Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 19 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 668 Today's Topics: 3am Downloading (was Re: umich archives) ARC 5.21e on atari.archive Atari 520ST Systems $350 Calamus SL Demo, where? Chaos Strikes Back First Word Plus Bugs: HELP WANTED FSMGDOS font availability Graphics Boards for the ST (2 msgs) HDX 5 Availability Quick ST support ST - Super - VGA ST and X Windows wanted: memory test program!! Why ASV Is A Dead No Future Product Why does tcsh crash? Why not Atari ASV Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 19 Dec 91 02:44:19 GMT From: duke!!! (Scott Bigham) Subject: 3am Downloading (was Re: umich archives) To: Little did I know what I was getting into when I wrote in <>: > [...] I set up an `at' job to download a lot of >files at about 3am, and they all came through fine. Several people have written to ask How I Did It, and since this may well be of interest to others, I figured I'd post it. If you disagree, hit `n' now. Still with me? Okay, the following assumes that you're on a Unix system with FTP access. It may also be a bit oversimplistic for some, but better to be oversimplistic than overcryptic. 1. If you haven't already done so, create in your home directory a file named .netrc with the following line: machine login anonymous password or add said line to an existing .netrc. This will log you in automatically when you connect to a.a, and is thus useful in its own right. 2. Create a file (say `infile') containing the ftp commands you'd normally use to download files; for instance: binary hash cd atari/games get wizard.arc cd ../mint get mint092b.zoo [etc...] 3. Create another file (say `cmdfile') containing the single line: ftp < infile > outfile 4. Type the command: at 3am cmdfile At this point you might get one of two errors. `at: Command not found' or similar means your system doesn't have an `at' command. Oh well. `at: Permission denied' or similar means that on your system, only certain users are allowed to use `at'. Talk to the local system admin about getting added to the at.allow list. If you get a cryptic number back, you've succeeded; that's the ID number of the `at' job you just created. 5. Check back tomorrow. If it worked, you should see all the files you requested, and a file named `outfile' containing a sort of "transaction log" -- most or all of what you would have seen had you been running ftp interactively. Note that the `3am' parameter can be made more elaborate -- `at 4am thursday', for instance. Type "man at" for more information. If you have questions (or if I've made mistakes), I'm just an 'r' (or an 'f') away. -sbigham -- Scott Bigham | The opinions expressed above are | (c) 1991 Hacker Ltd. and cannot be | copied or distributed without a | Darn Good Reason(tm). ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 08:33:03 GMT From:!!!usc!!hanauma.jpl.nasa.go v! (Howard Chu) Subject: ARC 5.21e on atari.archive To: Well, I kept forgetting to put a copy up, but it's there now. In %ftp/atari/archivers/arc521e.arc is a Readme file, arc.ttp, and marc.ttp. I have deleted the file arcsrc.arc since it was nearly 3 years old. The current source code can be found in %ftp/unix/arc521e.tar.Z. I also took the liberty of renaming arc.ttp to arc.ttp.old, and putting a copy of the arc 5.21e binary in its place. I don't think the old file be needed any more either, but if you're interested in comparing their speed or comparing bugs it's available for now... Also in %ftp/atari/archivers is a file arc.zoo which appears to be a recent effort to port an old version of ARC to ST Minix. I suspect that this file is now unnecessary but haven't had the time to really check it out yet. If any of you active 68K Minix users could try out the arc 5.21e source and let me know what happens I'd appreciate it. Best results if compiled with gcc 1.40. -- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 03:50:37 GMT From: agate!darkstar!ucsco! (Larry McElhiney) Subject: Atari 520ST Systems $350 To: I've decide to sell my 2 spare Atari 520ST Mono systems which have been mainly used (lightly) for Midi activities. Details as follows: Atari 520ST Monochrome System (2ea.) (very good condition) -Atari 520ST computer w/power supply, mouse, manual -Atari SM124 Monochrome Monitor w/power cord, cable, manual -Atari SF354 Single Sided Floppy w/power supply, cable, manual Price: $350 per system + shipping costs Much software can be added to make this more interesting to you as a buyer, inquire within... Please contact me by email reply to this article or at: mchome! Larry McElhiney (408) 426-5858 x358 ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 91 21:56:03 GMT From: garfield! (Anthony Paul) Subject: Calamus SL Demo, where? To: Can someone PLEASE tell me where I can FTP the Calamus *SL* demo? If it is not available anywhere, could someone please put it on a site somewhere and let me know where. If this is not possible, could someone please mail it to me? This would be greatly appreciated, as I don't want to spend $500 + (?) on a prg that I have never seen! Thank you very much. Anthony V. PauL AV VPPPP 137 Rennies Mill Rd. A V V P St. John's, Nf A V V P CanadA AAAAV VPPPP A1B 2P2 A V V A VV avp@garfield.UUCP || It wasn't me. || Electrical '9 || Boston Celtics in 91-92 || Engineering 3 || The best defense is a good offense. --- How do you Drive? || ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 07:56:41 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: Chaos Strikes Back To: In article <1991Dec17.124107.600@wkuvx1.bitnet> easteee@wkuvx1.bitnet writes: >After copying Chaos Strikes Back, the game bombs after going up/down >levels or falling in pits... anyone know how to fix this? Yes... don't copy it.. BobR ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 03:14:29 GMT From:! (Marco) Subject: First Word Plus Bugs: HELP WANTED To: I have GST's First Word Plus version 3.15 and have found a couple of bugs (one of them is very major). The major one is in the printing. I have a Star NX-10 9-pin and have had no problems with it before. However, when I print a WordPlus document it will occasionally (and for no apparent reason) start underlining text. When I open up the document it's not underlined. The Technical Support line says they no of this bug, so I assume it's not the printer. Has anyone else come across this problem? Does anyone know of a way to _PREVENT_ it (I can _cure_ it, just not prevent it)? Perhaps there's a newer version that's fixed this problem? Thanks for any help. Please respond by e-mail, as I don't have access to this newsgroup. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | John Perry*Voice (204)783-0812*Internet | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 06:28:08 GMT From: ogicse!orstcs!orstcs! (John Thaanum) Subject: FSMGDOS font availability To: Well, I just picked up a copy of Goldleaf's Wordflair II. The new outline fonts with FSM' are really nice. Printer output, even with my lowly 9pin is real good. What I am really wondering about here is the availability of outline fonts for use with FSM-GDOS. It comes with the basics: roman, sans serif, calligraphy, etc, but that isn't a whole lot of variety. Have any of you out there seen PD fonts out there yet? Tons of the old bitmapped fonts for the older GDOS can be found in magazine ads and places like atari.archive, but I personally haven't seen anything that is specific for FSM-GDOS. It seems like half of my hard drive is dedicated to fonts to go with all the different apps I have. What a pain in the wa-zoo. At least these new ones really look good on paper. Thanks for any info, -- +--------------------------------------------------------+ John Thaanum "A better tomorrow takes your best today..." -Triumph +--------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 91 13:33:49 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!!catless! (Dave Halliday) Subject: Graphics Boards for the ST To: There is also the Reflex graphics card for STe's, Mega STe's and Mega ST's. This is a hires mono card giving upto 1024x1024 resolution. The card is supposed support all properly written GEM applications. One major bonus of this card is that it is supposed to be able to display somthinbg like 820x600 on a standard SM125 (non interlaced) unfortunatly the SM124 is not capable of this. The company also sells a host of monitors like a Samsung A4 portrate monitor for use with the card. Dave. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK. Halliday EMail : Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232 ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 02:16:36 GMT From: mcsun!!funic!! (Jartsu) Subject: Graphics Boards for the ST To: In article <> (Ben Gilbert) writes: > Hi, I am fairly new posting to this newsgroup, but I noticed several people > have asked about hardware graphics upgrades for the ST/STe/TT/etc.., with no > significant response. Here's a short list of some data I have compiled on > the subject, it is by no means complete and I'm sure I won't be able to figure > out all the little details, but here goes... > (Information from AtariUser 11/91 and Atari Explorer 9/91) And let me add few things and correct some others, info found from various German magazines and several users. First: Four totally uncovered cards MegaScreen Gives you 832x624 monochrome, connects to MegaBus and works with Spectre 100% sure. Cheap. Reflex Gives you 1024x1024 with regular SM124!!!. With expansion 2048x2048 possible. Can be used with almost any bigscreen display, and refresh-frequency adjustable by changing the oscillator. Works with Spectre. ODIN An external expansion made by Marvin AG, Switzerland. Gives TT-resolutions to a regular ST. Reasonable priced. Cyrel (sp?) Canadian RISC-based card, the most powerful and expensive available. If I remember correctly, it is able to give at least 1280x1024 with true 16.7 million colors. Costs over $10.000 I think... There are other cards also, these vere the ones I recalled immediately and noticed they were not covered by the original list. Contact information