Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 25 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 407 Today's Topics: Accidently formatting A Decent Debugger Interface (was Re: An idea for DC Software? (wish list)) Can you believe this? Dave Baggett's .au converter Function Proto types (was Re: Lattice C -- Single Pass?) Gemini and .APPs... (2 msgs) Interesting Archiver Facts [was Re: Use Unlzh 1.72 ...] Internet-address wanted (2 msgs) Lattice C -- Single Pass? Lynx info wanted Mega STe in UK. Multisync Monitor question Re : Video tape backup system. supra clock Tape backup question Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 25 Jul 91 12:42:20 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!fauern!faui43! (Claus Brod) Subject: Accidently formatting To: (Carl-Fredrik Soerensen) writes: >A friend of mine have an Atari 1040STE. >He has accidently formatted a floppy with some days work (he had no >backup). >I wonder if there exists any opportunities to recover the data (as >Norton Utilities etc.) Formatting a disk means deleting the data completely. You don't have the slightest chance of recovering them unless your friend stopped the process soon enough. --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 11:52:49 GMT From: mcsun!corton!chorus!! (Marc Maathuis) Subject: A Decent Debugger Interface (was Re: An idea for DC Software? (wish list)) To: In article , (Ralph P. Sobek) writes: | In article <> (Timothy Gallivan) writes: | | 4) A graphical interface to one of the PD debuggers would also be nice, | | something like dbxtool on Suns. One window has the source | | listing with an arrow pointing to the current line. Break points | | can be selected with the mouse, etc. | | That would already be decent! But why can't we get a decent debugger | environment (even on a Sun)? I mean to have something under X11 as [...] Looks like you want xxgdb, which is to gdb what dbxtool is to dbx. Take a look at your favorite ftp site (e.g. at in X/contrib/clients). -- Marc Maathuis Tel: +33 (1) 30 64 82 57 (direct) Chorus systemes Fax: +33 (1) 30 57 00 66 6, avenue Gustave Eiffel E-mail: F-78182 St. Quentin en Yvelines Cedex ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jul 91 10:38:24 EDT From: Subject: Can you believe this? To: The world needs to know about this. I'm posting it to info-atari16. - BEN ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 12:08:46 GMT From:!oz! (Technoid) Subject: Dave Baggett's .au converter To: Hello, Yesterday I was extremely excited when I read a message by Dave Baggett speaking of the files he was plaicing in DIGISTUF.ARC and putting on atari.archive. I ftped the file and unarced to find 3 more arc's. None of them contained the .au converter to ST digitized sounds which is too bad, because that was the only thing I really wanted from the archive. Dave, if you are reading this, could you please put that file in atari.archive, thanks. Stephan -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 09:59:47 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday) Subject: Function Proto types (was Re: Lattice C -- Single Pass?) To: In article <>, (Jim Omura) writes: |> |> I got my first "do nothing" program to compile and link and waddling |>through a slow program development I started to run into problems. Then |>something occurred to me. I compiled the sample program (WTEST.C) that |>comes with Lattice C and it compiled, linked and ran perfectly. Then |>I moved the 'main()' from the bottom of the source code to my normal |>location just under the globals (the "top" of the program) and it failed |>to compile. |> |> My best guess is that Lattice is a single pass compiler after all. |>I asked around before and was told it was multi-pass. But it's not |>something that some programmers would notice. At least not unless |>they try porting programs written by people who organize top down. |> No, It's a multi pass compiler but ANSI compatable. You have run into ANSI function prototyping. In ANSI C the compiler checks to see if you pass the correct values to functions in a simmilar manner to Pascal, thus if the function is not declaired by the time you come to use it you get errors. I allways write my programs in two file one a header file and the other a C file. The header file in included in any file that uses the function I have defined in the C file. Example: /* -------- FILE test.h -------- */ int addNumber(int,int); /* Just tell the compiler about */ void printString(const char*); /* The function definitions */ /* -------- FILE test.c -------- */ #include "test.h" /* Tells the compiler what the */ /* Function defs are. */ #include int addNumbers(int a, int b); { return(a+b); }; void printString(const char* string) { printf("%s\n",string); }; /* -------- FILE main.c -------- */ #include "test.h" /* again tell the compiler of */ /* the definitions. */ void main() { int a; a = addNumbers(10,15); printString("Hello I have just added some numbers"); } OK, the above don't do anything except illurstrate function prototyping. You will have to compile the two c files and then link them. For fast development I would recomend useing a make utilitly (eg, GNU make) but the link control files that Lattice provides work OK. The other less desirable solution to your dilemer is to set the compiler into K&R and turn off function prototypeing. Dave Halliday. