Today's Topics: Atari 520 STFM computer FOR SALE Atari cpu evolution Cooling fan easy and it works! E.A. Brown and Wordup Expansion cases - Compatibility with hardware? GCR + 1.44Mb floppies Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking... (2 msgs) HELP How to set environment and have shel_find use it Looking for TeX metafont to GDOS .FNT prog MAC-Roms, roms,roms... Mac Roms Mega STE Overscan help needed union demo 2 WD 1772 IC.... WHAT KIND OF FILE HAS A "SPS" EXTENSION? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Apr 91 15:49:32 GMT From:! (jeffery d thompson) Subject: Atari 520 STFM computer FOR SALE To: ATARI 520STFM with 1/2 meg of memory for sale. Included are a double sided disk drive(internal), mouse, BASIC language disk with BASIC quick reference guide, owners manual, and cable and switch box for hooking it up to a T.V. Asking price is $200 or BEST OFFER. please send replies to: Jeff ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 06:44:38 GMT From: ucla-seas!turing! (Plinio Barbeito) Subject: Atari cpu evolution To: In article <12229@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu writes: >[someone speculates about evolution of Atari TT models with Motorola 68040 cpu] A reasonable speculation, IMHO. And as long as we're talking about a 1993 time frame, it would also be fair to bring even the 68050 into the discussion. >I guess it would be safe to assume that Atari is considering the '040 cpu for >their next generation along the TT product line. But the microprocessor spec- >trum has shifted from the dominance of the 80x86 and 68000 families from Intel >and Motorola. One alternative is mentioned by the author of the following art- Not in terms of volume sold, you mean the ever-elusive claims of performance by chip manufacturers. >icle. And although he seems to disdain the specifications of the chip, I think >it might be of significance and worthy of serious consideration. > >-------------------------[start of article]------------------------------------ [...large portion deleted] > >Name When Price Technology MIPS >PgC7600 1/91 400 $ Bipolar 200 >PgC7610 2/92 40 $ CMOS 80 >PgC7620 1/93 100 $ Bipolar 250 >PgC7700 2/93 400 $ CMOS 1000 >PgC7710 4/93 200 $ Bipolar 2000 > >If you ask me: Too little, too late, no serious performance, no software. >Forget it. >------------------------------[end of article]--------------------------------- > >If the PgC series has the capability of adaptable microcode and CISC emulation, >then it would merit consideration by Atari as an alternative to the Motorola >68000 line. At the very least, it would offer Atari a little leverage against >Motorola's monopoly of the '030 and '040 market. At best, Atari would have a It would be more fair to call it a monopoly if Motorola's prices were unreasonable (like intel's). >computer that could run 80x86/68000/6502 etc. binary code, by loading the >proper microcode. Promising 80 MIPS by Feb. 1992 for $40 in (large volumes, I assume)? Sounds great, but it is just that -- a promise. Has intel ever made good on the promise that its i860 would run at 50MHz so that the 150 max MIPS figure hyped by the press could come to light? How fast does the chip run under normal conditions (i.e. with interrupt processing ON, using usual compiler output, using affordable (read slower) chips for memory)? Anyone want to take bets on whether intel's benchmarks had interrupts enabled, or ran the dhrystone benchmark from 80nsec memory? At least with a 68040, with its familiar instruction set, we know what kind of performance to expect by simply looking at the average number of instructions per cycle and the capacity of the cache. Other questions to be resolved: how efficiently would the processor emulate a 68000; is the microcode well geared to emulate its rich set of addressing modes and (small) irregularities? Would it have enough micromemory to do it? Can it address enough registers, or would it have to draft part of the cache for this role, inevitably slowing things down? How fast can it do a multiply or divide (it would have to do this very quickly in general purpose microcode to beat out an 040 with a built-in FPU with dedicated microcode)? We wouldn't know all of this until the machine and emulation software were implemented. That's a long way off. Also, a lot of fast cpus will be introduced in this year of 1991, so that 80 MIPS (whatever that means in real terms of performance) may not seem as fast by comparison in one year. And 1993? Well, in computer years, that's ages hence. By then, the 68050 may be a more familiar sight. It is difficult to speculate on numbers relating its performance with the information we have