Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 31 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 181 Today's Topics: "Mr. Choi" responds to Atari Atari Cheerleaders Energizer Bunny (was Re: Thoughts on DC Utilities) Jam Packer (latest version?!?) MEGA STE INFO(Hardware Part 2) (2 msgs) My MEGA STE Need a cooling fan for my 1040ST with ZRAM upgrade Standardized GEM look and feel ST Pad specs Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 Mar 91 18:32:44 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!!van-bc!ub c-cs!alberta!!! (Bob Bright) Subject: "Mr. Choi" responds to Atari To: In article (Mark Choi) writes: [...] >annoying. It is the same stupid argument made by bad actors to defend >against bad reviews. If the critic could act, (s)he would be acting, >(s)he would not be a critic. I do not need to have the necessary >background in engineering or the capital to start a entrepreneurial >venture to be able to use a machine, or to suggest improvements thereto. Nice analogy; I've always thought art critics were a pretty useless bunch. :-) [...] >bit more functional, and useful. How many people do you really believe >are going to plop down 2 grand for this baby, and another $700-$2000 for >another desk machine, with a lot of duplicated functionality. You seem >to claim that one can not get a desk machine into a notebook, but the >editors of various PC mags seem to disagree with you, putting out a >large amount of articles about how notebooks now can be your only >machine, are as powerful as desktops, etc.. If you wish to make personal Well, I can't speak for others, but I haven't been the least tempted to plop down 3 grand for a 386 "notebook" (heavy emphasis on the sneer quotes) that weighs 3 pounds more than it should and requires lugging around an extra 3 pounds of battery packs in order to extend the pitifully short battery life. If doing without removable media is the price for having a really light and useful machine, I'll be happy to pay it. (You're not suggesting, are you, that we rely on the opinions of the brain-dead editors of various PC mags as an indication of what a good machine is? That's about as sensible as listening to art critics.) BBB -- Bob Bright Dept. of Philosophy University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9105 ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 14:02:51 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!!unix.cis.!!tredysvr!cellar! (Darling) Subject: Atari Cheerleaders To: trh@atari.UUCP (T R Hall) writes (somewhat ironically): > Could it be, Mr. Choi, that you haven't the faintest idea >what-in-the-fuck you are talking about? [self-important ranting deleted] > You talk about note-books equipped with hard-drives, floppies, ISA >bus'es etc. How many NOTEBOOK (NOT laptop/luggables) machines any ALL of these, >or even more than ONE of these. TRH, do you really BELIEVE this? Why don't you wake up and smell what you're shovelling? I'm writing this on a Dell 320N (20MHz 386SX notebook computer) that is also 8.5"x11", and guess what? It HAS an internal 1.44MB drive. AND a 60 MB 19ms hard drive. AND 5MB RAM. AND an internal Fax/Modem. AND a low-power VGA edge-lit LCD that diplays 16 shades of grey. AND a VGA monitor port. It goes on. > In case you haven't guessed, I am REALLY annoyed with Mr. Choi's >whinings. He doesn't take the time to find out what the machine actually is, >yet is prepared to tear apart it's design. He doesn't take time to even >understand our market, yet is prepared to tear apart HIS SUPPOSITIONS of our >marketing strategy. This sputtering attack demonstrates perfectly why Atari has so much trouble competing in this day and age. TRH has the gall to attack someone who theorizes about the marketing strategy (apparently having struck a nerve), but in doing