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK. Halliday EMail : Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232 ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 11:35:36 GMT From: mcsun!unido!urmel!kaa! (Michael Schwingen) Subject: Gemini and .APPs... To: (Robert J Anisko) writes: > APP files are basically the same thing as PRG files (you runthem the >same,etc). Look at your DESKTOP.INF file, and notice that the line >with *.PRG and the line with *.APP are virtually identical... APP files are identical, and you can simply rename them. The extension .APP is usually used if the program needs or supports GDOS (which GEMINI does). >file instead of GEMINI (very similar, but I think with a couple >options missing)... VENUS is only the Desktop part of GEMINI - the whole MUPFEL (command line interface) is missing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Schwingen, Ahornstrasse 36, W-5100 Aachen, Germany PLEASE KEEP MAIL FROM OUTSIDE GERMANY SHORT-I HAVE TO PAY FOR INCOMING MAIL ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 12:38:36 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!psuvax1!psuvm!dearn!dmswwu1c! Subject: Gemini and .APPs... To: In article <>, (Dr. Phrancinstyne) says: > >Excuse my stupidity, but what are (and how do you use) .APP files? >That's all that Gemini comes as and it confuses me. > APP files really are the same as PRG files. Normally, GEM applications are names this way (to make sure that nobody copies them into the AUTO folder). >Also, Gemini is only supposed to work with TOS 1.02 or greater. I'm >really not sure what TOS version I have. I tried using TOSVERS.PRG and >it told me that I have TOS 1.0. It could be correct but I'm unsure. >I have a 520STfm which had an old single sided floppy built in. > >Can anyone give me info? Simply start Gemini. It checks for the correct TOS version and tells you so, if you still have TOS 1.00. ___________________________ cut here _____________________________________ Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241 fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216) ____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________ ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 15:19:08 GMT From:!!!! (David M. Baggett) Subject: Interesting Archiver Facts [was Re: Use Unlzh 1.72 ...] To: In article <> writes: >I have heard ENOUGH! I don't see why everyone has problems with LZH and >LHarc.. All you need to do is use UNLZH 1.72 and all your files will be >unlzh'd easily and painlessly! It uses a nice GEM interface and I have >had *no* problems with it. I have to agree with this, and I've said it before myself. I use unlzh 1.72 by John Harris to extract on the ST, Lharc 1.20 (1.30 as of last night) by Roger Burrows to LHarchive on the ST, and Lharc 0.03 (Beta) by Y. Tagawa to extract and Lharchive on Unix machines. I upload and download tons of stuff and I've never had a problem. Not once. I believe that early incompatibility problems have been solved. A few interesting things I've found about archivers in general: o If you Arc an already-compressed file, Arc will fiddle around for a while and then say "Storing", which is most likely the correct thing to do. HOWEVER, it seems that if Arc changes its mind like this (from crunching to storing), the Arc file is * strangely large *. My recent DigiStuff posting is an example: I Arc'ed the self-extracting LZH file alled DIGISTUF.TOS and came up with an Arc file of about 250K. Then I forced "storing" by using "arc as ..." and the archive came out to be 215K. Perhaps Arc is storing CRC information in the first case but not in the latter? Still, it seems strange. BTW, this is with Arc 6.02ST. o Of all the LHArchivers, Roger Burrows' seems to make the smallest files. The Unix LHA 0.03 (Beta) makes files that are a tiny bit bigger (no surprise I guess), and * strangely * the otherwise excellent Lharc 113 from Thomas Quester makes .LZH files that are several K larger than their Burrows LHA counterparts, at least in the several cases I've tried. All three lharc programs can uncompress files made with each other, though, even though the compression factors are different. o The new Zoo 2.1ST at least sometimes creates smaller files than even Lharc. Here are the results of a recent test I ran: mrw------- 1 u 251231 update.zoo (hi) mrw------- 1 u 283792 update.lzh mrw------- 1 u 395288 update.zoo (normal) mrw------- 1 u 418149 update.arc mrw------- 1 u 1125376 update.tar The tar file consisted of mostly C source files and DRI .o files. With "high compression" Zoo 2.1 achieved 78% compression. Burrows' Lharc 130 was close behind, but the other schemes seem much less effective. With "normal compression," however, Zoo gave its typically sad performance. Given my personal experience with Zoo, I was actually suprised to see it do better than Arc in this mode. Granted, this is only one example. But it does show that at least for some kinds of data, Zoo 2.1 gets compression factors favorable to those previously achieved only by the "dreaded" Lharc. Just some food for thought... Dave Baggett ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 12:12:55 GMT From: mcsun!unido!!rusmv1! (MARCEL LUTZ) Subject: Internet-address wanted To: Could someone please mail the Internet-address of atari.archive to me. Thank you in advance, Marcel -- Marcel Lutz IfW, Institute for Machine Tools University of Stuttgart, 7000 Stuttgart, Germany X400: ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 14:34:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!utgpu!watserv1!mathnew2@ariz (mathNOOS [mathNEWS editors]) Subject: Internet-address wanted