now, but...there was a recent announcement that Moto just built the largest, most dense chip yet (for the US Navy, too advanced for mortals like us to buy, with a good amount of space devoted just to nuclear-proofing redundancy), and one must begin to wonder what they're going to be able to do with their commercial products (that don't need to waste any space for redundancy) by 1993. >CISC emulation and multiprocessing capabilities. The pricing and performance >seem to be exceptional to me and are some of the qualities associated with >Clive Sinclair (and perhaps Atari), so that a Timex 200000K could soon be in >our hands? I'm all for power without price as much as the next guy, but my general feeling is that it's too soon to tell. As long as one can speculate all the way out to 1993, one can speculate about a lot of other things, many of them the Common Market banning American chips because the high frequencies might disrupt brain processes that control the ability of consumers to choose for themselves between labels stating "with hormones" or "without", or the Japanese opening their market to American rice due to a widespread boycott of Japanese submarine propellers :-P. When I see the TT040, or the PgC-ST at my dealer...or even at Toys-R-Us...I'll be convinced. Until then we can only make suggestions to Atari and hope that they'll listen. Right now we are having enough trouble getting them to put a 1.44 Meg drive into the TT...(by the way, TRH, your portable design is fine the way it is, IMHO). plin -- ----- ---- --- -- ------ ---- --- -- - - - This page intentionally left blank so that it could contradict itself. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 13:00:21 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!umich!vela!wsu-cs!jake! (Patrick Haggood) Subject: Cooling fan easy and it works! To: I just installed a Radio Shack muffin fan (part # 273-243B) on my hot ST and I can report that it works like a charm. I left the machine on all night and it's still blowing cool air. Installation was easy. I went for functional instead of pretty, so the fan is on top of the ST rather than inside. My ST would flake out after a couple of hours and the spot on top of the ST over the power supply would feel extremely hot. If I shut it down for 10 mins, it would work fine. I drilled two holes in the top of the ST over the power supply to screw the fan to the case. I drilled a third hole to run the wires through the top of the case. Then, I cut and soldered these wires: -----red wire ------ / -------- red wire --- ---------black wire --- disk drive fan power connector ------ blue wire --- / -------- black wire --- -------- black wire --- The ST has stayed cool all night and I'll bet this even makes her last longer. Highly recommended for Z-ram owners. This cost me about $15; you can probably find a 3in 12V DC fan cheaper at a real electronics store, but they're hard to find around here so Radio Shack had to do. -- Patrick B. Haggood Wayne STate University Detroit, MI Physics - Class of 1991 (-2?) ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 15:30:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!bionet!agate!euler.Berkele y.EDU! (John Morton) Subject: E.A. Brown and Wordup To: I have been fiddling with the last updates I received from Neocept before they crashed last summer, and the printing problems seem insoluble. The file dates on the updated files are from 6/90, but I believe someone here has mentioned dates from 8/90. Will someone send me the exact terms under which E.A. Brown will send me the latest? i.e. how much to send, do I supply my old discs, which ones, etc. thanks in advance - John Morton University of California Mechanical Engineering ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 07:29:35 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard !sunic!!funic!santra!! (Jari Lehto) Subject: Expansion cases - Compatibility with hardware? To: >In article <> (Scott McIntyre) writes: >> There are a number of companies here in the UK as well as on the >> continent which offer some sort of a hardware expansion box for >> the 520 and 1040...basically just a large empty box that you can >> put your motherboard and most other things inside for >> several hard drives, floppies, etc.. >> >> My question is: With the high number of graphics cards and add on >> processors available for the Mega, would it be possible to invest in >> one of these tower cases, then get the add on card and have it work, >> even though the machine is still a 520 or 1040? >> >> Anyone know? >> >> Ta, >> Scott >> . There is a good graphics card for 1040 from Matrix GmbH... If I remember correctly 800x600 with 256 colors on a 