Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 23 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 38 Today's Topics: Atarians! Where Are You?! Beginner's FTP Guide C database librabries Desktop background (2 msgs) Help atari.archive I cant get Zoo to work! Length of MEGAFILE cable MIDI out to audio Multifinder for Atari-ST ? New Supra Modem... Rom chip set switch time? (2 msgs) Smalltalk for St ST Drive blues What to do? Yet another ST for sale Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 23 Jan 92 07:12:33 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!usenet.coe.mont!ogicse!milton!! (Jeremy C. Norberg) Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?! To: In article <> (Roger Sheppard) writes: > >Please tell us all how this is posible with Standard A500 or is this >the Reason that the Amiga does not have very many DTP programs..?? > I suppose you don't consider PageStream 2.2 a DTP program??? Don't they even publish it for the toy atari? Of course the Amiga's is one version HIGHER than yours. The Super Denise chip that is now included with new A500's sold in Europe (and soon to be in the states also) gives Productivity mode which displays 640 X 480 flicker free on ANY VGA type (or multisync monitor). This means a user can go out and buy an $89 paper white mono VGA and use it with his A500. The Super Denise can be had for about $55 for older A500's ($55 + $89 STILL adds up to less than the price of a new toyari monochrome - in case you can't add!) >Also I here that the sales of A500 + is now gone minus, they are all taking >them back as they can't play games on this new machine any more..?? > Kinda like the monstrosity known as the STe??? TOS 1.06 hardly runs anything!! Also, how many of your ST GAMES run on your beloved TT?? >And were are all your PD C compilers, this main Amiga chaps here don't >seem to know much about them.. > The amiga doesn't NEED a PD compiler. There are still publishers that support us!! >Also have you thought that we have better things to do with our >machines than to spend time chatting on the net...:-).. > Since the Amiga is a TRUE multitasking machine, we can do more than one thing at a time. Try THAT with your ST! (and don't even bother mentioning multigem.... That's about as good a multitasker as switcher is on the Mac) Also I guess keeping an eye out for some loser who will buy your 'computer' keeps the average Atarian pretty busy too! And MY goddamn pointer never has flickered EITHER!!! In Fact the ONLY non-flickering pointer I've ever seen on a toy atari is when it is running under Spectre! Heh heh heh..... ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 92 23:42:32 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!caen!umich!terminator!term! (Jeff Weiner) Subject: Beginner's FTP Guide To: There's been some talk about ftp lately, so without much further ado...... This is a basic guide to ftp. It is intended only to get you on your way to ftp happiness. Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Jeff Weiner's FTP Basics Vol.1 #1 Part 1: Logging in To begin an ftp session, the first thing you need to do is log in to our machine. You can do this by issuing the 'ftp' command. You should then see something like this: Connected to 220 FTP server (Version 4.169 Wed Jan 2 17:03:56 EST 199 1) ready. Name ( At this prompt you'll want to type 'anonymous'. On some hosts, the word 'guest' will work, but 'anonymous' is always a sure bet. If you don't see this login prompt, but instead get something like 'Our host was unable to trace a name back to (some internet address). We only accept ftp from properly registered hosts', then you'll have to ask your sys-admin to properly register your machine in its name servers. There's nothing we can do on this end, so please don't bother asking. Also, if your machine doesn't allow you to specify the atari.archive name, try using out internet address : Then, march down to your sys-admins office and ask him to install name-service. Your life will become much easier. Assuming you recieved the above prompt, you'll then be asked for a password. Use your mail address. For example, I would use '' Part 2: Basic Commands Once you're logged on, there's a few basic commands you'll want to know about. ls : lists the names of files of sub-directories in a directory. ls -C : Lists the files horizontally, instead of vertically. ls -F : Lists filenames, but adds a / to the end of directory names. dir : does the same thing as ls, but is needed on some other machines ls -l : A verbose listing of files. Includes permissions, filesize, etc. cd : changes directories (i.e. 