Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 27 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 172 Today's Topics: AtariFest Update Discovery Cartridge - Moans Future Systems GTS-100 drive GCR floopy drive problem Genealogy programs for the ST Help with atari.archive Need a cooling fan for my 1040ST with ZRAM upgrade Needed - ST version of DeTeX newsletter New Version of HacMan II Available STe Flakey DMA ST Pad specs (2 msgs) Thoughts on DC Utilities (3 msgs) Two New Computer Announcements - CeBIT Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Mar 91 11:57:08 GMT From:!opal!unido!mcshh!abqhh!tpki!oski! (Olaf Schlueter) Subject: AtariFest Update To: writes: [Announcement of a Atari exhibition - I got an urge to travel, as I read that, but no money , no time, sigh] > As an added bonus, there will be a large, FREE, flower show on Sunday at St. > Clair College, so bring your spouse. She'll keep busy at the flower/garden > show while you browse through the show! You forgot the bar: HE'll keep busy at the bar \footnote usual For equal rights the beer must be FREE :-) Got, what I want to say ? Followup to rec.humour or soc.women. Regards, -- Olaf Schlueter, Sandkuhle 4-6, 2300 Kiel 1, FRG, "Someone is always the evil in the land, and then the good guys are marching, the eyes full of sand, into a holy war." Konstantin Wecker ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 15:15:47 GMT From:!actrix! Subject: Discovery Cartridge - Moans To: In article <> (Sean Gordon) writes: > > In case any one does not know, the Discovery cartridge is an amazing > piece of hardware from Happy Computers Inc. which plugs into the > cartridge port of the Atari ST and allows the user to do such things > as convert MAC format discs to Spectre format discs.:- > copies virtually all disks :-) :-) > > > Does anyone know if there is a later version of the discovery software > than version 2.7 ? > > Its a shame that such a powerful piece of hardware is not supplied with > an equally powerful piece of software. (or is it now ?, I have not heard > anything from Happy Computers, despite having registered over 2 years > ago ) :-( > If anybody has any info on this, can you post it or mail it to me. > > Thanks. > Sean Gordon ( ) I am one of those to, From what I read, he droped Atari after the problems he has with Dave Small. Was going to support the PC market instead.. -- Roger W. Sheppard 85 Donovan Rd, Kapiti New Zealand... ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 23:12:17 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!samsung!umich!vela! (Anthony M. Becker) Subject: Future Systems GTS-100 drive To: This may have been covered in a previous article, but, as I am new to this newsgroup, I probably missed it. I have a GTS-100 drive for my ST. It has developed a problem which causes it to be unable to write tracks 01 and 02 (and perhaps others, though I have been able to write some tracks). The drive is still able to read data just fine. I suspect that the problem is simply a head alignment needed. My biggest problem is that I can't find Future Systems. They appear to have gone out of business, or were bought out by someone, etc. I called the phone number in my user's reference and got someone's residence. And, the worst of it is that none of the Atari retail stores or repair shops in my area (which seem to be going out of business themselves) will touch my drive. Does this mean I have to throw it out? Or is there somewhere in the US where it could be repaired? Since I am about 300 messages behind in this newsgroup, and cannot afford to keep up, I would appreciate an email response. Thank you. -- Anthony M. Becker * "Wenn man die Zeitungen liest, gewinnt man * den Eindruck, dass wir bis zu den Knien in * Benzin stehen. Nur noch ein Funke fehlt." phone: 313/370-2117 * - Michail Gorbatschow ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 22:31:56 GMT From:!! (Mark Choi) Subject: GCR floopy drive problem To: > Excerpts from 25-Mar-91 Re: ST Pad specs > T R Hall@atari.UUCP (1624) > In case you're curious, the software is a neural-net > simulation. Really? I am studying PDP at CMU [:~)] and would like to know what architecture you are using, and what kind of training set you used, etc. Also what software do you use? This sound way cool! I would love to show this machine to my instructors. BTW, the ATM is going at 40 MPH now with Neural net implemented on Sun Sparcstations! -geisha- P.S. I contiually bounce when trying to post to atari.UUCP, so I'll post here and hope no one minds too much. