Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 4 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 192 Today's Topics: Atari cpu evolution Bad news formatting from a Fidonet gateway Connecting Macintosh Hard Disks to Atari Copying protected disks Does Lode Runner game exist for the ST? Flicker Palettes (with minimum flicker) Flicker Palettes [was Re: Graphics on the STE...] (2 msgs) help with boot sector info Hybrid Arts Sequencers? MEGA STE trouble Mice (2 msgs) Spectrum/3-D/animation (2 msgs) Stalker/Steno & Diamond Back II w/Cache union demo 2 (2 msgs) Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Apr 91 18:29:31 GMT From: noao!ncar!!jato! (Van Snyder) Subject: Atari cpu evolution To: In article <2318@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU> (Plinio Barbeito) writes: >... >Sounds great, but it is just that -- a promise. Has intel ever made >good on the promise that its i860 would run at 50MHz so that the 150 >max MIPS figure hyped by the press could come to light?... The 150 MIPS figure is the speed it's guaranteed not to exceed :-) -- vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov ames!elroy!jato!vsnyder vsnyder@jato.uucp ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 12:17:36 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!thelake!steve@a (Steve Yelvington) Subject: Bad news formatting from a Fidonet gateway To: I'm posting this message because mail to the offending site has gone unanswered, and because I'm getting repeats of this stuff. A Fidonet gateway is not properly formatting messages for Usenet and possibly not properly counting bytes when batching news. The results are that messages are being transmitted with the text in a single line, and that subsequent messages are being lost because rnews gets out of synch with the batch. (This may be a matter of the long line overflowing an input buffer.) Following is the bad news. I will fold the long lines; if they don't begin here with a > character they're a continuation. Note that the last line in each item is the #!rnews header of the following item. Item one: >From rnews Thu Apr 4 00:59:40 1991 >Path:!uc!shamash!timbuk!uunet!attcan!telly!moore!eastern!egsgate!FredMail >Newsgroups: >Subject: TT video modes >Message-ID: <669369942.1@egsgate.Fidonet.Org> >Date: 17 Mar 91 18:45:34 GMT >Sender: FredMail@p0.f98.n250.z1.Fidonet.Org >Lines: 4 > >Well the TT has a 320x480 mode with 256 colours at once. It has a 1280x960 mono mode and a 640x480 mode with 16 colours. It is also supposed to have a special gray scale modem (not too many people are aware of) that displays 256 levels of gray scale in the TT 320x480 low resolution. All this from a pallete of 4096. > >S.S. > >#! rnews 513 Item two: >Path:!uc!shamash!timbuk!uunet!attcan!telly!moore!eastern!egsgate!FredMail >Newsgroups: >Subject: Toaster & ST (was: re: LEXICOLOR, Atari TT/030,... >Message-ID: <669369942.3@egsgate.Fidonet.Org> >Date: 17 Mar 91 18:51:00 GMT >Sender: FredMail@p0.f98.n250.z1.Fidonet.Org >Lines: 4 > >Don't worry, we have the ParSEC board and some others coming from Lexicor Corporation. > >S.S. > >#! rnews 470 ---- Steve Yelvington / P. O. Box 38 / Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 USA INTERNET: UUCP: plains!umn-cs!thelake!steve GEnie: S.YELVINGTO2 Delphi: YELVINGTON ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 20:16:46 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!!laird@ (Laird Popkin) Subject: Connecting Macintosh Hard Disks to Atari To: In article <1991Mar25.130049.11679@santra.uucp> (Jari Lehto) writes: >In article <> writes: >>zimm@leland.Stanford.EDU (Dylan Yolles) writes: >>>my ST hard drive? How do I go about doing 2)? What is the chance >>>that this won't work at all? (The hard drive I'm planning to connect >>>is one of the Syquest 44 meg removable's; probably the one made >>>by Jasmine.) >> >> ~~~~~~~ >> >>Huh? I thought they were all made by Syquest! I am soon to purchase one of > >There are many removables with different names, but the mechanism is always >by SyQuest. How about Atari Megafile 44? It is an example of this... >Under the name of SyQuest there are only the base SCSI-units... The drives >(if external) are always named after the maker of the housing... > > Jartsu > Actually, there are a number of manufacturers of removable mechanisms (Bernoulli, Syquest, and Ricoh are most popular). Each of these mechanisms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Syquests are cheapest and most common, but are relatively unreliable, causing