14"/16" multisync. I currently have one of these towers, and I am quite satisfied, altough there is a Mega 4 inside, not a 520 or 1040. There is well enough room for my two seagates, laser controller and two floppies with HD-interface. And they are cooled down with 3 thermo-controlled fans. I am just looking forward to fit a Delta Modul in... *** Jari Lehto,, *** ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 07:56:15 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard !sunic!!funic!santra!! (Jari Lehto) Subject: GCR + 1.44Mb floppies To: In article <1991Apr3.191750.13584@netcom.COM> yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher Russell) writes: > >What is exchanger, and how did you get a 1.44 in your Atari.. (As should >be obvious from my recent posts I am interested in this and I decided to >reply on the NET cuz I figure others might want to know as well).. I will >own a GCR soon (I hope) and want to know how a 1.44 will work.. thanks > >-- >Christopher Russell (yonderboy) yonder@netcom.COM or Exchanger -> Apple File Exchanger, a program with you can move files from MS-DOS (and ST) floppies to Mac. Requires Mac with super drive or a Spectre GCR 3.0 with Atari ST. I have a German HD-adapter on top of the WD-1772 02-02 floppy-controller chip. A small circuit board, that controls the clock-rate for the drive and some other things. Formatting and controlling software are included. This HD-drive does odd things in Spectre. It is not very reliable to use. If a floppy is reported bad in HD-drive, it still works in DD. (luckily I have two drives...) But it works great with Apple File Exchanger. Even 1.44Mb MS-DOS floppies are usable. But you can not use 1.44Mb Mac- floppies with it (at least format, I haven't tried reading already formatted one). The problem is the step-rate of the drive. If I could find a program that could adjust steprate in Spectre, it would be very nice. I have the HD-drive mainly for larger storage-capacity in ST-mode and for compatibility in AT-emulation. Jartsu *** Jari Lehto,, *** ------------------------------ Date: 3 Apr 91 15:01:35 GMT From: chinet! (Stephen Jacobs) Subject: Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking... To: It seemed reasonable to point out here that VGA uses a minimum of (I hope I have this right) 256 K of screen memory. I'm rather nearer to certain that most super VGA uses a Meg. This isn't the sort of thing that would have been considered reasonable when the ST was designed. Making the display system independent (ala PC) has the advantage of allowing you to make improvements when technology changes. It has the disadvantage of causing proliferation of semi-compatible 'standards'. (Look at the distribution kit of any high-end PC application. There are many screen drivers.) Steve ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 10:27:50 GMT From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncr-mpd! (Kent.Dalton) Subject: Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking... To: >>>>> On 2 Apr 91 08:15:13 GMT, (Scott McIntyre) said: > > 1) I have a 520 STE (w 4/meg add on)...and the SM 124. I asked a few > weeks ago about graphics on this kind of system, and a number of people > all suggested that I look into GIF stuff...I have been doing so, downloading > dozens at a time from wuarchive, and viewing them on the PC that does the > downloading - they all look brilliant. But when I get them home they look > crap. The SM124 is *true monochrome*, it supports no gray scaling whatsoever. A pixel in a hi-res ST picture is either black or white there is no in between. To some degree this is a feature. Combined with the 70Hz refresh rate and 640x400 resolution the SM124 provides and incredibly solid display for doing serious work. It would be surprising if, say a 320x200 256 color GIF pic, was even recognizable on it, though. There simply are not enough pixels there to dither it properly. I have seen mono GIF viewers that get around this by displaying in a window which can be scrolled, thus allowing better dithering. You might want to look around for such a viewer. > Am I doing something wrong? Not really... but a color display is much much better for viewing GIF pics, even mono GIF pics (see below). > 2) Does the STE have gray scales, you know, proper shades of gray, not > just the nearness of black and white pixels? Yes, 16 in 320x200 mode 4 in 640x200 1 in 640x400 > How can I use these scales? View the picture on a color monitor. > 4) Is it possible to get Gif images to look remotely nice on a STE? Someone else answered your question 'no'. IMHO, this is complete BS. Below is how I typically view GIF pics, usually 320x200 256color