Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 9 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 259 Today's Topics: ATARI ARCHIVES HELP Can GCC treat printer like Chq Inc. and other post-AtariFest questions Digestes are damaged GEMINI Info about the Windsor Atari Show MEGA STe VS. STe (2 msgs) Multisynch Monitors (2 msgs) Neodesk 3 One Last Wish Question: Pascal for the ST? Sounds files from Australia ST zoo for Unix TOS Command Line WordPerfect update - STe support Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 May 91 05:19:48 GMT From:!diemen!! Subject: ATARI ARCHIVES HELP To: Hi all, I have recently tried to receive files from both panarthea and terminator archives, but I only receive a mail message from panarthea with the subject "Returned mail - User Unknown". I can obtain help and indexes from both the servers but not archieved files. I have tried specifying a path name, both and ecc_foley@ecc.uccp , but I still get a massage about user unknown. Does anybody know why this is happening ? Many Thanks Rodney Foley ( Elizabeth Computer Centre Australia ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 22:13:50 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news! toumon!wucc! (Y.Tsuji) Subject: Can GCC treat printer like To: It's up to you whether to make use of the TOS Fopen() or not when you implement your own open() in your own C library. For ordinary files, the value returned will be similar to what other OS (i.e. unix) expects, but when it comes to raw devices (/dev/tty,/dev/lpt,/dev/fd0 etc), you need to be a bit inventive. What I have done is this: (1) for keyboard/monitor, parallel port, and RS232C port, the returned value by Fopen will be respected but not used. Instead values 128, 129,130 will be given. (The returned value of fffe etc will be kept internally). (2) for other devices e.g. disk drives and midi ports, the same trick will be applied. drive A will be assigned 256, drive B 257 etc. However, as drives are block devices, read/write and lseek can be done only in units of 512. And we must keep a file pointer for each device. There is no way of knowing the basic features of the device as read/write is normally done to disks that are physically formatted but may lack boot sector info. I simply followed the nomenclature of minix. At any event, I needed a file descriptor table internally that keeps info to be given to stat() and fstat(). That table also keeps the name of the file descriptor (I sometimes needed to know the name of the file from the file descriptor). Read/write of raw device is necessary in such cases as reformatter(re-initialises the boot sector,FATs and directory) and TAR. Another thing I needed to use my brain a bit is giving i-node numbers( real id number of files). I think I better keep this secret to myself so as not to bore you to death. Dr Y. Tsuji ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 21:32:13 GMT From:!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!darolos (Dani A. Roloson) Subject: Chq Inc. and other post-AtariFest questions To: 1) Does anyone know the status of the Clip-Art and Icon disks that were being sold by Chq Inc. at the show? Are they PD, shareware, or commercial? There wasn't any readme file on any of the disks I got. 2) Is anyone associated with AIM? I picked up the complete animation set plus the show disk and all the ST ones work fine except for WERWELTV.SEQ which gets a "File Format Error". 3) Is anyone associated with MAGIC? I picked up the clip-art disks 143 and 148 and I am unable to copy the last parts of both disks without getting "Data on the disk in drive A: may be damaged." Dani Roloson KWEST Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari User Group ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 May 91 12:38 From: "Grupp , Andreas" Subject: Digestes are damaged To: Atari ST Info Liste Hello, since several weeks, I often get only the header of a digest whitout the text. Does anybody know the reason for this? I also have tried to send a message like this one but i suppose it has never arrived. (Hope that this one does). Andreas ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 18:30:54 GMT From:!! (Harry Karayiannis) Subject: GEMINI To: In article (Steve Yelvington) writes: >[In article <>, > (Harry Karayiannis) writes ... ] > > >>3. How do I add icons to Gemini ?? I've done it using a resource > >> editor but the small and large icons don't quite measure up/match > >> (meaning --> If I make a large icon and a small icon for the same > >> program to use, how do I put them in the resource so that they line > >> up when assigning them to a file ?) > > > > Well, I don't really understand this question because, in Gemini, there is > > no need for a small icon to line up with a large icon. Gemini can display > > either large or small icons...but *not* both on the desktop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am sorry....I meant to write "but *not* both in the windows" Gemini can definitely display both large & small icons on the desktop >Thanks for the explanation of how to edit icons. GEnie has a couple >of files of add-on icons. Unfortunately, I don't think you can combine >*.RSC files with the Mark Williams resource editor, which is the best >of the three I have. Are others more flexible? You are welcome Steve. Unfortunately I don't have an account on GEnie I cannot afford it 8*( I think there is no resource editor combining *.RSC files...I am also using Mark Williams' and I've worked with RCP (comes with Laser C), RCS (from Digital Research), and MKRSC (posted to the net). None of them let you merge *.RSC files. But why should someone combine 2 *.RSC files in 1? I don't see any reason for doing something like that. (I may be wrong) Perhaps you misunderstood(?) my explanation of mixing large & small icons in the _same_ RSC file. I said one can put large & small icons in the same tree (e.g. FORM2 or FORM3) in the file GEMINIIC.RSC (so, it is just one resource file). If I remember well, I also said that I don't think it would be such a good idea. It would result in having both large & small icons in the same window. I haven't tried it though. BTW, are there people still using NeoDesk? 