Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 12 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 479 Today's Topics: ATARI 520ST (2 msgs) Atari Computers for sale. Help: MiNT and remote logins. (2 msgs) Looking for term program... (2 msgs) New upload to atari.archive Rufus with Matrix M110 possible? (2 msgs) ST Cartridge Port Questions subscription (2 msgs) subscription to Info-Atari16 tools for manipulating postscript files TT-RAM card TT scsi dma two bugs in PBMPLUS (ST-version) WANTED Z80 ASSEMBLER/DISSASSEMBLER FOR Atari st Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 11 Sep 91 14:22:55 GMT From: dg! (Allen Chan) Subject: ATARI 520ST To: Atari 520ST, Complete system for serious user. Hardware: 1 meg memory, color monitor, dual sided floppy drive, 30 meg harddrive, MIDI, etc. Langauges: Pascal, Modula-2, LISP, 68K macro assembler. Tools: Unix, multitasking package, communications package, VT100 emulator. Applications: Word processor with real time spell checker, 1-2-3 like spreadsheet with write 90, database, CAD program. Books & Manuals: 68K programmer's books, TOS BIOS book, system manuals, applications manuals. Fun Stuff: Music program, copy protection breaker, two draw programs, too many games to mention. works perfectly. Sell whole system or parts. $950/bo for whole system or trade for motorcycle Peabody MA, leave msg or call after 6pm, Irene (508) 977-9964 ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 06:23:04 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: ATARI 520ST To: In <> (Allen Chan) writes: >Atari 520ST, Complete system for serious user. >Tools: Unix, multitasking package, communications package, >VT100 emulator. Yeah, I have Unix in a Desk Accessory. It even runs X-windows, giving a maximum resolution of 1280x960 in Low res, and 2560x1920 in high res. It uses special encoding techniques to cram 200 Megabytes onto a 30 Meg harddrive, and a special adaptor that allows the ST to be hooked up to a LAN via the printer port, which Atari so cleverly made bidirectional. In a million years. Warwick -- _-_|\ / * <-- Computer Science Department, \_.-._/ University of Queensland, v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 00:13:51 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!pwp%iuvax.cs.indi (Paul Purdom) Subject: Atari Computers for sale. To: Let me encourage people posting information about computers for sale to include a line about their geographic location. ------------------------------ Date: 11 Sep 91 16:45:28 GMT From: infonode!ingr!b11! (Cery McCormick) Subject: Help: MiNT and remote logins. To: In response to a previous message of mine, several people suggested that I try MiNT. After looking at it for a couple of days it seems like I should stick with it. (Thanks for the responses.) What I ultimately would like to do, is be able to remote login (via modem) to a shell running on the ST. This would allow me to do file transfers without messing with setting up my own BBS. Is there a quick and dirty way of doing this by redirecting I/O for the shell? Also, what shells would allow me to do this? Is the MiNT 'kernel' suitable for this? Many thanks in advance for any help. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> | J. Cary McCormick | Intergraph Corp. | | | Senior Systems Engr. | Huntsville, Al | "The Rules are Different Here."| | Problem Assessment and | 35894-0001 | | | Solutions Engineering | M.S. CR1105 | - Florida state slogan. | | Department. | (205) 730-6185 | | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 08:04:56 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!!thelake!steve (Steve Yelvington) Subject: Help: MiNT and remote logins. To: [In article <>, (Cery McCormick) writes ... ] > What I ultimately would like to do, is be able to remote login > (via modem) to a shell running on the ST. This would allow me to do > file transfers without messing with setting up my own BBS. Is there a > quick and dirty way of doing this by redirecting I/O for the shell? > Also, what shells would allow me to do this? Is the MiNT 'kernel' > suitable for this? There are some problems with doing this the quick and dirty way. What happens if your modem fails? What happens if some pimple-faced teen-age zombie hacker gets into your system? These problems aren't hard to solve; you could write a little login program and a safe shell-around-the-shell in about 45 minutes. Just be sure to keep an eye on the modem's CD line and -- if you really want to be safe -- the clock. The remote shell can then pass commands to a conventional shell via the library system() call. That way you get the shell's power with a BBS's safety. ---- Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota (USA) Member, Burned Out Newspapercreatures Guild ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 01:24:33 GMT From:!!