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 22:31:41 GMT From: rti! (Raymond Thomas) Subject: Genealogy programs for the ST To: I have seen at least two commercial genealogy programs written for the ST, but havn't yet seen any reviews on them. Before rushing out and beta testing them myself I would be interested in hearing peoples experiences with genealogy on the ST. Specifically, what programs they have used, and how they liked them. This may have been discussed before. If so I would be happy to receive e-mail. thanks, ray thomas ------------------------------ Date: 27 Mar 91 00:34:54 GMT From: ccncsu!! (Kevin O. Garrick) Subject: Help with atari.archive To: I hope that someone can help me out. I am relatively new to the news group and have read quite a bit about atari.archive, but I am unable to find any information on how to find it. Could someone please send a short reply telling me where atari.archive is and what I need to do in order to use it? I would really appreciate it. Thanks. Kevin Garrick ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 19:26:06 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!samsung!umich!ve la!wsu-cs!jake! (Patrick Haggood) Subject: Need a cooling fan for my 1040ST with ZRAM upgrade To: > J. Harris writes about how his ST with ZRAM stops running after a few > hours, then when left off for 2-3 hours, boots fine. I've been having the same problems with my ST. I figured it was heat, but I can't seem to find a fan for the thing. I remember a device called COM-COOL that sat on top of the Commodore 1541 disk drive, someone recommended that I get this as it fit nicely on a 1040. But, I CANT FIND ONE ANYWHERE! I need a fan that sits right over the power supply on the 1040 (where I could probably fry eggs if I wanted to), but the supply also has to have its own power pack, as I don't want to tax the power supply any more than I am already. Shoulda just bought the damned STE. Still might. Anybody know if Kuma's Occam compiler, Minix, Maple, C Breeze or MT-C shell break on the STE? -- Patrick B. Haggood Wayne STate University Detroit, MI Physics - Class of 1991 (-2?) ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 11:55:58 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!utrcu1!infnews! (Mark Ramaer) Subject: Needed - ST version of DeTeX To: I tried to mail this, but it bounced. I wrote one myself. This is for a UNIX machine, change argv[0] in "detex". If you have no C-compiler: 1 - get sozobon or 2 - mail me, and I will send you a binary table !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]~_ begin 644 detex.zoo M6D]/(#(N,# @07)C:&EV92X: #K/Y#0 . @ $ !D971E>"YC y M "@#L+'H I % 0"DC* 1Y I8R:-FS(@C 1A,J4("!@*!!(Tx MB)"*E"H.8T0<6/ @B"$6F7PA H*&@HT3/38)@@6$#!@0)79$R"1)DR14OD@Iw M$F0(DB(D15!Y\P9$FS!N\H HXX:.G#1EYH P"((.&H1AY)RITX8I'1 %V91Av M 2+,G#4@Y(0Y6D8.D#%2Z10U.$9.&;,(K2)DDZ9-&CHNN+@1<7($739U!H+@u M,8<.F31O7*#Q$?%P8H0\QM#) Z>,9,J&W8Q!K)BQ4X-G/I\T~-5-UC,@>KB$t MP8+-&S=GHGZ5'8,&B\99=X/HO4/!¾? ]N$5M=BA]/K@+%:ZY>YVQ9s MB:5+BM@*$NP!(2),':MOY.PAG("L"#%ESAA<']X]?/EN]F15FZ_OQS4='r M&&+4P496_M5'WAA_E4%?>~21\<88V#756!YB_4<>4V0\Z!X:<\ 1QA@.:BC"q M@?"QX2%Y;1A(1QICO(%8&_F9V"(;+\)QWHHB''1'C&T%Q<87RY6!0@H*[!$>:R",X49Q"9B1'@@H~!G;0SN )P<7_&@W&VY-9;Hn M=W5NX><**W1Q:*6+TH%I=.'=@48:8A%JJ*.VX:8;"":8 $((9I3QAADH-/:8m M&RE02I&E;GQZ:&Y?(B?'G8"*2BI"A;JQV*.J-J8KBA(4HA$!*"='@I#l M<7V@-!,(=KR1!ADHB(4K"'MD*YNY.W1KG+!ID8OG'@FD80:AV:(*J6[?V45'k M'7(HR~F C'X*:!EL=#G5O2C$.FNMCAF4ZU)X_(4"#"D\*HQ1G)X)])SUST&'.C2R:= ?07\CUA:UOG%>HU %6+g M'R 82W399Z>]]M(G96Y7&&2\-D?