images. Many times you can view these with no loss in resolution or clarity: 1. Get GIF pic. 2. Convert to Spectrum 512 format using GIFSPC (<-- available at an archive near you) 3. View the Spectrum pic. (<-- viewers also available at archives) Since you're new to the ST series, I'll tell you what Spectrum 512 format is in case you haven't heard of it: Spectrum 512 picture format uses some software trickery to display more than the maximum 16 colors in 320x200 color mode. It changes the color palette on a per scan line basis with a maximum of three changes per line thus, you can have up to 48 different colors per scan line. This allows creation of pictures which display the entire 512 color palette of the ST on screen simultaneously. I don't know if the extended 4096 colors of the STe are supported but you still shouldn't have any problems using 512 colors. If you try to to view incredibly hi-res pics (ie. 1024x1024 at 16Million colors) they still won't look all that great. GIFSPC can scale the resolution down, however... I have some 640x400 many color pics which look very nice on my ST when converted to Spectrum. -- /**************************************************************************/ /* Kent Dalton * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */ /* NCR Microelectronics * CIS: 72320,3306 */ /* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A * */ /* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 * (303) 223-5100 X-319 */ /**************************************************************************/ Fortune: "Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Apr 91 15:40:57 +0200 From: (Herzog) Subject: HELP To: help ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Apr 91 16:36 N From: Subject: How to set environment and have shel_find use it To: Dan Wilga replied to my question about setting the environment: >> Last week I found out that environ.prg does not work on the TT! > [Some stuff deleted] >> I tried to write my own version of environ.prg, but did not >> succeed. What I tried was: >> >> - Malloc enough RAM (filelength of environ.dat + 2) >> - Load environ.dat there. >> - Change all \n's to \0 and end with 2 \0's. >> - Set the environment pointer in the basepage of the shell i.e. >> the basepage of TOS (_BASPAG->p_parent->p-env in Turbo C 2.0). >> - (I also set the the_env pointer but this seems not to be used) >> - Ptermres(0) (stay resident to keep the malloced memory) >The reason this did not work is that the AES uses a basepage that comes before >the one used by the desktop (in TOS 2.0/3.0). You'll have to use the element >"p_parent" to find the parent process' basepage: >_BASPAG->p_parent->p_parent->p_env. If this doesn't work, try one more level. Well in fact there seem to be three (two on the ST?) active shell levels above the current program while you are in the auto folder. If I set those they are not propagated to the GEM desktop (TOS 1.4 or 3.01), which has two levels of it's own. In fact the environment for the two desktop levels is changed to contain only PATH=\0. When I change the desktop p_env's gulam notices the changed external environment, but shel_find (and thus rsc_load) stil doesn't. Am I still doing something wrong? I reread the readme file that goes with environ.prg. In this readme it is stated that source should be included. But I didn't find it in the archive (from some local BBS I think), does someone have this source. I also would like to know who the author is. > Of course, you could always get NeoDesk, since it replaces shel_find and > avoids this whole mess in the first place . Personally I prefer command line shells for most things. But it might be a good idea to replace shel_find. >Dan Wilga Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Chris Evelo, MFAGKCHR@HMARL5 (BITNET) ============================================================== Dept. of Occup. & Chris Evelo Environm. Health MFAGKCHR@HMARL5 (BITNET) and Toxicology. University of Limburg Tel: 31-43-888635 P.O. Box 616 Fax: 31-43-436080 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands ============================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 08:08:37 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!linus!agate!usenet@arizona.ed u (John Kawakami) Subject: Looking for TeX metafont to GDOS .FNT prog To: A couple of years ago, I saw a program with a name like "GF2FNT" or "GFTOFNT" which took (TeX) Metafont .GF files and converted them to GDOS .FNT files. If someone has it could she or he get it to me or please? John Kawakami Amateur Crank! ucbvax!!kawakami ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 11:58:35 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!rpi!!snork!