Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 12 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 388 Today's Topics: acopy An idea for DC Software? Atari ST Forsale Atari ST Multitasking?? D.T.P. Comparison lynx games MEGA STE problems Need 68000 socket adapter no subject (file transmission) PageStream, TT PageStream VS Calmus (5 msgs) Really dumb question about the 68000 running System 7 on ATARI SM125 LINE TRANSFORMER supercharger/icd hdd Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 12 Jul 91 15:45:23 GMT From:!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: acopy To: In article <> (Chuck Schul) writes: > anybody know where i can get the docs for it? > ---- > ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey > Internet: > UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie > ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey! Why would you need Doc's for it, a 6 year old could drive it, but I have droped using it, had corrupted copies with it, I use Fcopy III, instead.. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 18:07:19 GMT From: mcsun!cernvax! (roger hoh) Subject: An idea for DC Software? To: Hi Atarians, I need a printer spooler I could size by using the same system as for FOLDERxxx.PRG, called say SPOOLRxxx.PRG, where 'xxx' is the size of the spooler in Kb. Of course, if I'm the only one with such a need, just forget me:-). Roger ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 18:39:07 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!n (David J Kahle) Subject: Atari ST Forsale To: Atari ST 1040 forsale with color monitor and some software. This machine is in great shape--less than two years old. Asking $500 for all or $600 with a Star 24 pin printer. ------------------------------ Date: 11 Jul 91 23:00:30 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis!mwowm! (Million Headed Monster) Subject: Atari ST Multitasking?? To: In <1991Jul10.000501.18639@bilver.uucp>, Alex Matulich writes: > Rod.Fulk@f24.n228.z1.FidoNet.Org (Rod Fulk) writes: > >Most programs on the ST are powerful enough that they do not need to use > >multi tasking to get other features... > > That's a matter of opinion. What you end up with is a bunch of programs > doing similar things (like file dialog boxes) in different ways, resulting > in a non-uniform user interface from one application to the next. Let's see... a bunch of programs doing file dialogue boxes in different ways... Which computer does *THAT* sound like? Which out of the ST and Amiga has had a standard file selector built in to the OS from day one? I'll give you a clue -- it's not the Amiga. > Amigas do not use TSRs. A TSR is either running, or waiting. TSRs don't > run concurrently with anything else. The Amiga's processes don't run concurrently with anything else. The Amiga only has one CPU. It spends a bit of time running one process, then jumps to another, then the next... Whereas the ST spends a little time running the main application, then jumps to the first TSR, then the next... Spot the similarity? > >However if you ever want to use a computer as a multi user system well then > >niether the ST or the Amiga will work well as is.. > > Unless you're running unix on the Amiga. Or the ST/TT. mathew -- << baby mother hospital scissors creature judgement butcher engineer >> ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 17:08:16 GMT From: noao!ncar!!caen!!!thelake!steve@ (Steve Yelvington) Subject: D.T.P. Comparison To: [In article <>, (David H Butler) writes ... ] > Other things of importance. Unless you are using a PostScript printer, or > Ultrascript, then Calamus as FAR, FAR superior output. If you are using > PostScript then Calamus just has FAR superior output. Calamus is fast, > provides better character definition and kerning (much better), can be set to > produce finer grey scales or smoother & finer gradients than PostScript. The > difference is really amazing. PageStream's normal output is slow and poor, so > use PostScript with it or you will not be satisfied with the results. I have to disagree somewhat. Calamus' font-scaling output is (obviously) much better than PageStream's 1.8's own font-scaling output. Calamus is much faster. Calamus' output of nontextual material on 300dpi laser printers is superior. But in my experience, the quality of Calamus' fonts is a notch or two below the quality of genuine PostScript fonts from reputable type houses. Maybe this is merely a shortcoming of the fonts that happen to have been installed on the systems I've seen, but it is a significant difference. I don't know the details, but I'm under the impression that the Calamus font- scaling routines and fonts are adapted from CompuGraphic originals. Historically -- and here I'm talking 1970s and 1980s -- CG has been a step behind other suppliers in terms of font quality. That pattern seems to be repeated on the digital desktop platforms. (Note: This has never been true for the entire type library, but