#;K I)!DN-85GC6K %;H(&1])>FFE[%Uf M>$8DP81#JIM!!J QLW"57=)AK<(=<,!9+\,-DW&HH)VY 3H+(L@APL0]R.9$e M%4PP\1W7@<+Q5%.TVMJ6'- /43<;RKOQQE=O-%~65A5~%19") F443$=*&@!#4:6@ 1T*P&20Y89@/6Y.K' .3;('QF~$P+K88\)K'*5:[2Rc M+.YLCW\OR-TB78@A<$TP7!B* V%,E8ZU[ /S8Y8I@Xb M>Q&J4FQH00PT53T0G$ P2E/.KEK0 C80$5'\\V&Y0. #9D6*#I3:5V,VU4.&a MV;"(&.,?",8X1C-XCS7A<\SXH'>%K+@!-3I82AO@L!DE>H0JU~E*4\!R+!#4z MCP6"X8("K%*VR)'*AGF "OK24H;'4,@V=9"*7>;@(ONY,'_[*Z"@]H:"WR%$y M-AL\0~+(.$9/4O$A&5244\8PQQT>A 5YS,X6/"E$[RQK6V(D)2U;\)U86FB6x M;2G#$WU)!~W04400M$I)7IQ48V&(NK)@>%r M H?*!J(9719%P2G+BT94HRO@Z'D\2KR _N]B!@T/PA0F1;K"H:1VN&M>6V &q MOX(QE6Q]GTE!T(+AR/-XA J!:N?0U+M,4+ %#*6V$I> 5%UQM_PS(/~$7I&4(+ ~\D4RNT=>JA+(*1=6IV8PO#URKKFE+10J\%5V$#'/Q:P8>\o MMK,1$_RB6 (2 '!;=B@%.]-*"I2N0U"Y@>"SNQ-n M#D@"I!L$&4F$G("$\CN6"UP CZ 8"!T\!\(MD!:U<:/M,?JPH1/63"ZUZKB)>+WOPl M-:-\Z;O&~YXO?>MC).?\..,7VA6O-18H %L@@QSSC\CK;6]7IWN1J?+O@)LMk M@WB4C$9[-IG!9LM-'.NWX;V~1E,+AYSA6CE@,X@\P*USA@3N&'C3.H$O!;L?)X+3&e MF0!QCTLY9QD6[J.5H-S\"]P>PATO8D%NVT4KKTZ5ECB>GQQ0D$LS_]Y&AKB]d M86Z.*3$*7A[2;@4$W*?$_0( c 7 _(, b a end ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 20:25:41 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefh! (Peter Heymens Visser) Subject: newsletter To: ****** - LYNX - Magazine - ****** We are planning a LYNX-maganzine. The first issue will be out in aproximately one month. We would like some help (escpecialy from the USA). Deadline for contributins for the first issue is 14 April. Please email direct to us. Yiri and Tjerk. Yiri Kohl and Tjerk Heijmens Visser c/o Peter Heijmens Visser National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics ( NIKHEF-H ) Computer Department Postbox 41882 1009 DB Amsterdam - Netherlands. phone 020-5920409 ; homephone 020-6168340. ------------------------------ Date: 27 Mar 91 01:34:55 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wuarchive!rex!uf lorida!!nu! (Mickey Boyd) Subject: New Version of HacMan II Available To: In article <>, (David M. Baggett) writes: > >PS> Does anybody actually PLAY the game, or am I doing this for my health? > Just curious. My girlfriend loves it (harumph!). -- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ." email: | ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 15:11:09 GMT From:!actrix! Subject: STe Flakey DMA To: In article <334@mwuk.UUCP> tony@mwuk.UUCP (Tony Mountifield) writes: > In article <1991Mar19.213400.28693@netcom.COM> rcb@netcom.COM (Roy Bixler) writes: > > Roy Bixler > > -or- (UUCP) uunet!apple!netcom!rcb > I have also experienced this DMA problem talking to a hard disk with an > ICD host adapter from a 1040 STe. Can it be solved by just replacing > the DMA chip, or is there anything else required? Unfortunately, mine > being an early STe, it is now out of warranty :-( > Tony Mountifield. | Microware Systems (UK) Ltd. > MAIL: tony@mwuk.uucp | Leylands Farm, Nobs Crook, > INET: | Colden Common, WINCHESTER, SO21 1TH. > UUCP: ...!mcsun!ukc!mwuk!tony | Tel: 0703 601990 Fax: 0703 601991 > **** OS-9, OS-9000 Real Time Systems **** MS-DOS - just say "No!" **** Should this not replaced Under the Sale of Goods Act, from what I read in, was it ST-Format !, that Atari has to replace them under All conditions. Here in New Zealand we have a Sale of Goods Act, which sates that thing should last the for some length of time, and not just one year. This I believe was taken from UK Law. This I have used for a fault that developed in a CD player, some time after one year, this I was charged $160NZ to fix it, I then found out that this was a Manufactures fault, I then managed to get the money back, with the help of a small claims court, at the total cost of $10NZ. Don't let Atari get away with this, this is there Fault and not yours, it sould not cost you a thing, they can try it on, but will never hold up in court... -- Roger W. Sheppard 85 Donovan Rd, Kapiti New Zealand... ------------------------------ Date: 27 Mar 91 01:31:04 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!wuarchive!rex!uf lorida!!nu! (Mickey Boyd) Subject: ST Pad specs To: In article <2881@atari.UUCP>, trh@atari.UUCP (T R Hall) writes: > > You may feel skeptical, but as the designer of the two machines >announced, I can tell you that "TOS ... with handwritting recognition" is >FACT, not conjecture. The HCR code will be in the ROMs (and was, in the Demo >at CeBIT), and tied into the operating system and desktop such that a gesture >in the Menu Bar area will bring up a window (as invisibly to existing >applications as possible) into which Hand-written characters are drawn. As you >write, the characters are converted to ASCII; when you are satisfied, the >characters are sent (via the Keyboard input stream) to the application. This >way, _*existing*_ applications will have HCR capabilitites. > > The "hooks" to call the HCR system will be available to software >developers, so they may call it directly, to recognize ASCII characters, >special character sets, or even gestures. This will be part of the standard >documentation. In case you're curious, the software is a neural-net >simulation. > Wow. Out of curiosity, has anyone written a paper or something on the neural network that you are using? Did you base this on an existing piece of software? Also, I have yet to see a complete description of the machines (perhaps our site didn't get that article!?!). If one has been posted, could someone please email it to me? If it has not, could someone do it!!! -- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ." email: | ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 27 Mar 91 04:38:30 GMT From:!! (Mark Choi) Subject: ST Pad specs To: > Excerpts from 25-Mar-91 Re: ST Pad specs > T R Hall@atari.UUCP (1624) > In case you're curious, the software is a neural-net > simulation. Really? I am studying PDP at CMU [:~)] and would like to know what architecture you are using, and what kind of training set you used, etc. Also what software do you use? This sound way cool! I would love to show this machine to my instructors. BTW, the ATM is going at 40 MPH now with Neural net implemented on Sun Sparcstations! Posted this time under a more appropriate heading. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 19:32:48 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!sun-barr!apple!amdahl !netcom! (Kenneth Kron) Subject: Thoughts on DC Utilities To: From article <59676@aurs01.UUCP>, by whitcomb@aurs01.uucp (Jonathan Whitcomb): > [[ Details deleted ]] > > I like the package in general. My main complaint is that DC makes > assumptions about how you will be using their software, and don't > give you alternative options. They also seem oblivious of how > their products work with other common programs (Pinhead, LGSelector, > Hotwire!, NeoDesk, etc.). Maybe I've just been spoiled by Codehead > products, which are fantastic in this regard. I also wouldn't expect > bugs and unpredictable behavior from a second generation product. > I recommend it for DC Squish, though. > > Anyone else have any reflections on DC products? I agree with you 100% Jonathan. I have been thinking about writing something simular thanks for saving me the time. I bought DC Destop and while the individual programs are all very nice they just aren't configurable enough and I find my self having to reference the manual too often. The situation is just bad enough that while I haven't written them off I will be hesitant to buy anything else from them. > > -Jonathan the verbose > ********************************************************************** > Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: > Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT > -- Kenneth Kron kron@netcom.COM ------------------------------ Date: 27 Mar 91 03:30:51 GMT From: noao!ncar!unmvax!! (Admiral JC) Subject: Thoughts on DC Utilities To: In article <1991Mar26.193248.6395@netcom.COM> kron@netcom.COM (Kenneth Kron) writes: >From article <59676@aurs01.UUCP>, by whitcomb@aurs01.uucp (Jonathan Whitcomb): >> [[ Details deleted ]] >> >> I like the package in general. My main complaint is that DC makes >> assumptions about how you will be using their software, and don't >> give you