so, he demonstrates utter ignorance of the capabilities of similar machines. The fact that people with this lack of awareness design computers explains A LOT about Atari's problems. > Otherwise, why not be a reasonable human being, and make CONSTRUCTIVE >criticism, based on (gasp!) actual knowledge? Like I said. Ironic, isn't it? > Or perhaps you aren't participating in the group because of >interest in/support for Atari? Ah, now we see it. Anyone who doesn't kiss Atari's ass when they commit yet another marketing blunder is automatically a heathen, is that it? TRH, the REAL Atari enthusiasts are those of us who acknowledge the strengths of the machines they made before the company was infiltrated with incompetent hacks who are completely ignorant of what's going on in the industry, not the people who blindly accept and believe that the company can do no wrong, and then wonder why there's no support for their new toys. I bought my Mega ST because, for my purposes, there was no better choice. I can't say that about the machine you describe. T.A.Darlington ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 20:41:05 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!uakari.primate.wisc .edu!aplcen!jhunix! (Dom Alvear) Subject: Energizer Bunny (was Re: Thoughts on DC Utilities) To: In article <59677@aurs01.UUCP> whitcomb@aurw34.UUCP (Jonathan Whitcomb) writes: [lots of stuff about DC Utilities deleted...] >P.S. Last week the on the Delphi Atari weekly conference we decided >a great hack would be to have the pink Energizer bunny come booming >across the monitor from time to time with a digitized voice saying >"...still going...". Sometimes across the bottom, sometimes across >the top or up and down the sides. A DC program of the week, perhaps? > Have you seen NetBunny on the Macintosh? It's quite cute, but it only runs on Mac's with 32-bit Color Quickdraw. You can set the Bunny loose over LocalTalk and he will go across all the computers on the net that have the NetBunny startup doc and 32-bit CoQD. Too bad the ST doesn't have standard networking for all it's computers... On an unrelated note, have you seen the silly DA siren? It makes a little cop car drive across your screen with its siren on... > >********************************************************************** >Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: >Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT > Just thought I'd add my undervalued two-cents worth... ;-) Dom Alvear ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 22:59:57 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!usc!!ncar!csn!boulder!tramp.Colorad o.EDU! (MILLER TODD C) Subject: Jam Packer (latest version?!?) To: Does anyone know what the latest version of Jam Packer is and where to get it? The latest I've seen is 3.0 pre-release version, but it doesn't seem to like some of my .prgs thanx, todd -- Todd C. Miller | "But all the politiCIAns now millert@tramp.Colorado.EDU | They have no excuse al804@cleveland.Freenet.Edu | They just hide behind their power University of Colorado @ Boulder | And keep us from the truth" - Roger McGuinn ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 18:16:51 GMT From: daffy!! (Gregory Carter) Subject: MEGA STE INFO(Hardware Part 2) To: The Mega STE Revision B motherboard: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | BACK VELCRO LITHIUM BAT | | | | 8530 FDC(UNDERNEATH HDC) | | POWER SUPPLY | | BIG SQUARE CHIP??? HARD DISK | | <-- VME CAGE ENTRANCE--> CONTROLLER | | VME SUPPORT CHIPS UNIT SELECTOR | | | | 68000 MMU?? 4 | | SIMM | | ACIA's 68881 MODULES | | GLUE?? (UNDER HARD DISK)| | | | | | 2 EPROMS/TOS | | FLOPPY DISK | |SERIES OF UNKNOWN CHIPS FRONT 8 DIP SWITCH BANK | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this is preliminary, but its the