Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 10 Jul 91 Volume 91 : Issue 383 Today's Topics: amiga 68010,and 68000 16 mhz? Another vote for a 1 meg Mgif!!!! APPLE + IBM Agreement Atari makes positive move Broken arc update routine in Dcopy3.6 Double Click programs (3 msgs) FOR SALE: ATARI 1040ST Help with relocating program info. Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #382 (2 msgs) Info about PD ST Midi Sequencers and DX librarians ? Lattice C Assembly Lang. MEGA STE problems Mgif 3.5 skates.lzh at terminator The Apple and IBM deal (long) trakst2.prg - colour only?? Trakste v1.1 vs v1.0 XCONTROL & Mouse Accel Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10 Jul 91 21:39:02 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!rex!wuarchive!!!jato!hanauma.jpl.n! (Howard Chu) Subject: amiga 68010,and 68000 16 mhz? To: In article <1991Jul10.085140.29609@att!mwood!attcc!area88> erick@att!mwood!attcc!area88 (Erick Tadefa) writes: >On the Amiga you can do 16Mhz because there conveniently is > a 28Mhz clock you can pull and divide down to 14.32Mhz. Don't know if there is a tappable 16Mhz clock on the ST somewhere however. Which really means you're just doing 14.32MHz, not 16. The ST has 32, 16, and 8 MHz clocks available for use. -- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Disclaimer: How would I know, I just got here! ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 16:47:11 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!magnus.acs.ohio-!!ysub!psuvm! (J.J. Lehett) Subject: Another vote for a 1 meg Mgif!!!! To: Its been said before, but I would like to reiterate the point that there are a ton of us 1 meg'ers out here without the ability to recompile such a program as Mgif that would love to see a version running on our machines. I hope someone (would it be too much trouble for the author) will recompile another version for 1 meg'ers as outlined in the documentation and post this binary also to the atari ftp site and usenet. It would be greatly appreciated! I know quite a few others who feel the same.... We eagerly await it's coming.... Thanks & Appreciation, J.J. ************************************************************************* * J.J. * Internet: JJL101@PSUVM.PSU.EDU * Penn State * * * * Center for * * John Lehett * Bitnet: JJL101@PSUVM * Academic Computing * ************************************************************************* * Atari ST's!, Puzzles, Cryptos, Games, Diplomacy, Synths + Midi * ************************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 20:22:41 GMT From: noao!ncar!csn!ccncsu!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang) Subject: APPLE + IBM Agreement To: Just saw the compter chronicles about CD-ROM today and in their computer news they mentioned the Apple-IBM talk. According to them the talk has slowed down due to each side not quit trust the orther side. And what Apple is trying to get the RISC chip tech. from IBM and IBM is interested in Apple's GUI and software ablility. So it's more likely be the hihg end machine rather the home computer, plus they have a lot to overcome on each other before hte whole thing become relatity. It does not looks a deadth wish for ATARI, plus ATARI should not seat still any way. Competition brings stimulation to progress. Look what workstation market has been in the past year, NeXT, HP700 series has push the workstation to great- er strength for less cost. Just my personal view. Tang ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 09:11:50 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth) Subject: Atari makes positive move To: No I'm not kidding! This months ST 'Luser' had a small article about how Atari attended the Corporate Electronic Publishing Systems Show in Chicago. Linotype were so impressed with the Atari TT when connected to their hardware that they intend to have the TT on their stand at such events in the future. The article mused that Atari US Marketing Chief Alwin Stumpf (formerly Atari Germany) was probably responsible for this move. Way to go Alwin! So Atari can do things right when they want to. BTW: Atari US, can we borrow Alwin in the UK for a while? +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own ! ! ! ! Neil Forsyth JANET: ! ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: ! ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil ! ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" ! +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 19:22:09 GMT From: lll-winken!aunro!alberta!!! (Bob Bright) Subject: Broken arc update routine in Dcopy3.6 To: The arc update routine (-u switch) in Dcopy3.6 is buggy -- it consistently corrupts archives. Is there a newer version of Dcopy that fixes this problem (or even an older version that works)? Or does anyone have another *fast* arc updater? Thanx, BBB -- Bob Bright Dept. of Philosophy University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9105 ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 17:00:36 GMT From: mcsun!corton!laas! (Ralph P. Sobek) Subject: Double Click programs To: How about a program that installs the 8x8 font as being the standard GEM font for titles and verbatim (non-icon) directory listings for monochrome monitors. I really do not appreciate the 8x16 fonts. Is this possible? Hope so! -- Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own. Addresses are ordered by importance. ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU Phone: (+33-)61-33-62-66 FAX-1: (+33-)61-33-64-55 FAX-2: (+33-)61-55-35-77 =============================================================================== Got a Mega 4 ST. Wishing it was a Mega STe! :-| Do I *really* want a TT? ; ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 20:36:10 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!cronkite.Central.Su n.COM!newstop!eastapps!juggler! (Joe Gaudreau (Dances with PostScript)) Subject: Double Click programs To: (Ralph P. Sobek) writes: =How about a program that installs the 8x8 font as being the standard =GEM font for titles and verbatim (non-icon) directory listings for =monochrome monitors. I really do not appreciate the 8x16 fonts. = =Is this possible? Hope so! Probably. How about a mondo-program combining all of the little tiny ones (w/user defaults). That would be cute, eh? Are there any PD programs to install low/medium rez fonts and a supply for them? The Turbo-C editor has it's own fonts and is a pleasure to use on a color system. I'd like to do this with uEmacs and other programs... Thanx. Joe -=- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 20:52:42 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!!fauern!! (Claus Brod) Subject: Double Click programs To: (Ralph P. Sobek) writes: >How about a program that installs the 8x8 font as being the standard >GEM font for titles and verbatim (non-icon) directory listings for >monochrome monitors. I really do not appreciate the 8x16 fonts. >Is this possible? Hope so! Yes, of course. By using GEMINI 8-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claus Brod, Am Felsenkeller 2, Things. Take. Time. D-8772 Marktheidenfeld, Germany (Piet Hein) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 12:22:11 GMT From: rit!cci632! (Tim Hinton) Subject: FOR SALE: ATARI 1040ST To: CORRECTION: This is For Sale.......thanks Dan....Tim ============================================================== Hardware: Atari 1040ST Computer (Midi Port) Atari 1224 Color Monitor Haba 1200 Baud Modem Software: Timeworks; Desktop Publisher & Word Writer, GridIron Football, Make-It-Move Animation, Flash Telecommunications software, plus public domain software Includes cables, manuals, and books............$450.00 Tim Hinton...(716)654-6894....Rochester, NY.... ============================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 14:38:17 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!unmvax!! Subject: Help with relocating program info. To: I need information regarding the layout of a executable program file, i.e. header information, relocating information and how stored. Any help is, well, helpful. George ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jul 91 11:55:07 CDT From: Mike Dorman Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #382 To: Atari List Has no one else noticed that in addition to the Portfolio, the computers that the engineer is sitting at (just before Linda Hamilton blows the ever-living Hell out of 'em) at home are all Ataris, as well? I though everyone would notice that, but after several comments on the Portfolio, no one else has mentioned this... Mike. -------------------------------------------------- : Mike Dorman : Internet: : : : BIX: mike.dorman : : : GEnie: M.DORMAN2 : -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Jul 91 11:49:19 CDT From: Mike Dorman Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #382 To: Atari List On Wed, 10 Jul 1991 08:00:17 MST Info-Atari16 said: >I noticed that they have 4 places that you can get a hold of them at: > by mail, (to Switzerland, and I am in Canada); > or through one of the following (all of which I don't have access to, I don't > think): > COMPUSERVE ID 100016,156 > BIX ID DCANEVESI > DELPHY ID DCANEVESI >(ALCHIMIE Jr, copyright (c) 1989,1990 Prosoft Informatique.) >Any help would put me in thorough blissfulness. Please help me soon. >Thanks in advance. > >Brett Hagman ( Ah, but you *do* have access--just send your message to 1000016.156@compuserve. com, and the message should get to them just fine, and they should be able to mail you, although that may be a premium service, I don't know for sure. Mike. -------------------------------------------------- : Mike