'cd atari' would put you in the atari area) cd .. : Goes 'back up' a directory, to the one you came from. This from redmond@IUS4.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU: For more than one argument to ls, use double quotes. Eg. ls "-FC *.lzh" These are about all you need to get moving around the archive. Part 3: Getting the Goddies The main reason you want to ftp in the first place is to quickly transfer files. More often than not, you'll want to transfer the files from the archive to your account. You can do this using the following commands: First, find the file you want to download. Second, issue the command 'type binary'. This tells our machine that you'll be transferring a binary file. This is really important. You'll waste a LOT of time if you download files that were not transferred in binary mode. Third, issue this command 'get '. This will instruct the archive host to send to your account. The last thing you'll want to do is use the 'quit' command. This tells our machine you're no longer interested in ftping files, and would like to go back to your command prompt. Now, you'll need to download your files from your mainframe(sparc, whatever) to your ST. Usually you'll want to use either kermit or x- or y- or z-modem protocals. They're very reliable. I'd be quite hesitant to try something else. Also, your machine and ST are usually unique to you. This means that I really can't help you with this part. You could try asking, but I'm going to promise anything. Part 4: A Few Words on Net Ettiquette Net Ettiquette is something that every net user should be aware of. Relating to ftp, and our archive, it is essentially this: 1) Try to keep ftp usage to an absolute minimum during business hours, in our time zone. That would be 9 am to 5 pm , EST. This roughly means upload or download one file or so and little else during these hours. After 5pm, have a blast. Go nuts. We probably won't mind nearly as much..... Otherwise, we will drive to your campus or place of work (even if you live in Europe) and we'll kick youe butt. Or, Jon will sing Prince songs to you. Whichever you'd like the least. 2) If you have a question about some aspect of ftp service or some other area of your computer, please ask around at your site first. Don't immediately fire off all of your questions to us. I don't mind answering questions about the archive, problems with logging in, or something similar. But I tend to get upset when people ask me questions like, "Jeff, how come I can't get the fgrep command to work properly on my sparc station...." 3) Please try to upload files that you know the archive doesn't have. I know it's not the greatest thing to do, but if you can find time to download stuff, I think you can find time to return the favor and upload things also. If you have any reasonable questions, any comments or concerns, etc. please mail them to me, Thanks, weiner -- Jeff Weiner --- --- Umich atari posse Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor 718 Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, +1 313 998 0892, near the Univ. of Michigan ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 11:02:51 MET From: "Peter A.J.M. Bronts" Subject: C database librabries To: Atarians, I want to program a researchtool handling large databases. Does anyone know of existing database library sources. I need the sources because i want to make the program transportable to ms-dos and unix. I already found CBASE c-sources from Citadel this is written in full ansi-c (ftp cd pc cd c). Does anyone know if there is a release after 90/06/21. These sources contain small machine dependent parts, does anyone have them for atari Greetings Peter Bronts u212307 at hnykun11.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jan 92 20:23:27 GMT From: mcsun!unido!horga!!brewak!mailmak! (Theo Janssen) Subject: Desktop background To: Hello there ! I posted the same question month's ago, but i haven't got any answer yet. So i try again. Does anyone know if it is possible to have an alternate background on the SM124 with a 'normal' ST ? I saw that feature on the Mega STE's and the TT. I know that there's a small program for the Auto folder, which loads any DEGAS Picture as an alternate background, but only in Low-Res. Now i'm looking for the same in High-Res. Can anyone help ? greetings Theo -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DON`T FORCE IT, | Theo Janssen, Kielstrasse 1, 4600 Dortmund, FRG USE A BIGGER HAMMER !