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!!hydra!kreeta!luot (Markku Luoto) Subject: MAC-Roms, roms,roms... To: I'm planning on getting a GCR, would somebody tell me about these so unfaimous MAC-ROMS.... What are they ??? the bios on rom ?? -what are they exactly (numbers etc...) so. what would I ask when going shopping ? -are there differend versions, if so what's the newest / one for GCR 3.0 ??? -anythin else I should know ??? Does this wierd mac-law apply to europe ??? (here they have always sold the mac-roms already installed??) spaziiba?1:-*) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<< >>>>>>! " : HAl9000 <<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------ Date: 3 Apr 91 17:32:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!samsung!umich!um eecs!!noc.MR.NET!!cobber!!rollie@arizon (Craig Servin) Subject: Mac Roms To: Since someone else got a positive response I thought I wold try my luck and ask if anyone had a set of mac 128k roms or new of a place where I could get a set. I've been thinking about a GCR but it wouldn't do much good without the roms. Thanks in advance. -- Concordia College Moorhead, MN ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 02:19:00 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!samsung!umich!umeecs!!noc.MR.NET!ga!cobber!! (Craig Servin) Subject: Mega STE To: My roomate wold really like to purchase a Mega STE, could someone please tell me where we could mail order one from. -- Concordia College Moorhead, MN ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 09:09:10 GMT From: bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!!rfschaa@ucbvax.berkele (Schaaf R F ) Subject: Overscan help needed To: I have a simple problem: I have a program that requires more than the standard 200 lines in color. I know it is possible to use the bottom border, but how? If there is anybody out there that can explain me how to do it, please let me know. Richard Schaaf ( ------------------------------ Date: 1 Apr 91 02:05:16 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!uakari.primate.w!aplcen!jhunix! (Dom Alvear) Subject: union demo 2 To: In article <> (Chuck Schul) writes: >any body have number 2.i saw number 2 once it is nice and i am looking for >a copy of it.i have number 1 it is nice.but 2 will blow you mind with the >graphics and!!!if you have it fess up dudes.if you want a copy of >one let me know.i will mail it out if you send 2 or 3 buck for a disk and >mailer. >---- >ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey >Internet: >UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie >ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey! Better yet, how about you send union demo 1 to atari.archive in an MSA file and the person who has union demo 2 can do the same? I have a burning desire to see some new demos. Also, I've asked before, but has anybody seen the LOSTBOYS MINDBOMB demo? I got a little taste of it from the RED SECTOR demo, but I want more!!!! Dom Alvear <-- preferred ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 91 01:12:33 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wuarchive!emory!att!!tandem!netcom! (Christopher Russell) Subject: WD 1772 IC.... To: Obviously, this relates to my previous posts.. I went out and headed over to JDR to pick up the floppy controller IC.. To my surprise they did not have it! So then I start calling around.. nobody has it -- "what part # did you say?".. All of the floppy controller IC's that JDR had are almost exclusively under $10 and the 1771 is $5.. Almost all of these IC's are 40 pin and I am sure more sophisticated than the 1772 (though I may be wrong, but why can't I run a 1.44M)? Anyways, I call up B&C and San Jose Computer, and sure they have it but it $25 (!!) at either shop.. So, my question is: is this the price I must pay, or is there an alternative? Hopefully, there is, but obviously I'll pay $25 if I have too.. I even went to the extent to call Western Digital (the IC manufacturer), they gave me the number of a local distributor, who informed me that it had be "obsoleted".. bummer.. Well, anybody got any advice (another Atari dealer with lower prices maybe?) -- Christopher Russell (yonderboy) yonder@netcom.COM or ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 10:37:55 AST From: Alyre CHIASSON Subject: WHAT KIND OF FILE HAS A "SPS" EXTENSION? To: N I have a number of pictures that have a "SPS" extension, they are suppose to be spectrum pictures. However, spectrum pictures have "SPC" compressed, or "SPU" uncompressed. What program reads SPS files? Many thanks ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************