it has been true of enough important typefaces to be of real concern.) There is something else worth considering, and that is the portability of PostScript. If you want higher quality output than desktop laser printers can provide, it's simple to spool the .PS file to a floppy (or a series of floppies) and hand-carry the data to a commercial type house for output at up to 2400dpi or so. While it is true that there is a RIP interface that will allow Calamus to produce high-resolution output on Linotronic film recorders, such installations are rare. ---- Steve Yelvington Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 17:52:34 GMT From: sae! (Bob Malay) Subject: lynx games To: In article <>, (Chuck Schul) writes: |> where are the 30 odd new games promissed they are slow to show up!!! |> ---- |> ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey |> Internet: |> UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie |> ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey! Hey! Warbirds and Chess Challenge just came out, and Ninja Gaiden and Blockout should be out real real soon! So hold your pants on :) Most of the 30 or so games are scheduled to be released a few at a time over the next year - lucky for me 'cause I really don't want too buy all of them at once! Bob Malay ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 19:39:44 GMT From: mcsun!cernvax! (douglas mclaggan) Subject: MEGA STE problems To: In article <2983@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes: > (Gregory Carter) writes: >>I can confirm the problem of the bad sound/display chip in my MEGA STE. >>I orginally just thought it was the way it was suppose to be. >You were wrong. >>Now that you describe in detail what I experience, lines on screen at 8Mhz, >>scratchy sound etc.. > should assume that you both have Mega STe's which are broken in the >same way. >>Look, when you buy from Atari, you GET what you pay for. Like it or lump it. >No, like it or get it fixed. Your Mega STe is BROKEN and should be FIXED. >Take it or send it back to your dealer and have it replaced or fixed. Mega >STe's are NOT supposed to be this way. >============================================ >Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp. >reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt Can you say if Atari will be repairing machines with this fault free of charge, regardless of whether they are still covered by the 1 year guarantee? I have a 520STE from April 1990 which has had the video/sound problems since new and I too thought this was just how STEs were until other complaints appeared on the net. Am I stuck with a 'BROKEN' machine? Or maybe standard STEs ARE supposed to be this way! -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dougie McLaggan. ->->-> '', or '' | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 20:11:42 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!jato!! (Howard Chu) Subject: Need 68000 socket adapter To: Well, just for the record, the 68030 board from CSA previously mentioned in this group will not work in an Atari. The CSA board is designed to run with the 7.14MHz clock on the Amiga, and couldn't run with the 8MHz clock in the STe I tried. Sigh... (Got bombs in 68030 mode, got blank screen in 68000 mode.) Back to waiting for GBS or FAST Tech, I guess. -- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Disclaimer: How would I know, I just got here! ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 15:55:56 GMT From:!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: no subject (file transmission) To: In article <> (Dave Aylesworth) writes: > > > > I am having trouble unpacking HDX301.LZH off of > I get CRC errors when unpacking it with a couple different programs. > Could someone please let me know where a more reliable version is > or mail it to me. I need HDX 3.01 and HINSTALL 3.01. > Also from what I was able to extract, the dialogue boxes say it is > version 3.0 ??? > > Version 3.0 should never be used Has Big Bugs, I think the last Version was 3.02, but Atari brought out there New 'TT' compatible version of 4.01 , but a stand to be corrected on that one. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 16:08:17 GMT From:!!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: PageStream, TT To: In article <> writes: > > Yea! PageStream 2.1 is shipping! (Mine was shipped yesterday!) > Now, if I could just persuade somebody (anybody) to sell me a TT, I'd be > cooking with gas. Does anybody know if the memory daughterboard is actually > available? What about 24-bit VME video cards & software? > Alt.Subject: Did you know 105m SCSI Quantum HD's can be gotten for US$330? > Scary thought. > Bob The (nosig) Schulze > try --> cse0507@wsu.bitnet <-- but I doubt it. Are these the LPS105S Quantum Drives, if so Please post some more details, ie, where you can get them, and a Phone No. Note: not a 800 No., they are of no use here in NZ. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * At least I don't Flicker, not *** *** Kapiti New Zealand.. * like a dying light globe. ! *** ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 07:41:51 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth) Subject: PageStream VS Calmus To: In article <> (Chris Mauritz) writes: WRT: Pagestream & Calamus >Well, I have seen both of these programs. Calamus is by FAR a superior >product, no ifs ands or buts. Well Calamus does not support Postscript. That's a *BIG* failing in my opinion and the main reason we didn't buy it here where Postscript laser printers abound. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own ! ! ! ! Neil Forsyth JANET: ! ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: ! ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil ! ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" ! +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 11 Jul 91 14:47:52 GMT From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!malihh!pfunk! (Michael Kistenmacher) Subject: PageStream VS Calmus To: In , Bill_von_Hagen@TRANSARC.COM writes: > >I need to do things like the following: > > 1) Import text and auto-insert pages as necessary > > 2) Auto-number figures, tables, etc. > > 3) Create Table of Contents, Index, etc. > > 4) Import, clip, and change palette of graphics in formats like > degas. > Things like these are best made using TeX. OK, you can't use TeX in WYSIWYG, but you don't have to. TeX ( In this case either CS-TeX or Stefan Lindner's version ) does all what you need and produces even great looking output. Everybody who has to write stuff like this, should take a look at one of the real good TeX-implementations on the ATARI. Bye.....Michael -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | listen to the coolest ! | Michael Kistenmacher / blackbox | | Music from the Galaxy ! | 2000 Hamburg 61 / Schippelsweg 64 | | !!! P-Funk !!! | West Germany / ++ 49 40 552 37 66 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 17:48:05 GMT From: sae! (Bob Malay) Subject: PageStream VS Calmus To: In article , darling@cellar.UUCP (Darling) writes: |> (Gregory Carter) writes: |> |> > Look, when you buy from Atari, you GET what you pay for. Like it |> > or lump it. |> > [...] |> > The ONLY good use for an ATARI Machine is GAMES and MAC Software |> > Emulation |> > |> > PERIOD. |> |> and later: |> |> > GEM isn't even a viable App platform environment anymore, for christ |> > sakes, come to your senses and yell for a real operating system |> > like UNIX and MOTIF/X Windows. |> > |> >GEM is a DOG with RABIES that should have been SHOT a long TIME AGO. |> |> and later on, the insightful and gramatically brilliant: |> |> > Calamus? |> > |> > PageStream? |> > |> > HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. |> > |> > Your joking right? |> |> Greg, on behalf of readers, I'd like to thank you for your |> participation in this newsgroup. I don't know what we'd do without |> you; we'd probably have to settle for constructive criticism, |> intelligent input, and quality grammar. Thanks again for granting us |> an alternative to such horrors. |> |> ~ |> darling@cellar.UUCP \\\ Thomas Darling * record production * dance re-mixing |> uunet!cellar!darling \\\ Fact HQ Studio * The Cellar BBS:215/336-9503 * FACT |> v Just tell it like it is - he's a JERK! ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 20:36:33 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!doug.cae.wisc.e du! (Gregory Carter) Subject: PageStream VS Calmus To: I suppose I would agree, I must also say, that with the advent of half way decent programming PACKAGE, notice SINGULAR HERE, Turbo C I find my ST a pleasure to use...god EVEN EXCITING. The package is, well, you have to watch out for the compiler making naughty assumptions with 32 bit constants, but other than that the people who designed the compiler and tools are obviously very talented. I only wish they would invest the time to make English Docs, they have quite a fan following here in the USA. --Greg ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 20:44:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!doug.cae.wisc.e du! (Gregory Carter) Subject: PageStream VS Calmus To: Wiener, Well, I couldn't control myself. When people actually try to go throught hassle of FONT drivers, pic formats, etc...just to do page layout on the ST I burst into a laugh mode. It is like using a sledge hammer to straighten a toothpick. As for my Grammar, I am a computer scientist, not an english major. Just a journalism minor. :) But still, you can't be serious about doing anything but VERY simple layout on the ST. DTP would be great if Atari came to thier senses and endorsed a real OS. Not this GEM BS. I however, I do like TOS. And like its layout, for what I have to do. --Greg ------------------------------ Date: 11 Jul 91 02:10:04 GMT From: esseye!jdbbs!wybbs!therip! (Rod Fulk) Subject: Really dumb question about the 68000 To: If you swapped the 