Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 3 Feb 92 Volume 92 : Issue 63 Today's Topics: Ack! My STe is dying! (dead?) common lisp for dos Mint 0.92 problems Miscellaneous questions (sorry if frequent) NAMM and Atari on The Computer Chronicles New Supra Modem... Reduce. SIMMs or SIPPs Spectre users unite! (2 msgs) ST msyncs: Sony 1302, Princeton Ultra 14 Querys Supra 2400 Problem (was: New Supra Modem...) TEX printer problems TOS 1.4 ROM problem uw client VT100 and 4010? VI editor for Atari ST needed WANTED: List of good Atari Desktop Publishing Software Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3 Feb 92 04:17:55 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!usc!apple!portal!!Bob_BobR_Retelle Subject: Ack! My STe is dying! (dead?) To: Adam... the Supra MemTest program is 6376 bytes long.. although I guess you'd know if you had it since it announces itself when you run it... I know it's available on CompuServe, but unfortunately I still don't have FTP access to atari.archive. I could E-mail you a copy if you'd like to try it (and maybe you could send it to atari.archive then). It's quite a thorough test, although if your RAM passed the other memtest program, that's probably not where your problems lie... I guess I'm going to have to give Omnimon a call about my DEKA vs. PC keyboard problems (assumming their phone lines don't both still have FAX machines on them) or my review for AIM will end being pretty negative... BobR ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 03 Feb 92 14:21:42 MEZ From: Michael Burschik Subject: common lisp for dos To: Yes, I am well aware of the fact that this mailing list is not the most appropriate place for my question, but as I am not part of the msdos-community, I wasn't able to think of a more appropriate one. Does anyone know of a common lisp implementation, preferably public domain or at least cheap, which will run under dos? I know of xlisp, which doesn't exactly suit my purposes, being rather too small a subset of common lisp (and the parser is hell). Thanks for your help. Mike ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 10:06:49 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!wupost!!!urmel!oli@arizon (Oliver Bonten) Subject: Mint 0.92 problems To: (Eric Smith) writes: >The problem is a bug in the library used to compile tcsh; the ttyname() >function crashes when called on a pseudo-terminal. A work-around is >to create a symbolic link in u:\dev that points to the appropriate >file name in u:\pipe (i.e. the name of the pseudo-tty). This is the >reason that tcsh doesn't work under MGR, too. I don't fully understand this, do you mean that pseudo ttys are in \pipe rather than \dev, and how should the names look like? >pwd isn't built into any version of tcsh (the ST source code is essentially >the same as the Unix). It's an easy enough program to write -- I'll >leave it as an exercise for the reader :-). alias pwd "echo $cwd" works for a start, but under Unix it does behave differently than pwd if there are plenty of softlinked directories. This isn't likely on a TOS file system, I suppose. >I don't know how to change the font; tcsh just writes to the standard >output, in this case the BIOS console device. It would be possible to >write a new BIOS console that used whatever font one wished, I >suppose. Well, NVDI changes the font of exactly this under TOS. Oliver -- Heute hack ich, morgen crack ich, uebermorgen hol ich mir dem SysOp sein Login. Ach wie gut dass niemand weiss, dass ich heiss. ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 06:24:20 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!linac!att!oucsboss!oucsace! (William E. White) Subject: Miscellaneous questions (sorry if frequent) To: I've been out of circulation for a long time on the Atari world, and I have a whole bunch of questions (well, a few at least) that maybe some kind soul could answer (I've tried reading the newsgroup for awhile but don't have near as much time as I used to). I really appreciate all response. For reference I have a 1040ST with 1 meg, TOS 1.2, a 65MB SCSI hard drive plus an ICD host adaptor, and not much else of note. 1. I've reached my RAM limits trying to do TeX stuff. I saw a file at terminator on how to increase to 2.5 meg using SIPs. Questions: what SIPs should I get, and what the heck is a "veroboard" as described in the article? (Also, just how much is the memory these days?) Any way to get above 2.5 meg? 2. I also need to get a higher version of TOS. I hear 1.4 is no longer the current standard. Will higher versions still work with my 68000 and wimpy 3-bit RGB registers? (I also remember seeing an article on how to build a board to get around 1.6 million colors ... anyone remember that?) Keep in mind I've got TWO ROMS in my board (not sure how many sockets, haven't looked in awhile). 