Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 26 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 232 Today's Topics: 314 drive problems Can GCC treat printer like file? (2 msgs) Cartridge port hardware timing questions Dark Color Monitors DESKJET printer drivers floppy compatibility problem HD identification (Was: Megafile 60 noisy startup/ shutdown HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (2 msgs) Looking for Disk Catalog PRG Need Monitor! Re: Sozobon C help. Sozobon C help. ST book STE incompatibilities (was Re: STE and Calamus) TeX 3.1 format files uploaded to atari.archive Wanted: Symbolic math program for novice ST user Where is Auto-boot? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 25 Apr 91 18:06:34 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!klassa@ari (John Klassa) Subject: 314 drive problems To: Recently, my 314 drive was left on for an extended period of time (exact duration unknown, but it must have been a while)... I was rudely awakened one night by the sound of my drive motor (I think) on its last legs. Since then, when powered up, the drive makes a funny, irregular sort of grinding noise and refuses to function in any way, shape or form. Note that my ST wasn't powered up during the time that the drive was on, nor was there a disk in the drive -- I'd apparently just forgotten to turn it off. My questions are: 1. What would be the most likely result of leaving such a drive powered up for an extended period of time (i.e. motor failure? some other sort of failure?)? 2. Can I do anything to fix the drive (i.e. replace some part or another), or such I just toss the thing out? Thanks in advance... John P.S. Reply directly to me, if possible, since something like this may not be of general interest to netters. John Klassa ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 09:02:45 GMT From: timbuk! (Marc Bouron) Subject: Can GCC treat printer like file? To: In article <>, (L.J.Dickey) writes: |> In article <> |> (Me!! :-) ) writes: |> > |> >In article <>, |> (Timothy Gallivan) writes: |> > ... |> > There is a standard filename called `PRN:' or `LST:' that you should be |> > able to use just like any other filename. TOS recognises this filename |> > and directs the output to the printer. For example, you would write |> > fopen("LST:","w"). You'll need to check yourself which one works... |> > one is standard TOS - the other was a Lattice special. |> |> |> Is there a standard filename for the serial port? Try "AUX:". Also, "CON:" for the console. [M][a][r][c] ################################################################################ # # # . . # # Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ # # Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) # # +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | # # # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # # ################################################################################ ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 04:41:46 GMT From: noao!ncar!!rpi!!utgpu!wats erv1!watmath! (L.J.Dickey) Subject: Can GCC treat printer like file? To: In article <> (Marc Bouron) writes: > >In article <>, (Timothy Gallivan) writes: > ... > There is a standard filename called `PRN:' or `LST:' that you should be > able to use just like any other filename. TOS recognises this filename > and directs the output to the printer. For example, you would write > fopen("LST:","w"). You'll need to check yourself which one works... > one is standard TOS - the other was a Lattice special. Is there a standard filename for the serial port? -- Prof L.J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1 Internet: UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!ljdickey X.400: ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 03:57:19 GMT From:!metro!dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU!megadata! (Geoff Swan) Subject: Cartridge port hardware timing questions To: Does anyone know what the timing constraints of the cartridge port (ST, MEGA, STE and TT) are? Without a DTACK or DSACK signal being returned from the port, what are the data setup times required to meet the internal logic timing for data transfer. Bearing this in mind, the TT runs at a much higher clock speed, so does the cartridge port now also have changed timing requirements over the ST's? If so, does this mean that most of the older devices using this port may no longer work? Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Geoff Swan. (swanee@megadata.oz) ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 22:00:20 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news! toumon!wucc! (Y.Tsuji) Subject: Dark Color Monitors To: In the above article, writes: > ...After reading my statement that there are many adjustments inside the > SC1224, some of you can't believe that I ACTUALLY made the adjustments > when the monitor was ON, and my ST had an image on it.... > I might be considered careless, but I felt daring and confident. > If you try this, you can be considered careless. So did I. I was simply very lucky, not having been killed. I used a well isolated screw driver and knew the most dangerous area of the CRT, but there was a possibility of suicide. One should take the CRT to the official service centre and have free fix when bought anew. Many programs assume one inch length on the screen is correctly shown. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 11:20:23 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!warwick! (The Juggler) Subject: DESKJET printer drivers To: After posting to this net to find out about the deskjet series of printers I finally parted with my cash and bought a Deskjet 500. I am very pleased with it but I do have a problem with drivers. At the moment I am using tempus to write reports and letters since I have the flexibility of adding control codes into my text. However this is slow and looks pretty sad on the screen. I have first word + but no driver for it. Ideally I am interested in purchasing a decent word processor that will make use of the features of the deskjet. For example, I will be probably be buying additional font cartridges at a later date. At the moment 'Thats Write' looks quite interesting. Does anyone out there use a deskjet and a respectable word processor that they can recommend. Thanks in advance, Paul ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 21:43:21 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news! toumon!wucc! (Y.Tsuji) Subject: floppy compatibility problem To: If formatted by ST's destop formatting program or by similar ones (difference being user interface and fancy sectors/cylinder or greater than 80 cylinders), the diskettes are unlikely read well by other machines. Apart from the fact that the low level formatting is neither IBM nor ISO compatible, the media descriptor byte in the boot sector may not be correct. And many msdos machines I have used so far don't bother other info on that sector. And of course the first 3 bytes must be 'jump ...' in 8086 machine language and not 'bra ...' in 68000. The physical drive is very unlikely to be defective these days, but the interface can be very bad (genuine ATARI and IBM things may be OK.) ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 21:59:07 GMT From: kodak!uupsi!sunic!!! (Erling Henanger) Subject: HD identification (Was: Megafile 60 noisy startup/ shutdown To: In article <>, (L.J.Dickey) writes: |> In article <> (Claus Brod) writes: |> |> You can also use the program "ratehd.prg". This is supplied by |> the folks at ICD, and may be obtained at "". |> Nope, on the megafile (at least on mine), ratehd only reports what adapter is in it, not what kind of mech it contains.My megafile is reported to include an Adaptec 4070 A. |> -- |> Prof L.J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1 |> Internet: |> UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!ljdickey |> X.400: -- _______ _____ o ____ Erling Henanger /___ /____/ / / /| / / Norwegian Institute / /\ / / / | / | ___ of Technology. (NTH) ------ / \ /____ / / |/ \____| o Atari Lives ! ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 22:13:03 GMT From:! (jeffery d thompson) Subject: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To: I'm not sure how it happened, but all of the files I had on my Atari Megafile 30 in partition D have become invisible. The problem started when I was using Cheetah to copy some files from logical drive E to D. For one copy it either said that it couldn't find the drive path or that the drive path was to complex. I rebooted the computer and used Cheetah to find out how much room was left on the drive. No files or folders appeared but it said I only had 5 megabytes left when that partition should have 6.5 meg free. So I know the files are still there but how can I get to them? Thanks in advance for any help. Jeff ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 00:55:47 GMT From: ucdavis!csusac!! (Ed Krimen) Subject: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To: In article <> (jeffery d thompson) writes: > > I'm not sure how it happened, but all of the files I had on my >Atari Megafile 30 in partition D have become invisible. The problem >started when I was using Cheetah to copy some files from logical drive E >to D. For one copy it either said that it couldn't find the drive path >or that the drive path was to complex. I rebooted the computer and >used Cheetah to find out how much room was left on the drive. No files >or folders appeared but it said I only had 5 megabytes left when that >partition should have 6.5 meg free. So I