68000 chip out and swapped in a 68030 you would have a non- working machine.... The 68030 would work at 8mhz but the OS would not work and you would run into all sorts of problems. * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24) ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 91 16:19:03 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!shawl@arizona.e du Subject: running System 7 on ATARI To: Someone mentioned that perhaps one day, ATARI will run the MAC System 7. I think I am in a unique position to comment on this, since I am the owner of 2 STs, and had a MACII si purchased for me in May; I loaded System 7 last week. I have been using NEODESK for a while, and upgraded 6-9 months ago. Although I really do like the MAC a lot (and I never thought I would hear myself say that!), NEODESK gives the ST many of the advantages the non-networking MAC user gets with System 7 (but, since I've had it for only a week, I'm certainly not an expert). So, while I have absolutely no affiliation with the NEODESK people, I would recommend looking at it; I have found it very useful. As to the MAC---YES, it is expensive. But I have been able to PRODUCE quite a bit with it; I am just glad I do not have an MS-DOS machine! The software I have purchased is high class and works very well. The compatibility I have at work is certainly helpful (I've been the only person with ATARI in the office and that has been a bit difficult; it still is, but at least I can bring in a MAC disc and get stuff out on the laser printers). In any case, the ST has been, and continues to be, a very useful machine. useful machine. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 2 Mar 91 14:21:58 EST From: Subject: SM125 LINE TRANSFORMER To: "" I saw Juergen Letsch's ( entreaty for what he called an "SM125 line transformer" . I have an SM124, never heard of SM125. Maybe SM125 is designation for SM124 European models? The part you are referring to is called the horizontal flyback transformer. Although these do fail occasionally, in general the HFT in any video product is more reliable than the circuit components attached to it. Are you *absolutely certain* it is the HFT that's bad, not something else? In my experience with monitors, more likely it is the horizontal output transistor or the chip that feeds the h.o.t. that fails. If memory serve me correctly, I believe the hor- izontal output chip in the SM124 is a TDA 1170 (or 1180, I gt them confused). Did you check voltages/waveforms around that chip against schematic values? The failure probability of the solid-state components feeding the HFT is *much* higher than failure of the HFT itself. If in fact you are absolutely certain the HFT is indeed bad, I'm sorry to say your chances of locaing a replacement are poor (<10%). An Atari dealer *should* be able to get it, but will probably insist on doing the repair for you at a price higher than the monitor is worth. The next best thing is to take the monitor to an authorized Goldstar repair station (these monitors were made by Goldstar), who should also be able to get the part but will also insist on doing the repair at a high price. There are a very few catalogs in the USA that carry "jobber" replacement HFT's for the video repair market, but you have to know the EXACT part #, & even then there is no guarantee you will find it or that it will be available if you are lucky enough to see it listed. Searching the catalogs is extremely time-consuming effort with low probability of success, I cannot do it for you. You will need to locate catalog that service the video repair industry in Europe. BEN POEHLAND 8-BIT EDITOR, CURRENT NOTES MAGAZINE GEnie: B.POEHLAND INET::"POEHLAND%PHVAX.DNET@SMITHKLINE.COM" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 12 Jul 91 19:53:41 MEZ From: PHSTUD9%DKNKURZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: supercharger/icd hdd To: Hello out there ... I've got a little problem: My SUPERCHARGER (PC-Emulator) and my harddisk do not want to peacefully work together. My harddisk is an AHS 105 Q, Quantum Disk Drive, and -- and I think that is the point where the bug (?) is hidden - the hard disk driver from ICD. It is possible to run the SUPERCHARGER-RAM as a reset-resident-RAMdisk, but if I reboot the ST, then the ICD-Driver is obviously sending a RESET-signal to all the nodes at the ACSI-Bus, and this signal requires as consequence a RESET of the SUPERCHARGER itself. So the installation of the SUPERCHARGER as RRRD becomes quite senseless. I Think the reason for this misbehaviour is the ICD-software, for if I use the original ATARI-AHDI-driver, I don't get the RESET-Signal. But since the ICD-driver ist very comfortable (cache etc.), I'd like to go on using it. Any Help? P.S. What about CBHD (Claus Brod)? Does it work well with ICD? Does it recognize the clock in the harddisk? --------------------------------- ---- PHSTUD9@DKNKURZ1.BITNET ---- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************