3. Anyone out there ever placed the ST motherboard in a new case? I'd really really benefit from sticking the whole kit and kaboodle in a tower case, maybe put in a new drive, and put my HD there too, and then run a cable for the keyboard (I've already got it pseudo-detatched). This would also let me stick the miscellaneous add-on boards on. 4. Who sells a cable for the ST to Nec MultiSync 3D? A switch for mono mode would be really appreciated. (My current cable if you're curious consists of about nine heavily tinned wires stuck through two pieces of cut-up Tupperware lid for support. The last one used chopped off safety pins. :-) ) 5. Any hope of sticking a blitter on? Would this really help me? (I mainly use my ST as a terminal. Thus, my next posting ...) Thanks for your time, like I said it's greatly appreciated. If anyone wants I'll share responses to questions. -- | Bill White +1-614-594-3434 | (normal) | | Standard login hours: | (alternate) | | 1-3,5-7PM EST M-F (oucsace) | more info via `finger bwhite@view...' | ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 06:54:10 GMT From: noao!ncar!csn!yuma! (mark miller) Subject: NAMM and Atari on The Computer Chronicles To: I don't know if my other post was put up here or not, but I have some additional information on this show. As I said before, the PBS show The Computer Chronicles covered the NAMM show, and focused on Atari in the MIDI field. At least for us in Colorado, it will be showing on Channel 12 February 26th. Perhaps it will be showing the same week, on another day, in other parts of the country. I'm not sure. As far as we're concerned in Colorado, The Computer Chronicles is on Wednesdays at 11:30am, and Sundays at 3:30pm (the Wednesday shows are repeated). For the rest of the country, check your local listings :). This information was in Z*Net. I'm just putting it up here for those who don't get it. |Mark Miller, computer science |"I was just thinking of the immortal words | |major at C.S.U. | of Socrates...'I drank what?'" | | |"What a waste it is to lose one's mind..." | | | Do you _really_ think I care that your | | / Atari friend! ||| | computer is "better" than mine??? Think | | \/ --- The Mark )|( | about it. I'm not THAT ignorant. | | World Peace / | \ There's nothing else quite like it. | ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 13:34:15 GMT From:!iraun2!!!!!! (Stephan Muhs) Subject: New Supra Modem... To: In article (Steve Yelvington) writes: >[In article <>, > (James Parker) writes ... ] > > > I have a somewhat related question concerning my Supra 2400 modem. > > I have been using it satisfactorily for several years until recently > > new modems were installed on the server here at the university. > > Now I cannot connect at 2400 baud (tho' it does still work at 1200). > > > > According to the docs, the dial-in lines use V.42bis at 2400 baud. > > My Supra 2400 manual says it is V.22bis. Is there an inherent > > incompatibility here? Do I need to get a new modem using V.42bis > > to talk at 2400? Please say no! I know nil about what V.42, V.22 etc > > means so be easy on me. > >No, there isn't an inherent incompatibility. All standard modems that >support 2400bps connections do it with V.22bis. > >Does your university's modem support 9600 (V.32) connections? If so, your >old-model SupraModem may be ``falling back'' to 1200 about the time the >university modem is falling back to 2400, so they never link up at the >higher speed. Check your modem manual to see if there's a way to disable >fallback (connect ONLY at 2400) or extend the time your modem waits for a >2400 connection. > Sorry, V.22bis (2400 bps) does not (should not?) work that way. Until the V.22(bis) carrier is transmitted by the answering modem, the originating modem doesn`t even know if the line has been established or not. It will never fall back from 2400 to 1200 bps before it receives and recognizes the answering modem`s V.22(bis) carrier. BTW: V.22bis (2400 bps) comprises the V.22 standard (1200 bps) and also defines the fallback between both speeds (the only time that the CCITT has bothered to define fall-back procedures at all). There is *no* way, to prevent a V.22bis modem to fall back to 1200 bps, if the modem decides that the remote modem is a plain V.22 unit. -- stephan muhs wilhelmstr. 