Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 2 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 309 Today's Topics: 'only_ste.lzh' Booting STEs and TTs BPB woes... communications software DEALER & MAIL ORDER HOUSE LIST!! DMJ_GIF request Drawing rubber-bands (2 msgs) Help for texdr179.lzh at longer cable for Atari SH204 HD? Lynx and sega Moniterm 19" Monitor For Sale: Reduced! rubber box ST code or C source for uncomp (2 msgs) Trouble with ATonce Plus and Serial Port TT/68882 Unix for the TT? Weekly Posting of New Stuff XTERM.COM, Communications software (2 msgs) Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 Jun 91 08:29:19 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!lll-winken!aunro!ersys! (Michel Forget) Subject: 'only_ste.lzh' To: (Jim Omura) writes: > > I don't know what's going on here. After receiving the 26 > uuencoded parts I tested the 'only_ste.lzh' file with 'fstlzh20' > and it passed. So I unpacked the files and it turns out to be > 'msa.prg' and 'only_ste.msa'. Ok. So I ran the 'msa' program > and in theory I unpacked the disk. It turns out that on that > "huge" disk there were only a few files, none of which was all > that big. Is this some kind of joke? I think I could repackage > all the relevant files in a single LZH file of about 40K. > > I've passed the disks on to a fellow who works at a store > that sells STEs and he's going to report back to me around the > end of the week. Has anybody finished testing this thing? The *VISIBLE* files may ammount to 40K, but the actual data on the disk may be far greater. I don't have an STe, so I can't check for sure. Have you ever bought a game and looked at the directory just to see what is there? Often, there is nothing, yet the game is still there. I don't know why things are like this, but they sometimes are. If a file is MSA'd, like the demo you mentioned, then it is a good indication that there is more to the demo than meets the eye. Many demo's do this. I suppose it is a form of protection. After all, would you want people to steal the stuff you worked so hard to create? << ---------------------------------- >> << ersys! >> << >> << Michel Forget >> << ---------------------------------- >> ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 09:27:23 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Andre Willey) Subject: Booting STEs and TTs To: The correct boot process for both STEs and TTs is firstly to have a floppy in the disk drive! It should be formatted, but it needn't contain anything. This avoids about 10-15 seconds delay while the drive is checked for a bootable floppy disk. (If you are paranoid about virii, write protect it) Now turn on, and after the hard disk is up to speed simply press the spacebar and the computer will boot straight up. This keypress bypasses the built-in delay which waits for HD speed (which is far longer than any HD mechanism I've ever come across). After this, any warm boots (i.e. reset or Control-Alt-Delete) will *not* wait for HD speed (as it's already running), but they will still check for a floppy disk, so leave that in place. Hope this helps, Andre Andre Willey | Email: (1) 7 Oaklands Road, Sutton Coldfield, | (2) West Midlands, B74 2TB, England. | (3) ...{mcsun}!ukc!cix!andre Phone: (UK) 021-308-5251 | "Il est mort, Jean Luc..." Note: Some mailers have problems with replies to address (2) at the moment ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 02:50:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wuarchive!udel!h!!gmuvax2!! Subject: BPB woes... To: Hey there out in UseNetLand... Having a bit of trouble with my SH204 and was wondering if anyone had encountered the same problem, and more importantly, come up with a fix. My problem is that my D: partition either doesn't have a BPB (Bios Parameter Block) or the one it has is corrupted... I have reformatted the HD *TWICE* and still no luck so apparently HDX v3.01 doesn't reset the BPB. I have 3 partitions on the unit. C is 10 meg, D is 5, and E is 5. IF I try moving a file onto D: I get TOS error 34 and the message "Path not found". A few of the programs I have check each drive online before executing and when they hit D: they give "Error reading BPB" messages so I am almost POSITIVE that this is where the problem lies. Partitions C and E work fine. Any suggestions, hints, clues, pointers to programs that would fix this, etc would be GREATLY appreciated... ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 04:05:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!ucsd!!ucsbuxa!6600hien@arizona .edu (Hien Le) Subject: communications software To: Hello everyone! I've never used a modem before. Thus, I do not know much about it. Would anyone so kind tell me what kind of modems do I need for my Atari 1040ST, and also what communications software (names) do I need to run that modem? Thank you. An amateur Hien Le ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jun 91 03:17:25 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!! !utgpu!watserv1!watmath! (L.J.Dickey) Subject: DEALER & MAIL ORDER HOUSE LIST!! To: In article <> writes: > > >This is the list of dealers I have received so far. >They are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, ... Please folks, include as much info as you can. For instance, just an 800 phone number is not enough, if, for instance, in come cases, you live in the same state, or if, for instance, you live outside the USA. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 15:16:05 GMT From:!fauern!!!iws9060@uu (Thorsten Guenther) Subject: DMJ_GIF request To: Hiya out there in Netland! I recently downloaded DMJ_GIF from and it works fine with .SPU extension given. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was no DMJ_GIFB file in the .LZH file so i am completely unable to convert interlaced GIF files! Could anyone mail this file to me? Thanx in advance, Thorsten Guenther ircnick:Weregoose LPmud:Elric BTW: Is there an update version with the correct .SPC algorhythm (SP?) available yet? Mail/Post/Upload it, plz!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: 31 May 91 15:36:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!!smurf!artcom0!!! (Stefan Rupp) Subject: Drawing rubber-bands To: Hello, >It's easy enough to determine the start point by using the EventMulti >loop to detect the mouse button's first click, but how does one keep >track of the mouse cursor and draw to it AND know when the mouse button >is clicked again? > >Is it necessary to drop out of the EventMulti loop and use lower-level >facilities? No! If you want to follow the path of your mouse-cursor, you may do a event-multi call with parameter MU_M1 (Mouse-Event 1). Just set the width and height of the rectangle to 1 pixel and if you move the mouse and the cursor leaves the rectangle, you'll recieve a MU_M1-Event. Ciao, struppi ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 15:01:02 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!hsdnde v!!! (Harry Karayiannis) Subject: Drawing rubber-bands To: In article <> (Stefan Rupp) writes: > >Hello, > >>It's easy enough to determine the start point by using the EventMulti >>loop to detect the mouse button's first click, but how does one keep >>track of the mouse cursor and draw to it AND know when the mouse button >>is clicked again? >> >>Is it necessary to drop out of the EventMulti loop and use lower-level >>facilities? > >No! If you want to follow the path of your mouse-cursor, you may do a >event-multi call with parameter MU_M1 (Mouse-Event 1). Just set the width and >height of the rectangle to 1 pixel and if you move the mouse and the cursor >leaves the rectangle, you'll recieve a MU_M1-Event. > Or you can use the AES function rubbox() that does the whole job for you (note that some compilers, such as Laser C, call the function rubberbox() ) =============================================================================== Harry Karayiannis Post: || |# || 15 N.Beacon, #316 |#| ||#| |#| Boston University Allston, MA 02134 |#| ||#| |#| Computer Science Dpt. U.S.A. |##| ||#| |##| _______________________ ||#| ||#| ||#| |INTERnet: //// |||| \\\\ % fortune -o | ///// |||| \\\\\ "Hackers do it with |BITnet: ///// ATARI ST \\\\\ fewer instructions" | =======================================================|_______________________ ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 11:17:36 GMT From: (William Harvey) Subject: Help for texdr179.lzh at To: Could someone please extract the following files from texdr179.zlh at and send them to me in arc format, not lzh. My unix machine doesn't like the leading slashes in the lzh archive. I hate to send such a big file again for such a small piece. Billy Harvey I need: /texdraw/source/readme /texdraw/english/texdraw.prg /texdraw/english/texdraw.rsc /texdraw/handbuch/texpos.tex /texdraw/handbuch/thicknes.tex /texdraw/bgifonts/trip.chr /texdraw/bgifonts/tscr.chr /texdraw/handbuch/texkind.tex /texdraw/handbuch/vecttext.tex Many thanks. P.S. A plea to quit using these brain-damaged lzh/laharc programs! Use arc602. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 01:24:01 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!samsung!crackers!jjmhome!zinn! (Kenn Goutal) Subject: longer cable for Atari SH204 HD? To: I have a 1040ST with the Atari SH204 hard disk drive. The cable that came with it is about 1.5 feet long, and this *severely* limits where I can put the drive relative to the system/keyboard. Is it possible to get a longer cable??? Will a longer cable work? (i.e. is the protocol length-sensitive?) If so, is there a part number I should look for, and where could I buy this cable? Many thanks, -- Kenn Goutal CompuServe: 71117.2572 (PARTI handle: kenn) GEnie: K.GOUTAL Internet: kenn@zinn.MV.COM or kenn@rr.MV.COM [The] PO!NT: kenn Telepath: kenn UUCP: ...decvax!zinn!kenn or ...decvax!zinn!rr!kenn +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Ship and Travel Intermodally -- Commute Electronically! | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 00:47:50 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!swrinde!mips!apple!portal!!Bryan_Jones_ Subject: Lynx and sega To: Yeah I have seen the Sega "Gamegear." (Strange name..!) It looks alright, but the Lynx does indeed have better graphics. IN my latest Sega magazine (the thing sega sends free to its consumers) they showed graphics to some other GG games and the graphics weren't too hot.. The Lynx does have better graphics!! But who cares about portables? I'm home most of the time! And when I"m not at home I'm driving, so when would I want to play? Hehe.. Yeah I know people buy portables to play at home but... Not me. I WANT A 16 BIT NINTENDO!! ICK!! (Do we have to wait until August? Yes I know this belongs in r.g.v... :() ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 01:07:39 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!samsung!umich!um eecs! (Richard Scott Hall) Subject: Moniterm 19" Monitor For Sale: Reduced! To: I have a 19" (1280x960) Moniterm monitor for sale. I recently purchased a TT and this monitor will not work on my TT, so I would like to buy one that does, since this resolution is so addicting!! You will need a mega with TOS 1.4 I am asking for $900 (list $2000), reasonable offers welcome, but I reserve the right to refuse any offer. The ultimate ST upgrade... Richard Hall University of Michigan -- Standard disclaimer: I am not me, I am who you think you are... so don't blame me. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 15:04:10 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!!! (Harry Karayiannis) Subject: rubber box To: Oooops, I screwed up in my previous message...... the name of the function is: graf_rubbox() ( or graf_rubberbox() ) Sorry =============================================================================== Harry Karayiannis Post: || |# || 15 N.Beacon, #316 |#| ||#| |#| Boston University Allston, MA 02134 |#| ||#| |#| Computer Science Dpt. U.S.A. |##| ||#| |##| _______________________ ||#| ||#| ||#| |INTERnet: //// |||| \\\\ % fortune -o | ///// |||| \\\\\ "Hackers do it with |BITnet: ///// ATARI ST \\\\\ fewer instructions" | =======================================================|_______________________ ------------------------------ Date: 31 May 91 21:30:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!! !!smurf!artcom0!! (Mick Schmidt) Subject: ST code or C source for uncomp To: RE>creates .sit and .hqx extensions. RE> RE>Does anybody know of any way I can uncompress these files on either my RE>ST or a unix system (before down loading) ? Nope. .sit is the extension from the Mac Packer StuffIt and .hqx ist from BinHex (something like uuencode or btoa). As far as I know the only possibility for you to unpack that stuff is somebody with a Mac or Spectre and the needed programs. :-( G'Day Mick -- Michael Schmidt | Mausnet: Mick Schmidt @ HB | Hear me now Kopenhagener Str. 145 | Fido : Mick Schmidt%Maus HB (242/2.6)| and believe 2820 Bremen 77 | Usenet : | me later! Germany | (UUCP) | (Hans Tel. +49 421 63 52 70 | BITNET : G16M @ DHBRRZ41 | & Franz) ------------------------------ Date: 3 Jun 91 04:39:56 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!unix.cis.pitt.ed u! (Robert J Anisko) Subject: ST code or C source for uncomp To: Keywords: In article <> (Mick Schmidt) writes: > >RE>creates .sit and .hqx extensions. >RE> >RE>Does anybody know of any way I can uncompress these files on either my >RE>ST or a unix system (before down loading) ? > >Nope. .sit is the extension from the Mac Packer StuffIt and .hqx ist from I've seen a program somewhere that lets a ST unpack a SIT file - not sure what it's called, but the best place to look would be atari.archive... Robert Anisko ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 12:09:58 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug! (Paul Monckton) Subject: Trouble with