best I could do, I have an early machine, amazingly NO JUMPERS anywhere, the board is very clean. Everything is pretty much socketed like in most early machines. There were quite a few chips I didn't understand, I didn't for example see the 68901. It must have been on the board somewhere, the MB is huge, though! I thought it was hilarious that I own the only ATARI machine with BUILT in VELCRO! The 10 Year Lithium battery is held in place by a big piece of velcro where the scsi would be on the TT. I didn't think I had a 68881, but I do. WHY, and if it will ever be of any use, who knows. I think Atari could have saved themselves some money though by dumping the blitter and math coprocessor. It really is stupid on a 16MHz M68000. The FDC is socketed underneath the Hard Disk Controller, and the drive I have is an EPSON drive, very quite, nice. I couldn't tell if it was an 1.4 meg drive or not, I forgot the serial number. I bet it isn't though. Lots of conspicuous large SQUARE chips on the board, many I do not know anything about. I suspect some were VME support chips. Others..WHO KNOWS. Ripping the machine open is not too hard...amazing, the hard disk is attached sort of half hazard. It SITS ontop of the SIMMS! You have to be careful NOT to squish your SIMMS or BREAK them off when you set the DRIVE BACK IN THE CASE. ONE screw on the bottom of the machine detaches the hard disk. The ribbon cable is quite long, so that you can pull the drive out and detach it. You have a double power cable extender that you must detach from the MB power supply. YOU CANNOT detach the cable from the drive, we tried no go. Even more bizarre, the top of the case is GLUED to the hard disk!!! I suppose if you want to add a 60/80 megabyte drive, it will have to be RE-GLUED!!! But it would be possible to change the drive no el problemo. Interesting, the power supply on my machine was rated at 70Watts PS case, though my docs say 90W??. When you pop the top of the case, the floppy drive is attached to the top of the case via three screws that are mounted through the drive to 4 posts on the top cover. Very easy to change the drive. Well, here is some software I wrote, I got the basic information from joe gaudreau@SUN who was kind enough to give me the information to make this possible. It switches the MEGA STE into 16Mhz during bootup so boottime is noticeably shorter. Here is the program: table !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]~_ begin 644 d:\turbo_c\acics.src\s8to16.tos M8!H Z~ "~ '\8 *\ %+L &!@ 1Q 'Z ~z M/CX@5%520D\M0R \/#P\("!F;W(@051!4DDM4U0@(" @5F5RL '-#\ 0 CR $< @"]"(w MP#P _"Y D+P !Z@(\ !&\2GD !&Z9P FI"\ ~L \ /PB0"A))&L v M+"+*2AIF_"+*2AIF]D*A+P@O"S\\ _/ !*3D%/[P ,0>L @#8\ $2$$B!u M0_ 0 4(10J=@-@P1 "%J$$(12BD 6<(2&D 5)#8" ,$0 B9AH2O 4TD,t M$0 B5\G_~$I!:PY(:0 !4D-"$5.)4H ATZY "X%1/($I.N0 N!.NO]B8%9.N0 #JC@n M0+!\ !YF($'J +1.N0 N!!Z@#J3KD +@0>H!($ZY "X& H0>H!5DZYm M "X$'J 8Y.N0 N!!Z@'&3KD +@0>H!CDZY "X"1?3G5!~@ H< @Bl M0" 1(HA">0 $-I!US'\ /Z0C/\@ !#:,_S__P $-Q/T"* 3G4O"DAZk M_\P_/ F3DY<3R1?3G4N>0 $;Q(>0 $-X_/ )3D%@ .80 *%A/6$\L7TYU2$!"0$A 0_D !%6<@%A 4.%U/)$@F22AO "9"0W@EK__T/7< IA PO ?_]B &F- 0&F< 9X2d M ,(\ -~R/ !,9@P(Q0 /$!IG &(8 :P/ !H9_*P!&< *)R0) !L %D %Pc MP'P /]! ,#L !D[[ (!8 %@ 6 !8 %@ 4X!8 %. 6 !8 %@ 6 !8 %@ 6 !b M8 %@ 6 !8 %@ 6 !8 %@ 6 ~@%@ 6 !8 %@ 6 !8 %@ 6 !8 %@ ) V@%.a M 4X!3@%@ -H!8 %@ 6 !8 " 1X! @%@ 6 J %@ +H!8 %@ /X!8 %@ 6 !z M8 %@ 6 !8"!;,(-@ /Y\0>\ !!"$8 @P&T'O 00@! %,@8B3&$ D[60& y M_EP@6Q %,@8B3&$ DS60& _DI*16H$(!M@!' ,!L_ A(%- 8@3&$ 2)4x M3]9 8 #~*DI%:@0@&V $,!M(P#\"$@4T!B!,80 L%1/UD!@ /X*",4 !4I%w M:@0@&V $< P&S\"$@4T!B!,80 \%1/UD!@ /WF2D5J!" ;8 1P # ;/P(2v M!30&($QA $05$_60& _<;60$C 3I0P UQ/3-\<>$YU< R #0\__]!~@ ,u M(DQA &@\ "F$ !31![P * !*06L(LD-C!#@!F$,( #9A @2S $80 AC #($I.DV ,, ,@2DZ3, 0@j M2V%P, /01$S?#!A.=387> P+P "9PP( P #9@;80"!