8*) > ---- > Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota, USA / =============================================================================== Harry Karayiannis Post: || |# || 15 N.Beacon, #316 |#| ||#| |#| Boston University Allston, MA 02134 |#| ||#| |#| Computer Science Dpt. U.S.A. |##| ||#| |##| _______________________ ||#| ||#| ||#| |INTERnet: //// |||| \\\\ % fortune -o | ///// |||| \\\\\ "Hackers do it with |BITnet: ///// ATARI ST \\\\\ fewer instructions" | =======================================================|_______________________ ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 20:30:39 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!ohstpy!miavx1!rl (Ryan 'Gozar' Collins) Subject: Info about the Windsor Atari Show To: This past weekend I attended the Windsor Atari show, so I thought I would let everyone know what happened there. (this is all from memory, so some things might be wrong.) Stacy's, Mega STe's, and TT's were all around. (I think I saw only three or four 1040 ST's, and they weren't doing much.) Gadgets by Small was there, showing the 33 MHz 68030 upgrade board for ST's. (Even for 1040 ST's, but it does require you to put your computer into a bigger case.) I didn't get to play with it though. Atari had a booth there, with some ingenius "pop-up" bochures for the Mega STe and the TT. The seminars were where most of the good stuff came from though! Bob Brodie for US Atari and Jeff "something" from Canada Atari talked for a little while, and then held a Q&A session. Some of the key points are: FSM GDOS will cost <$100, but I don't remember a release date. (He (Bob) didn't give a definate date though) Atari has purchased the source code to Word Up! but Bob couldn't say what for. All Mega STe's and TT's have the drive controller chip socketed so that a 1.44M drive upgrade would be simple. Their engineers in Israel have reverse engineered the WD1772? chip. They plan on phasing out the Stacy in favor of the ST notebook, which will be shown at Fall Comdex. The 8-bit computers are being phased out also. Reasons were that a 130XE with disk drive comes real close to the price of a 520STFM. Thats about everything I can remember now, I wish I would've took a tape recorder with me, or at least a notebook!! (I will be prepared for the next one though. (In Chicago in November) Anyway, this was my first Atari show, and it was kinda neat to be able to places faces with names. Later..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ryan 'Gozar' Collins Question for MAC Users: rlcollins@miavx1.BITNET |||| Power Without What IS the format of a rc1dsanu@miamiu.BITNET / || \ The Price!! MAC HFS floppy disk? R.COLLINS1 on GEnie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 15:17:23 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!wuarchive!emory!att!linac!midway!msuinf o!kira! (Count Zero ... Interrupt) Subject: MEGA STe VS. STe To: This summer, I hope to have enough money to upgrade from my lowly 520ST (which has saved my butt quite a few times in the last year) to a new STe. My question... I need prices / specs on the STe (4meg) vs MEGA STe (4meg)). Of course, since they use SIMMS for memory, the 4meg isn'y near as important. The MEGA is 16MHz while the STe is only 8, right? Basically need PRICE along with any thing else relevant. THIS was already hashed out earlier in the year, so stick to e-mail replies... Later... -- ||| David W. Schultz ||| ||| uunet[!rutgers!mailrus]!frith!schultzd ||| / | \ Work Phone: (517)-353-8891 / | \ / | \ "All I see Pornographitti, All I hear Pornographitti..." / | \ ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 91 10:13:12 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!warwick! (Steve Strong) Subject: MEGA STe VS. STe To: >Why not put in ICD's AdSpeed in your STE, this will give it the 16mhz cpu. >speed. >From what I know in the Mega STE, its only the cpu that has the option >to run at 16mhz, is this not Ataries version of AdSpeed, this would be a far >cheaper alternative, about $340 from what I can remember. > >Mind you I stand to be corrected on this, if my interpretation is incorrect. Has anyone got any info on this upgrade - what exaclty does it do, how compatible is it, can it be turned of for things that don't run at 16mhz (ie games), where can I buy one in the UK etc ! Please send any info here or by email to me. Cheers Steve - PS How the hell do you get a .sig included?! ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 18:28:23 GMT From: mcrware!mwca! (Bill Sheppard) Subject: Multisynch Monitors To: In article <> writes: > > > I am planning to upgrade this summer to a multisynch monitor from my SC1224 >and was wondering what type of multisynch to get. I remember reading somehwere >that it HAS to be CGA compatable. But I am not sure about that. I am looking >at the Panasonic C-1335 or 1381. Any info would be greatly apreciated. The monitor should _not_ be CGA compatible - CGA is digital, the ST needs analog. The Pansonic C1391 should work nicely; the C1381 won't sync low enough (15.75KHz is needed) for the ST in color. Don't know about the C-1335. Others known to work include the NEC Multisync 3D (and presumably 4D and 5D, big bucks), the Sony 1302 and 1304; most others should also work if they sync slowly enough. -- ############################################################################## # Bill Sheppard -- -- {uunet,sun}!mcrware!mwca!bill # # Microware Systems Corporation --- OS-9: Seven generations beyond OS/2!! # ######Opinions expressed are my own, though you'd be wise to adopt them!###### ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 13:55:01 GMT From: noao!ncar!!samsung!nstar!syscon! (Mike DeMetz) Subject: Multisynch Monitors To: writes: > I am planning to upgrade this summer to a multisynch monitor from my SC1224 >and was wondering what type of multisynch to get. I remember reading somehwere >that it HAS to be CGA compatable. But I am not sure about that. I am looking >at the Panasonic C-1335 or 1381. Any info would be greatly apreciated. Well I don't know what you mean by a CGA cpmpatable. Multisyncs should handle about everthing. They have an Analog input which is what you want and a TTL input for CGA/EGA.Don't confuse multiscan monitors with multisync. The Sony 13xx series work as should most ohters. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 91 12:52:19 WET DST From: Mr I C Mccall Subject: Neodesk 3 To: I'm trying to use Mint with this program, and can't get it to work. I think it's because it states that Mint reserves all CNTRL-ALT combinations for itself, whilst Neodesk 3 installs a CNTRL-ALT-DEL reboot sequence. Has anyone got these two working together? Meanwhile, I heard of a patch on Z*Net recently to upgrade Neodesk, but it stated that US master disks was required. I have the British master disks, does anyone know if the patch is available for these yet? And to close, some suggestions for improvements to Neodesk. I like the idea of installing a custom file-viewer, and feel that this principle should be extended. If a custom file-viewer, why not a custom formatter? And if a custom formatter, why not a custom disk copier? I'd like to be able to have something like DC-Format and Fastcopy III as part of my desktop, at the moment I've got them installed as desktop icons but it's not quite the same thing, is it? Any comments, and particularly some REPLIES to questions, would be welcomed. Since I've been using this net I've only ever had two replies (well done those two!), so if anyone knows anything, even if it's just a 'no, nothing's available yet', please let me know. I'm still after a 50hz Spectrum 512 viewer, by the way! :-) Cheers, Ian McCall ( ------------------------------ Date: 7 May 91 00:36:49 GMT From: noao!ncar!!n8emr!bluemoon! (David D. Dean) Subject: One Last Wish To: Hello: I have been a user of the News Net for some time, and I know that whenever someone posts somethig totaly irrelevent to the sig that he/she gets flamed something fierce! That is why I am donning my fire-proof suit to make this little post. It is one that I doubt anyone will flame me for, but I thought I'd be safe. You see, there is a seven year old dying, and his one last wish was not that he get everything that everyone wants, but instead is a fairly reachable goal. I think that if you were to comletely read what I am going to show you; you too will agree. The following is a text file that I found very touching, and thought that others could help out: LAST WISH A brain tumor is cutting short the life of seven-year-old Craig Shergold. His Last Wish doesn't seem very much to ask; simply that he receive some Get Well cards---hopefully enough to break The Guiness Book of World Records. If everyone reading this message could send him a card (or several!) and post this note on any bulletin boards or in any publications he/she may be in contact with, or even word of mouth, surely Craig's Last Wish will come true. Send your card(s) to: Craig Shergold c/o Children's Wish Foundation Suite 100 3200 Perimeter Center E. Atlanta, Ga. 39346 P.S. If you are a person who believes in prayer, a prayer for this young man may, perhaps, find its way into another Book---and who knows? He may just get a Get Well "wish" from someone else. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, if you can, send him at least ONE card. I know about the vastness of the net, and I think that we can all fulfill this young man's wish. To do this, would be a kindness that eveyone can show! Thank you for taking your time and reading this. Maybe some of us can relate to this. Maybe others can do more to help... who knows... You can send any replies to: David D. Dean, President David D. Dean, Vice Chairman Explorer Post 891 Exploring Officer's Association AT&T Systems/Bell Labs Central Ohio Council dddean@bluemoon.uucp Columbus, OH 43227 **** Any opinions are that of the author, and NOT of AT&T **** ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 15:37:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!umich!wsu-cs!jake! (Patrick Haggood) Subject: Question: Pascal for the ST? To: In article <> (Mickey Boyd) writes: > >I still recommend that anyone getting ready to put $80-$100 in a >compiler to purchase Prospero, or Turbo, or Lattice, or any of the other >european compilers over Laser, MWC, Personal Pascal, etc. I happen to like >upgrades and updates :-). Of course, if an American product is better, and >looks to already be stable, and does not inherently require lots of company >support, I will buy it (mom, apple pie, etc). Just trying to protect my >$$$$$. Actually, I own MWC and have pretty much settled on it. It really depends on your use for the compiler. MWC seems to be the best Unix-compatible compiler available for the ST (this side of GCC, but I humbly put forth that only crazy people use it without 4M, and I don't have 4M). If I were developing software for GEM on the Atari, I'd probably choose something different like Prospero, Laser or Turbo C. >The above and the previous post was IMHO. Have a nice day. > Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear -- Patrick B. Haggood Wayne STate University Detroit, MI Physics - Class of 1991 (-2?) ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 05:50:08 GMT From: noao!ncar!!rpi!uupsi!cci632!ritcsh!ultb!drp9500@arizon (D.R. Paradis ) Subject: Sounds files from Australia To: In article <> (Technoid) writes: >Hello, > > I FTP a lot and have found a site in Australia which contains sound >files of some sort. But the extender is .au which I assume means Australian >University since that is the site. This is not an ST site, they have many >GIFS and sound files though. Has anyone tried to use these files on the >ST. I ask because most are very ( 600 - 800K ) songs and I would rather ask >than try and fail ( 2400 baud is slow ). Anyone with any info, please Email. > >Thanks, > > Stephan > > > >-- >\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ > Stephan R. Cleaves Salamanders Are Cool... >/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ sound files with the .au extender are Sun Audio files. As of now I cannot figure how to convert them into ANY format that the ST can handle. :-( I know a site in Europe that have files over 3 MEGS EACH!!! I'd love to hear them!!!!! But I can't!!!!!!! -- ************************************************************************ * Just because I'm a film major | < Net-address > * * doesn't mean I'm a Spielber-wanna-be....| * * I'm a Lynch-wanna-be! | * ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 15:43:50 GMT From:!! (Agostino Deligia) Subject: ST zoo for Unix To: Hello, Does anyone know of a "zoo" for the ST which will run on Unix (Sun3 running SunOS 4.1). I have this 500k ST zoo file on a Sun which I need to d/l to my ST. However, it would be better if I could unzoo the file on the Sun and d/l the smaller constituents separately. Thank-you for any help you can give. Agostino -- OO OO Agostino Deligia O O O Systems Architecture O O O Concordia University, Montreal (Canada) O OOOO ------------------------------ Date: 8 May 91 17:05:13 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!wuarchive!rex!ukma!aunro!ersys!mforget@ (Michel Forget) Subject: TOS Command Line To: > All that's necessary is that the parent process and the child process agree > on whatever extended argument-passing convention is in use. Uh-oh. I am trying to pass long command lines to RZ.TTP (The Zmodem File Transfer Program) for batch Uploading and Downloading. The problem with the limit becomes obvious when you realize how few pathnames can be put on an 80 (or even 125) character command line. I wrote a program that will capture the command line when it is run and display it, and will try it on other programs that use SZ. I don't think that it supports the XARG convention you mentioned. Any other ideas? << ersys! >> << or in the language that PEOPLE use >> << Michel Forget...:) >> ------------------------------ Date: 9 May 91 00:10:22 GMT From: noao!ncar!!jato! (Van Snyder) Subject: WordPerfect update - STe support To: In article <> writes: >In article <> (Il Oh) writes: >> (Curt Larock) writes: >> >I just got the latest WordPerfect update, dated April 18, 1991. >> >According to the release notes WP now supports the STe (TT support >> >was in the December release). There are also some minor bug fixes. >> >> Do they still have no plans to port 5.0 (or 5.1)? Until they do, I'll >> happily use MS Word under Spectre GCR. I bought a copy of WP for Atari, >> WP 5.1 for DOS, and MS Word for Mac. I just use the one that works well. > >Well from what I have just read in Znet or was it ST-Report, that >WordPerfect has droped Atari all together... >There was some thing about the Germans did not want a USA product >bundled with Atari computers,(about 10,000 units), >they wanted a German product instead.. >WordPerfect did not like this, and decided that they could no longer >afford to support the Atari Version.. > >Correct me if I'am wrong, but this is the way I read it.. >-- >Roger W. Sheppard 85 Donovan Rd, Kapiti New Zealand... I just called WordPerfect. They're shipping the April Upgrade. They're NOT quitting the Atari market, at least not in the U.S. -- vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov ames!elroy!jato!vsnyder vsnyder@jato.uucp ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************