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: Looking for term program... To: (Techno) writes: > (Christopher M Mauritz) writes: >>Uniterm is definitely the best term program for the ST, bar none. >Well, it seems you haven't seen Rufus as yet. Well, it seems you haven't seen Uniterm as yet. Seriously... I tried Rufus, but it bombed out a couple of times, plus I don't have a blitter, so the display is rather slow (if you still want 80x24). Does Rufus support a macro control language anything like that of Uniterm? When I login to uni, it is a one button affair (excluding password input). And it is a fairly complex login. Warwick -- _-_|\ / * <-- Computer Science Department, \_.-._/ University of Queensland, v Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 01:32:18 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!spdev!texsun!digi!r (Roy Gosewehr) Subject: Looking for term program... To: In article <> (Andrew C. Stoffel) writes: > >I bought a copy of it BEFORE I found out about Uniterm. It's an ACC & >also can act as a sort of mini-BBS. I wasn't too impressed with the >kermit end & never tried the other. It's kermit wasn't very reliable >when talking to a Vax. And since Flash could only be a vt52.... I MUCH >prefer Uniterm. Flash can emulate a VT100 (could for quite some time). I don't know about the Antic ACC version of Kermit, but the PD version works GREAT when talking to a VAX. (I use it all the time.) Roy C. Gosewehr ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 00:14:32 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!samsung!umich!gumby!wmu-coyote!dodgson@ (Harry Dodgson) Subject: New upload to atari.archive To: This is the doc file to a program I just ftp'ed to atari.archive. I hope you find it as useful as I do. ------------------------------------------- Deluxe Rename program written by Harry Dodgson with the assistance of Mark O'Bryan for some of the GEMDOS calls. Copyright 1991, Harry Dodgson. see bottom for distribution notice ------------------------------------------- I wrote this program to rename groups of files and to move them from place to place on my hard drive. I wrote it in True Basic so it is a pretty large binary program. There is no sigificant error handling in my code, but it is robust anyway. Everything runs from menu bars and dialogs. The status window is not graceful or polished, just usable. To use it, select the options from the menu bar to get the file selector box for both the source and destination directories/names. I have set it up to work with both the TOS 1.4 file selector or the LGS prompt syntax. There is also a menu option to arrange the input file characters into a different order than they started in. As an example, you can rename a group of files named: D:\INCOMING\DIG01TXT.ATA - DIG35TXT.ATA into D:\SAVE\DIGEST01.UM - DIGEST35.UM very easily. When you choose "Set Old" from the menu bar, you will get the file selector and can choose the path specifier and file types, both ? and * being allowed. The status window will list the files selected. You can optionally choose "Set Shuffle" to rearrange the order of characters. Then you choose "Set New" to choose the destination for the files. When you select "Rename" from the menu bar you are shown the list of files in the status window and are allowed to cancel the current operation. If you choose to continue, then the stus window will show each file as it is being renamed. If you don't type in anything for the filenames in the source file selector, it will assume you want the entire directory contents. If you don't select a shuffle pattern it will leave the characters in the same order they started in. If you leave the destination filename blank, it will assume that you don't want to force any characters into the destination filename. To perform the example, you would select the directory D:\INCOMING and use DIG??TXT.ATA as the source specifier. Then set shuffle as 12300045.000 . Lastly set the destination specifier for D:\SAVE and DIGEST*.UM . Notice that I use 0s as place holders for don't care entries in the shuffle specifier. The program will properly expand and compress the filenames so that there are not any invalid characters embedded in the filename. It also doesn't really matter what order you set things in. You can choose destination, shuffle, source if you wish. -------------------------------------------------------- This is a shareware program. If you like it, send me what you think it is worth (say $5.00). If you don't like it, send email to with constructive criticism so I can improve it. Harry Dodgson 2355 s. 9th St Kalamazoo MI 49009-9405 -------------------------------------------------------- -- Harry