a number of companies in the Mac market to avoid or drop them. Ricohs are a new technology which promises to be quite reliable, but are also more expensive. Bernoullis are the most expensive, but are an established, reliable technology. There are also more "exotic" technologies such as megneto-optical drives, flopticals, and so on. > ... the maker of the housing ... Those mechanisms are used by a large number of companies, who add a case, power supply, cables, driver software, documentation, and perhaps other bundled software. The other factors are how much testing the company does on the mechanisms it ships (to weed out failures), the quality of their engineering, and the warranty and service that they provide. While some companies may just be "the maker of the housing" there is a lot more than that going on at any quality drive vendor. - Laird "I spent years working in the Mac hard drive industry" Popkin ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:48:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!unmvax!uokmax!k (Kenneth L Love) Subject: Copying protected disks To: In article eudyeudy@bluemoon.uucp (Scott Eudy) writes: > > 1)Pro Copy this is a standard copier that works pretty well > 2)A Copy the best one I think it works well I'm looking to get a legal copy of the two programs mentioned above. Does somebody have the companies' addresses? > >Scott D. Eudy >Chairman Explorer Officers Association Central Ohio Division >Vice President Explorer Post 891 >eudyeudy@bluemoon.uucp > Kenneth Love STix Secretary ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:23:21 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!wuarchive!!!!brolg a!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: Does Lode Runner game exist for the ST? To: In <1991Apr3.205704.8441@unislc.uucp> bj@unislc.uucp (Bruce Jones) writes: >The subject says it all. I would like to get Lode Runner for the >ST if it exists. If yes, does someone want to sell their copy? If >the answer is no are there any similar type games that you can recommend? Try Runner in the atari/games directory on atari.archive. I'm not sure, but I DID get a games from there that was EXACTLY like lode runner. (Jeff Weiner's Index says "??" for that game, so email him if it is indeed Load Runner - I'm pretty sure it is). Warwick -- _--_|\ / * <-- Computer Science Department, \_.--._/ University of Queensland, v AUSTRALIA. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:13:41 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!! noc.MR.NET!ns!ns! (John Logajan) Subject: Flicker Palettes (with minimum flicker) To: Howard Chu suggests alternating frames (flicker palettes) to increase the apparent number of available intensities per pixel R G or B. He also (cleverly) suggests an unbalanced duty cycle -- two frames of palette X and one frame of palette Y. Dave Baggett mentions that some combinations of flicker intensities are unsatisfactory, especially flickering between two extremes. So I have made some tables of the possibilites of such an unbalanced duty cycle flicker method. In the first table you can see the redundancy of many of the intensity values. For instance many of the intensities can be derived four different ways. Y Palette value (1/3 duty cycle) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | | | | | | | | 7 - 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - . . 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - . . . . 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 . . . . . . . . . . 4 - . . . . . . 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 . . . . . . . . 3 - . . . . . . . . 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 . . . . . . 2 - . . . . . . . . . . 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 . . . . 1 - . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 . . 0 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | | | | | | | | ~ 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | |----- X Palette value (2/3 duty cycle) In case you can't understand the above table, the one below puts the Y palette value in better alignment and throws out selected redundancies. Y Palette value (1/3 duty cycle) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | | | | | | | | 7 - 21 20 . . . . . . 6 - 19 18 17 . . . . . 5 - . 16 15 14 . . . . 4 - . . 13 12 11 . . . 3 - . . . 10 9 8 . . 2 - . . . . 7 6 5 . 1 - . . . . . 4 3 2 0 - . . . . . . 