alternative options. They also seem oblivious of how >> their products work with other common programs (Pinhead, LGSelector, >> Hotwire!, NeoDesk, etc.). Maybe I've just been spoiled by Codehead >> products, which are fantastic in this regard. I also wouldn't expect >> bugs and unpredictable behavior from a second generation product. >> I recommend it for DC Squish, though. >> >> Anyone else have any reflections on DC products? > >I agree with you 100% Jonathan. I have been thinking about writing >something simular thanks for saving me the time. I bought DC Destop and >while the individual programs are all very nice they just aren't >configurable enough and I find my self having to reference the manual too >often. The situation is just bad enough that while I haven't written >them off I will be hesitant to buy anything else from them. > I agree, good ideas, bad execution.... I have DC Desktop V1.0 and while I'm fairly happy with it, if I ever get serious enough to get a HD I'll probably switch to something else... The program is flaky as all hell... DC Deskdrop doesn't like Uniterm; DC Deskdrop doesn't want to give back its memory, The cabinet and print spooler seem to come and go off the desktop at pretty much random; and worst of all - Dc Desktop and DC Formater DA don't like each other! (They both run but Desktop trashes the icons used by formatter... ) I will admit thatperhaps this has been fixed in the later versions, but since Double Click wanted about half what a paid for the original for an upgrade that seemedto be mostly bug fixes (which should be done in the first place!) I blew them off.... >> >> -Jonathan the verbose >> ********************************************************************** >> Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: >> Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT >> >-- >Kenneth Kron kron@netcom.COM _ /\/\/\/\> ... Slither... ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 19:26:54 GMT From: aurs01! (Jonathan Whitcomb) Subject: Thoughts on DC Utilities To: -The March ST Informer had rave reviews for the new DC Utilities -package, so I picked up a copy. In general the programs are -pretty good and useful, but there were a few bugs, and a couple -of missing features. Is it tacky to respond to your own posting? I just had a chat with the folks at Double Click Software. Very friendly and helpful. -First ,XTractor Plus. The program is called DC XTract Plus. -It is designed to handle compression and -decompression of archive files, using .arc, .lzh, .zip and .zoo -methods. Lots of nice features, but the interface is not very -intuitive. One of the problems is that no title strings are -passed to the file selector, so you press the "begin" box on -the main interface, and you get a file selector with no -instructions. You can usually figure out what they want by -checking the default file selector extention, but how much -extra effort would it have taken to write an instruction -string to the file selector? (I use the Little Green File -Selector by Charles Johnson, and like it alot.) DC writes to their own text box. Unfortunately, it is completely obscured by the LGFS. I don't know if this is a problem on monochrome monitors, but it is on medium resolution. At best I can read the beginning or end of the message if I re-position the file selector. -Another problem is that you can't install the program as -an application. I currently just double click .arc and .lzh -files, and Arcshell prompts me to unpack them. XTractor Plus -just comes up cold. Until it recognizes paths passed to -it, and perhaps command lines, I'll stick with Arcshell to -unpack. My mistake...this works. Hotwire gives you two methods of installing applications (the "HOT" method and the "GEM" method), and I used "HOT". I tried again using "GEM", and it worked fine. Command lines would still be nice, though. -XTractor Plus does have a nice compression feature that lets you -keep selecting new files with the file selector (instead of -prompting you for each one), but it sometimes hangs when