| Voice: +49 231 830394 /|\ | USBANG: {uunet}!cbmvax!cbmger!brewas!brewak!mailmak!theo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 12:57:47 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!wupost!!Sirius.df!mailgzrz!!NewsServ! (Ewald Seibert) Subject: Desktop background To: In article <>, (Theo Janssen) writes: |> Hello there ! |> I posted the same question month's ago, but i haven't got any answer yet. |> So i try again. Does anyone know if it is possible to have an alternate |> background on the SM124 with a 'normal' ST ? I saw that feature on the |> Mega STE's and the TT. |> I know that there's a small program for the Auto folder, which loads any |> DEGAS Picture as an alternate background, but only in Low-Res. Now i'm |> looking for the same in High-Res. Can anyone help ? Dear Theo The best you can do, is to buy QuickST 2.x (or higher). With this util you get faster screen-output and you can either have a (user-defined) pattern in the background or a DEGAS-picture. Greetings Ewald ============================================================================== ist Ewald Seibert, Rheinbergerstr.1 8070 Ingolstadt, 0841-86480 Wir machen SPITZENTECHNOLOGIE, ATARI macht sie preiswert ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 09:41:47 GMT From:!! (Marc Bouron) Subject: Help atari.archive To: In article <>, writes: > I have a general question. > > I'm new to this system, and I've been reading message > stating that there are files available from atari.archive, > how do I get these files? > > I've successfull used ftp, but I don't know the host name > for atari.archive. Or is it part of this system? > > Thanks is advance for your help. > > Henry Szarmach > VAX mail address = TIN::"" > Welcome to c.s.a.s! The complete address you are after is `', otherwise known as You should be able to get to it now. You need to login with userid `anonymous', then give your e-mail address as the password. I would suggest, first of all, to try the following: ftp> cd /atari ftp> get Index ftp> bye $ lpr Index Have fun! Cheers, [M][a][r][c] ===== Cray Research (UK) Ltd. ===== INTERNET: "If all the girls in Essex were laid JANET: end-to-end, no-one would be in the UUCP: ...!uknet!crayuk!M.Bouron slightest bit surprised..." VOICE: +44 344 485971 x2208 ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 09:05:43 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!wupost!!!!topaz.ucq! Subject: I cant get Zoo to work! To: In article <>, ehohnbau@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU writes: > > I've been trying to get Zoo.ttp to work for the last couple of days > and even with the recent postings I can't get it to work. > I've tried the following with both zoo.ttp and the file zooboy.zoo > in the root directory of the a: drive: > > After I click on zoo.ttp and the the parameter box I tried: > > x zooboy.zoo > x zooboy > x [aA]:[\] zooboy[.zoo] > In other words, I tried both with and without the .zoo extender > on every other option, and I tried both upper and lower case on the > drive option, and with and without the backslash. > > The only thing that happens is that it takes me right back to the > GEM desktop. > > zooboy is supposed to be a graphical interface for zoo but you need > to be able to use zoo to unzoo Zooboy!!!!! #@&*%$!! > > I'd dearly appreciate someone mailing me a way out of this! > > Thanx, > Eric Hohnbaum It's not the best solution about but what I do is copy the .zoo file to an IBM disk, put in PC-DITTO and run the IBM version of Zoo 2.1 on the .zoo file. It's okay if you have the emulator but I thought I'd tell everyone anyway as the algorithms between machine versions (IBM and ST) appear to the same for LHARC (but not the PC's LHA), (ARC and PKXARC[?]) and (UUD and UUDECODE). It's slow but does the trick. Chris. ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 09:43:58 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!wupost!!!!NewsServ!seibert (Ewald Seibert) Subject: Length of MEGAFILE cable To: In article , (Hans-Peter Nollert) writes: |> Hello everyone, |> |> like almost everybody using a MEGAFILE xx hard disk, I have come to |> find the noise level unacceptable. The solution I'm contemplating |> right now consists of 'putting it away' somehow: Into a desk drawer, |> to the next room, under a pillow, .... |> However, the short cable supplied with the MEGAFILE disk makes this |> impossible. Are there longer cables available? If I try to make one |> myself, what are the potential problems? In particular, what is the |> maximum length for this cable (both my manual and the FAQ file are |> silent on this point)? Dear Hans-Peter Some years ago ATARI tried to fulfill this wish, but soon the cut the cables again. As the stated, only those shot cables give you a secure