1 0 ~ | |----- X Palette value (2/3 duty cycle) Finally, I have a table of average values of intensity. Note that the difference between X and Y values is never greater that +or- 1. This should minimize the AC ability of the eye to detect flicker. If our eyes were DC only, then any of the other redundant combinations would have worked as well. :-) X X Y # Intensity (average) ----- -- --------- 7+7+7 = 21 = 7 7+7+6 = 20 = 6.666 6+6+7 = 19 = 6.333 6+6+6 = 18 = 6 6+6+5 = 17 = 5.666 5+5+6 = 16 = 5.333 5+5+5 = 15 = 5 5+5+4 = 14 = 4.666 4+4+5 = 13 = 4.333 4+4+4 = 12 = 4 4+4+3 = 11 = 3.666 3+3+4 = 10 = 3.333 3+3+3 = 9 = 3 3+3+2 = 8 = 2.666 2+2+3 = 7 = 2.333 2+2+2 = 6 = 2 2+2+1 = 5 = 1.666 1+1+2 = 4 = 1.333 1+1+1 = 3 = 1 1+1+0 = 2 = 0.666 0+0+1 = 1 = 0.333 0+0+0 = 0 = 0 -- - John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 -, 612-424-4888, Fax 612-424-2853 ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:36:05 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!rex!samsung!!!!mu!brolga!uqcspe!! (Warwick Allison) Subject: Flicker Palettes [was Re: Graphics on the STE...] To: In <> (David M. Baggett) writes: >Anybody know how to algorithmically pick colors that always blend? Colours with a similar lumminance will blend fine. >Maybe if we assigned everyone reading this newsgroup a color combination >to try and compiled the results... (Heck, there are only 262,144 different >combinations. Aren't there supposed to be tens of thousands reading >this group? Well then, that's only, what, 10-20 per person? I'll start >the ball rolling with 000 and 001...) Hmm, let's see, two palettes of 16 colours, each colour has 512 choices. That's 512 to the power of 32. Which is the measley small value of 49732323640978664215538224814682084010045615079734771744046397689315949701253337 5533056 different palette pairs, less equivalent pairs. okay, I'll do 2 and 3. :-) No, but I'll check out the technique a bit more, using the pallette described in the fractint post. Warwick. -- _--_|\ / * <-- Computer Science Department, \_.--._/ University of Queensland, v AUSTRALIA. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 22:35:06 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!bloo m-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!dkuug!imada! (Klaus Pedersen) Subject: Flicker Palettes [was Re: Graphics on the STE...] To: (David M. Baggett) writes: >Anybody know how to algorithmically pick colors that always blend? >Given such an algorithm, one could write a program to find an "optimal >flicker palette" -- one where the most combinations possible were >rock-solid. You can try to pick colors that have aprox. the same intensity. To this you can use the NTSC formular : Luminosity = 0.299*Red + 0.587*Green + 0.114*Blue I have some code at here that can display 256 graylevels on the mono screen. (written in C). The program is less than 50 lines long, and features an advanced errordiffusion ditering algoritm, with a small edge sharping filter (simple laplace). This have been coupled with a 3 screen 'flicker' mode. The result is approx. the same as 256 grayscale VGA LCD screens (I think mine is better, because there is no shadows running around the screen, but...) The 3 screens is build to that the 'on' pixels is equally distributed on the 3 'planes' - this avoids flicker. All this could used with color too, and I think the result would be even better because you can pick colors which is closer to each other (than on and off)... In color mode you can probaly show true-color, but you will need to make some additional code, to handle interesting subjets - such as picking reprensative colors from the picture file... The program IS quick hack, and therefor it only runs on mono in 640x400. I will send the source to who-ever that is interested... Klaus ( ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:28:04 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!thunder.mcrcim.mcgill.ed u!quiche! (Acme Instant Dehydrated Boulder Kit) Subject: help with boot sector info To: I have quite a bit of ST disks which don't have the MSDOS bootsector. The ones that were formatted under tos1.4 are reading fine on my PC, but the ones formatted with TURTLE are unreadable. Could some kind soul please e-mail me information about how to make an ST disk readable on a PC by changing whatever sector is needed to be changed through Norton Utilites? -- |S. Alan Ezust : McGill University School of Computer Science | | : Montreal, Quebec, Canada | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 16:46:35 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sol.ctr.columbia .edu!emory!wrdis01!!!!herald.usask .ca!alberta! (Bob Erkamp) Subject: Hybrid Arts Sequencers? To: In article <1540013@hpcc01.HP.COM> wright@hpcc01.HP.COM (Jeff Wright) writes: >Well, I was able to obtain enough information from Hybrid Arts to >convince me to place an order for "EditTrack Gold." This product >is the successor to EditTrack II, and will be shipping at the end >of this week (if you believe software companies:-). > >This product does not sound at all like the typical crippled entry >level sequencer (e.g., 60 track limit vs. 12 in Tiger Cub). As far >as I can tell, the only thing that it lacks from the top end "SMPTE >Track" sequencer is the SMPTE support. And the price is right -- $99 >list, $75 when purchased direct from Hybrid Arts. > I think you will be impressed. I've had SMPTE Track for a few years now and it's a very powerful sequencer. You're right in that the only difference is the SMPTE support. As for 'Gold' I paid for my update in November!!! I did receive a beta version (or something) to keep me happy in the mean time but I'm still waiting for the official 'Gold' hopefully with new docs as I found the manual to be often confusing or incorrect. Bob ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 23:24:28 GMT From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud) Subject: MEGA STE trouble To: I have two problems with my new MEGA STE, and wondered if anyone out there hadany good ideas for fixing them: 1) When using STEREO DMA sound (not normal ST sound) I get "static" (small clicks kind of) in the sound. Sounds almost like a spark. Occurs even when there is no sound (as long as the voulume is on). It has has no strict pattern and occurs every now and then. Anyone have an idea ?? 2) When the HDis active I get vertical flickering bars on my monochrome monitor. The picture is flickering always, but it's really annoying when the harddisk is working..... Is this interferencefrom the HD on the RAM-chips (or somthing like that). Anything I can do about it ? 3) Ohhh, yes - One more thing - SYSMON doesn't work on the MEGA STE :-) I really miss it :-( Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________ Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST __________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 11:57:23 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!paperboy!!bl oom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!!balaena!ttonino@arizona. edu (Thomas Tonino) Subject: Mice To: >cleaning ball. Anyone have any neat ways of cleaning the rollers >other than Q-tips and alcohol? >Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: >Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT Yes I know a way to keep the rollers clean. I still have my original 1986 Atari mouse. I think it was in 1987 I greased the ball with MS4 silicone grease from Dow-Corning. Since then, i have NEVER had to clean the rollers. However the ball is slightly more slippery, but I don't notice except when rubbing the ball over the table by hand. I wouldn't recommend this trick with mice with very light balls, like Logitechs. This is just a trick I've tried and which a friend of me has tried; I do not guarantee it any further, but silicone grease seems quite inert to me. Have fun and a clean mouse! Thomas ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 22:27:41 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!wciu!abode!scale@arizona.e du (Luis Outumuro) Subject: Mice To: Hi Marc, Gee... your mouse has no ball(s)?! It must be a female mouse! Being a female mouse, it must be unpredictable?! Ha! Alright, so that was not very funny, but someone had to say it. And for you ladies out there, my wife just slapped me in the head with my Golden Image male (GI-250) mouse! Bye........... Luis -- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Luis Mark Outumuro III | "Well... you're damned if you do, Computer Office Products 818/813-1051 | and you're damned if you don't!" Infoline 818/813-1053 | - Bart Simpson, 1990... ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 19:04:24 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!dali.cs.mont!milton! (Alex Danilchik) Subject: Spectrum/3-D/animation To: Can this be done: Create a 3-D model in Sculpt 3-D, paint/render it with Spectrum, then animate the frames? Is there any software pacakge/integration of packages, that can do this for me using Spectrum? I do want the advantage of all those colors on the screen at once... Thanks gunnar ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 21:55:21 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!jarthur!petunia!!ekrimen@ar (Ed Krimen) Subject: Spectrum/3-D/animation To: In article <> (Alex Danilchik) writes: >Can this be done: > >Create a 3-D model in Sculpt 3-D, paint/render it with >Spectrum, then animate the frames? > Dunno, maybe this can help though: >Is there any software pacakge/integration of packages, >that can do this for me using Spectrum? I do want the >advantage of all those colors on the screen at once... > There is a program called Unispec, which supposedly lets you create Spectrum 512 animations. It's a commercial program. There's a player on atari.archive called ANISPEC and a couple of animations: WALL, 3D-512 I think, and another one. Unispec can be bought for under $30 mail order I think. There's also a program, shareware or commercial, not PD, that lets you do 3D modeling in 512 colors, but I don't remember its name. I have a sample output pic. Leave me some e-mail if you're interested and I'll post it on atari.archive. >Thanks > >gunnar > -- Ed Krimen ............................................... ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico ||| INTERNET: FREENET: al661 / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0 ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 22:33:52 GMT From: noao!ncar!gatech!emory!att!!tandem!netcom! (Christopher Russell) Subject: Stalker/Steno & Diamond Back II w/Cache To: I am looking for the latest versions of Diamond Back II with Cache (v2.2) and the new version of Stalker/Steno (with Zmodem, etc, v3.0 ?) All of the mail order places I have called don't have these products in stock. Anybody know of a place that has these? I know I could probably get these both direct, but the "Street" price on these products is much lower than the list. -- Christopher Russell (yonderboy) yonder@netcom.COM or ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 20:07:06 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!usc!jarthur!petunia!!ekrimen@ar (Ed Krimen) Subject: union demo 2 To: In article <7871@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> d_alvear@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dom Alvear) writes: >In article <> (Chuck Schul) writes: >>any body have number 2.i saw number 2 once it is nice and i am looking for >>a copy of it.i have number 1 it is nice.but 2 will blow you mind with the >>graphics and!!!if you have it fess up dudes.if you want a copy of >>one let me know.i will mail it out if you send 2 or 3 buck for a disk and >>mailer. >>---- > >Better yet, how about you send union demo 1 to atari.archive in an >.MSA file and the person who has union demo 2 can do the same? I have >a burning desire to see some new demos. Also, I've asked before, but >has anybody seen the LOSTBOYS MINDBOMB demo? I got a little taste of >it from the RED SECTOR demo, but I want more!!!! The Union Demo uses a strange disk format that .MSA won't recognize or work with. If it did work, the Union Demo would have been on atari.archive a long time ago. :~) I haven't tried Ultra, but I could give it a try. Also, Jampacker and Pompey Packer recently posted to a.a seem to have some disk compression. I can probably play with those a little and see what happens; too bad they don't have docs. :~( -- Ed Krimen ............................................... ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico ||| INTERNET: FREENET: al661 / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0 ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 20:10:01 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ukma!rex!wuarchive!!usc!jarthur!petunia!cs! (Ed Krimen) Subject: union demo 2 To: In article <7871@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> d_alvear@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dom Alvear) writes: > >a burning desire to see some new demos. Also, I've asked before, but >has anybody seen the LOSTBOYS MINDBOMB demo? I got a little taste of >it from the RED SECTOR demo, but I want more!!!! Someone on Fidonet was supposed to send me the Mindbomb demo and a couple of other new ones; I should have gotten them a week or so ago. When or if I do, I'll try to get them to a.a in some form. -- Ed Krimen ............................................... ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico ||| INTERNET: FREENET: al661 / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0 ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************