*85 P+P (9PC80$'Oi M 9.DC O 1G!MA ($IA+# O !9G"-A 0>\ "DZ2,"\ F<," , V<&V$ @h M2F$6, 1/[P 83-\$&$YU2.<8,$7Z #9@"$CG&#!%~@ T)D@V &<>. #F2V<,g M4T,@2G (3I-1R__X($HP!,!\ =G DZ33-\,&$YU,# P,# P,# @(" @(" @f M($CG&#HD2"9)*%,F &=F2H%G7@@K $ $F=@""D @ 29G0(ZP & !(L:P ,e M> D QC:NY@+B:,+P$O B!+80 ?B0?(A]*0&LL9C0Hd M4PCK 8 $E."9LQ2A+B!9L0(JP & !(FC" !3-]<&$YU,_P #0 #KX(ZP %c M !)P_V#H".L !0 2(@1@VB8 > L02=* @G2@ $1?(X "=* PFB@CK 8 b M$B!+80 $DI :\1FS%*$N(YFUB(.8*9(YQ 8)D@H:P (-BL $"(K 22C&<0a M, -$@70!80 RDJ :P B@@K < $F9:(A.2C%.!(DP@27 *L!EG!E.!:OA@z M*A-\ W__R\!+PDB"9*(, -A !@(E\B'TJ :TYG4$'I__]P"A" 4X%JS$CGy M0, B"9*(, -A \3-\# DJ :RIG+& 2, ,B$Y*,($QA D2H!K%F<8)HPGx M3 $"*L !@ 20D!,WQ@(3G5P_V#V< %@\B\(+P$_ #\\ $!.04_O Q*@&L&w ML(%F$$YU80 !"#/ .OG#_3G4S_ < .ODYUM'P F( .8R0#\"/PDOv M 3\\ $).04_O I*@&H +ZPO/___\!F "V4T)G(&I8/SP C\)< O #\\u M $).04_O I*@&L )8D &!8/SP 3\)< O #\\ $).04_O I*@&MXT($Bt M &MR/SP C\)< O #\\ $).04_O I*@&M:) !@'C\\ (_"7 +P _/ !"s M3D%/[P *2H!K/B0 TH!K." !D((D &LP2'K_4" \ $ +2 900O & "+P(_r M"3\\ $!.04_O Q*@&L,E+P 0 8M0@ 4YU80 $C/ .OG#_3G4P/ 6q M8/!$0)!\ ""P? 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"D @i M !L@@$ +@ " &$ , # ( . !A "L @ ! ( h M X &$ *P ! $ 0 ! 90 ;!0 $ g M H 0* $ 1#I<5%520D]?f M0UQ!0TE#4RY34D-<4SA43S$V+D, , (Gregory Carter) writes: > > I didn't think I had a 68881, but I do. WHY, and if it will ever be of > any use, who knows. I think Atari could have saved themselves some money > though by dumping the blitter and math coprocessor. It really is stupid > on a 16MHz M68000. > I disagree. The software floating point routines even at 16 MHz could easily take 5 or 10 times as long as the 68881, and you will find that any computer that is halfway serious about graphics has a blitter or graphics engine that does BitBLT. ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 07:21:48 GMT From: daffy!! (Gregory Carter) Subject: My MEGA STE To: I ripped open my MEGA STE and disected it...I will post the goodies I found in there as soon as I get back...I also wrote this neato program to switch to 16Mhz upon bootup... I'll Post them sometime soon... --Gregory ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 20:27:42 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!aplcen!jhunix!d_al (Dom Alvear) Subject: Need a cooling fan for my 1040ST with ZRAM upgrade To: >> J. Harris writes about how his ST with ZRAM stops running after a few >> hours, then when left off for 2-3 hours, boots fine. > >I've been having the same problems with my ST. I figured it was heat, >but I can't seem to find a fan for the thing. I remember a device >called COM-COOL that sat on top of the Commodore 1541 disk drive, someone >recommended that I get this as it fit nicely on a 1040. But, I CANT >FIND ONE ANYWHERE! I need a fan that sits right over the power supply >on the 1040 (where I could probably fry eggs if I wanted to), but the >supply also has to have its own power pack, as I don't want to tax the >power supply any more than I am already. [stuff deleted...] >Patrick B. Haggood >Wayne STate University >Detroit, MI >Physics - Class of 1991 (-2?) This was posted some time ago on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing a fan on my 1040ST was a sinch. First, I took the sucker apart. (Warranty??? What warranty??? Oh yeah, do this 91 days after you buy the machine.) There is a beautiful place to mount the fan between the power supply and the disk drive right on top of the RF shielding. I just cut a hole there about 2"x2" and mounted the fan with 4 screws. Since it was a 12V DC fan, I just connected one wire to the +12V spot on the power supply and the other to the negative spot. These are labeled on the power supply so you should have no trouble finding them. Then I put the thing back together. It fits perfectly. Just go to your