To: In article <> (MARCEL LUTZ) writes: >Could someone please mail the Internet-address of > >atari.archive > >to me. > >Thank you in advance, > >Marcel > >-- >Marcel Lutz >IfW, Institute for Machine Tools >University of Stuttgart, 7000 Stuttgart, Germany I tried to mail this, but my mailer barfed at me. The address is "". I just tried it, and it connects properly to the ftp site. -- Marcel Goudeseune \mN Editor S91 ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 10:04:42 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!wupost!zazen!!msi.umn. edu!noc.MR.NET!uc!shamash!timbuk! (Marc Bouron) Subject: Lattice C -- Single Pass? To: In article <>, (Jim Omura) writes: > > I got my first "do nothing" program to compile and link and waddling > through a slow program development I started to run into problems. Then > something occurred to me. I compiled the sample program (WTEST.C) that > comes with Lattice C and it compiled, linked and ran perfectly. Then > I moved the 'main()' from the bottom of the source code to my normal > location just under the globals (the "top" of the program) and it failed > to compile. Moving main() to the `top' of your program means that, unless you give declarations for the functions used by main(), they will be assumed to return ints. Now, when the functions are actually encountered, and they return something OTHER than ints, the compiler will barf. And quite rightly so (no matter how many passes it makes). I also write my C programs with main() at the `top', but I also religiously declare all the functions I'm going to use. It's a good habit to get into ;-) > [other stuff deleted] [M][a][r][c] ################################################################################ # # # . . # # Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ # # Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) # # +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | # # # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # # ################################################################################ ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 10:23:43 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!! (Martijn Roos Lindgreen) Subject: Lynx info wanted To: Hi, A couple of articles ago I saw something about the Lynx in this group. Is there another group where I can find more about the Lynx, or is this the group where Lynx-oriented articles appear? Yesterday I bought a Lynx, and I am interested in the opinions on existing games, especially the multi-player games. Before spending money on games not worth it I'd like some feedback on what games are worth their money. At a friend's place I saw two people play Slime World, which is the main reason I bought the machine. Gauntlet looks promising as well. Any other info around ??? Thanks! Martijn Roos Lindgreen ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 09:29:43 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!!catless! (Dave Halliday) Subject: Mega STe in UK. To: In article <>, (Marlon Cole) writes: |> Still none of the ads. in it are mentioning Mega STEs for sale - anyone |>in the UK got one yet, and if so, for how much? |> There arn't any! Not even for the smaller developers. I've been waiting for one for about 2 months now and I'm a registered developer! At least one good thing may come of it. We may not be the beta test site of the world like we were when the STe came out so hopfully many of the mega STe faults will have been fixed by the time we finally get them here. Dave Halliday ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Address: Computing Dept. Newcastle University, NE1 7RU. UK. Halliday EMail : Phone : +44 91 222 8214 Fax : +44 91 222 8232 ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 11:29:43 GMT From:!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: Multisync Monitor question To: In article <3Rik63w164w@cellar.UUCP> revpk@cellar.UUCP (Brian 'Rev P-K' Siano) writes: > > I'm led to believe that, with a Multisync monitor, I'd be able to use > both monochrome and color resolutions on my ST. > > My question is: Does it matter just what kind of Multisync monitor I > get? I've seen some 2Ds as low as two hundred dollars-- would it workl with > an Omniswitch? > > """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" > Brian Siano, Delaware Valley Skeptics > Rev. Philosopher-King of The First Church of the Divine Otis Redding > revpk@Cellar.UUCP "Ecrasez l'enfame!" - Voltaire > """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Get a 3D, they can save the settings in NVRAM, then there is no need to make ajustments each time you change resolutions. from what I have read from otheres, get a 3D and you won't be disappointed. I don't think that the 2D will work with the ST, the frame rate of the ST mono mode is 71.2 hz -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jul 91 18:36:21 +0200 From: Z07801%BBRBFU01.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: Re : Video tape backup system. To: Some month ago I have reply this message on Video Tape Bakcup. >Dear prudence, > I have try the DVT VCR from Seymor/Radix system without success. >I must say that in Belgium we use the PAL system for the VCR. As far >as I know the system comes from USA (NTSC) and was adapted in >France (SECAM). > I have send to the vendor some software remark, but no new release >is annonced, .... Bad news. > More precision available on request :-] By the way, I havn't any answer for macro instruction to capture ascii file in uniterm ! Patrick, INSTALLE V.U.B BITNET : Z07801@BBRBFU01.BITNET Free University Brussels FAX : 32 2 650 99 99 Plantengenetica Voice : 32 2 650 97 49 69, rue des Chevaux B-1640 Rhode St Genese (BELGIUM, EC)  ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 91 12:11:48 GMT From:!