51 ...!unido!easix!channelz!dino!colonius 5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs germany voice: +49 221 7393484 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Feb 92 10:17 GMT From: "Just cos I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after me!" Subject: Reduce. To: INFO-ATARI16 <> Does anyone know where I can pick up a copy of Reduce for the ST via FTP? If so, does anyone know if version 3.4 is yet on the ST? Cheers, Lee. ******************************************************************************** Lee Bohan, Flat 5, Larch House, STunn! Magazine 8, Lofthouse Road, THE Free ST Disk Mag. Handsworth Wood, Email me for details. Birmingham, B20 1NW. JANET: INTERNET: ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 04:25:47 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!apple!portal!!Bob_BobR_Retelle@a Subject: SIMMs or SIPPs To: In article <> (Pete > I have an Atari 1040 STE. > > Is there any way of finding out whether my machine has SIMMs or SIPPs > *without* having to take it apart? > No... SIPPs and SIMMs are functionally identical.. there's no wayo determine which is present with any kind of software. It's EXTREMELY easy to get to the memory on an STe however. Simply take out the screws that hold the plastic case together, then you can open a small access door in the metal RF shield to examine the memory. You don't have to remove the entire shield like earlier models. If you're concerned about having to break the factory warranty seal, use the method used by Atari service centers... heat the seal with a hairdryer until you can peel it off without destroying it... simply reapply it over the screw when you're done inside... BobR ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 01:44:46 GMT From: mcsun!!funic!! (Jartsu) Subject: Spectre users unite! To: There is already one forum that is useful for sharing Spectre experiences, the AtariPU mailing list. Or wouldn't you call someone that uses Spectre a serious Atari user? The AtariPU list is a special forum for people that take the full advantage out of their ST/TTs... and Spectre definitely does that. Requests to subscribe are welcome to (one of my accounts). -- * Jari Lehto * Voice 90-387939 * Email * * Tenavatie 19 A * Fax +358 0 8735916 * fwd -> * * 00760 HELSINKI * Atari moderator at * * Finland * Administrator of Atari power-user mailing-list * ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 13:34:17 GMT From:!iraun2!!!!!! (Stephan Muhs) Subject: Spectre users unite! To: In article (J.Brunken@Jason Brunken) writes: >In <> (William Magro) writes: > > >>Are there enough spectre users out there to get a new newsgroup going? >>I don't remember the rules for starting a new newsgroup. Anyone want >>to refresh me? We could have and we could >>share problems, experiences, successes, etc. there. > >I'd be interested! I am also interested in such a newsgroup. -- stephan muhs wilhelmstr. 51 ...!unido!easix!channelz!dino!colonius 5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs germany voice: +49 221 7393484 ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 22:39:37 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!pacific.mps.ohio!ohstpy!miavx1! (Ryan 'Gozar' Collins) Subject: ST msyncs: Sony 1302, Princeton Ultra 14 Querys To: In article <>, pegram@uvm-gen.UUCP (Robert B. Pegram) writes: > Anybody using a Sony 1302 with an ST, how about a Princeton Ultra 14? > > I am especially interested in difficulties, quality of display but > most of all, I want to know: > > Do either or both of these monitors correctly size and center all ST > screens automatically? > > That is, do Mono *and* color modes switch easily without lots of fiddling? > I know that Nec 3Ds save settings in Nvram, what about these two machines? > > I'd