operation. LOts of people reported problems with longer cables, so if you don't have a bufferd HD-controller, you are restricted to the ATARI cables. Sorry for the bad news Ewald ============================================================================== ist Ewald Seibert, Rheinbergerstr.1 8070 Ingolstadt, 0841-86480 Wir machen SPITZENTECHNOLOGIE, ATARI macht sie preiswert ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 10:14:38 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!ma!NewsServ! (Ewald Seibert) Subject: MIDI out to audio To: In article <>, (William Thomas Daugustine) writes: |> |> Hi. I am interested in a hopefully easy way to take the stuff that |> I record via MIDI on my STe, and somehow pump it thru the STes |> stereo audio out. Anyway I can do this without buying stuff like |> expensive digitizers? Dear Billy In the case I misunderstood your message, I excuse me in before, but 'the stuff' you 'record via MIDI' is coded data for KEY-PRESS, KEY-RELEASE, .. (all events related to your special keboard). If you write an interpreter for those datas, sample the souns of your instruments ... then you can play the MIDI-data on an STE. Greetings from Munich Ewald ============================================================================== ist Ewald Seibert, Rheinbergerstr.1 8070 Ingolstadt, 0841-86480 Wir machen SPITZENTECHNOLOGIE, ATARI macht sie preiswert ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 07:03:45 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!ucivax!!eh (Eric Trent Hohnbaum) Subject: Multifinder for Atari-ST ? To: In article <> (Florence Maraninchi) writes: > > >I need something like the equivalent of the Macintosh multifinder for Atari ST. >Does it exist ? > >Or perhaps someone can find another way of solving my problem : >I would like to use a Lisp interpreter which does not allow to call an editor. >And I don't want to quit the interpreter, then to load the editor, etc... >for each modification of the source. > >Thanks in advance This kind of program is called a context-switcher and I've heard that they can be found on Genie or the like but I've never actually seen one. ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 10:23:16 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: New Supra Modem... To: In article <> (Ben Gilbert) writes: > Hi, I recently saw an ad in a friend's computer magazine for a new > Supra modem, something like the Supra 2400 PLUS, it says it has > asynchronous 300,1200,2400 bps (that's the usual I suppose), 4800 bps > with MNP 5, and 9600 bps with v32.bis or v42.bis (can't remember which). > So can I actually pay the CHEAP $130 bucks for this modem and dial up > my school net at 9600 baud? Sounds like a good deal to me, I know that > my school dial-in IS this new v32(42).bis thing, someone tell me, 9600 > baud would be awesome for only $130 mail order... > > > Ben No the prices are listed at $299 or $399, the lower price is for the V32 model, and the other for the V32bis... -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 07:40:30 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!ucivax! Subject: Rom chip set switch time? To: I've got a 1040 at least 5 years old and I'm pretty sure it has the 6-chip Rom set but I'm not certain and I'd rather not open it up if I don't have to. I'm looking to buy a set of 1.4 chips (used if anyone is wanting to sell) but I need to be sure if mine is the 6 chip set. Can anyone tell me for sure when the switch was made from the 6 to the 2 chip set? This machine was made before the Mega's came out because my Grandfather gave me this when he got his new Mega not too long after the Mega's came out. Thanx ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 13:04:08 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!!jvnc.n et!!!!NewsServ! (Ewald Seibert) Subject: Rom chip set switch time? To: In article <>, ehohnbau@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU writes: |> |> I've got a 1040 at least 5 years old and I'm pretty sure it has the 6-chip |> Rom set but I'm not certain and I'd rather not open it up if I don't have to. |> I'm looking to buy a set of 1.4 chips (used if anyone is wanting to sell) |> but I need to be sure if mine is the 6 chip set. |> |> Can anyone tell me for sure when the switch was made from the 6 to the |> 2 chip set? This machine was made before the Mega's came out because my |> Grandfather gave me this when he got his new Mega not too long after the |> Mega's came out. The fist MEGAs had 6 Chips and the 1040STs were switched even later .... .. but now with TOS 2.06 in the shops you'd better get this one. Greetings, Ewald ============================================================================== ist Ewald Seibert, Rheinbergerstr.1 8070 Ingolstadt, 0841-86480 Wir machen SPITZENTECHNOLOGIE, ATARI macht sie preiswert ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 05:47:58 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!!!!!samsung!munnari.oz .au!!uqcspe!! (Marshall Harris (G.M.)) Subject: Smalltalk for St To: Is there a binary of Smalltalk (not "Little Smalltalk") that runs on a Mega4Ste? Is it PD? If so, where is it? If not, where is it, anyway! Thanks. -- _-_|\ (Marshall Harris)|ph:+61 7 365 2908 / B <--+ Department of Computer Science :fx:+61 7 365 1999 \_.