Dodgson Jr. | Internet Western Michigan University | -( )- Computer Science Department | Voice (616) 387-5803 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 | Office 4038 Friedmann Hall ------------------------------ Date: 11 Sep 91 20:34:08 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!!!nadia! (Cabell Fearn) Subject: Rufus with Matrix M110 possible? To: Is it possible to use the Rufus terminal program with the Matrix M110 screen. All I get is a Address error when I run rufus.prg? My software for the Matrix screen is version 2.0 and I am using the normal GDOS on my TOS 1.2 Mega ST. Thanks Cabell ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 08:19:48 GMT From: mcsun!!funic!! (Kimmo Lahtinen) Subject: Rufus with Matrix M110 possible? To: I am using Rufus with Matrix C32 and it works nice (I have version 1.06 of Rufus but also 1.02 worked). Rufus is quite clean program. By the way I have in contact with the author and hes just preparing version 1.1 of Rufus. I will have really working VT100 emulation. And other nice things, so it is about a time to register. His email address is Michael_Bernards@mausbox.MAUS.DE -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kimmo Lahtinen E-Mail : or Finnish Meteorological Institute Phone : +358 0 758 1322 Possessed by a Spirit G3 Fax : +358 0 758 1396 ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 13:26:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!!trantor! (polivka al 60047) Subject: ST Cartridge Port Questions To: Can anyone answer some or all of the following questions with respect to the Atari ST Cartridge Port: 1. How fast can the ROM data be accessed via the Cart. Port? (i.e. how many addresses per second [maximum] can it sequence through)? 2. How much current can the computer supply via the two +5 VDC pins? (pins 1 and 2)? (how much current per pin, or are they tied together?) 3. What type of load are the address pins capable of driving? (e.g. TTL, CMOS, etc)? 4. What is the function of the "Upper Data Strobe" and "Lower Data Strobe" pins? How do they relate (if at all) to the "ROM Select 3" and "ROM Select 4" pins? (i.e. are they for selecting ROMs 1 and 2 in a bank of up to 4 ROMs?) If you can supply the answers to _any_ of the above questions, please do so, either via posting or via e-mail (preferably e-mail). Thanks, Al -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Al Polivka Internet: Harris Corporation UUCP: uunet!x102a!apolivka Electronic Systems Sector phone: 407-729-2983 Melbourne, FL 32902 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Sep 91 08:43:52 EDT From: Martin Hajek Subject: subscription To: SUBSCRIBE INFO-A16 INFO INDEX INFO-A16 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Sep 91 08:43:52 EDT From: Martin Hajek Subject: subscription To: SUBSCRIBE INFO-A16 INFO INDEX INFO-A16 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Sep 91 12:50:01 MET DST From: (Lai) Subject: subscription to Info-Atari16 To: Hello, Is it possible to subscribe me to a kind of mailing-list for all the mails on this mailgroup ? Greetings, C.W. Lai E-mail : ------------------------------ Date: 12 Sep 91 11:53:19 GMT From: mcsun!unido!gmdzi! (Jelske Kloppenburg) Subject: tools for manipulating postscript files To: In article <> (Peter Jackson) writes: > Hello, does anyone know of any tools available which can be used to > manipulate postscript figures? What I need to be able to do is > read postscript plots and drawings created by a number of other > packages, and to move and delete objects, combine images, scale > and resize images, and anotate images with text (including greek > symbols) and drawing. > The program would have to be able to do this without losing > resolution and would need to output another (encapsulated) postscript > file which could subsequently be printed. > > Something which can run on an Atari ST would be great, but if > anyone knows of anything which can do this on other platforms > (PC, Sun sparcstation, SGI, Mac) it would be useful to me as well. > > I have tried packages on the sparcstation (Island Draw, Xfig and others), > but they all had difficulty correctly reading complex postscript > plots. > > If I am emailed responses, I would be pleased to post a summary. > Thanks. > -- > ====================================================================== > Peter L. Jackson | > Atmospheric Science/Geography | usermeso@ubcmtsg.bitnet > University of British Columbia | ph:(604)822-2269 fax:(604)822-6150 -- Most of all that is possible with a NeXT Station and (perhaps) Adobe Illustrator. Jelske Kloppenburg +49 2241 14-2433 German National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD) ------------------------------ Date: 11 Sep 91 11:51:16 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!gatech!