compressing -.lzh files. I had this happen several times, and consistantly with -neochrome format files. I would prefer to use .lzh, because it -usually packs the smallest of all the formats. Double Click isn't sure if this is a problem of theirs or if something in my auto folder is mucking up the works. In any rate they'll look into it. A new version is coming that will speed up the compression time, and show a bar graph when compressing, so you can keep track of it's progress. [stuff deleted] -The DC Squish program is nice. It compresses executable files and -uncompresses them at run time with no noticable delay. You have -the option of setting fast-bits or clearing memory before running -the program, and you can unsquish any squished program. The -documentation doesn't tell you if the memory clearing option is -necessary with Pinhead, though, or indicate if it is faster or -slower. DC says that this feature doesn't fight with Pinhead at all. -My main problem with DC Squish is that sometimes when -I unsquish a program, it leaves a squished copy in the folder -that I can't delete. I guess it sets a read only bit, but I -can't seem to clear it. DC claims this is a TOS problem (I use V1.2). What happens is that TOS leaves two files in the folder with the same name (a Squished and unSquished version), and then gets confused when trying to erase one. The solution is to rename one, and then reboot. Then you can get rid of the offending file. A bit of a hassle. DC says that they will consider circumventing the problem in the next version by using their own delete routine instead of relying on TOS. -This problem aside, I am very happy with -the program, and have reduced the amount of space I use on -my hard disk considerably...I will now be able to further delay -getting another hard disk! -I like the package in general. My main complaint is that DC makes -assumptions about how you will be using their software, and don't -give you alternative options. They also seem oblivious of how -their products work with other common programs (Pinhead, LGSelector, -Hotwire!, NeoDesk, etc.). On the phone they seemed very familiar with these products, and which caused problems and which didn't. It would be nice to have this information in the manual or a readme file, though. [stuff deleted] -I recommend [the DC Utilities package] for DC Squish, though. now for the support as well as the product. They were patient and helpful when I spoke to them, and very receptive to criticism and suggestions. The DC SEA (self extracting archive) is nice too. It also includes some other programs I haven't tried out. -Anyone else have any reflections on DC products? --Jonathan the verbose P.S. Last week the on the Delphi Atari weekly conference we decided a great hack would be to have the pink Energizer bunny come booming across the monitor from time to time with a digitized voice saying "...still going...". Sometimes across the bottom, sometimes across the top or up and down the sides. A DC program of the week, perhaps? ********************************************************************** Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 91 21:38:31 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!wciu!abode! (Luis Outumuro) Subject: Two New Computer Announcements - CeBIT To: Hi Marc, You mentioned that you have several TV ads for GameBoy, but none for the Lynx. It must be in your market area; here where I live, I see about 5 or 6 TV ads for the Lynx per day and only 1 GameBoy ad every few days. Here in the Los Angeles area; most toy stores, several department stores and gaming shops carry the Lynx. From what I understand; Atari DOES advertise, regionally though. Atari also provides co-op advertising funds for dealers. Bye.................. Luis -- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Luis Mark Outumuro III | "Well... you're damned if you do, Computer Office Products 818/813-1051 | and you're damned if you don't!" Infoline 818/813-1053 | - Bart Simpson, 1990... ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************