Dorman : Internet: : : : BIX: mike.dorman : : : GEnie: M.DORMAN2 : -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 20:12:08 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!tcdcs!wsl! (Colm Smyth on wsl) Subject: Info about PD ST Midi Sequencers and DX librarians ? To: I've an Atari ST, a Yamaha DX11, and a MIDI cable and I'd like to get them together in a meaningful way! If you know where I can get hold of (a) a PD/ShareWare/cheap seqencer program (b) a ditto DX voice librarian please reply by e-mail. I'm especially interested in programs that work on a monochrome monitor as my colour monitor is recently deceased. If I receive any requests to summarise, I'll do so using the same medium (posting or e-mail). Thanks! ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 14:37:45 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!!turing! (David 'Thrash' Black) Subject: Lattice C Assembly Lang. To: I have been using Lattice C for a couple of years now. Originally in it's metacomco incarnation and then in it's HISOFT version. I have written several largish programs under the HISOFT version two of which included 68000 assembly language routines. I can't say that I ever had any problems intergrating the assembly language with the C. HISOFTS CSET directive is simply a vehicle by which the program, data and uninitialised data sections of a C program can be accessed from assembly language. The only problems which I did find with the CSET directive is that it can be too strict. The assembler will not allow mixed instruction and data values with in the main code section. This problem caused particular problems when I was attempting to compile the ST MINIX sources which use this schema to em-bed the jump vectors within the boot sector code. However reverting back to Devpac and assembling to a GST format object module solved that problem. On the whole I have found Lattice C to be one of the best developement environments which I have seen on the ST. The linker is as fast as I have ever seen, it's just a shame that the compiler is slightly on the slow side!. ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 21:02:46 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!uakari.primate.w!! (Gregory Carter) Subject: MEGA STE problems To: Well, what I meant was Allen, even if I did want to fix it, I would have to PAY for it, the WIMPY 90 day warranty ran out long ago. You must be joking if you think I am going to pay for something I should have recieved in working order in the first place. Perhaps given the complexity of manufacturing, and Atari's supplier track record. Maybe we should have a 1 year warranty eh? --Greg Carter ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 20:40:41 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!!convex!rosenkra@arizo (William Rosenkranz) Subject: Mgif 3.5 To: since more than one of you out there need smaller version to fit on 1 MB system, i will create a version to fit and ftp it to a.a this weekend. it will still be big, so no big DAs, TSRs, etc. i'll try and keep it under 850k or so. but remember it won't do large images. u get what u pay for... -bill -- Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!c1yankee!rosenkra Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA: ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 12:03:04 GMT From:!oz! (Technoid) Subject: skates.lzh at terminator To: In article <> (John Miskinis) writes: > stuff deleted >Has anyone out there been successful in getting SKATES.LZH to work >for them? I'm *REAL* excited over the existence of a skateboarding >game for the ST, and the comments say BIG, and FUN... > I have extracted and played Skates. It is not really a skateboard game in my opinion. It is more of a fast run down this diagonal street in which you avoid things like trees. Graphics and sound are not bad, though I've seen much better. The action is alright for awhile, but I grew tired of it. Stephan -- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 23:27:03 GMT From: world! (azog-thoth) Subject: The Apple and IBM deal (long) To: This is just my humble opinion about the IBM and Apple deal... Atarians (Atarites?) and Amigiods have no need to fear about the IBM and Apple deal. The way I understand it is that they are trying to develop a RISC architecture standard, for a few reasons. There seems to be a coupla camps for RISC technology: DEC signed with Microsoft, SCO, and a few others, to develop a standard interface (or OS) for RISC machines, this is an attempt to stop the Sun Sparc from becoming the standard. The IBM and Apple deal is another attempt, but IBM will supply the processor in the form of the R/6000 chipset, and Apple will supply the GUI for the machine. Another part in the IBM Apple deal is to try to put Microsoft out of buisness (or to stop them from developing a