for all European boards available by emailing to me or the Atari power user mailing list, The to corrections... > 1) C32 board by Matrix Datensystem (Germany) > * 800x608, 256 colors > * Mega ST -or- STe, TT VME buss Available for all ST/TT models, three versions, 256kb, 512kb and 1Mb. Further options available upon request. (Super mono, true color etc) > 2) C75Z board by Matrix Datensystem (Germany) > * 1024x768, 256 colors > * Mega ST -or- STe, TT VME buss Also this card has many different versions. The Matrix GmbH has over 15, maybe over 20 with all versions, different graphic boards available, from hobbyist to professional, from CAD to GenLock&digitizing. > 4) The Imagine by Wittich Computer GmbH (sounds German... ?) > * 1024x768, 256 colors > * Mega ST only It is indeed German. Versions available for all ST/TT models. Several possible resolutions. Reasonable priced, but slow and not very compatible... > 5) Crazy Dots by TKR (Germany) > * 1024x768, 256 colors > * Mega ST only 1280x800, 256 colors out of 16.7 million colors palette. 1664x1200 with both 16 colors and monochrome. True color option available for 16.7 million simultaneous colors on screen. Available for Mega ST, Mega STe and TT. > 6) ST-Super-VGA (also called Resolution Super VGA) > * Adapts a PC Super VGA card for use with the ST > * 8 resolutions, 320x200 through 1600x1200 > * 16 colors without driver, 256 out of 256,000 with driver > * 1 MB RAM > * Uses a standard VGA monitor > * Mega ST -or- regular ST's, 520/1040 > * Available in U.S. from Rio Datel, > 1-800-782-9110, (702) 454-7700, > 3430 E. Tropicana Ave #65, Las Vegas, NV 89121, U.S.A. Weird data above??? reSOLUTION SuperVGA by GengTec, Germany, US distributor RIO Computers. Not an PC card adapter! A SVGA-card fully designed for Atari. 1024x768 is the highest possible with 256 colors. The driver is called Multicolor VGA option. Compatible with NVDI and Blitter. Multisync monitor recommended, available for ST's, Mega ST's and Mega STe's. > Well, there you have it, a partial list of graphics upgrades... As > you can see I don't have tech specs or even features for all of them, I do > know the ISAC, JRI, and the Lexicor thing are compatible with the Lexicor > programs, don't know what stuff the other boards work with. I'm SURE :) > someone else has some detailed information about these, maybe even has one... I have been mainly hunting down NeoDesk and Spectre compatibility. Surely Spectre compatibles I have mentioned above. reSOLUTION is not Spectre compatible *yet*. Imagine will never be, I guess. I got some info from a German Matrix user and the Matrix GmbH too. Because NeoDesk uses line-A for output, most cards aren't compatible with it in extended color mode. They tested NeoDesk with Matrix C75Z and C110Z. Spectre should be compatible with Matrix's cards in monochrome mode, no info yet about other cards. For people who are looking for hi compatibility, extended colors, high refresh rate, reasonable resolution for 14" multisync and relatively cheap price, my recommendation is Matrix C32. Those who use GEM-programs and want hi quality for DTP & such, Matrix C75Z, C110Z and Crazy Dots with at least 20" Trinitron monitor is recommended. Low budget SVGA - reSOLUTION is the solution. Professional hi-end use - Cyrel (or is it called Cyrix???) Hobby or semi-pro DTP - Reflex Hobby DTP - MegaScreen To catch up TT - ODIN These are purely my personal opinions. I have no further experience about those US cards mentioned, they may well suit to these recommendations I gave. Again, if there are interest for these European cards, I can give you some additional info about them, and at least with Matrix, ODIN and MegaScreen I can pass through your orders... There is a chanse that RIO-Computers has MegaScreen too. It should be less than $200. -- * Jari Lehto * Voice 90-387939 * Email * * Tenavatie 19 A * Fax +358 0 8735916 * fwd -> * * 00760 HELSINKI * Atari moderator at * * Finland * Administrator of Atari power-user mailing-list * ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 07:34:38 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: HDX 5 Availability To: Atari HDX 5.0 is available on CompuServe, and I would assume, on GEnie... BobR ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 07:51:13 GMT From: fernwood!portal!! Subject: Quick ST support To: Funny how the Atari market has shrunk to the point where a programmer's "attitude" can determine whether someone will choose to accellerate their computer's screen updates... Somehow I can't picture anyone in the IBM market saying to themselves "I'll just plod along with this piss poor screen response because I don't like the color of Chuck Forsberg's underwear"... Or... "What an attitude that Phil Katz has copped... just to show him, I'll keep running my desktop at the slowest possible speed..." I don't think I'll play Dungeon Master any more, since I heard the programmer might be Republicans... Do you think the Calamus people might be Catholics..? Better not buy any of their products... I'm amused... BobR ------------------------------ Date: 18 Dec 91 17:43:53 GMT From: noao!ncar!asuvax!!utgpu!utorvm!ryerson! (me) Subject: ST - Super - VGA To: reSOLUTION SUPER VGA 8 PREPROGRAMMED RESOLUTIONS 320X200 TO 1600X1200 256 On Screen Colors Out of 256K With Custom NVDI Driver (16 colors w/o driver) Tseng chipset With 1MB RAM Works With All VGA Monitors Simple Plug-in Installation Only $499.95 NVDI Driver - Only $59.95 RIO COMPUTERS That is all the information I have on that one. OMNI Chrome. 