prefer email responses, because I'm behind on my news > 8-). I'll post a summary if anybody is interested. On a related note, can the TT color monitor (The PTC something) correctly size and center all of the ST screens automatically when it's hooked to a ST? Later....... ------======={{{{{{{{((((((Ryan 'Gozar' Collins))))))))}}}}}}}}=======-------- Atari Computers: "The Game is never over" rlcollins@miavx1.BITNET Power Without The Price R.COLLINS1 on GEnie ------======={{{{{{{{(((((( My 1040STF Rocks!! ))))))))}}}}}}}}=======-------- ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 13:34:11 GMT From:!iraun2!!!!!! (Stephan Muhs) Subject: Supra 2400 Problem (was: New Supra Modem...) To: In article <> (James Parker) writes: > >I have a somewhat related question concerning my Supra 2400 modem. >I have been using it satisfactorily for several years until recently >new modems were installed on the server here at the university. >Now I cannot connect at 2400 baud (tho' it does still work at 1200). > >According to the docs, the dial-in lines use V.42bis at 2400 baud. >My Supra 2400 manual says it is V.22bis. Is there an inherent >incompatibility here? Do I need to get a new modem using V.42bis >to talk at 2400? Please say no! I know nil about what V.42, V.22 etc >means so be easy on me. > >thanks for any help. >james Without knowing, you have been comparing apples and oranges. So I will give you a brief run-down of all the V.something stuff: V.22 - CCITT standard for 1200 bps comunication, this is a standard that defines the physical transmission protocol. V.22bis - same for 2400 and 1200 bps. V.22bis defines comunication at 2400 bps AND includes the V.22 definition as well. V.42 - this is strictely an error control standard. The V.42 LAPM protocol runs on top of the bit engine (the physical transmission defined by CCITT V.22bis or any other transmission protocol). V.42 corrects line noise problems, before they hit your terminal - and also enhances through-put by approximately 20% (synchronous transmission over the line). V.42bis - V.42bis includes the V.42 error control and adds a compression algorhythm. Your data will be compressed/decompressed in real time giving a compression ratio of ideally 4:1. In reality, you will encounter anything from no compression (compressed files) to circa 2:1 (raw ASCII). Your Supra 2400 does not include any error control mechanism, so it is just a V.22bis modem. The V.42(bis) should not concern you, since the remote modem will "sense" that your modem cannot handle error correction and fall back to a plain connection. Anyway, your problem seems to be at a much earlier stage of establishing the connection: your modem is obviously unable to get a proper V.22bis connection to the remote modem in question. So it sometimes fails and sometimes gets a V.22 connect. The problem could both be due to your modem or the remote modem. You should check with other people, who connect the server with other 2400 bps modems, if they do not have problems, then you are probably out of luck. Either you have a modem which is "on the edge" or simply a compatibilty problem (not every 2400 modem "likes" all the others...). If other people do have similar problems with the modem of your server, then the university should do something about the modem on their side. -- stephan muhs wilhelmstr. 51 ...!unido!easix!channelz!dino!colonius 5000 koeln 60 Genie: s.muhs germany voice: +49 221 7393484 ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 13:08:52 GMT From:!NewsServ!LRZnews!reseq!!pal@uu (Peter Loibl) Subject: TEX printer problems To: >Occasionally (randomly) in the output, lines get skewed. >Does anyone else >have this annoying problem? Is it due to the Epson emulation? Can I >get a >true Star driver, or is the problem simply due to the resolution of There is a possibility of getting the *newest* TeX-sources and the web-files for printers and other drivers: try to log-in at the anonymous ftp-server at the University of Stuttgart, FRG: ftp (use anonymous as idendity and your real name as pasword) then change into soft/tex or soft/atari where you find a lot of drivers for different types of printers, computers and lots of macros. If you don't have any acess to this site: contact the next TeX-group. There are lots around. Addresses should be availabile in different TeX and LaTeX books. Another advice of mine for using TeX in general: I strongly recomend a harddisc and 2M of memory - this configuration enables you of using the latest latex-package of Dec 2, 1991 with all fonts. Peter ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 02:12:23 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!samsung!munnari.oz.a u!!