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!ugle!! (Stig Vidar Hovland) Subject: TT-RAM card To: Are there anyone out there which have any technical information aboat the TT-ram card sold by GE-Soft in germany. Stig Vidar Hovland - ------------------------------ Date: 11 Sep 91 20:34:24 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!cst6! (Frans Meulenbroeks) Subject: TT scsi dma To: Hi, according to the TT docs the xbios calls dmaread and dmawrite do not use dma to transfer scsi data, but handshakes them across the bus. Does someone know why this is? Somehow now dmaread seems a silly name to me.... -- Frans Meulenbroeks ( Philips Research Laboratories ------------------------------ Date: 11 Sep 91 22:08:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!p!linac!att!!m2c!!dime!michael (Michael Kieras) Subject: two bugs in PBMPLUS (ST-version) To: In article <> (William Rosenkranz) writes: >In article <> (Lars Michael) writes: >you might try adding a "-o output_file" rather than using stdout. >make sure you open this "wb" in the ppmtogif code. >most shells cannot/do not make stdout binary mode. > >> - patch all ppmto***.ttp. Seek for the above error message. > >if you manage this, consider an upload to atari.archive. > >-bill > Recently I used the original sources to the pbmplus package and rebuilt them with gcc 1.40 on the ST. There is a flag in pbmplus.h (if memory serves) that specifies whether the different pbm programs create binary files, as the ones currently on the umich archive do, or whether they create files with textual representation of the data. Since I had the same problem with the versions on atari umich that you had, I built the programs with the flag set to create numeric text data. These programs worked, but using textual data files has a couple of (minorly) undesirable effects. First, depending on the resolution of the images you're working with, the data files can become monstrously huge. For example, a 640 x 400 color ppm image took up about 2.3M on my hard drive. Also, the larger file size, in combination with the fact that the programs have to translate between binary and alphanumeric representations also make processing slower. There are a couple of reasons that I have not posted the versions I built. First, and foremost, I am not sure which programs actually work. Pbmplus is a large package that supports many image formats, most of which I really couldn't care less about, and I don't have the time or inclination to test and maintain them. At least one program that I built does not work correctly (either qrttoppm or ppmquant; maybe ppmtogif, but I doubt it as I giftoppm'ed an image, and then converted it back and that worked). The other reason is that the pbmplus sources I have don't include any of the spectrum file processors (ppmtospc, ppmtospu, spctoppm, sputoppm), and I want to include at least the spu converters, so I'm going to have to use the ppm library functions to write them myself. Again, limited time comes into play here. The only reason I really want the package for is its qrt converter, and until I can get qrt itself correctly ported, I won't be working much on pbmplus. (As an aside, qrt is really beginning to bug me; I've gotten it to correctly build on every other platform I've tried EXCEPT the ST. I finally found a version that someone ported on the Codehead BBS, but it was apparently written in Laser C, and it blows my Micro RTX kernel into tiny smithereenies. ARGH! As far as I'm concerned, if I can't background something that takes that long to run, it's useless. However, if others are interested, I will post the Laser C port to umich.). If you've made it through this much of my loquacity, let me just say that aside from the makefiles, everything else in the pbmplus package pretty much built as-is with gcc, so if someone with a greater interest in the variety of formats wants to support it, it PROBABLY only requires minor fixes here and there; the trick is finding the trouble spots (if indeed the programs actually do not work). Comments and questions are welcomed. Michael Kieras ------------------------------ Date: 10 Sep 91 14:30:38 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!!goanna!min! (Richard Clarkson) Subject: WANTED Z80 ASSEMBLER/DISSASSEMBLER FOR Atari st To: I am chasing a Z80 assembler dissassemble for the Z80 that will run on the atari environment! Has anyone else found this program that does this and does it exist? I have a projuect comming up which involes alot of Z80 coding /decoding and all i have is the atari 1040 st? Any help of suggestionns greatly appreciated Richard Clarkson . x ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************