know the files are still there >but how can I get to them? Thanks in advance for any help. > Jeff Cheetah does non-standard stuff to achieve the speed that it does. It does not verify like conventional writes do (if indeed you do have verify on, which is the default). Therefore, as I'm sure the docs state, you use Cheetah at your own risk. I use Cheetah once in a while, but not for all of my copying. If you get any kind of error while using Cheetah, I wouldn't use it for that drive. It seems that your drive may have been too heavily fragmented for Cheetah to find the drive paths, but that's just a supposition. If you get an error with Cheetah, I would question the integrity of the data on that partition. You should back it up ASAP and defragment it, or zero the partition and restore the backup. -- Ed Krimen ............................................... ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico ||| INTERNET: FREENET: al661 / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0 ------------------------------ Date: 24 Apr 91 23:42:49 GMT From:!! (Michael Paul Greelish) Subject: Looking for Disk Catalog PRG To: "The Director" does all sorts of neat things with floppy catalogues & more. It was on an old _STart_ disk. It's probably PD too. ______________________________________________________________ |\ /| | \/ | ike Greelish Carnegie Mellon U. undergrad, professional writing major quote: "Up against the stick, motherwalkers, this is a fuck-up!"---Unknown disclaimer: I disclaim. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 02:19:32 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!jarthur!petunia!!neonman@arizon (Justin DuBois) Subject: Need Monitor! To: MONITOR WANTED!!!!!!! I am looking for a Color MultiSync monitor, preforably 16" or larger. Please leave me a description of its spects, and a price! A monitor like the NEC 4D 16" or 5D 20" or like the Samsung 17" Thanks, Justin DuBois * * **** ** * * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** * ** ** * * ** * === Bigger than life! ============ * ** *** * * * ** * * * **** * ** ===== Justin DuBois ============== * * **** ** * * * * * * * * ======= Chico CA. ================ ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 22:11:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!mips!!!thelake!steve (Steve Yelvington) Subject: Re: Sozobon C help. To: [In article <>, (Alexander Waddell) writes ... ] > I am converting all my C listings from Laser C to Sozobon C, and I have > encountered a major problem - I can't make GEM programs any more! > > The problem is this - I have changed the INCLUDE statement to include the > GEMFAST.H header file, compiling the source produces errors. The compiler > says it does not know about statements such as : > > appl_init > v_clswrk...etc... The GEMFAST.H file doesn't provide the library functions; it merely replaces GEMDEFS.H and OBDEFS.H, which define various useful constants, structures, etc. You need to explicitly include the aesfast and vdifast libraries as command-line arguments to CC.TTP. (You can add a -GEM feature to CC if you want, since you have the sources.) I use MAKE instead. Here is a generic makefile that can be modified for any GEM program under Sozobon C and GEMFAST. Note that there is no rule in this makefile for turning .C files into .O -- MAKE knows how to do that without any special training. PROGRAM = my.prg MODULES = my.o CFLAGS = -O LIBS = aesfast.a vdifast.a $(PROGRAM): $(MODULES) cc -o $(PROGRAM) $(MODULES) $(LIBS) I keep my aesfast.a and vdifast.a files in the same folder as dlibs.a, dstart.o, libm.a, etc. The LIB environment variable points there. ---- Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota, USA / ------------------------------ Date: 24 Apr 91 09:47:35 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!glasgow! (Alexander Waddell) Subject: Sozobon C help. To: Help me, please! I am converting all my C listings from Laser C to Sozobon C, and I have encountered a major problem - I can't make GEM programs any more! The problem is this - I have changed the INCLUDE statement to include the GEMFAST.H header file, compiling the source produces errors. The compiler says it does not know about statements such as : appl_init v_clswrk...etc... Everything works fine if I use Laser C, surely it should work with little modification on Sozobon C. Anybody out there got any suggestions? Contact: Alex Waddell, Glasgow University, Scotland. ( ------------------------------ Date: 23 Apr 91 20:00:51 GMT From: hpfcso!hpfcdj! (Dave Merrill) Subject: ST book To: I have just acquired an ST. Is there any good books that cover the basics of system operation. The documentation from Atari is lacking. Like what are .acc and .??? files? How do I customize the desktop? How do I add a printer when the option box