RISC standard). They way most people see it, Microsoft wrote MS-DOS for the IBM PC and compatables, and thats been around for 10 years, and they wrote Windows (never mind that there isnt a bit of original programming in Windows), so if they do anything on RISC, they have to get it. Myself, personally, I would love to see Microsoft slammed out of existance. Theyve been around too long, and are developing a marketing scheme to exclude everyone else, in other words a monopoly. Look around, youll see it today, in the form of MS-DOS. Its become such a standard that I would guess 80% of new computer users/buyers will by a PC clone, because thats all they know is available. Never mind the Mac, Atari and Amiga platforms, which each in itself are better than the standard PC clone, its visability. I will shout with gladness when Microsoft ceases to exist. The coming months and years will be 1981 all over again. Remember then, when there was a mass exodus from CP/M based platforms to IBM PC? The same will happen with RISC based machines, and Microsoft wants to do the same thing: have MS-DOS (or whatever) the only visiable contender for RISC stations. So, anyways, using Atari will put us in the same catagory as CP/M people today: just a bit behind the times. Youll note, and I have no shame in saying this: I still own and use daily CP/M based machines. Today, with MS-DOS being so standard, one gets a slight dirty feel when he mentions that he uses Mac/Atari/Amiga, etc. I heard someone state the other day 'Why would someone buy such a deadend system like an Amiga or a NeXT?', becuase this person is question has been de-personalitized by Microsoft, there is nothing else outside of his existance. Microsoft also wants to develop a Windows for the Mac (rumor). Do Mac people read this group? Who wants to see Microsoft Windows run in the place of the much more powerful and elegent Finder? Your average user doesnt care about power, or elegance, or stuff like that. Theyll see that Windows is now available on Macs, and since he uses Windows on a PC, it must be good. Otherwise, why would PC clone sales be greater than the rest, and why such a predominance in PC clone related stuff (software is easy, try to get software for an Atari, it can be done, but not so easy). Because of their ignorance. Shatter their illusion about PC clones, shove RISC in their face, and lets see them quake in their shoes. Death to Microsoft! 10 years as a computing platform is way too long. As a hardware platform, a 10 year old architecture isnt bad (80x86). Why, DEC has a platform going over 20 years old (the PDP-11 is still selling strong, and the latest contenders are still being produced, and - However it may scare you that the big old bad Big Blue monster is going to set yet another standard, its probably better that way, then to let Microsoft guide the way. People will by the IBM machines for the same reason as the buy other IBM machines: its IBM, IBM been around for years, and they are the leader, and so they must be good. We know thats not always true, but the same case with visablilty... Death to Microsoft, and to the Intel 80x86!! +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Billy D'Augustine | Close your eyes, what do you see? Dreams in | | | rhyme with reality. - Fates Warning | +---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 15:28:50 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma! (Graham Thomas) Subject: trakst2.prg - colour only?? To: I just downloaded trakst2 (the soundtracker player for STs as opposed to STEs) from the binaries group. It reboots my machine (1040STF with TOS 1.4) when I try to run it. I have a mono monitor. Could it be that this program works only with colour monitors? It doesn't say so in the headers or the introduction. Graham ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 13:07:06 GMT From:! (Stephen K Mulrine) Subject: Trakste v1.1 vs v1.0 To: I can only see cosmetic differences between these two versions of trak_ste, and the same probably applies to trak_st. There was a new "step" feature but heaven only knows what it does. So what's the difference? I thought that at least the sample length bug would have been fixed, but no dice. (The maximum length of a sample with trakste is 8000 while other trackers permit FFFF). -- UUCP: ..!uunet!!!robotron BITNET: INTERNET: ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 91 14:17:41 GMT From: sae! (Bob Malay) Subject: XCONTROL & Mouse Accel To: Hi, I just got XCONTROL from a.a and tried out all the setups on my 1040STe. When I click on the Accelerator setup button, the disks whirrs, reads in the CPX file, and then I get a dialog box the tells me that I need to run the mouse accelerator program first. Where is this program? Is it PD? Bob Malay ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************