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: TOS 1.4 ROM problem To: (Tony Mountifield) writes: >To check that the ROMs are likely to be the correct ones, could someone >dump out the first 16 bytes of each pair, so I cam compare? Hah! You're the same fellow who last week made up some story and asked for the SECOND 16 bytes of each pair! What's your game? :-) Warwick. -- _-_|\ | / * <-- Computer Science Department, | HELLO, I'm a signature virus! \_.-._/ University of Queensland, | Join in the fun v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. | and copy me into yours! ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 06:29:41 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!linac!att!oucsboss!oucsace! (William E. White) Subject: uw client VT100 and 4010? To: Does anyone have a patch to the uw client yet for VT100 (ANSI) and/or Tek 4010 emulation? It seems kinda silly to go to all the effort, just to get an ADM5 (ugh! Horrible use of bandwidth! ew!). If not, I can probably write the ANSI w_output() routine (I haven't found the input filter yet) if someone out there can integrate it smoothly. It's been four years since I did any AES/VDI programming, and I managed to lose half my backup disks (including the Atari RCS, tho I still have the MW one) in an accident involving a lost disk box and a big motor (don't ask). As for 4010, that'll be a little more work (to say the least) but I might give it a try. Anyone out there interested in working with someone on it? (Probably over the summer; my schedule is busy for the time). Here's hoping ... -- | Bill White +1-614-594-3434 | (normal) | | Standard login hours: | (alternate) | | 1-3,5-7PM EST M-F (oucsace) | more info via `finger bwhite@view...' | ------------------------------ Date: 2 Feb 92 20:38:16 GMT From: email!!nestroy!tuvie! (Fa.BULL) Subject: VI editor for Atari ST needed To: Hi, I am looking for the UNIX-Editor 'vi' running on the Atari ST! Could anyone please mail me, where I can ftp it? -- OR -- Could someone please mail me an uuencoded version? Thanks in advance Andy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Paumann, UNIX Support, BULL Austria: bullx@tuvie #include :-) ------------DISCLAIMER: I speak for myself and not for BULL!-------------- Newsgroups: Subject: VI for Atari ST needed! Expires: References: Sender: Reply-To: bullx@tuvie.UUCP (Fa.BULL) Followup-To: Distribution: world Organization: Technical University of Vienna, EDP-Center Keywords: Hi, I am looking for the UNIX-Editor 'vi' running on the Atari ST! Could anyone please mail me, where I can ftp it? -- OR -- Could someone please mail me an uuencoded version? Thanks in advance Andy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Paumann, UNIX Support, BULL Austria: bullx@tuvie #include :-) ------------DISCLAIMER: I speak for myself and not for BULL!-------------- ------------------------------ Date: 3 Feb 92 02:18:42 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!samsung!munnari.oz.a u!!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: WANTED: List of good Atari Desktop Publishing Software To: In (Robert A Jung) writes: >If you can get it, the February issue of AtariUser magazine (free!) has a >balanced comparison of PageStream and Calamus. Which versions? I have used PageStream 2 and it is up to 10 times slower than version 1.8 Should I upgrade? The main benefit is vastly increased font availability and more WYSIWYG brought about by using the "Printer Fonts" for the screen as well. Note: Even drawing up of graphics is 10 times slower in version 2. Strange. Maybe the developer had a TT and forgot about us slowboat drivers. Warwick -- _-_|\ | / * <-- Computer Science Department, | HELLO, I'm a signature virus! \_.-._/ University of Queensland, | Join in the fun v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. | and copy me into yours! ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************