INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 21 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 687 Today's Topics: Atari ST Multitasking/Multiuser OSs Gadgets by Small - Possible new '030 add-on board! (2 msgs) German on the net. Trying to read an Atari St Gem-Dos disk on a Mac SE using FD/HD ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Nov 89 20:10:04 GMT From: mailrus!!torsqnt!hybrid!spocom!gng@tut.cis.ohio-state.ed u Subject: Atari ST Multitasking/Multiuser OSs In <> mark@rpp386.UUCP (Mark Lehmann) writes: >Is MINIX really that bad. You make it sound like the worst kludge you >ever saw. I wanted MINIX for multiuser, multitasking? Does it really >destroy the hard drive? Is it compatible with the TOS file partitioning, >or am I stuck to MINIX only when I install it on my hard drive. I was >hoping to be able to use MINIX from one boot up and TOS from another >boot up. Of course not running both OP/SYS simultaneously. I'm sorry if I sounded too emphatic over the installation problem of MINIX/ST. The reason I had problems installing it was mainly due to my Supra adapter on my hard drive. There have been other reported problems of this from other Atari ST Minix users also, so remember, I'm not the only one with a small grudge against Minix. But of course, the majority of those who buy Minix usually get it to work - now if I can only get my hands on an ICD adapter. :-) Well, not getting the installation didn't exactly "destroy" my hard drive - it made the partition to which I tried to install Minix unworkable and I couldn't reformat or zero out the partition in order to make it be used for regular TOS/GEM - therefore, in order to make it working again I had to reformat the entire drive (strange huh?). (BTW, any Minix/ST users out there able to get Minix working with Supra adapters?) I believe if you use the proper adapter (ICD, Berkeley Microsystems, Atari's) it should work, if I remember correctly from a 'compatibility' text file that A. Tanenbaum sent me but have since forgotten where I've put it. :-( Once you install Minix on a partition, I believe you can only access it from running Minix only. Minix, like Unix has it's own file structure with different lengths for it's filenames and what not so TOS can't access it directly. I believe there is a way to transfer files back and forth between TOS and Minix (a utility perhaps included in your Minix disks?). Oh yes, I learned recently that Minix 1.1 for the ST isn't multiuser - at least not until you get the extra rs-232 drivers of some sort...the IBM version is though. :-( >>From being a UNIX administrator, I am use to re-compiling the kernel. >Is it really as tough as you say it is? Well, I'm not much of a Unix administrator, so that's two viewpoints on the same thing. From what I see, it seems Minix is definitely geared more towards those who have the time getting Minix to work properly and reliably (and those who have a good Unix knowledge). But there's always MT C-shell, and hey, OS9 too! Heh heh... >The second reason that I am purchasing MINIX is to learn how to write >operating systems. People have told me that MINIX is well supported. Indeed it is well supported, especially in comp.os.minix. I did however remember seeing a few msgs in which some users were discouraged in porting Minix/ST over to other 68k-based systems because of Minix' use of the 'null' value/pointers/etc, and then they started arguing over the commercial value, and therefore the educational value of Minix, etc. Sorta like what's happening on with all this bashing eh? :-) Overall, I would say Minix is good - I've used it on a friend's Mega 2 with ICD hd and it really worked. I guess I'm one of the few frustrated users just trying to get the darn thing to install on my hd! (believe me, I've tried...and I had help from my friends luck) >Thanks for the previous comments and any comments that you wish to append >to this message. You're welcome. Unlike what I had to go through, I truly hope Minix works well for you. >|Mark Lehmann | | >| | | >|?bigtex|texbell?!rpp386!mark | | -- George Ng (Comp. Sci., U of Toronto) |"We're not just doing it for money; uunet!mnetor!?becker,hybrid?!spocom!gng| we're doing it for a s***load of or utgpu!ncrcan!ziebmef!spocom!gng| money!" - Spaceballs ------------------------------ Date: 21 Nov 89 19:14:18 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!kunivv1! (Ge' Weijers) Subject: Gadgets by Small - Possible new '030 add-on board! dnewton@carroll1.UUCP (Dave 'Post No Nicknames' Newton) writes: > You mean... my ST isn't an 8-MIPS machine? Oh no. Sadness. It's not even a 1-MIPS (VAX/780-MIPS!) machine. It's on the same level as a VAX/750, at 0.7 MIPS or so. Ge' Weijers Internet/UUCP: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, (!!ge) University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands tel. +3180612483 (UTC-2) ------------------------------ Date: 21 Nov 89 19:16:40 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!kunivv1! (Ge' Weijers) Subject: Gadgets by Small - Possible new '030 add-on board! (Gabe Nemeth) writes: >Whats so great about Dave Small's vapourware product? There is a german >board out called PAK68 - full documentation, full schematics, full ROM >modifications that has been out for well over a year now and is >relatively cheap. Its a 68020 with space for floating point processor. >Sounds pretty good to me and is available now! The PAK (Prozessor Austausch Karte) is a 68020 running with a 16-bit bus and a slow clock. It speeds up things, but not by a factor 4-8. No competition, and it's compatibility is low. Ge' Weijers Internet/UUCP: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, (!!ge) University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands tel. +3180612483 (UTC-2) ------------------------------ Date: 21 Nov 89 19:35:22 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!kunivv1! (Ge' Weijers) Subject: German on the net. (dave l smythe) writes: >Because USENET is a world-wide network, it only makes sense to use >the international standard language: English. If it's good enough >for the UN, air-traffic control, and international radio communications, >it's good enough for USENET. FYI, the UN has not standardized to English as THE working language. Perhaps access to USENET should be restricted to people that know at least two languages :-) >At the very least, if you are going to >post in a language other than English, restrict the distribution to >those areas that are likely to know the language. If you need wider >distribution, use a more common language. The USENET software is currently too limited for that. You can't say 'everywhere except the USA'. Given the popularity of the ST in Germany it might be best to change the working language of this group to German (half :-) ). Actually, posting in German to the US is a waste of resources in this respect, so I grudgingly admit you have a point there. Ge' Weijers Ge' Weijers Internet/UUCP: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, (!!ge) University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands tel. +3180612483 (UTC-2) Ge' Weijers Internet/UUCP: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, (!!ge) University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands tel. +3180612483 (UTC-2) ------------------------------ Date: 21 Nov 89 19:47:33 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!kunivv1! (Ge' Weijers) Subject: Trying to read an Atari St Gem-Dos disk on a Mac SE using FD/HD Don.Weeks@p0.f3107.n124.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Weeks) writes: >Peter, > I do this all the time. SE/30->Atari and back. I do have to preformat > the disks in DOS format before hand. In this way both the MAC and ST > can read/write the disks. I think that there might be a couple of > public domain programs that will format the Atari disks with the DOS > directory structure. > Hope this helps. > Don Weeks I've posted such a program to some months ago. I'll mail it to anyone on request. It's nothing spectacular, but it does the job. I'm working on a version that generates 'twisted' sectors, but that takes a lot of time I don't have currently. Ge' Weijers Ge' Weijers Internet/UUCP: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, (!!ge) University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands tel. +3180612483 (UTC-2) ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #687 ***************************************** =========================================================================