ATonce Plus and Serial Port To: Hi, I'm having trouble with my Vortex ATonce Plus emulator. It all seems to work except for the fact that I keep losing characters when I try to use the serial port (this is even at 1200baud). Can anybody offer me any assistance here oor does the ATonce Plus just not handle the serial port very well? Thanks, Paul -- Automatic Disclaimer: The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group. -- "I'm minuspeptic, frasmotic, compunctuous even, to have caused you such pericombobulation" .. Black Adder ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 11:45:36 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!! (Aalderen van Harold) Subject: TT/68882 To: (Albert "Earthquake" Palmer) writes: >This message is also being posted from a TT. My TT manual also stated that >I have a 68882, but Mac software says I have a 68881. Your mac software is wrong I think, but anyway I wrote a program (SYSINFO) that will give information about the configuration of your system, I posted it to c.b.a.s two months ago, unfortunately that version did it wrong, but you can still use it to look which FPU you have look at the cookiejar info at the cookie _FPU if it has value 0x00020000 you have the 68882. A new version of sysinfo will be posted to c.b.a.s very soon, this one will use FPU instruction to tell the difference between 68881 and 68882 ------------------------------ Date: 31 May 91 19:20:58 GMT From: fernwood!uupsi!sunic!fuug!funic!!! (Jari Lehto) Subject: Unix for the TT? To: In article <> writes: >Since I haven't seen any talk about this subject, I'll start some. Is UNIX yet >available for the TT, or is that somewhere in the indefinite (infinte?) future? > > Steven Ourada Unix System V Release 4 is available for TT. The package consists of TT 030/8 or higher (16 Mb would be quite good), harddisk bigger than 200Mb (I'm not quite sure of this), X-Windows, TTM 194 19" MC-monitor and a big bunch of software and manuals. I don't know the exact price, but it is much lower than the NeXT Station, and A 3000 & Unix SVR4. Just checked, the harddisk is 200Mb, and there are also VME Ethernet network card, OSF/Motif, and GNU package (with C, C++ etc.). My personal opinion is that you should get a harddisk of at least 400Mb and minimum 16Mb of total RAM to run this Unix well enough (=fast enough). A friend of mine told me that his Unix workstation has a 1.2Gb hd and it is just about enough... But it has it's own nntp package and mail handler. * Jari Lehto * 90-387939 * * Music, love & * * Tenavatie 19 A * 90-382887 * * friendship! * * 00760 HELSINKI * 94040/02887 * * Garlic, beer &* * Finland * fax +358 0 8735916 * * sausage! * ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 00:52:30 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!mips!apple!portal!!Bryan_Jon Subject: Weekly Posting of New Stuff To: Regarding the twitterpater (sp?) filelist: col_drac.? Is DRACHEN, color version. Drachen is a "shanghai" clone. You Which is another name for Mah Jonng (I know I flubbed that.). You eliminate tiles from the screen by pairing like tiles together. The objective is to eliminate all the tiles from the screen. I really loved the original Drachen. It worked in monochrome and was very nice! Sharp, crisp graphics. But I don't like using my mono since it is on the top shelf and I need to crank my head up about 20 degrees. Needless to say I was very happy to discover col_drac is identical to the mono Drachen, only in colobRfEjdg in effect, GET IT! great game. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 04:53:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!ucsd!!ucsbuxa!6600hien@arizona .edu (Hien Le) Subject: XTERM.COM, Communications software To: Hi! Does anyone know where I can get XTERM.COM (communications software)? Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jun 91 18:34:30 GMT From: noao!ncar!gatech!prism!!nu! (Mickey Boyd) Subject: XTERM.COM, Communications software To: In article <>, (Hien Le) writes: > >Hi! Does anyone know where I can get XTERM.COM >(communications software)? Thanks. The .com would indicate an IBM PC compatible executable. For the Atari ST, you want an external 1200 or 2400 baud Hayes compatible modem. As for software, I would recommend Flash 1.6 (available via mail order for about $15) as is it very easy to use. Later, if you want more extensive terminal emulation, you can obtain Uniterm 2.0e free from the net or PD disk house. Again, I would recommend Flash for a beginner. -- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ." email: | ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************