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: supra clock To: Can some one help me with the Supra Clock Problem, this is the problem with the Clock Chip, Part No. RCA CDP6818 or Motorola MC146818 draging down the battery. I read some where that Supra was replacing faulty Clock chips. But the real problem is that this clock chip uses to much power 50ua max, from the RCA data book. I did ring Supra to find out, but I was told that I would have to send my Host Adapter back for them to replace the Clock IC, with a Dallas one. This was not just a plug in job, traces have to be cut, etc. I asked them if they could give me the details, so I could do it myself, I told them that I was a competent Computer Engineer, no way and could not even give me the Dallas clock chip part No. So is there some one that can give me the Part No. of the Dallas Clock Chip, and also if Possible some of the changes that where made to use this device. If I get the Dallas Part No. I can possibly work out the modifications for myself, but will post the information here for otheres to carry out. From what I can see in the Dallas data book, they make 99.9% compatible MC146818 that have a 10 year life with the built in battery, Part No. DS1287 and one with a external battery Part No. DS1285/Q with a current drain of 100 time less than the MC146818. Note: I also found out that there software version 4.01, (latest) does not support BGM partions. Thanks, Roger.. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1991 19:46 +0200 From: DRAGAN PROTIC Subject: Tape backup question To: I have read read in the STart magazine few mo device sold in the USA which allows VCRs to be connected to an ST computer and use it (VCR) as an backup device. Here are some parts of the article, so you can make a better image what this device does... ========================================================================= DVT VCR, Fast and Affordable Videotape Backup System ---------------------------------------------------- Thanx to Seymor/Radix, you don't have to spend hours doing the "floppy-disk-shuffle" to backup your hard disk. With the SVT VCR backup system you now can save all of your hard-disk data directly to video tape. The DVT package contains a 12 page instruction manual, a single sided disk that includes the backup program and a few utilities, two five-foot RCA cables and a cartridge module. The module plugs into the ST's cartridge port and only needs a couple of inches of clearance from the side of the keyboard for cables to connect. These cables plug into the Video In/Out jacks on a VCR. The DVT backup program requires at least 760K of free RAM to run. A small portion of this is used by the program and the rest is set up as a buffer. When you back up your hard disk, files are copied into this buffer until it is full. This group of files, called a bundle, subsequently transfers to the VCR. This process repeats until the backup is complete. restoration is accomplished in similar fashion. Backups and restores can be acomplished in one of two ways: partition or individual file. Partition san be queued so that an entire hard disk backs up in one operation. You can backup individual files by selecting them one at a time and then sending a bundle of file(s) to tape. A bundle of files selected in this way can contain files from any folder and/or partition. DVT includes a verify function that checks the integrity of the tape backupa and can identify any "audible dropuot" areas in video tape. The test which took backing up of the 7.2Mb parition from a 40Mb hard rive took 2.4 minutes (20 seconds per megabyte). The tape lenght and the VCR speed determine the amount of data that can be fit on a video tape. According to Seymor/Radix, a common 120 minute VHS tape holds around 36Mb in standard play mode, and up to 108Mb in long play mode. DVT VCR costs US $99.95, and is avaiable from: Seymor/Radix Inc. P.O. Box 166055 Irving, Texas 75016 (214) 255-7490 ========================================================================= As tape streamers are quite expensive (and I'd rather buy another 80 megs of HD than spending $600+ on an streamer ;), I am wondering if anyone owns/uses DVT VCR and, and if so, does he know if it is is compatible with European VCRs? As you know, we in Europe use PAL/SECAM, and US uses NTSC. Also, is Seymor/Radix still in business? Is there a company in Europe which produces similar device for Europian VCR standard? (Europe? Ups, I meant Germany ;)))) Thanx, Dalibor Lanik P.S. I'm asking all this because I managed to destroy ALL the data on my HD (now I'm in the process of recovering) because of the faulty DMA cable which caused damage to the DMA chip, and all FATs on my HD went to hell... NOW I know _why_ someone would need a backup device (but still, I don't have $$$ to spend for it) :( eproticd@yubgdef51.bitnet <> Dalibor Lanik, using friend's account I've seen things u people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shore of Orion. I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark, near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost, in time... like tears... in rain. Time to die. ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************