16.7 Million Color Palette VDI Compatible for maximum compatability with GEM programs! LEVEL I: 640x200 w/256 colors on your SC1224 Monitor LEVEL 2: 640x400 w/256 colors - OMNIMON monitor required LEVEL 3: 800x600 w/256 colors - OMNIMON monitor required Some rumours I've heard: It works by plugging to the shifter socket. It includes a socket for the shifter. Prices are $299,$399,$499 ?? Includes VRAM for speed. Can be upgraded from different levels by adding more VRAM. Carlos Varela ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 09:20:07 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!stl!dsbc!ozz! (Steve Strong) Subject: ST and X Windows To: Ok, probably been asked a thousand time already, but is there any software available to make an ST into an X terminal? Preferably PD! Hows that for short :-) Cheers, Steve -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Strong - email | Wasn't me. I didn't say that. voice 44 344 424842 extn 2279 | Definitely got the wrong guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELLO, I'm a signature virus! Join in the fun and copy me into yours! ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 91 19:41:59 GMT From: psinntp!mpoint! (Chris Mauritz) Subject: wanted: memory test program!! To: In article <> (Roger Sheppard) writes: >In article <1991Dec15.230653.3599yonder@netcom.COM> yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher Russell) writes: >> I'm desperately seeking a good memory testing program. My computer is >> acting flakey and I would like to rule out (or in) memory problems. There >> is a memtest program on atari.archive, but it only tests 512 or 1Meg. I >> have 2.5Meg. could somebody help me out here? thanks... When I had my ST, I purchased an EZRAM II board and it came with a nice memory tester. Unfortunately, I don't have the computer or the software, but you may be able to locate someone with an EZRAM board who still has the original disk that came with it. Good luck. Chris -- ------------------------------------+------------------------------------------ Chris Mauritz |Meetpoint Station BBS - Public Access Unix |(718)899-0662 v.32/v.32bis/v.42bis 9600b Copyright (C) 1991 |Join us...We're friendly dammit! :-) ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 09:16:51 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!stl!dsbc!ozz! (Steve Strong) Subject: Why ASV Is A Dead No Future Product To: (Richard Covert) writes: > The problem with buying a TT/ASV now is that you can not be certain > that ANY THIRD PARTY support for it will EVER materialize! [ Stuff deleted ] > So, the basic question is: > > Why should ANYONE market ANYHTING for the TT/ASV? > > That is my point. Not that fine products couldn't be developed > for the TT/ASV. Just that they won't!! Ok, lets try again. _*ANY*_ System 5 source will compile and run. _*ANY*_ System 5 680x0 binary will run. The third party support is already there. > -- > Richard E. Covert > CACTUS ..!!!covert -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Strong - email | Wasn't me. I didn't say that. voice 44 344 424842 extn 2279 | Definitely got the wrong guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELLO, I'm a signature virus! Join in the fun and copy me into yours! ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 06:53:34 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!ut-emx! (Timothy Gallivan) Subject: Why does tcsh crash? To: Hi, I eagerly downloaded tcsh from atari.archive, only to find that it crashes on startup with a bus error. Major disappointment--I hate bash and ksh. Has anyone else encountered this? I have a 520 (TOS 1.0 is probably the culprit) with 4 Meg of memory, and have tried running tcsh from within MiNT .92 and gulam. Any info will be greatly appreciated. I miss tcsh correcting my spelling mistakes when I am working at home. -Tim Gallivan ------------------------------ Date: 19 Dec 91 01:03:48 GMT From: mcsun!!funic!! (Jartsu) Subject: Why not Atari ASV To: In article <> ( Volker A. Brandt ) writes: > If there was a free BSD/mach3 port for the TT, I'd buy a TT right away. The Finnish Atari-developer group (which chairman I happen to be) is currently concidering to start porting this combination for both 030-accelerated ST and TT. Free device drivers are most welcome as a gift to the group... -- * Jari Lehto * Voice 90-387939 * Email * * Tenavatie 19 A * Fax +358 0 8735916 * fwd -> * * 00760 HELSINKI * Atari moderator at * * Finland * Administrator of Atari power-user mailing-list * ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************