on the dektop is not displayed? Dave Merrill ------------------------------ Date: 25 Apr 91 21:32:05 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!ut-emx! (Todd Drga) Subject: STE incompatibilities (was Re: STE and Calamus) To: In article <> CSULLOGG@CRL.AECL.CA writes: >I ran into a very strange problem using Calamus (1.09N). I was in the midst of >preparing a newsletter using Calamus on a Mega 2 with an SLM605 attached. >Since the SLM605 needs a meg of RAM I had little available RAM for use. >So, I simply grabbed a 1040STE wuth 4 megs (I'm a dealer, I can do that >sort of thing) and continued on. However, whenever I printed anything, all >objects (text, graphics, lines, etc) had what looked to be shadowing. >However, the shadowing was ragged and made everything look out of focus. >When I switched back to the Mega, the problem went away. I switched back >and forth a couple of times to make sure that it was not a problem realted >to one document - it happended with every one I had. > >Anyone have ANY idea about this one?? On a related topic, I am considering replacing my 1040STf with a STE soon. However, I would like to know of any incompatibilities that the programs I plan on using may have with the STE. I want to do CAD and DTP, so the 4megs of SIMMs would really be nice. This is the main reason I'm thinking of getting a STE. The expanded graphics capabilities and sound may be useful in the future, so I would appreciate any info about those types of programs too. I have CAD-3D 2.0 and the Cyber Studio line of programs, which I use now, but I'm planning on getting DynaCADD and Calamus to do some serious work. I also use Uniterm extensively for telecomm, and the Timeworks series of programs for WP and DB. Any info on bugs, general things to look out for with the STE, etc. would really help. Thanks, Todd P.S. I remember reading somewhere about a Super (enhanced?) Calamus that is in the works. Anyone know anything about this? The post that mentioned it was 2-3 months ago, and I don't remember it that well. I may hold off on buying the present version if it is to be upgraded soon. -- = INTERNET-> (Todd Drga, UT Dept. of Drama) = = = = ' The dry grass will set fire to the damp grass ' = = = = African proverb brought to the Americas by slaves = ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 08:58:46 GMT From: mcsun!corton!laas! (Ralph P. Sobek) Subject: TeX 3.1 format files uploaded to atari.archive To: I just uploaded format31.lzh file to atari.archive. This contains the FORMAT files for TeX 3.1: plain, lplain, splain. It seems that the ones that I uploaded in Dec. were SPARC specific and in addition for TeX 3.0. They were rebuilt the format files last night on my Mega 4 ST, and all seems well. Cheers, -- Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own. Addresses are ordered by importance. ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU =============================================================================== Proud owner of a Mega 4 ST. Wishing it was a Mega STe! :-| ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 01:55:56 GMT From: noao!ncar!gatech!prism!!nu! (Mickey Boyd) Subject: Wanted: Symbolic math program for novice ST user To: In article <1991Apr25.073843.6040@loop.uucp>, dont@loop.uucp (Don Taylor;644-7631) writes: >I have a relative novice using an ST. I would like to obtain a symbolic >math program that will run on the machine. I was told there is a package >called 'Elcal' but have been unable to track down a dealer. If someone >has a copy they wish to part with, a source for the package at a reasonable >price, or knows of other packages that would do algebra-calculus-etc. I >would greatly appreciate any information. > I have put the PD version of El Cal (called Sub_Cal) on atari.archive. It is a great program, and received heavy use by me during my undergraduate math courses. All ordering info is included in the archive. You may find that Sub_Cal has all the power you need (not much of it is disabled). Feel free to email questions. -- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ." email: | ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 26 Apr 91 04:43:44 GMT From: noao!ncar!!rpi!!utgpu!wats erv1!watmath! (L.J.Dickey) Subject: Where is Auto-boot? To: In article <> (Glenn Deardorff - GDP) writes: >I've heard mention of the "auto-boot" program (used to autoboot programs >upon bootup, naturally). I couldn't find it in the Atari archives. Can >some kind soul tell me where I might find it, or, that it IS, in fact, >in the Atari archives. Thankyou It is called STARTGEM.PRG, and it is at -- Prof L.J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1 Internet: UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!ljdickey X.400: ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************