ST+ DISKMAGAZINE SHELL .I am responsible for programming the shell, not the actual diskzine contents, This was a total rewrite for issue 19, and very well recieved it was too..

  5. BILLY BOY.. The last full game release so far, Childrens platform game, one meg, not too Falcon friendly

  6. DIAMOND ICE..Brilliant platformer puzzler game, got 85 percent in ATARI COMPUTING Magazine, One meg, STe and Falcon enhanced

  7. KELSTAR A Diskmagazine shell.. that soon turned into a User club shell that had quite a novel approach brought on after seeing the design of the shell

  8. HEARTLAND..The first ever fast ATARI Console type platformer, this game is FAST and BIG....Not too taxing on the old game skills, more your SONIC type mentality..

  9. ISLAND STRIKE..The first release featuring artwork from Dean Chadwick who has since recieved rave reviews for his artistery on all subsequent STOSSER Software releases

This is a very short list...lots more titles including top award winning games and miscelaneous programs that have appeared on cover disks or have been well reviewed in magazines and diskzines alike can be found on the STOSSER Software web page...

Cheers......!ynoT.......STOSSER Software
Tony Greenwood 1997