Bits 'n' Bobs!![]() Floppyshop changesFloppyshop has a new web page allowing the downloading of selected pieces of software and demos. There main page is still at the same location as before. The address of the new page is:
Steve Delaney also has a new email address. The old one will be discontinued vey shortly. If you need to contact him the new address is:
More Atari showsMike Goodman has now confirmed two more Atari shows for 1997. As usual they will be in Birmingham and London, the dates are:
Birmingham - Motorcycle Museum - Saturday 18th October Look out in next issue for our Atari Show Guide...
Internet PagesMatthias Jaap's new page - Internet Utilities for the Atari - is now online. Point your browser at:
Anthony Jacques change of emailAnthony Jacques has now got a new ISP. He can be emailed at His web pages have also moved to:
Atari Times mailing listWe can now supply you with each issue of the Atari Times on it's day of release. This is done via an email mailing list enabling us to send the magazine to as many people as we like in just one mail. Each issue will be sent to you as a UUE'd ZIP file and you will need to have suitable software (all of which is available on TOS compatible machines) to extract the magazine. To join the mailing list visit the Atari Times homepage at:
And fill in the mailing list form. Alternatively, send a suitable mail to
Croft Soft RestructuringCroft Soft's range of software has recently been restructured. This effectively means the dropping of support for some older programs and the change in status for others. For the current list of supported software go to the Croft Soft Software Page in this issue.