-._/ | University of Queensland, St.Lucia v +--Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA (The Sub-Tropics) ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 09:50:19 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!fauern!un ido!!! (Torsten Scherer) Subject: ST Drive blues To: In article <...>, (Stuart Charman) writes: |> I have but a lowly single-sided internal drive, and am desperately in need |> of an update to double-sided. Can anyone give me any advice as to the best |> or cheapest way to go about this. Can I simply buy a external drive, or must |> I fit a new internal. What price an internal, can I fit it myself. Well, in fact you must simply replace the internal drive by any double- sided drive with shugart-bus connector and that's all... except that the front plate layout will not fit in an ST, so you'll have to modify the case a bit. The costs of this operation? Approximately 120DM = 75 US$ = 45 GB pounds (just for the dd-drive without any case or power supply) But be sure to put the connectors in the right way to it, otherwise... TeSche -- this perversion of alphanumerical characters was created by torsten scherer, universitaet bielefeld, germany just experimenting with the .signatur file a bit... ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 05:04:21 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!rpi! (Robert Jeffrey Pinelli) Subject: What to do? To: In article <> (Scott R. Chilcote) writes: > >Hey, Ken, this isn't as twisted as it sounds! > >When I bought my Mega 2 a couple of years ago, I eventually looked inside and >found that it had FOUR megs of RAM in the motherboard! > >Apparently very few Megas are like this one. I found that the RAS line to the >upper bank had been left unsoldered, so only two megs of RAM were useable. I >corrected this oversight, and zam! Four megs! > >Atari's attempt to limit *my* address space failed too. Sadly, most mega 2's >were not made this way; slim pickings for conspiracy hunters... > >... So what's the real story behind the guy with the pipe again? I believe that the reason behind this is that Megas originally meant to be Mega 4's that had bad memory in the upper 2 megs had this modification made to convert it to a Mega 2. I have an early Mega (Bought Oct 87) which has the original motherboard with room for 4 megs, except half of the RAM chips are missing! Should I ever desire to upgrade to 4 megs, all I need to do is pop in 16 1Mb rams and I've got it. Atari eventually wisened up to this and redesigned the Mega 2 motherboard so that memory upgrades would be more $$$! I believe that somewhere printed on your machine you will find the words "Mega 4" (the bottom label perhaps, or maybe the back) since it was probably intended to be a Mega 4 originally. --Rob p.s. To get an idea how old my mega is, it has the 6 chip ROM set in it that almost NO Megas have! Boy am I glad I didn't take Toad Computer's word for it when ordering my TOS 1.4 upgrade! ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 92 06:23:47 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!usenet.coe.mont!ogicse!milton! (Gregory Miller) Subject: Yet another ST for sale To: In article <1992Jan22.183730.12621@varian.uucp> lefko@csbvax.uucp (Marty Lefkowitz) writes: >Atari 520STfm for sale. Hardly used. 1040 motherboard. >Comes with mono monitor, >1 double sided disk (IBM compatible) >1 single sided disk. >Monitor Stand >All origonal boxes and manuals > >$350 or best offer. Heh heh.... Like a rat scrambling to abandon a sinking ship, yet another Atarian offers up his 'computer' hoping that some fool will be stupid enough to buy it. _______________________________________________________________________________ __ I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, /// briefed, debriefed, or numbered. __ /// Only Amiga makes \\\/// it possible..... My life is my own. \XX/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************