local Radio Shack and buy the fan. I think they have 2 models that will fit in this small space. I can't remember the part number. It is about 3"x3"x1.5". It is really quiet too if you put a small resistor inline or a potentiometer to slow the fan down a bit. Even at full speed, however, the bugger is relatively quiet compared to a pee cee fan. Bonne chance! Chris Mauritz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps! Dom Alvear ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 04:37:22 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!newstop!texs un!convex! (William Rosencranz) Subject: Standardized GEM look and feel To: when i wrote the "innocent" statement that there is no real GUI standard for GEM, i was thinking along the lines of Motif(et al)-like standards which are widely distributed and for the most part widely accepted and adopted. sure, all atari GEM application that use windows have the closer box in the same place, the sliders in the same place, etc. most of them even function the same. but there is more to a GUI standard than just how windows look on the screen. a GUI standard has pros and cons. the major pros are: o app "looks" and runs the same under many different platforms (and yes, i understand that GEM applications only really run on GEM systems: ST and PC) o (hopefully) applications can be ported easily to other platforms these are EXTREMEMLY important pros in the big picture. it makes using applications very easy since learning curve is climbed only once. it makes writing applications more difficult, but in the long run easier since the ports are easier. the cons are: o restricted from lots of "cute" programming which is non-portable o speed may be sacrificed o some things can't be done or are awkward on a specific applicaion domain (e.g. DTP, music, etc) to this end, i still don't think there is any real standard. and there is no well adopted documentation on such a standard i can point to. if there is, few programmers follow it because it restricts "cute" porgramming practices (which i have nothing against, BTW, and often, on the ST at least, the thing which makes a program successful). the desktop is as close to a standard as we have, IMHO. and it is not that bad, either, though it is difficult to use if you are a heavy duty programmer (>1000 lines per week). of course, on the ST you have the distinct advantage of reverting to a command shell with a single double click on your favorite shell. and if there IS a widely available document dealing exclusively with programming practices for GEM, i would sure like to hear about it, whether it comes from atari or elsewhere. note that i have most every book ever published (in the US) on the ST, including all those which are out of print (abacus, sybex, etc etc). i also have the developers docs. enuf said... -bill -- Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA: ------------------------------ Date: 31 Mar 91 10:52:27 GMT From: van-bc!jonh! (John Henders) Subject: ST Pad specs To: In <>, Robert B. Pegram writes: > >Speaking of CeBIT, what news of TT Sys V R4? I heard it was supposed >to be introduced there, I know Amiga Sys V R4 is there. I am just a >little cynical about an Atari Unix introduction any time soon - come >on guys, make me eat those words! 8-) I understand there's some screen-shots of the TT running Atari Unix up on GEnie. A friend of mine said it was shipping, and requires 8 meg and 100+ meg of hard drive ( what, no floppy version? ;- The TTx has not been announced yet. Please note, this information is from Canada, and so may not accurately reflect conditions in the U.S. -- John Henders MIND over MIDI Productions or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders Vancouver,B.C ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************